1,381 research outputs found

    Scalable and Efficient Associative Processor Solution to Guarantee Real-Time Requirements for Air Traffic Control Systems

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    https://kent-islandora.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/node/17407/87333-thumbnail.jpgThis paper proposes a solution to air traffic control (ATC) using an enhanced SIMD machine model called an Associative Processor (AP). Our solution differs from previous ATC systems that are designed for MIMD computers and have a great deal of difficulty meeting the predictability requirements for ATC, which are critical for meeting the strict certification standards required for safety critical software components. The proposed AP solution supports accurate predictions of worst case execution times and guarantees all deadlines are met. Furthermore, the software developed based on the AP model is much simpler and smaller in size than the current corresponding ATC software. As the associative processor is built from SIMD hardware, it is considerably cheaper and simpler than the MIMD hardware currently used to support ATC. We have designed a prototype for eight ATC real-time tasks on ClearSpeed CSX600 accelerator that is used to emulate AP. Performance is evaluated in terms of execution time and predictability and is compared to the fastest host-only version implemented using OpenMP on an 8core multiprocessor (MIMD). Our extensive experiments show that the AP implementation meets all deadlines that can be statically scheduled. To the contrary, some tasks miss their deadlines when implemented on MIMD. It is shown that the proposed AP solution will support accurate and meaningful predictions of worst case execution times and will guarantee that all deadlines are met.</p

    Advanced Features in Protocol Verification: Theory, Properties, and Efficiency in Maude-NPA

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    The area of formal analysis of cryptographic protocols has been an active one since the mid 80’s. The idea is to verify communication protocols that use encryption to guarantee secrecy and that use authentication of data to ensure security. Formal methods are used in protocol analysis to provide formal proofs of security, and to uncover bugs and security flaws that in some cases had remained unknown long after the original protocol publication, such as the case of the well known Needham-Schroeder Public Key (NSPK) protocol. In this thesis we tackle problems regarding the three main pillars of protocol verification: modelling capabilities, verifiable properties, and efficiency. This thesis is devoted to investigate advanced features in the analysis of cryptographic protocols tailored to the Maude-NPA tool. This tool is a model-checker for cryptographic protocol analysis that allows for the incorporation of different equational theories and operates in the unbounded session model without the use of data or control abstraction. An important contribution of this thesis is relative to theoretical aspects of protocol verification in Maude-NPA. First, we define a forwards operational semantics, using rewriting logic as the theoretical framework and the Maude programming language as tool support. This is the first time that a forwards rewriting-based semantics is given for Maude-NPA. Second, we also study the problem that arises in cryptographic protocol analysis when it is necessary to guarantee that certain terms generated during a state exploration are in normal form with respect to the protocol equational theory. We also study techniques to extend Maude-NPA capabilities to support the verification of a wider class of protocols and security properties. First, we present a framework to specify and verify sequential protocol compositions in which one or more child protocols make use of information obtained from running a parent protocol. Second, we present a theoretical framework to specify and verify protocol indistinguishability in Maude-NPA. This kind of properties aim to verify that an attacker cannot distinguish between two versions of a protocol: for example, one using one secret and one using another, as it happens in electronic voting protocols. Finally, this thesis contributes to improve the efficiency of protocol verification in Maude-NPA. We define several techniques which drastically reduce the state space, and can often yield a finite state space, so that whether the desired security property holds or not can in fact be decided automatically, in spite of the general undecidability of such problems.Santiago Pinazo, S. (2015). Advanced Features in Protocol Verification: Theory, Properties, and Efficiency in Maude-NPA [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/4852

    Neuroentrepreneurship : Recommendations for organizational innovation to enhance entrepreneurial activity

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    Entrepreneurship research faces a crossroads and a new approach is needed to better understand entrepreneurial behavior. Incorporating neuroscience to comprehend the entrepreneurial mindset seems promising. Nevertheless, the potential of neuroscience for entrepreneurship research is only slowly being realized. Based on an extensive literature review, this thesis examines the emerging role of neuroscience with respect to entrepreneurship. Referring to the model of the entrepreneurial process, this thesis investigates how entrepreneurs discover, exploit, and finally capture opportunities. In this context, explanations regarding trait, expertise, adaptation, and mindset of the entrepreneur are relevant for further examination. Moreover, decision-making in uncertain situations is analyzed. In this context, the dynamic interplay between the reflective and reflexive system is considered. Ultimately, this thesis provides recommendations for organizational innovation to enhance entrepreneurial activity

    Kaleidoscope JEIRP on Learning Patterns for the Design and Deployment of Mathematical Games: Final Report

