57 research outputs found

    The operational characteristics and potential applications of a low voltage EMCCD in a CMOS process

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    The Electron Multiplying Test Chip 1 (EMTC1) was developed with the aim of creating a device which could produce superior Electron Multiplication (EM) gain at a greatly reduced voltage. An EM gain exceeding 3% per stage has been recorded for a relatively low voltage (~13.0V) from two recently developed pixel structures. An electro-optical characterisation of the EMTC1 is presented focusing on charge transfer via experimental and simulation results aiming to provide insight into the transfer and multiplication process. The Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) is analysed with the aim of providing a greater understanding of the charge transfer process. Light starved applications such as Earth observation and automated inspection are known to benefit from Time Delay Integration (TDI) and electron multiplication. Though traditionally implemented in CCDs, implementing TDI in CMOS technology can lead to an increase of functionality, higher readout speeds and reduced noise. This paper presents a discussion of the implication of these results on the potential applications of this sensor

    Deep Tissue Light Delivery and Fluorescence Tomography with Applications in Optogenetic Neurostimulation

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    Study of the brain microcircuits using optogenetics is an active area of research. This method has a few advantages over the conventional electrical stimulation including the bi-directional control of neural activity, and more importantly, specificity in neuromodulation. The first step in all optogenetic experiments is to express certain light sensitive ion channels/pumps in the target cell population and then confirm the proper expression of these proteins before running any experiment. Fluorescent bio-markers, such as green fluorescent protein (GFP), have been used for this purpose and co-expressed in the same cell population. The fluorescent signal from such proteins provides a monitory mechanism to evaluate the expression of optogenetic opsins over time. The conventional method to confirm the success in gene delivery is to sacrifice the animal, retract and slice the brain tissue, and image the corresponding slices using a fluorescent microscope. Obviously, determining the level of expression over time without sacrificing the animal is highly desirable. Also, optogenetics can be combined with cell-type specific optical recording of neural activity for example by imaging the fluorescent signal of genetically encoded calcium indicators. One challenging step in any optogenetic experiment is delivering adequate amount of light to target areas for proper stimulation of light sensitive proteins. Delivering sufficient light density to a target area while minimizing the off-target stimulation requires a precise estimation of the light distribution in the tissue. Having a good estimation of the tissue optical properties is necessary for predicting the distribution of light in any turbid medium. The first objective of this project was the design and development of a high resolution optoelectronic device to extract optical properties of rats\u27 brain tissue (including the absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient, and anisotropy factor) for three different wavelengths: 405nm, 532nm and 635nm and three different cuts: transverse, sagittal, and coronal. The database of the extracted optical properties was linked to a 3D Monte Carlo simulation software to predict the light distribution for different light source configurations. This database was then used in the next phase of the project and in the development of a fluorescent tomography scanner. Based on the importance of the fluorescent imaging in optogenetics, another objective of this project was to design a fluorescence tomography system to confirm the expression of the light sensitive proteins and optically recording neural activity using calcium indicators none or minimally invasively. The method of fluorescence laminar optical tomography (FLOT) has been used successfully in imaging superficial areas up to 2mm deep inside a scattering medium with the spatial resolution of ~200”m. In this project, we developed a FLOT system which was specifically customized for in-vivo brain imaging experiments. While FLOT offers a relatively simple and non-expensive design for imaging superficial areas in the brain, still it has imaging depth limited to 2mm and its resolution drops as the imaging depth increases. To address this shortcoming, we worked on a complementary system based on the digital optical phase conjugation (DOPC) method which was shown previously that is capable of performing fluorescent tomography up to 4mm deep inside a biological tissue with lateral resolution of ~50 ”m. This system also provides a non-invasive method to deliver light deep inside the brain tissue for neurostimulation applications which are not feasible using conventional techniques because of the high level of scattering in most tissue samples. In the developed DOPC system, the performance of the system in focusing light through and inside scattering mediums was quantified. We also showed how misalignments and imperfections of the optical components can immensely reduce the capability of a DOPC setup. Then, a systematic calibration algorithm was proposed and experimentally applied to our DOPC system to compensate main aberrations such as reference beam aberrations and also the backplane curvature of the spatial light modulator. In a highly scattering sample, the calibration algorithm achieved up to 8 fold increase in the PBR

