531 research outputs found


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    近年、高範囲の環境情報を効率的に長期間観測する技術として,無線センサネットワーク(WSNs: Wireless Sensor Networks)への注目が高まっている.さらに各センサ端末にエナジーハーベスティング(EH: Energy Harvesting)電源を具備することで,半永久的に情報を取得可能なWSNsの実現が期待されている.しかし,EH電源のみを用いたWSNsでは,各端末は一次電池ではなく,自然界から回収される電力のみによって動作するため,各端末の動作電源は微弱かつ確率的に変動する性質をもつ.そのため各端末の消費電力がEH電源からの回収電力を上回った場合は,各端末が電池切れを引き起こし,ネットワークが動作不能となることが懸念される.よって,各端末の電池切れに対してロバスト性をもち,通信の必要が生じた時のみ通信を行うことで,省電力性を達成する方式が必要となる. 媒体アクセス制御(MAC: Medium Access Control)層における研究では,端末間の時間同期を行うことなく,日和見的に通信を行う受信機駆動型MACが検討されている.特に,Intermittent-receiver driven data transmission(IRDT)は,高い省電力性と通信品質を達成する通信方式として知られている.IRDTは,各端末の供給電力が確率的に変動することを考慮していない.そのため,EH電源を用いたWSNsにおいては,回収電力が小さい端末が動作不能に陥る可能性があり,通信品質の劣化を引き起こす.そこでIRDTに対して,EH電源からの回収電力の多寡と通信可能端末数の情報を用いて,適応的に各端末が間欠間隔を制御することで消費電力制御を可能にしたEnergy-Neutral Receiver-Initiated MAC(ENRI-MAC)が提案されており,IRDTに比べ,高い通信品質を達成可能であることが示されている.しかし,ENRI-MACの特性評価は,各端末の回収電力を3つのクラスタに分類することで回収電力の多寡を考慮した疑似的なモデルで性能評価を行ったものであり,実環境に則して空間的・時間的に回収電力が変化するモデルにおいて,同様に高い通信品質を達成するかについては議論の余地がある. そこで本研究では,ENRI-MACの間欠間隔の動的制御機能が通信品質を改善し得るかを評価するため,実環境の回収電力モデルに即した特性評価を行う.回収電力は環境的要因により変動し,同一の実験環境で評価することが困難であるため,今回は実環境に多数の照度センサを配置することで,日中の照度を実測し,この値を回収電力の実測値として用いた計算機シミュレーションを行う.数値評価を通じて,実環境では,間欠間隔の伸延を行うことで自端末の消費電力を低減する機能が,他端末の消費電力を著しく増加させてしまい,ネットワーク内に電池切れを連鎖的に引き起こし,通信品質を劣化させる可能性があることを明らかにする. この問題を解決するために,本稿ではENRI-MACにおいて提案される間欠間隔設計を見直すことで,回収電力をENRI-MACよりも効率的に利用可能な間欠間隔を制御可能改良された改良ENRI-MACを提案する.さらに,先に述べた実環境に即した回収電力モデルにおいて,提案する改良ENRI-MACの間欠間隔設計が高い通信品質を達成可能であることを示す.電気通信大学201

