34 research outputs found

    Development of a 3G Authentication Based Mobile Access of Health Records: A Mobile Telemedicine Application

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    As our country progresses in its aim to be a developed country by the Year 2020, the field of Information and Communications Technology or ICT is fast becoming the forerunner for the vision. The Internet is used in almost all aspects of life. As for the communications sector, according to Global Mobile Subscriber Database December 2002 report, there are 8,814,700 mobile subscribers in Malaysia with an Annual Growth of 16.6%. Withthe adoption of 3G-communication technology in the coming years, compelling high speed services, reaching up to 2 Mb/s together with improved security features would soon be possible. Through these years in the mobile industry, the health sector has always been neglected. Reason being, the technology could not support the application and it is not so much of a revenue generating business compared to mobile games or sports news. With globalization where the society is always on the move across borders, together with degrading environment conditions and the need for time, instant health services are becoming crucial. Looking into these conditions of mobile adoption and health status, the author intends to develop a solution for a mobile telemedicine application. Kevin Hung (2003) defines telemedicine as the utilization of telecommunication technology for medical diagnosis, treatment and patient care. Thus, the main aim of this project was to develop an application that could be used for medical purposes. This project integrates the latest mobile telecommunication technologies together with medical services with the idea of providing a highly secured personalize medical system and database query as mobile handsets are becoming a necessity to individuals. This would make updating and retrieving medical health records hassle free, anytime and anywhere. This project has also laid the groundwork for future expansion by incorporating the basic audio and video streaming features. This report accounts for all the concepts, design works and results of the mobile telemedicine application that has been developed successfully

    Remote Health Monitoring System using Non-Invasive Mobile Technology

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    Keeping track of a patient’s vitals at home is a difficult task. Especially senior citizens have to be constantly monitored and their family needs to be alerted about their health status regularly, while at work. We propose a unique system that automates this task. The system we propose, uses sensors and Bluetooth technology which helps achieve this task. The system uses temperature as well as heart beat sensors to keep track of the patient’s vitals. If the temperature or heart beat of the patient increases above a safe value, the system automatically sends an alert message to the doctor and the family members about the patient and also shows the live heartbeat and temperature of the patient. Our remote health monitoring system effectively uses an Android application to monitor the patient’s vitals and helps in saving precious time in terms of life and death

    Recording of time-varying back-pain data: A wireless solution

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    Chronic back pain is a debilitating experience for a considerable proportion of the adult population, with a significant impact on countries’ economies and health systems. While there has been increasing anecdotal evidence to support the fact that for certain categories of patients (such as wheelchair users), the back pain experienced is dynamically varying with time, there is a relative scarcity of data to support and document this observation, with consequential impact upon such patients’ treatment and care. Part of the reason behind this state of affairs is the relative difficulty in gathering pain measurements at precisely defined moments in time. In this paper,we describe a wireless-enabled solution that collects both questionnaire and diagrammatic, visual-based data, via a pain drawing, which overcomes such limitations, enabling seamless data collection and its upload to a hospital server using existing wireless fidelity technology. Results show that it is generally perceived to be an easy-to-use and convenient solution to the challenges of anywhere/anytime data collection

    Internet Of Things (IOT) untuk Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Urban Farming Menggunakan Metode Tanam dalam Ruang Berbasis Wireless Sensor Network

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    Dewasa ini tingkat pertumbuhan populasi penduduk di Indonesia terutama pada kota-kota besar semakin pesat, menyebabkan berkurangnya lahan pada sektor pertanian. Salah satu solusi yang dapat mengatasi hal tersebut adalah menerapkan konsep urban farming. Konsep dari urban farming sendiri memiliki banyak metode, salah satu metode yang tepat untuk menjawab persoalan tersebut adalah dengan menerapkan metode tanam dalam ruangan. Kegiatan bercocok tanam dilakukan didalam ruang tanam, dengan cara memanipulasi kondisi lingkungan sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman. Namun dalam pernerapannya kondisi lingkungan belum dapat dipantau dan dikontrol secara objektif dan real time. Sehingga dibutuhkan sistem terintegrasi yang dapat dipantau dan dikontrol agar kebutuhan kondisi lingkungan ideal dalam ruang dapat terpenuhi serta pemilik dapat melakukan pemantauan terhadap ruang tanam secara langsung (real time). Sistem ini mengimplementasikan Internet of Things (IoT) dan Wireless Sensor Network dengan modul komunikasi XBee Series 1 sebagai pemantau dan kontrol kondisi lingkungan dalam ruang tanam, Pada penilitian ini berhasil mengimplementasikan pemantauan dan pengendalian urban farming menggunakan metode tanam dalam ruang berbasis Interne Of Things (IOT) dan Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