    Alfvén waves underlying ionospheric destabilization: ground-based observations

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    During geomagnetic storms, terawatts of power in the million mile-per-hour solar wind pierce the Earth’s magnetosphere. Geomagnetic storms and substorms create transverse magnetic waves known as AlfvĂ©n waves. In the auroral acceleration region, AlfvĂ©n waves accelerate electrons up to one-tenth the speed of light via wave-particle interactions. These inertial AlfvĂ©n wave (IAW) accelerated electrons are imbued with sub-100 meter structure perpendicular to geomagnetic field B. The IAW electric field parallel to B accelerates electrons up to about 10 keV along B. The IAW dispersion relation quantifies the precipitating electron striation observed with high-speed cameras as spatiotemporally dynamic fine structured aurora. A network of tightly synchronized tomographic auroral observatories using model based iterative reconstruction (MBIR) techniques were developed in this dissertation. The TRANSCAR electron penetration model creates a basis set of monoenergetic electron beam eigenprofiles of auroral volume emission rate for the given location and ionospheric conditions. Each eigenprofile consists of nearly 200 broadband line spectra modulated by atmospheric attenuation, bandstop filter and imager quantum efficiency. The L-BFGS-B minimization routine combined with sub-pixel registered electron multiplying CCD video stream at order 10 ms cadence yields estimates of electron differential number flux at the top of the ionosphere. Our automatic data curation algorithm reduces one terabyte/camera/day into accurate MBIR-processed estimates of IAW-driven electron precipitation microstructure. This computer vision structured auroral discrimination algorithm was developed using a multiscale dual-camera system observing a 175 km and 14 km swath of sky simultaneously. This collective behavior algorithm exploits the “swarm” behavior of aurora, detectable even as video SNR approaches zero. A modified version of the algorithm is applied to topside ionospheric radar at Mars and broadcast FM passive radar. The fusion of data from coherent radar backscatter and optical data at order 10 ms cadence confirms and further quantifies the relation of strong Langmuir turbulence and streaming plasma upflows in the ionosphere with the finest spatiotemporal auroral dynamics associated with IAW acceleration. The software programs developed in this dissertation solve the century-old problem of automatically discriminating finely structured aurora from other forms and pushes the observational wave-particle science frontiers forward

    Productive bond scission processes in polymer mechanochemistry

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    Multi-Modality Diffuse Fluorescence Imaging Applied to Preclinical Imaging in Mice

