17 research outputs found

    A Survey on Data Plane Programming with P4: Fundamentals, Advances, and Applied Research

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    With traditional networking, users can configure control plane protocols to match the specific network configuration, but without the ability to fundamentally change the underlying algorithms. With SDN, the users may provide their own control plane, that can control network devices through their data plane APIs. Programmable data planes allow users to define their own data plane algorithms for network devices including appropriate data plane APIs which may be leveraged by user-defined SDN control. Thus, programmable data planes and SDN offer great flexibility for network customization, be it for specialized, commercial appliances, e.g., in 5G or data center networks, or for rapid prototyping in industrial and academic research. Programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) has emerged as the currently most widespread abstraction, programming language, and concept for data plane programming. It is developed and standardized by an open community and it is supported by various software and hardware platforms. In this paper, we survey the literature from 2015 to 2020 on data plane programming with P4. Our survey covers 497 references of which 367 are scientific publications. We organize our work into two parts. In the first part, we give an overview of data plane programming models, the programming language, architectures, compilers, targets, and data plane APIs. We also consider research efforts to advance P4 technology. In the second part, we analyze a large body of literature considering P4-based applied research. We categorize 241 research papers into different application domains, summarize their contributions, and extract prototypes, target platforms, and source code availability.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMS) on 2021-01-2

    Advancing SDN from OpenFlow to P4: a survey

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    Software-defined Networking (SDN) marked the beginning of a new era in the field of networking by decoupling the control and forwarding processes through the OpenFlow protocol. The Next Generation SDN is defined by Open Interfaces and full programmability of the data plane. P4 is a domain-specific language that fulfills these requirements and has known wide adoption over recent years from Academia and Industry. This work is an extensive survey of the P4 language covering domains of application, a detailed overview of the language, and future directions

    Mitigating TCP Protocol Misuse With Programmable Data Planes

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a new approach for detecting and mitigating the impact of misbehaving TCP end-hosts, specifically the Optimistic ACK attack, and Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) abuse. In contrast to the state-of-the-art, we show that it is possible to mitigate such misbehavior leveraging emerging programmable data planes while not requiring any end-host or protocol modifications. A key challenge in doing so is to implement expressive, complex and stateful functions in the data plane within its restricted programming model. In this regard, we propose a security monitoring function that uses Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) abstraction for monitoring stateful protocols in the data plane. We also design a mechanism for mapping a protocol's EFSM to programmable data plane primitives. Our evaluation results demonstrate that our approach can fully or partially restore the throughput loss caused by misbehaving end-hosts that manipulate TCP congestion control through misinformation

    Lightweight edge authentication for software defined networks

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    OpenFlow is considered as the most known protocol for Software Defined Networking (SDN). The main drawback of OpenFlow is the lack of support of new header definitions, which is required by network operators to apply new packet encapsulations. While SDN’s logically centralized control plane could enhance network security by providing global visibility of the network state, it still has many side effects. The intelligent controllers that orchestrate the dumb switches are overloaded and become prone to failure. Delegating some level of control logic to the edge or, to be precise, the switches can offload the controllers from local state based decisions that do not require global network wide knowledge. Thus, this paper, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to propose the delegation of typical security functions from specialized middleboxes to the data plane. We leverage the opportunities offered by programming protocol-independent packet processors (P4) language to present two authentication techniques to assure that only legitimate nodes are able to access the network. The first technique is the port knocking and the second technique is the One-Time Password. Our experimental results indicate that our proposed techniques improve the network overall availability by offloading the controller as well as reducing the traffic in the network without noticeable negative impact on switches’ performance