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    Project deliverable (D40.05.01-F)Over the last few years have witnessed a growing recognition of the educational potential of computer games. However, it is generally agreed that the process of designing and deploying TEL resources generally and games for mathematical learning specifically is a difficult task. The Kaleidoscope project, "Learning patterns for the design and deployment of mathematical games", aims to investigate this problem. We work from the premise that designing and deploying games for mathematical learning requires the assimilation and integration of deep knowledge from diverse domains of expertise including mathematics, games development, software engineering, learning and teaching. We promote the use of a design patterns approach to address this problem. This deliverable reports on the project by presenting both a connected account of the prior deliverables and also a detailed description of the methodology involved in producing those deliverables. In terms of conducting the future work which this report envisages, the setting out of our methodology is seen by us as very significant. The central deliverable includes reference to a large set of learning patterns for use by educators, researchers, practitioners, designers and software developers when designing and deploying TEL-based mathematical games. Our pattern language is suggested as an enabling tool for good practice, by facilitating pattern-specific communication and knowledge sharing between participants. We provide a set of trails as a "way-in" to using the learning pattern language. We report in this methodology how the project has enabled the synergistic collaboration of what started out as two distinct strands: design and deployment, even to the extent that it is now difficult to identify those strands within the processes and deliverables of the project. The tools and outcomes from the project can be found at: http://lp.noe-kaleidoscope.org

    The well-worn route revisited: Striatal and hippocampal system contributions to route learning in human navigation

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    Parallel spatial memory systems theory posits that there are two types of memory system. One is a flexible, cognitive mapping system subserved by the hippocampal formation, and the other is a system centred on the striatum based on reinforcement learning principles where specific stimuli are associated with rewarded actions (O’Keefe & Nadel, 1978; White & McDonald, 2002). More recently, Khamassi & Humphries (2012) have argued that the division between model-based and model-free spatial learning is a better predictor of whether hippocampal or striatal systems will be recruited, with hippocampal systems associated with model-based responding and striatal systems with model-free responding. Model-free decision-making occurs when responding is based on average reward history associated with a particular cue-action pairing, whereas model-based decision-making allows knowledge of outcomes from previous learning history to be represented. We sought to test these theories by asking participants (N = 24) to navigate within a virtual environment through a previously learned, 9-junction route with distinctive landmarks at each junction, while undergoing functional magnetic resonance imaging. In critical conflict probe trials, a landmark was presented out of sequence such that following the usual sequence of actions would generate an opposite response to following the learned individual landmark-action association, now out of sequence. Participants that made sequence-based responses had higher parahippocampal activations relative to participants that made responses based on the individual landmark-action association, a result that would be predicted by the need to recruit model-based systems to make a sequence-based response. Parallel spatial memory systems theory would not predict hippocampal formation recruitment for either response in the conflict probe, because no cognitive mapping is required when following a prescribed route. In longer probe trials where participants were able to plan a sequence of responses, striatal systems were recruited (caudate and putamen) suggesting a role for striatum in action chunking

    A padronização das decisões judiciais feita pela inteligência artificial: uma crítica para a nova ciência do direito

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    The standardization of decisions by the informatics of law, aiming at an exact science would result in a science in which progress and transformations would not drive the emergence of new rights or the readjustment of those already established. The present article proposed to examine, by means of a doctrinal-critical analysis, the impacts of the advance of the new automated technique of law, especially considering the configurations of a legal Fordism. We sought to answer what is the possibility of implementing Artificial Intelligence in the civil jurisdictional process and what would be the possible consequences, with regard to the advancement of rights already established and the advent of new rights through jurisdictional provision. The hypothetical-deductive approach was chosen, with the purpose of analyzing the problematic regarding the failures of the Fordist legal science. The monographic and historical methods of procedure were used, together with the bibliographical research technique, for a better analysis of the theme and the basis of the critical-conclusive analysis. Finally, what can be deduced is the need for constant improvement and in-depth studies before the artificial machine, which is not even capable of understanding the basic principles of law as a guarantee of the citizen’s humanity.La estandarización de las decisiones por parte de la informática del derecho, apuntando a una ciencia exacta, resultaría en una ciencia en la que el progreso y las transformaciones no impulsarían el surgimiento de nuevos derechos o el reajuste de los ya establecidos. El presente artículo se propuso examinar, mediante un análisis doctrinal-crítico, los impactos del avance de la nueva técnica automatizada del derecho, especialmente considerando las configuraciones de un fordismo jurídico. Se buscó responder cuál es la posibilidad de implementar la Inteligencia Artificial en el proceso jurisdiccional civil y cuáles serían las posibles consecuencias, en relación con el avance de los derechos ya establecidos y el advenimiento de nuevos derechos a través de la prestación jurisdiccional. Se ha optado por el enfoque hipotético-deductivo, con el fin de analizar la problemática relativa a los fracasos de la ciencia jurídica fordista. Se utilizaron los métodos de procedimiento monográfico e histórico, junto con la técnica de investigación bibliográfica, para un mejor análisis del tema y la base del análisis crítico-conclusivo. Finalmente, lo que se deduce es la necesidad de perfeccionamiento y profundización constante ante la máquina artificial, que ni siquiera es capaz de entender los principios básicos del derecho como garantía de la humanidad del ciudadano.A padronização das decisões por parte da informática do direito, visando uma ciência exata, resultaria em uma ciência em que o progresso e as transformações não impulsariam o aparecimento de novos direitos ou o reajuste dos já estabelecidos. O presente artigo se propôs examinar, através de uma análise doutrinal-crítico, os impactos do avanço da nova técnica automatizada do direito, especialmente considerando as configurações de um fordismo jurídico. Procurou-se responder qual é a possibilidade de aplicar a inteligência artificial no processo jurisdicional civil e quais seriam as possíveis consequências, em relação com o avanço dos direitos já estabelecidos e o aparecimento de novos direitos através da prestação jurisdicional. Foi escolhida como metodologia procedimento monográfico e histórico, junto com a técnica de investigação bibliográfica, para uma melhor análise do tema e análise da base crítico-conclusiva. Finalmente o que se deduz é a necessidade de aperfeiçoamento e ampliação constante face a máquina artificial, que nem sequer é capaz de entender os princípios básicos do direito como garantia da humanidade do cidadão