    Energy Harvesting-Aware Design for Wireless Nanonetworks

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    Nanotechnology advancement promises to enable a new era of computing and communication devices by shifting micro scale chip design to nano scale chip design. Nanonetworks are envisioned as artifacts of nanotechnology in the domain of networking and communication. These networks will consist of nodes of nanometer to micrometer in size, with a communication range up to 1 meter. These nodes could be used in various biomedical, industrial, and environmental monitoring applications, where a nanoscale level of sensing, monitoring, control and communication is required. The special characteristics of nanonetworks require the revisiting of network design. More specifically, nanoscale limitations, new paradigms of THz communication, and power supply via energy harvesting are the main issues that are not included in traditional network design methods. In this regard, this dissertation investigates and develops some solutions in the realization of nanonetworks. Particularly, the following major solutions are investigated. (I) The energy harvesting and energy consumption processes are modeled and evaluated simultaneously. This model includes the stochastic nature of energy arrival as well as the pulse-based communication model for energy consumption. The model identifies the effect of various parameters in this joint process. (II) Next, an optimization problem is developed to find the best combination of these parameters. Specifically, optimum values for packet size, code weight, and repetition are found in order to minimize the energy consumption while satisfying some application requirements (i.e., delay and reliability). (III) An optimum policy for energy consumption to achieve the maximum utilization of harvested energy is developed. The goal of this scheme is to take advantage of available harvested energy as much as possible while satisfying defined performance metrics. (IV) A communication scheme that tries to maximize the data throughput via a distributed and scalable coordination while avoiding the collision among neighbors is the last problem to be investigated. The goal is to design an energy harvesting-aware and distributed mechanism that could coordinate data transmission among neighbors. (V) Finally, all these solutions are combined together to create a data link layer model for nanonodes. We believe resolving these issues could be the first step towards an energy harvesting-aware network design for wireless nanosensor networks

    On the Impact of Energy Harvesting on Wireless Sensor Network Security

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    Integrated with the function of sensing, processing, and wireless communication, wireless sensors are attracting strong interest for a variety of monitoring and control applications. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been deployed for industrial and remote monitoring purposes. As energy shortage is a worldwide problem, more attention has been placed on incorporating energy harvesting devices in WSNs. The main objective of this research is to systematically study the design principles and technical approaches to address three key challenges in designing reliable and sustainable WSNs; namely, communication reliability, operation with extremely low and dynamic power sources, and multi-tier network architecture. Mathematical throughput models, sustainable WSN communication strategies, and multi-tier network architecture are studied in this research to address these challenges, leading to protocols for reliable communication, energy-efficient operation, and network planning for specific application requirements. To account for realistic operating conditions, the study has implemented three distinct WSN testbeds: a WSN attached to the high-speed rotating spindle of a turning lathe, a WSN powered by a microbial fuel cell based energy harvesting system, and a WSN with a multi-tier network architecture. With each testbed, models and protocols are extracted, verified and analyzed. Extensive research has studied low power WSNs and energy harvesting capabilities. Despite these efforts, some important questions have not been well understood. This dissertation addresses the following three dimensions of the challenge. First, for reliable communication protocol design, mathematical throughput or energy efficiency estimation models are essential, yet have not been investigated accounting for specific application environment characteristics and requirements. Second, for WSNs with energy harvesting power sources, most current networking protocols do not work efficiently with the systems considered in this dissertation, such as those powered by extremely low and dynamic energy sources. Third, for multi-tier wireless network system design, routing protocols that are adaptive to real-world network conditions have not been studied. This dissertation focuses on these questions and explores experimentally derived mathematical models for designing protocols to meet specific application requirements. The main contributions of this research are 1) for industrial wireless sensor systems with fast-changing but repetitive mobile conditions, understand the performance and optimal choice of reliable wireless sensor data transmission methods, 2) for ultra-low energy harvesting wireless sensor devices, design an energy neutral communication protocol, and 3) for distributed rural wireless sensor systems, understand the efficiency of realistic routing in a multi-tier wireless network. Altogether, knowledge derived from study of the systems, models, and protocols in this work fuels the establishment of a useful framework for designing future WSNs

    Nano-Communication for Biomedical Applications: A Review on the State-of-the-Art From Physical Layers to Novel Networking Concepts

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    We review EM modeling of the human body, which is essential for in vivo wireless communication channel characterization; discuss EM wave propagation through human tissues; present the choice of operational frequencies based on current standards and examine their effects on communication system performance; discuss the challenges of in vivo antenna design, as the antenna is generally considered to be an integral part of the in vivo channel; review the propagation models for the in vivo wireless communication channel and discuss the main differences relative to the ex vivo channel; and address several open research problems and future research directions

