53 research outputs found

    Smart hydroponic based on nutrient film technique and multistep fuzzy logic

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    Automation in hydroponics is have been a great change. Research with fuzzy logic control it’s designed to add to each parameter one by one. In a way microcontroller will activate one by one relay to regulate the parameters with fuzzy logic. While parameter calibration is done, calibration is needed for the next checking if the parameter were not optimal, until its parameter optimal. Multistep fuzzy is used to counter measure the same activation of the relay. With adding real time data monitoring to the system. From test result evaluating multistep fuzzy logic method were 100% works as expected. with another testing approach for best module for sending real time data monitoring for hydroponics. From the real time data transmission method, the success of sending data is 30% from the ESP82166 and 75% of the NRF24L01 with a shortage of the NRF24L01 data loss. For the relay activation can be accommodate with dynamic programming. As for multistep fuzzy logic for hydroponic tested to reach optimal water condition for kale crops resulting in average 12.8 iterations calibration from condition where researches add water only from the start

    Fuzzy-based Nutrient System for Chili Cultivation in Urban Area

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    The right level of nutrients is crucial for chilli cultivation as the crop requires different nutrient levels at different growth stages.  The current fertiliser supply needs many human resources, which is time-consuming.  Thus, an automatic nutrient controlling system giving the exact amount of fertiliser based on Fuzzy logic and IoT technology is proposed in this paper. The proposed system uses Hostinger platform to monitor water level, electrical conductivity (EC) and pH values in real-time. Fuzzy membership functions and rules decide the precise amount of nutrients to chilli plants based on the EC value and water level at each growth stage. The Fuzzy membership functions are designed according to the nutrients requirement in each chilli’s phenological stage. The proposed system results are compared with the traditional approach, where fertilisers are supplied manually every week. The experiment results showed that the proposed system could meet the precise and automatic fertiliser addition requirement, eliminate human intervention and ensure the plants grew well.

    Automation and Robotics Used in Hydroponic System

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    Hydroponic system requires periodic labor, a systematic approach, repetitive motion and a structured environment. Automation, robotics and IoT have allowed farmers to monitoring all the variables in plant, root zone and environment under hydroponics. This research introduces findings in design with real time operating systems based on microcontrollers; pH fuzzy logic control system for nutrient solution in embed and flow hydroponic culture; hydroponic system in combination with automated drip irrigation; expert system-based automation system; automated hydroponics nutrition plants systems; hydroponic management and monitoring system for an intelligent hydroponic system using internet of things and web technology; neural network-based fault detection in hydroponics; additional technologies implemented in hydroponic systems and robotics in hydroponic systems. The above advances will improve the efficiency of hydroponics to increase the quality and quantity of the produce and pose an opportunity for the growth of the hydroponics market in near future

    Evaluation of Nutrient Dosing Methods for Hydroponic Crop Cultivation

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    The application of control systems for hydroponic cultivation in greenhouses has developed rapidly, and one of them is the nutrient-dosing control system. Various nutrient dosing control systems, such as on/off, fuzzy logic, and K-NN, have been widely discussed by many researchers. Nevertheless, there has been limited discourse regarding the employed dosing methods, namely sensor-based nutrient dosing and nutrient dosing based on the nutritional dilution equation. The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of three nutrient dosing methods that can be used in control systems: nutrient dosing based on nutrient dilution equations (method α), sensor-based (method β), and a mixed nutrient dosing method combining the two previous methods (method γ). This research begins by identifying several nutrient dosing methods that can be used in control systems. After that, the dosing methods were tested, and data analysis was carried out. Based on the three methods proposed in this study, method γ has the best results with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 0.77% and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 4.3, respectively, in relation to the targeted concentration of the nutrient solution. Method β has slightly higher results, with a MAPE of 0.82% and an RMSE of 4.62. Method α has the worst results, with a MAPE of 13.42% and a RMSE of 74.98. However, if the desired target nutrient concentration is less than 300 ppm, method β is the most suitable option compared to the other methods

    Secured Framework for Smart Farming in Hydroponics with Intelligent and Precise Management based on IoT with Blockchain Technology

