14 research outputs found

    Analysis of College Student Technology Literacy and Information Literacy Skills: E-Learning Activities Based on Online Platforms in Higher Education

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    Online platform-based e-learning makes use of a variety of technologies as communication and information mediums, encouraging students to engage in productive and worthwhile learning activitiesThis study intends to ascertain the abilities and impact of students' technological and informational literacy on their participation in online learning activities for e-learning. A descriptive quantitative research methodology is used here. Universitas Samudra and Universitas Islam Riau were the sites of the research, which took place from June to August of 2023. Students in the 155-student sample population of the Biology Education Study Program. Using google forms, interviews, and observations, a random sampling technique is used. Validation and reliability tests were conducted on the research instrument. The use of technological devices to obtain information falls into the very good category; locating available technological devices and using technological devices fall into the good category; while the use of technological devices for self-development falls into the moderate category, according to research on technological literacy skills. Information literacy among students in higher education is significantly influenced by technical literacy abilities, with an influence of 63.6%, according to the significance value (sig) 0.00 < (α) 0.05, which means that Ho is rejected and Ha is approved. According to the regression equation Y = 0.237 + 0.922X, the value of information literacy abilities will rise with each increase in the value of technology literacy skills. the significance of improving students' technology and information literacy skills in higher education to prepare them for the era of the digital revolutio

    Computer-assisted method based on continuous feedback to improve the academic achievements of first-year students on Computer Engineering

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    The student-centered learning is being promoted worldwide in higher education, from 2005, in North-American universities [Principles of teaching. Carnegie Mellon University [Online]. Available www.cmu.edu/ teaching/principles/ teaching.html], in 2010 in the European Union, but also in Asian countries like Japan [J. M. Bachnik, Roadblocks on the Information Highway: The IT Revolution in Japanese Education, ser. Studies of Modern Japan. Lexington Books, 2003.]. This paradigm is characterized by applying innovative methods of teaching that involve students as active participants in their own learning. In this paper, it is proposed a method based on detecting the students’ learning gains by using low time consuming “Pretests” and “Posttests”, on a selection of learning activities. The overload of introducing the “Pretest-Posttest” is minimized by using information and communication technologies. The results of the “Pretests” and “Posttests”, provided online, allow the students to be aware of their learning progress. The analysis of these results helps teachers adapt their strategies when presenting the learning activities. The method has been applied on a first-year course on Computer Engineering, during the 2010–2011, 2011–2012 and 2012–2013 academic years. To verify that the method works, two student groups, one control and one experimental, were created. The method was applied in the experimental group. The statistical analysis of the obtained results by the experimental and control groups, shows that the method enhances the grades of the experimental group. Additionally, the support of Information and Communication Technologies minimizes the overload of using this method. 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 23:610–620, 2015; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/cae; DOI 10.1002/cae.21633Contract grant sponsor: Spanish Government; Contract grant number: TIN 2012-32180Lemus Zúñiga, LG.; Montañana Aliaga, JM.; Buendía García, F.; Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Benlloch-Dualde, J. (2015). Computer-assisted method based on continuous feedback to improve the academic achievements of first-year students on Computer Engineering. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 23(4):610-620. https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.21633S61062023

    Interactive Learning Management System to Develop Spatial Visualization Abilities

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    An Interactive Learning Management System (ILMS) is presented, which functions as a web-based Spatial Visualization Ability (SVA) learning support tool for students of engineering graphics and as a management tool for teachers to track student learning. This software is designed to fill the gaps in student knowledge, giving them more uniform spatial visualization abilities when enrolling on University Engineering degrees. The ILMS_SVA consists of: (1) a Content Management System (CMS); (2) a preliminary level assessment test; (3) a web-based tool for exercise management and self-assessment incorporating a 3D viewer that functions as an interactive tutorial (IT), allowing the manipulation of 3D objects in every exercise; (4) a database. It is designed for three types of users (student, teacher, and administrator), and has been validated with engineering graphics students at the University of Burgos (Spain) by means of experimental trials in the classroom and a user satisfaction survey, over two academic years. The results indicate that use of this tool improved SVA among students generally and was even of greater effectiveness for those students that accessed engineering courses with no prior knowledge of Technical Drawing