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    RÉSUMÉ Cette thĂšse vise Ă  explorer l'information anatomique et fonctionnelle en dĂ©veloppant de nouveaux systĂšmes d'imagerie de fluorescence macroscopiques Ă  base de multi-modalitĂ©. L‘ajout de l‘imagerie anatomique Ă  des modalitĂ©s fonctionnelles telles que la fluorescence permet une meilleure visualisation et la rĂ©cupĂ©ration quantitative des images de fluorescence, ce qui en retour permet d'amĂ©liorer le suivi et l'Ă©valuation des paramĂštres biologiques dans les tissus. Sur la base de cette motivation, la fluorescence a Ă©tĂ© combinĂ©e avec l‘imagerie ultrasonore (US) d'abord et ensuite l'imagerie par rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique (IRM). Dans les deux cas, les performances du systĂšme ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©es et la reconstruction a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e par des simulations et des expĂ©rimentations sur des fantĂŽmes. Finalement, ils ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour des expĂ©riences d'imagerie molĂ©culaire in vivo dans des modĂšles de cancer et d‘athĂ©rosclĂ©rose chez la souris. Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©s dans trois articles, qui sont inclus dans cette thĂšse et dĂ©crits briĂšvement ci-dessous. Un premier article prĂ©sente un systĂšme d'imagerie bimodalitĂ© combinant fluorescence Ă  onde continue avec l‘imagerie Ă  trois dimensions (3D) US. A l‘aide de stages X-Y motorisĂ©s, le systĂšme d'imagerie a Ă©tĂ© en mesure de recueillir lâ€˜Ă©mission fluorescente et les Ă©chos acoustiques dĂ©limitant la surface 3D et la position des inclusions fluorescentes dans l'Ă©chantillon. Une validation sur fantĂŽmes, a montrĂ© que l'utilisation des priors anatomiques provenant des US amĂ©liorait la qualitĂ© de la reconstruction fluorescente. En outre, un Ă©tude pilote in-vivo en utilisant une souris Apo-E a Ă©valuĂ© la faisabilitĂ© de cette approche d'imagerie double modalitĂ© pour de futures Ă©tudes prĂ©-cliniques. Dans un deuxiĂšme effort, et sur la base du premier travail, nous avons amĂ©liorĂ© le systĂšme d'imagerie par fluorescence-US au niveau des algorithmes, de la prĂ©cision----------ABSTRACT This thesis aims to explore the anatomical and functional information by developing new macroscopic multi-modality fluorescence imaging schemes. Adding anatomical imaging to functional modalities such as fluorescence enables better visualization and recovery of fluorescence images, in turn, improving the monitoring and assessment of biological parameters in tissue. Based on this motivation, fluorescence was combined with ultrasound (US) imaging first and then magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In both cases, the systems characterization and reconstruction performance were evaluated by simulations and phantom experiments. Eventually, they were applied to in vivo molecular imaging in models of cancer and atherosclerosis in mice. Results were presented in three peer-reviewed journals, which are included in this thesis and shortly described below. A first article presented a dual-modality imaging system combining continuous-wave transmission fluorescence imaging with three dimensional (3D) US imaging. Using motorized X-Y stages, the fluorescence-US imaging system was able to collect boundary fluorescent emission, and acoustic pulse-echoes delineating the 3D surface and position of fluorescent inclusions within the sample. A validation in phantoms showed that using the US anatomical priors, the fluorescent reconstruction quality was significantly improved. Furthermore, a pilot in-vivo study using an Apo-E mouse evaluated the feasibility of this dual-modality imaging approach for future animal studies. In a second endeavor, and based on the first work, we improved the fluorescence-US imaging system in terms of sampling precision and reconstruction algorithms. Specifically, now combining US imaging and profilometry, both the fluorescent target and 3D surface of sample could be obtained in order to achieve improved fluorescence reconstruction. Furthermore,

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThis dissertation studies detection-based methods to increase the estimation precision of single point-source emitters in the field of localization microscopy. Localization microscopy is a novel method allowing for the localization of optical point-source emitters below the Abbe diffraction limit of optical microscopy. This is accomplished by optically controlling the active, or bright, state of individual molecules within a sample. The use of time-multiplexing of the active state allows for the temporal and spatial isolation of single point-source emitters. Isolating individual sources within a sample allows for statistical analysis on their emission point-spread function profile, and the spatial coordinates of the point-source may be discerned below the optical response of the microscope system. Localization microscopy enables the identification of individual point-source emitter locations approximately an order of magnitude below standard, diffraction-limited optical techniques. The precision of localization microscopy methods is limited by the statistical uncertainty in which the location of these sources may be estimated. By utilizing a detection- based interferometer, an interference pattern may be super-imposed over the emission signal. Theoretical analysis and Monte-Carlo simulations by means of Fisher information theory demonstrate that the incorporation of a modulation structure over the emission signal allow for a more precise estimation when compared to conventional localization methods for the same number of recorded photons. These theoretical calculation and simulations are demonstrated through the use of two proof-of-concept experiments utilizing a modified Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The first methodology improves the localization precision of a single nanoparticle over the theoretical limit for an Airy-disk point-spread function by using self-interference to spatially modulate the recorded point-spread function. Experimental analysis demonstrates an improvement factor of ~3 to 5 over conventional localization methods. A related method employs the phase induced onto the Fourier domain signal due to path length differences in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer to improve localization precision. The localization capability of a modified Fourier domain signal generated by self-interference is utilized to yield a two-fold improvement in the localization precision for a given number of photons compared to a standard Gaussian intensity distribution of the corresponding point-spread function