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    Hydroponics is a type of soil-free farming that uses less water and other resources than conventional soil-based farming methods. However, due to the simultaneous supervision of multiple factors, nutrition advice, and plant diagnosis system, monitoring hydroponics farming is a difficult task. Hydroponic techniques utilizing the IoT show to deliver the finest outcomes, despite the usage of various artificial culture methods. Though, the usage of smart communication technologies and IoT exposes environments for smart farming to a wide range of cybersecurity risks and weaknesses. However, the adoption of intelligence-based controlling algorithms in the agricultural industry is a good use of current technical advancements to address these issues. This paper presented a secured framework for smart farming in hydroponics system. The proposed architecture is characterized into four-layer IoT based framework, sensor, communication, fog and cloud layer. Data analytics is performed using supervised machine learning techniques with intelligent and precise management and is applied at the fog layer for efficient computation over the cloud layer. The data security over channel is protected by using Blockchain Technology. The experimental results are evaluated and analyzed for several statistical parameters in order to improve the system efficacy

    Recent Advancements in Prevalent Practices for Plant Cultivation by Hydroponics

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    Many plant-derived products are well known to possess therapeutic properties along with minimum side effectsand relatively competitive efficacies as compared to other chemical counterparts/analogs. Herbal drugs are therefore now widely accepted owing to their long-lasting impact. However, the role of cultivation conditions and associated biotic and abiotic parameters are paramount in affecting the yield of phytocompounds among cultivated plants. Moreover, with the increasing burden on cultivable land available for the production of cash crops, medicinal plants require alternative techniques of propagation for meeting commercial demands without adversely affecting their yield of phytocompounds and their therapeutic potential. Regulating the biotic and abiotic parameters using several methods of propagation (viz. vegetative and plant tissue culture) is instrumental in attaining the desired yield in the harvest. The major drawbacks of these techniques are lack of skilled labour and high monetary expense. Alternative techniques, such as hydroponics and aeroponics are pivotal to overcoming these disadvantages. The ‘Hydroponics’ technique involves plant cultivation in a soil-less nutrient medium. This method offers major advantages over the conventional techniques being more economical and independent of seasonal variations besides eliminating the influence of soil-microbe interactions on the development of plants. This technique is under continuous investigation and improvement with recent advances being made in the inter-disciplinary approaches for improving the technique by the addition of IoT and cloud computing along with other conventional techniques such as vertical farming forhydroponic systems and the development of hybrid models

    Design, construction and testing of iot based automated indoor vertical hydroponics farming test-bed in qatar

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    Growing plants in the gulf region can be challenging as it is mostly desert, and the climate is dry. A few species of plants have the capability to grow in such a climate. However, those plants are not suitable as a food source. The aim of this work is to design and construct an indoor automatic vertical hydroponic system that does not depend on the outside climate. The designed system is capable to grow common type of crops that can be used as a food source inside homes without the need of large space. The design of the system was made after studying different types of vertical hydroponic systems in terms of price, power consumption and suitability to be built as an indoor automated system. A microcontroller was working as a brain of the system, which communicates with different types of sensors to control all the system parameters and to minimize the human intervention. An open internet of things (IoT) platform was used to store and display the system parameters and graphical interface for remote access. The designed system is capable of maintaining healthy growing parameters for the plants with minimal input from the user. The functionality of the overall system was confirmed by evaluating the response from individual system components and monitoring them in the IoT platform. The system was consuming 120.59 and 230.59 kWh respectively without and with air conditioning control during peak summer, which is equivalent to the system running cost of 13.26 and 25.36 Qatari Riyal (QAR) respectively. This system was circulating around 104 k gallons of nutrient solution monthly however, only 8–10 L water was consumed by the system. This system offers real-time notifications to alert the hydroponic system user when the conditions are not favorable. So, the user can monitor several parameters without using laboratory instruments, which will allow to control the entire system remotely. Moreover, the system also provides a wide range of information, which could be essential for plant researchers and provides a greater understanding of how the key parameters of hydroponic system correlate with plant growth. The proposed platform can be used both for quantitatively optimizing the setup of the indoor farming and for automating some of the most labor-intensive maintenance activities. Moreover, such a monitoring system can also potentially be used for high-level decision making, once enough data will be collected. This work presents significant opportunities for the people who live in the gulf region to produce food as per their requirements