    Techniques for improving the scalability of data center networks

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    Data centers require highly scalable data and control planes for ensuring good performance of distributed applications. Along the data plane, network throughput and latency directly impact application performance metrics. This has led researchers to propose high bisection bandwidth network topologies based on multi-rooted trees for data center networks. However, such topologies require efficient traffic splitting algorithms to fully utilize all available bandwidth. Along the control plane, the centralized controller for software-defined networks presents new scalability challenges. The logically centralized controller needs to scale according to network demands. Also, since all services are implemented in the centralized controller, it should allow easy integration of different types of network services.^ In this dissertation, we propose techniques to address scalability challenges along the data and control planes of data center networks.^ Along the data plane, we propose a fine-grained trac splitting technique for data center networks organized as multi-rooted trees. Splitting individual flows can provide better load balance but is not preferred because of potential packet reordering that conventional wisdom suggests may negatively interact with TCP congestion control. We demonstrate that, due to symmetry of the network topology, TCP is able to tolerate the induced packet reordering and maintain a single estimate of RTT.^ Along the control plane, we design a scalable distributed SDN control plane architecture. We propose algorithms to evenly distribute the load among the controller nodes of the control plane. The algorithms evenly distribute the load by dynamically configuring the switch to controller node mapping and adding/removing controller nodes in response to changing traffic patterns. ^ Each SDN controller platform may have different performance characteristics. In such cases, it may be desirable to run different services on different controllers to match the controller performance characteristics with service requirements. To address this problem, we propose an architecture, FlowBricks, that allows network operators to compose an SDN control plane with services running on top of heterogeneous controller platforms

    Fast ReRoute on Programmable Switches

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    Highly dependable communication networks usually rely on some kind of Fast Re-Route (FRR) mechanism which allows to quickly re-route traffic upon failures, entirely in the data plane. This paper studies the design of FRR mechanisms for emerging reconfigurable switches. Our main contribution is an FRR primitive for programmable data planes, PURR, which provides low failover latency and high switch throughput, by avoiding packet recirculation. PURR tolerates multiple concurrent failures and comes with minimal memory requirements, ensuring compact forwarding tables, by unveiling an intriguing connection to classic ``string theory'' (i.e., stringology), and in particular, the shortest common supersequence problem. PURR is well-suited for high-speed match-action forwarding architectures (e.g., PISA) and supports the implementation of a broad variety of FRR mechanisms. Our simulations and prototype implementation (on an FPGA and a Tofino switch) show that PURR improves TCAM memory occupancy by a factor of 1.5x-10.8x compared to a naĂŻve encoding when implementing state-of-the-art FRR mechanisms. PURR also improves the latency and throughput of datacenter traffic up to a factor of 2.8x-5.5x and 1.2x-2x, respectively, compared to approaches based on recirculating packets

    Defeating Protocol Abuse with P4: Application to Explicit Congestion Notification

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    International audienceIn recent years, programmable data planes enabled by the protocol independent switch architecture (PISA) allowed the relocation of network functions closer to traffic flows and thereby the ability to react in real-time to network events. However , expressing complex and stateful network monitoring functions using state-of-the-art data plane programming languages such as P4 still remain challenging. In this context, we propose a method for modeling a stateful security monitoring function as an Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) and express the EFSM using P4 language abstractions. We demonstrate the feasibility and benefit of our proposed approach in detecting and mitigating Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) protocol abuse without any TCP protocol modification. Our evaluation shows that the proposed security monitoring function can restore 24.67% throughput loss caused by misbehaving TCP end-hosts while ensuring fair share of bandwidth among TCP flows