    Telemedicine using mobile telecommunication: towards syntactic interoperability in teleexpertise

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    Telemedicine allows collaborative activities between health professionals for the deployment of medical procedures carried out remotely by means of device using information and communication technologies. This article focuses on the Teleexpertise that allows collaboration between medical professionals in order to share knowledge and expert advices used as explanation elements for decision support. We propose a conceptual model integrating the FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents) Contract Net Protocol which permits to collect medical professionals’ answers for a request for teleexpertise in an efficient manner. Our model satisfies four requirements (coverage, QoS (Quality of Service) guarantees and prioritisation, mobility and roaming, service usability) on the configuration and operation of the underlying network and the services. Therefore, we provide an operational assistance by improvement of the networks quality of service via interoperable web services. Finally, we hope to bring a tangible contribution on the implementation of this suggested conceptualization that will allow to generate relevant and action-oriented finding

    The Comprehensive Health Information System: a Platform for Privacy-Aware and Social Health Monitoring

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    International audienceRapid ageing of world population makes the traditional hospitalization therapy more and more expensive, new forms of medical care are hence required. At the same time, the medical community perceives the availability of vital data as an essential prerequisite to acquire objective information about patients. Finally, the patients themselves show willingness to provide such data, in order for their health conditions to be regularly monitored. This paper presents the last developments of the Comprehensive Health Information System (CHISel'd), a platform for continuous health monitoring whose main goal is to show how information technologies can be exploited to provide a feasible alternative to the traditional hospitalization therapy. Remarkable features of CHISel'd are its capability to process patient data according to a dynamically evolving set of data mining techniques and to share them among stakeholders (doctors, researchers, friends...) according to patient-defined access policies and in the frame of e-communities. These features enable CHISel'd to address the needs perceived by patients and the medical community

    Network Performance Measurement through Machine to Machine Communication in Tele-Robotics System

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    Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication devices communicate and exchange information with each other in an independent manner to perform necessary tasks. The machine communicates with another machine over a wireless network. Wireless communication opens up the environment to huge vulnerabilities, making it very easy for hackers to gain access to sensitive information and carry out malicious actions. This paper proposes an M2M communication system through the internet in Tele-Robotics and provides network performance security. Tele-robotic systems are designed for surgery, treatment and diagnostics to be conducted across short or long distances while utilizing wireless communication networks. The systems also provide a low delay and secure communication system for the tele-robotics community and data security. The system can perform tasks autonomously and intelligently, minimizing the burden on medical staff and improving the quality and system performance of patient care. In the medical field, surgeons and patients are located at different places and connected through public networks. So the design of a medical sensor node network with LEACH protocol for secure and reliable communication ensures through the attack and without attack performance. Finally, the simulation results show low delay and reliable secure network transmission

    Embedded filter bank-based algorithm for ECG compression

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    In this work, two ECG compression schemes are presented using two types of filter banks to decompose the incoming signal: wavelet packets (WP) and nearly-perfect reconstruction cosine modulated filter banks. The conventional embedded zerotree wavelet (EZW) algorithm takes advantage of the hierarchical relationship among subband coefficients of the pyramidal wavelet decomposition. Nevertheless, it performs worse when used with WP as the hierarchy becomes more complex. In order to address this problem, we propose a new technique that considers no relationship among coefficients, and is therefore suitable for use with WP. Furthermore, this new approximation makes it possible to apply the quantization method toM-channel maximally decimated filter banks. In this fashion, the proposed algorithm provides two efficient and effective ECG compressors that show better ECG compression performance than the conventional EZW algorithm

    Artificial Neural Network and Mobile Applications in Medical Diagnosis

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    The aim of this paper is to present a pilot study regarding the application of an ANN to stroke recognition and diagnosis. Our system makes use of a (i) a neural network that can be trained to recognize normal limb movements (for individual patients), which may then be coupled to (ii) a physical grid mattress that can be used in the patient's home. Any changes in the patient's movement could potentially indicate that stroke has occurred are transmitted to a mobile phone app. The latter in turn alerts a relative or ambulance to render rapid assistance to the individual. When stroke has occurred it is essential to transfer the patient to hospital very quickly in order that treatment can be given promptly. In the case of strokes that have arisen due to a blood clot in the cerebral circulation of the brain, a drug called Alteplase (an anti-thrombolytic) must be given within 4.5 hours of the stroke occurring to be maximally effective. Therefore it is important to know the exact time on stroke onset. Our system would record the time of onset of the stroke, by recognizing and recording abnormal changes in the individual's limb movements. A Feed forward neural network was used in our modeling