    A Hydroponic Vegetable Business Development Strategy: A Case Study of CV Casa Farm

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    Abstract. The Business Development Strategy for CV Casa Farm emerged from an analysis of the external and internal environments mapped using a SWOT matrix with a focus on weaknesses and opportunities. Several production problems, such as yellowing of vegetables, rotting roots, and the spread of disease that caused production failures and planting media waste, could be reduced to minimize costs and increase productivity to meet the demand for vegetables in the city of Bandung.  Problems were also identified with management and governance, such as overlaps in the allocation of tasks causing unfavorable work performance and decreased productivity.  Applying IoT technology could increase vegetable weight by 37.7% and reduce production failures from 12.85% to 7.14%. Based on non-financial factors, including the market, production, organization and management, human resources, and collaboration, the implementation of IoT technology was judged to be feasible. Based on a financial and partial analysis, the investment feasibility obtained NPV> 0 of Rp1,247,103,045.33, with a Net B/C value of 2.63, Gross B/C of 1.62, IRR acquisition of 31%, a payback period of four years and three months, and an increased profit of Rp27,849,345.00, the business development strategy was judged to be feasible using IoT Simon Kori technology because it met the investment criteria and brought additional benefits. In the sensitivity analysis, a 20% decrease in the product selling price was shown to have an impact on the feasibility of implementing IoT. An incremental net benefit analysis indicates that the net benefit from applying IoT technology would be Rp2,402.477,276.13.Keywords: CV Casa Farm, hydroponic vegetable, IoT technology, productivity improvement, SWOTAbstrak. Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis pada CV Casa Farm dibentuk berdasarkan analisis lingkungan eksternal dan internal yang dipetakan menggunakan matriks SWOT dengan berfokus pada kelemahan dan peluang. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan seperti sayur menguning, akar membusuk, penyebaran penyakit yang menyebabkan kegagalan produksi. Kegagalan produksi menyebabkan adanya limbah media tanam, Kegagalan dapat di minimalisir untuk memaksimalkan biaya yang dikeluarkan serta meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan guna memenuhi permintaan sayur di Kota Bandung.  Selain itu terdapat permasalahan pada tata Kelola manajemen yang kurang baik, seperti adanya tumpeng tindih dalam pembagian tugas yang menyebabkan kerja  tidak kondusif dan produktifitas kerja  menurun . Penerapan teknologi IoT dapat meningkatkan bobot sayur 37,7% dan meminimalisir kegagalan produksi dari 12,85% menjadi 7,14%. Berdasarkan aspek non finansial yang meliputi aspek pasar, produksi, organisasi dan manajemen, SDM, serta kolaborasi, penerapan teknologi IoT ini layak untuk dijalankan. Berdasarkan analisis finansial dan parsial, kelayakan investasi diperoleh NPV>0 sebesar Rp1.247.103.045,33, dengan nilai Net B/C sebesar 2,63, Gross B/C sebesar 1,62, perolehan  IRR sebesar 31%), dengan Payback period sebesar 4 tahun 3 bulan, dan keuntungan tambahan sebesar Rp27.849.345,00, maka Strategi pengembangan bisnis dengan mengadopsi teknologi IoT Simon Kori pada CV Casa Farm layak untuk dijalankan karena memenuhi kriteria investasi dan terdapat keuntungan tambahan.Pada analisis sensitivitas, diketahui penurunan harga jual sebesar 20% berdampak pada kelayakan penerapan IoT  Pada perhitungan analisis incremental net benefit, manfaat bersih dari penerapan teknologi IoT yaitu sebesar Rp2.402.477.276,13.Kata kunci: CV Casa Farm, peningkatan produktivitas, hidroponik, SWOT, teknologi Io
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