    A comprehensive survey on hybrid communication in context of molecular communication and terahertz communication for body-centric nanonetworks

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    With the huge advancement of nanotechnology over the past years, the devices are shrinking into micro-scale, even nano-scale. Additionally, the Internet of nano-things (IoNTs) are generally regarded as the ultimate formation of the current sensor networks and the development of nanonetworks would be of great help to its fulfilment, which would be ubiquitous with numerous applications in all domains of life. However, the communication between the devices in such nanonetworks is still an open problem. Body-centric nanonetworks are believed to play an essential role in the practical application of IoNTs. BCNNs are also considered as domain specific like wireless sensor networks and always deployed on purpose to support a particular application. In these networks, electromagnetic and molecular communications are widely considered as two main promising paradigms and both follow their own development process. In this survey, the recent developments of these two paradigms are first illustrated in the aspects of applications, network structures, modulation techniques, coding techniques and security to then investigate the potential of hybrid communication paradigms. Meanwhile, the enabling technologies have been presented to apprehend the state-of-art with the discussion on the possibility of the hybrid technologies. Additionally, the inter-connectivity of electromagnetic and molecular body-centric nanonetworks is discussed. Afterwards, the related security issues of the proposed networks are discussed. Finally, the challenges and open research directions are presented

    Collaborative Communication And Storage In Energy-Synchronized Sensor Networks

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    In a battery-less sensor network, all the operation of sensor nodes are strictly constrained by and synchronized with the fluctuations of harvested energy, causing nodes to be disruptive from network and hence unstable network connectivity. Such wireless sensor network is named as energy-synchronized sensor networks. The unpredictable network disruptions and challenging communication environments make the traditional communication protocols inefficient and require a new paradigm-shift in design. In this thesis, I propose a set of algorithms on collaborative data communication and storage for energy-synchronized sensor networks. The solutions are based on erasure codes and probabilistic network codings. The proposed set of algorithms significantly improve the data communication throughput and persistency, and they are inherently amenable to probabilistic nature of transmission in wireless networks. The technical contributions explore collaborative communication with both no coding and network coding methods. First, I propose a collaborative data delivery protocol to exploit the optimal performance of multiple energy-synchronized paths without network coding, i.e. a new max-flow min-variance algorithm. In consort with this data delivery protocol, a localized TDMA MAC protocol is designed to synchronize nodes\u27 duty-cycles and mitigate media access contentions. However, the energy supply can change dynamically over time, making determined duty cycles synchronization difficult in practice. A probabilistic approach is investigated. Therefore, I present Opportunistic Network Erasure Coding protocol (ONEC), to collaboratively collect data. ONEC derives the probability distribution of coding degree in each node and enable opportunistic in-network recoding, and guarantee the recovery of original sensor data can be achieved with high probability upon receiving any sufficient amount of encoded packets. Next, OnCode, an opportunistic in-network data coding and delivery protocol is proposed to further improve data communication under the constraints of energy synchronization. It is resilient to packet loss and network disruptions, and does not require explicit end-to-end feedback message. Moreover, I present a network Erasure Coding with randomized Power Control (ECPC) mechanism for collaborative data storage in disruptive sensor networks. ECPC only requires each node to perform a single broadcast at each of its several randomly selected power levels. Thus it incurs very low communication overhead. Finally, I propose an integrated algorithm and middleware (Ravine Stream) to improve data delivery throughput as well as data persistency in energy-synchronized sensor network

    Emerging Communications for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are deployed in a rapidly increasing number of arenas, with uses ranging from healthcare monitoring to industrial and environmental safety, as well as new ubiquitous computing devices that are becoming ever more pervasive in our interconnected society. This book presents a range of exciting developments in software communication technologies including some novel applications, such as in high altitude systems, ground heat exchangers and body sensor networks. Authors from leading institutions on four continents present their latest findings in the spirit of exchanging information and stimulating discussion in the WSN community worldwide