    Fully Programming the Data Plane: A Hardware/Software Approach

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    Les réseaux définis par logiciel — en anglais Software-Defined Networking (SDN) — sont apparus ces dernières années comme un nouveau paradigme de réseau. SDN introduit une séparation entre les plans de gestion, de contrôle et de données, permettant à ceux-ci d’évoluer de manière indépendante, rompant ainsi avec la rigidité des réseaux traditionnels. En particulier, dans le plan de données, les avancées récentes ont porté sur la définition des langages de traitement de paquets, tel que P4, et sur la définition d’architectures de commutateurs programmables, par exemple la Protocol Independent Switch Architecture (PISA). Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons a l’architecture PISA et évaluons comment exploiter les FPGA comme plateforme de traitement efficace de paquets. Cette problématique est étudiée a trois niveaux d’abstraction : microarchitectural, programmation et architectural. Au niveau microarchitectural, nous avons proposé une architecture efficace d’un analyseur d’entêtes de paquets pour PISA. L’analyseur de paquets utilise une architecture pipelinée avec propagation en avant — en anglais feed-forward. La complexité de l’architecture est réduite par rapport à l’état de l’art grâce a l’utilisation d’optimisations algorithmiques. Finalement, l’architecture est générée par un compilateur P4 vers C++, combiné à un outil de synthèse de haut niveau. La solution proposée atteint un débit de 100 Gb/s avec une latence comparable à celle d’analyseurs d’entêtes de paquets écrits à la main. Au niveau de la programmation, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthodologie de conception de synthèse de haut niveau visant à améliorer conjointement la qualité logicielle et matérielle. Nous exploitons les fonctionnalités du C++ moderne pour améliorer à la fois la modularité et la lisibilité du code, tout en conservant (ou améliorant) les résultats du matériel généré. Des exemples de conception utilisant notre méthodologie, incluant pour l’analyseur d’entête de paquets, ont été rendus publics.----------ABSTRACT: Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged in recent years as a new network paradigm to de-ossify communication networks. Indeed, by offering a clear separation of network concerns between the management, control, and data planes, SDN allows each of these planes to evolve independently, breaking the rigidity of traditional networks. However, while well spread in the control and management planes, this de-ossification has only recently reached the data plane with the advent of packet processing languages, e.g. P4, and novel programmable switch architectures, e.g. Protocol Independent Switch Architecture (PISA). In this work, we focus on leveraging the PISA architecture by mainly exploiting the FPGA capabilities for efficient packet processing. In this way, we address this issue at different abstraction levels: i) microarchitectural; ii) programming; and, iii) architectural. At the microarchitectural level, we have proposed an efficient FPGA-based packet parser architecture, which is a major PISA’s component. The proposed packet parser follows a feedforward pipeline architecture in which the internal microarchitectural has been meticulously optimized for FPGA implementation. The architecture is automatically generated by a P4- to-C++ compiler after several rounds of graph optimizations. The proposed solution achieves 100 Gb/s line rate with latency comparable to hand-written packet parsers. The throughput scales from 10 Gb/s to 160 Gb/s with moderate increase in resource consumption. Both the compiler and the packet parser codebase have been open-sourced to permit reproducibility. At the programming level, we have proposed a novel High-Level Synthesis (HLS) design methodology aiming at improving software and hardware quality. We have employed this novel methodology when designing the packet parser. In our work, we have exploited features of modern C++ that improves at the same time code modularity and readability while keeping (or improving) the results of the generated hardware. Design examples using our methodology have been publicly released

    Resilient and Scalable Forwarding for Software-Defined Networks with P4-Programmable Switches

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    Traditional networking devices support only fixed features and limited configurability. Network softwarization leverages programmable software and hardware platforms to remove those limitations. In this context the concept of programmable data planes allows directly to program the packet processing pipeline of networking devices and create custom control plane algorithms. This flexibility enables the design of novel networking mechanisms where the status quo struggles to meet high demands of next-generation networks like 5G, Internet of Things, cloud computing, and industry 4.0. P4 is the most popular technology to implement programmable data planes. However, programmable data planes, and in particular, the P4 technology, emerged only recently. Thus, P4 support for some well-established networking concepts is still lacking and several issues remain unsolved due to the different characteristics of programmable data planes in comparison to traditional networking. The research of this thesis focuses on two open issues of programmable data planes. First, it develops resilient and efficient forwarding mechanisms for the P4 data plane as there are no satisfying state of the art best practices yet. Second, it enables BIER in high-performance P4 data planes. BIER is a novel, scalable, and efficient transport mechanism for IP multicast traffic which has only very limited support of high-performance forwarding platforms yet. The main results of this thesis are published as 8 peer-reviewed and one post-publication peer-reviewed publication. The results cover the development of suitable resilience mechanisms for P4 data planes, the development and implementation of resilient BIER forwarding in P4, and the extensive evaluations of all developed and implemented mechanisms. Furthermore, the results contain a comprehensive P4 literature study. Two more peer-reviewed papers contain additional content that is not directly related to the main results. They implement congestion avoidance mechanisms in P4 and develop a scheduling concept to find cost-optimized load schedules based on day-ahead forecasts