7,305 research outputs found

    Avionics architecture studies for the entry research vehicle

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    This report is the culmination of a year-long investigation of the avionics architecture for NASA's Entry Research Vehicle (ERV). The Entry Research Vehicle is conceived to be an unmanned, autonomous spacecraft to be deployed from the Shuttle. It will perform various aerodynamic and propulsive maneuvers in orbit and land at Edwards AFB after a 5 to 10 hour mission. The design and analysis of the vehicle's avionics architecture are detailed here. The architecture consists of a central triply redundant ultra-reliable fault tolerant processor attached to three replicated and distributed MIL-STD-1553 buses for input and output. The reliability analysis is detailed here. The architecture was found to be sufficiently reliable for the ERV mission plan

    Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference

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    The rising popularity of intelligent mobile devices and the daunting computational cost of deep learning-based models call for efficient and accurate on-device inference schemes. We propose a quantization scheme that allows inference to be carried out using integer-only arithmetic, which can be implemented more efficiently than floating point inference on commonly available integer-only hardware. We also co-design a training procedure to preserve end-to-end model accuracy post quantization. As a result, the proposed quantization scheme improves the tradeoff between accuracy and on-device latency. The improvements are significant even on MobileNets, a model family known for run-time efficiency, and are demonstrated in ImageNet classification and COCO detection on popular CPUs.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    Processor evaluation for low power frequency converter product family

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    Tässä työssä tutkitaan markkinoilla olevia tai lähitulevaisuudessa markkinoille saapuvia prosessoreja käytettäväksi pienitehoisissa taajuusmuuttajissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää prosessorin sopivuutta sovellukseen, jossa hinta on merkittävä tekijä. Tutkimuksessa esitettyjen vaatimusten perusteella houkuttelevimmat prosessorit otetaan tarkempaan tutkimukseen. Tarkemman selvityksen jälkeen vaatimuksia teknisesti mahdollisimman tarkasti vastaavat prosessorit pyydettiin valmistajalta testattavaksi. Testaaminen suoritettiin lopulta viidelle eri prosessorille, joista kaksi perustui samaan ytimeen. Testaamisen tavoitteena on selvittää prosessorin sopivuus käyttökohteeseensa. Sopivuus testattiin suorittamalla prosessoreissa taajuusmuuttajakäyttöä mallintavaa testikoodia. Tuloksina testikoodin ajamisesta saatiin tietyissä aliohjelmissa kulutettu aika sekä kulutetut kellosyklit. Suorituskyvyn lisäksi testaukseen kuului prosessorikohtaisen kääntäjän aikaansaaman koodin koko. Aliohjelmat sisälsivät sekä aritmeettisia, että loogisia operaatioita, joiden kombinaationa mahdollisimman hyvä sopivuus saatiin selvitettyä.The aim of this thesis is to study processors to be used in a low power frequency converter. Processors under investigation must be currently or in the near future in the market. The purpose is to examine suitability of a processor to an application in which price is an essential factor. The requirements presented in this study will determine which processor will be reviewed more closely. After a precise review, processor vendors was asked to provide as corresponding device as possible to a test. Testing was accomplished eventually with five different processors of which two were based on a same core. The aim of the testing was to investigate suitability of the processors to their target task. Suitability was tested by executing code that models frequency converter application. As a result, spent time and clock cycles are presented in certain functions. In addition to performance, the testing included evaluation of the size of the output code the compilers created. Functions under test consisted of a combination of arithmetic and logic operations that was used to interpret the suitability of the processor

    Multi-man flight simulator

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    A prototype Air Traffic Control facility and multiman flight simulator facility was designed and one of the component simulators fabricated as a proof of concept. The facility was designed to provide a number of independent simple simulator cabs that would have the capability of some local, stand alone processing that would in turn interface with a larger host computer. The system can accommodate up to eight flight simulators (commercially available instrument trainers) which could be operated stand alone if no graphics were required or could operate in a common simulated airspace if connected to the host computer. A proposed addition to the original design is the capability of inputing pilot inputs and quantities displayed on the flight and navigation instruments to the microcomputer when the simulator operates in the stand alone mode to allow independent use of these commercially available instrument trainers for research. The conceptual design of the system and progress made to date on its implementation are described