    The refugee crisis : effects and challenges

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    Atualmente, a recente crise de refugiados levou a que este tema assumisse um elevado nível de importância, sendo que as suas consequências se estendem a um grande número de países. De um ponto de vista positivo, é mencionado o crescimento económico a longo-prazo como uma consequência do desenvolvimento dos mercados e do aumento do capital humano. Contudo, no "outro lado da moeda", a despesa pública aumenta, as taxas de desemprego podem crescer e existe a possibilidade da ocorrência de confrontos de cariz étnico e religioso. A nível Europeu, a falta de fundos é uma preocupação, tal como a cooperação com instituições relevantes. No caso Português, ainda menos informação está disponível, pelo que o impacto dos refugiados não pode ser estudado, até pela pouca expressão que o grupo assume para já. Assim, o foco é nos desafios com os quais o país se depara, como o défice demográfico e capacity building. O objetivo consiste em realizar, maioritariamente, uma contribuição teórica para serem ultrapassadas algumas falhas, tanto a nível internacional como nacional, em termos de políticas de integração de modo a minimizar os problemas existentes e maximizar os potenciais benefícios. É concluído que é necessário um maior esforço da comunidade internacional para serem criadas soluções plausíveis, sendo que existe falta de consciência dos instrumentos legais que possibilitam resultados positivos, levando à total integração destes indivíduos. No caso Português, é essencial que o tema dos refugiados seja considerado de forma a implementar politicas transversais.Nowadays, the recent refugee crisis made this issue an important one with consequences that are extended to a large number of countries. From a positive point of view, long-term economic growth is mentioned as a consequence of the development of the markets and of the increase of human capital. However, in the "other half of the coin", public expenditure increases, unemployment rates may rise and there may be clashes of an ethical and religious nature. At an European level, lack of funds is a real concern, as well as the cooperation with relevant organizations. In the Portuguese case, even less information is available, so the impact of the refugees cannot be understood, even by the relatively small expression this group assumes until current days. So, the focus is on challenges such as the demographic deficit and capacity building. The aim of this work is to mostly make a theoretical contribution so as to overcome existing gaps at both international and national levels in terms of integration policies in order to minimize problems and maximize potential benefits. It is concluded that it is necessary a greater effort from the international community to create a plausible resolution, and there is a lack of awareness of legal instruments that allow positive results, leading to the full integration of these individuals into society. In the case of Portugal, it is essential that the issue of refugees be taken into account in order to implement transversal policies

    Collaborative design methodologies and social dynamics: a portuguese social and public health case study

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    This research project addresses the understanding of collaborative action among disciplines from distinct branches of science with particular focus on social action. It also aims to evaluate the impact of this collaborative action on responding to the needs of different highly vulnerable communities and on other participants of these same processes. The integration of design in the social sector is a growing tendency, albeit to a certain extent characterised by novelty and resistance. Hence, and within this framework, the present thesis seeks to respond to the hypothesis “Collaborative design methodologies improve the effectiveness of social services’ practice”, and is organized into six phases, namely: the theoretical framework and the main research question, the construction of the model structure of the research and identification of the hypothesis, a review of the collaborative models and Social Design framework through case studies, the application of an in-depth case, the collection, processing and analysis of data and conclusions. The aim of this research is to ascertain the influence of Design on collaborative action, namely in the generation of more effective results and in obtaining information, and its impact on other sectors (intervention, assistance, solidarity, community action and social development). Moreover, it has served to highlight the potential for future alliances with prospective partners who, in light of the developed process, have manifested an interest in establishing co-partnerships of this nature. This study sheds light upon the potential of integrating Design and Designers in organizations in general, and in particular in those that aim to respond to the needs of communities who are most exposed to social impacts. By increasing the capacity to respond to their vulnerabilities, the risk of social exclusion and isolation will be significantly reduced. Additionally, awareness on the part of social partners, of the added value of Design and its contribution to the maturity and sustainability of social processes will be enhanced