127 research outputs found

    Neuromodulation of Neuromorphic Circuits

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    We present a novel methodology to enable control of a neuromorphic circuit in close analogy with the physiological neuromodulation of a single neuron. The methodology is general in that it only relies on a parallel interconnection of elementary voltage-controlled current sources. In contrast to controlling a nonlinear circuit through the parameter tuning of a state-space model, our approach is purely input-output. The circuit elements are controlled and interconnected to shape the current-voltage characteristics (I-V curves) of the circuit in prescribed timescales. In turn, shaping those I-V curves determines the excitability properties of the circuit. We show that this methodology enables both robust and accurate control of the circuit behavior and resembles the biophysical mechanisms of neuromodulation. As a proof of concept, we simulate a SPICE model composed of MOSFET transconductance amplifiers operating in the weak inversion regime.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the Advanced ERC Grant Agreement Switchlet n.67064

    Neuromorphic Neuromodulation: Towards the next generation of on-device AI-revolution in electroceuticals

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    Neuromodulation techniques have emerged as promising approaches for treating a wide range of neurological disorders, precisely delivering electrical stimulation to modulate abnormal neuronal activity. While leveraging the unique capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) holds immense potential for responsive neurostimulation, it appears as an extremely challenging proposition where real-time (low-latency) processing, low power consumption, and heat constraints are limiting factors. The use of sophisticated AI-driven models for personalized neurostimulation depends on back-telemetry of data to external systems (e.g. cloud-based medical mesosystems and ecosystems). While this can be a solution, integrating continuous learning within implantable neuromodulation devices for several applications, such as seizure prediction in epilepsy, is an open question. We believe neuromorphic architectures hold an outstanding potential to open new avenues for sophisticated on-chip analysis of neural signals and AI-driven personalized treatments. With more than three orders of magnitude reduction in the total data required for data processing and feature extraction, the high power- and memory-efficiency of neuromorphic computing to hardware-firmware co-design can be considered as the solution-in-the-making to resource-constraint implantable neuromodulation systems. This could lead to a new breed of closed-loop responsive and personalised feedback, which we describe as Neuromorphic Neuromodulation. This can empower precise and adaptive modulation strategies by integrating neuromorphic AI as tightly as possible to the site of the sensors and stimulators. This paper presents a perspective on the potential of Neuromorphic Neuromodulation, emphasizing its capacity to revolutionize implantable brain-machine microsystems and significantly improve patient-specificity.Comment: 17 page

    Enhancing Neuromorphic Computing with Advanced Spiking Neural Network Architectures

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    This dissertation proposes ways to address current limitations of neuromorphic computing to create energy-efficient and adaptable systems for AI applications. It does so by designing novel spiking neural networks architectures that improve their performance. Specifically, the two proposed architectures address the issues of training complexity, hyperparameter selection, computational flexibility, and scarcity of neuromorphic training data. The first architecture uses auxiliary learning to improve training performance and data usage, while the second architecture leverages neuromodulation capability of spiking neurons to improve multitasking classification performance. The proposed architectures are tested on Intel\u27s Loihi2 neuromorphic chip using several neuromorphic datasets, such as NMIST, DVSCIFAR10, and DVS128-Gesture. The presented results demonstrate potential of the proposed architectures but also reveal some of their limitations which are proposed as future research

    Mejora de computación neuromórfica con arquitecturas avanzadas de redes neuronales por impulsos

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    La computación neuromórfica (NC, del inglés neuromorphic computing) pretende revolucionar el campo de la inteligencia artificial. Implica diseñar e implementar sistemas electrónicos que simulen el comportamiento de las neuronas biológicas utilizando hardware especializado, como matrices de puertas programables en campo (FPGA, del ingl´es field-programmable gate array) o chips neuromórficos dedicados [1, 2]. NC está diseñado para ser altamente eficiente, optimizado para bajo consumo de energía y alto paralelismo [3]. Estos sistemas son adaptables a entornos cambiantes y pueden aprender durante la operación, lo que los hace muy adecuados para resolver problemas dinámicos e impredecibles [4]. Sin embargo, el uso de NC para resolver problemas de la vida real actualmente está limitado porque el rendimiento de las redes neuronales por impulsos (SNN), las redes neuronales empleadas en NC, no es tan alta como el de los sistemas de computación tradicionales, como los alcanzados en dispositivos de aprendizaje profundo especializado, en términos de precisión y velocidad de aprendizaje [5, 6]. Varias razones contribuyen a la brecha de rendimiento: los SNN son más difíciles de entrenar debido a que necesitan algoritmos de entrenamiento especializados [7, 8]; son más sensibles a hiperparámetros, ya que son sistemas dinámicos con interacciones complejas [9], requieren conjuntos de datos especializados (datos neuromórficos) que actualmente son escasos y de tamaño limitado [10], y el rango de funciones que los SNN pueden aproximar es más limitado en comparación con las redes neuronales artificiales (ANN) tradicionales [11]. Antes de que NC pueda tener un impacto más significativo en la IA y la tecnología informática, es necesario abordar estos desafíos relacionados con los SNN.This dissertation addresses current limitations of neuromorphic computing to create energy-efficient and adaptable artificial intelligence systems. It focuses on increasing utilization of neuromorphic computing by designing novel architectures that improve the performance of the spiking neural networks. Specifically, the architectures address the issues of training complexity, hyperparameter selection, computational flexibility, and scarcity of training data. The first proposed architecture utilizes auxiliary learning to improve training performance and data usage, while the second architecture leverages neuromodulation capability of spiking neurons to improve multitasking classification performance. The proposed architectures are tested on the Intel’s Loihi2 neuromorphic computer using several neuromorphic data sets, such as NMIST, DVSCIFAR10, and DVS128-Gesture. Results presented in this dissertation demonstrate the potential of the proposed architectures, but also reveal some limitations that are proposed as future work

    Neuromorphic hardware for somatosensory neuroprostheses

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    In individuals with sensory-motor impairments, missing limb functions can be restored using neuroprosthetic devices that directly interface with the nervous system. However, restoring the natural tactile experience through electrical neural stimulation requires complex encoding strategies. Indeed, they are presently limited in effectively conveying or restoring tactile sensations by bandwidth constraints. Neuromorphic technology, which mimics the natural behavior of neurons and synapses, holds promise for replicating the encoding of natural touch, potentially informing neurostimulation design. In this perspective, we propose that incorporating neuromorphic technologies into neuroprostheses could be an effective approach for developing more natural human-machine interfaces, potentially leading to advancements in device performance, acceptability, and embeddability. We also highlight ongoing challenges and the required actions to facilitate the future integration of these advanced technologies
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