    Tracking e-learning through published papers: a systematic review

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    Electronic learning (e-learning) is a broader approach to learning that brings new opportunities for learning and teaching in many fields of education far from the traditional classroom environment. Over the past decades, research in the field indicates a proliferation of e-learning contents and discrepancies that affect interoperability patterns in education for students and teachers; however, little has been done to assess the usability of e-learning systems. From a different perspective, this study aims to provide information on the numerous findings relating to the cumulative results of e-learning in education. This systematic review uses a full protocol with the aim of standardizing and specifying all the procedures adopted to collect and code 99 academic articles from 2010 to 2018 with keywords: education and e-learning. The text analysis as conducted using the qualitative software Leximancer to extract meaning from the large number of articles retrieved. The results highlight four dominant themes, namely education systems and learning issues that in turn promote student behaviours and the use of online learning tools. This research contributes towards providing research propositions that can be used in a cogent theoretical framework and, based on the analysis, we also propose a new definition of e-learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Evaluación de la formación online en el campus Andaluz virtual. El caso de las materias de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide

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    El Campus Andaluz Virtual es un proyecto de innovación basado en el uso de las TIC, consolidado en las diez universidades andaluzas (España) y que se ha especializado en la enseñanza online, en la que el alumnado puede cursar asignaturas de cualquiera de las diez universidades andaluzas, independientemente de la universidad de origen. Este proyecto se llevó a cabo en el período 2007-2014. Durante el proceso, se evaluó la calidad docente online de todas las asignaturas del Campus Andaluz Virtual

    Effects of Computer Simulation and Animation (CSA) on Students’ Problem Solving in Engineering Dynamics: What and How

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    The application of Computer Simulation and Animation (CSA) in the instruction of engineering dynamics has shown a significant growth in the recent years. The two foremost methods to evaluate the effectiveness of CSA tools, including student feedback and surveys and measuring student change in performance, suggest that CSA modules improve student learning in engineering dynamics. However, neither method fully demonstrates the quality of students’ cognitive changes. This study examined the quality of effects of application of CSA modules on student learning and problem solving in particle dynamics. It also compared CSA modules with textbook-style problem-solving regarding the changes they cause in students’ cognitive process. A qualitative methodology was adopted to design and implement a study to explore the changes in participants’ learning and problem-solving behavior caused by using a CSA module. Collected data were coded and analyzed using the categories of cognitive process based on the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. An analysis of the results revealed that the most significant effects were observed in understanding, analyzing, and evaluating. The high frequency of “inference” behavior after working with modules indicated a significant increase in participants’ understanding activity after working with computer modules. Comparing behavior changes of computer-simulation group students with those who worked with a textbook-style example demonstrated that the CSA modules ignited more analytical behavior among students than did textbook-style examples. This study illustrated that improvement in learning due to the application of CSA is not limited to conceptual understanding; CSA modules enhance students’ skills in applying, organizing, and evaluating as well. The interactive characteristics of CSA play a major role in stimulating students’ analytical reasoning and critical thinking in engineering dynamics

    bir kalite fonksiyon göçerimi ve AHP uygulaması

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    211 sayfa29 cm. 1 CDÖZETGünümüz teknoloji yoğun dünyasında bilginin insanlar arasında yayılmasıçeşitli araç ve platformlar üzerinden gerçekleşmektedir. 2000’li yılların başında hayatımıza yoğun olarak giren internet, insan hayatının vazgeçilmez bir parçası haline gelmiştir. İnsanlar bugün birçok gündelik işlem içerisinde interneti, doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak çeşitli teknolojilere entegre bir şekilde kullanmaktadırlar. İnternet insanların hayatını değiştirirken işletmelerin iş yapış biçimlerinde de önemli değişimlere sebep olmuştur. Bugün işletme fonksiyonlarının tamamında, internet tabanlı teknolojiler bizzat ya da destekleyici olarak kullanılmaktadır. Mikro ölçekte işletmelerde gerçekleşen bu değişim, makro ölçekte de sektörlerdeki iş yapış biçimlerinde yeni paradigmaların oluşmasına neden olmaktadır.ABSTRACTIn today's technology-oriented world, the spread of information among people takes place through various tools and platforms. The internet, which entered our lives intensely in the early 2000s, has become an indispensable part of human life. Today, people use the internet in many daily operations integrated with various technologies. While the Internet has changed people's lives, it has also caused significant changes inthe way businesses do business. Internet-based technologies are used in all business functions today. This change taking place in micro-scale enterprises causes the formation of new paradigms in the way of doing business in the sectors on a macro scale