    Resolution analysis of switching converter models for hardware-in-the-loop

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. O. Goñi, A. Sánchez, E. Todorovich, Á. de Castro, "Resolution Analysis of Switching Converter Models for Hardware-in-the-Loop", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 10, no.2, pp.1162 - 1170, May, 2014This work proposes two methods to determine the resolution of state variables in models of switching-mode power converters. The target models are intended for hardware-in-the-loop, i.e., closed-loop emulation using a model of the power converter implemented in digital hardware with the controller in its final implementation. The focus here is on the resolution of fixed-point models, although the results can also be applied to the significand resolution in floating-point representation. The first method is based on the simulation, provides the designer with the optimum resolution values, and guarantees that using the resolution, the converter will behave as it was specified. The second method is fast but conservative, intended for applications without hard constraints of area and speed. Despite the simplicity of the second method, its results, although slightly overestimated, have been demonstrated to be correct by the results of the first method. A boost converter for the power factor correction is used as an application example. As the converter model is intended for field-programmable gate array implementation, its area and maximum clock frequency are also analyzed. In this application example, the results show that the area grows linearly with the number of bits of each state variable, and the clock frequency is dominated by the width of one of the variables.This work was partially supported by the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, Argentina, through Project PICT 2009 - 0041

    Design and development of power processing units for applications in electrically-propelled satellite systems

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    Electrospray technology provides a way to ionize specialized liquids by applying high voltages across a sharp porous tip and a metallic mesh. This technology is widely used in the field of mass spectroscopy for generating ions for testing purposes. The dawn of nano-satellites posed new challenges in the miniaturization of many conventional satellite sub-systems. One significant challenge faced in such a process was the miniaturization of the propulsion system. Electrosprays have started to find their application in the field of Aerospace Engineering and now are formally known as Electrospray Thrusters. These thrusters provide high specific impulse and are attractive substitutes to conventional gas propelled thrusters as they can be scaled down in size and can also provide extended mission times. Some of the new challenges faced in such applications are the generation of high voltages from a low voltage onboard battery, grounding, spacecraft charging, clearance, and reliability issues for long term usage. In this work, a complete design process is developed for the realization of such high voltages suitable for interfacing with an electrospray thruster. Simulation models for a new type of converter are assessed, and its feasibility is discussed. A hardware prototype is implemented, and the practical results are assessed. An analysis of the converter is presented, and the semiconductor and passive components are selected. Magnetic components are designed based on the analysis. Parallels are drawn between the theoretical and prototype model of the concept converter. Finally, the firmware of the converter is explained, and the communication protocol of the PPU is delineated. As the boards designed for the converter have to sustain high voltages and reliably operate in unfavorable environments, special PCB layout considerations must be used, which also forces a designer to look for various other materials for the PCB fabrication --Abstract, page iv

    Design enhancements of the smart sediment particle for riverbed transport monitoring

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    This paper discusses new enhancements that are being made to the existing ‘Smart Sediment Particle’. The smart sediment particle has been designed and implemented to track its own 3-dimensional trajectory when placed in a riverbed. This device serves as a tool to detect sedimentation in rivers. The device has been developed over the years, with its size diminishing significantly down to a sphere of 2cm radius. The readings obtained from the pebble are accurate and match well with other independent motion sensor readings. Currently a novel IPT (Inductive Power Transfer) based power supply is being integrated to this device, to charge it wirelessly, when it has been extracted from the water. A new low power, miniaturized microcontroller has been introduced to minimize the power consumption and the PCB real estate of the device. The paper discusses these new enhancements in detail and also other potential enhancements such as error compensation and wireless data transfer