303 research outputs found

    From Network to Web dimension in supply chain management

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    Cette thèse soutient que la dimension réseau, étant actuellement la portée du domaine de la gestion de chaîne logistique, contraint l’avancement de ce domaine et restreint des innovations conceptuelles et fondamentales capables d’adresser les grands défis économiques, environnementaux et sociaux. Les concepts de chaîne et de réseau ne reflètent pas la complexité des flux physiques, informationnels et financiers générés par les interactions qui ont lieu dans des réseaux interconnectés. Ces concepts n’offrent pas les fondations théoriques pour supporter des interventions allant au-delà d’un seul réseau et laissent échapper des opportunités nécessitant une vision multi-réseau. Ainsi, la dimension “web”, celle des réseaux de réseaux, est proposée comme une extension de la dimension réseau. Cette extension peut être vue comme l’étape naturelle suivante dans la progression qui a commencé par le niveau de gestion des opérations internes, est passée au niveau de la chaîne logistique et se trouve actuellement au niveau du réseau logistique. Après l’investigation théorique des raisons et de la façon d’intégrer la dimension web dans le domaine de la gestion de la chaîne logistique, la thèse étudie des implications importantes de cette intégration sur la collaboration inter-organisationnelle et le processus de prise de décision dans des environnements de webs logistiques. Elle démontre, en exploitant l’exemple des réseaux interconnectés ouverts, des potentialités inimaginables sans une vision web. Une méthodologie de conception d’un modèle de simulation permettant l’évaluation et la comparaison des webs ouverts par rapport aux webs existants est proposée. Puisque l’aide à la décision est une composante importante de la gestion de la chaîne logistique, la thèse contribue à déterminer les besoins des gestionnaires et à identifier les lignes directrices de la conception des outils d’aide à la décision offrant le support adéquat pour faire face aux défis et à la complexité des webs logistiques. Ces lignes directrices ont été compilées dans un cadre de conception des logiciels d’aide à la décision supportant la dimension web. Ce cadre est exploité pour développer quatre applications logicielles offrant aux praticiens et aux chercheurs des outils nécessaires pour étudier, analyser et démêler la complexité des webs logistiques.This thesis argues that the network dimension as the current scope of supply chain management is confining the evolution of this field and restricting the conceptual and fundamental innovations required for addressing the major challenges imposed by the evolution of markets and the increased intricacies of business relationships. The concepts of chain and network are limitative when attempting to represent the complexity of physical, informational and financial flows resulting from the interactions occurring in overlapping networks. They lack the theoretical foundations necessary to explain and encompass initiatives that go beyond a single chain or network. They also lead to overlook substantial opportunities that require beyond a network vision. Therefore, the “web” dimension, as networks of networks, is proposed as an extension to the network dimension in supply chain management. This new scope is the natural next step in the progression from the internal operations management level to the supply chain level and then to the supply network level. After a theoretical investigation of why and how the web dimension should be integrated into the supply chain management field, the thesis studies and discusses important implications of this integration on inter-organisational collaboration and of the decision-making processes in the logistic web environments. It demonstrates through the example of open interconnected logistic webs some of the potentials that cannot be imagined without a web vision. A methodology for designing a simulation model to assess the impact of such open webs versus existing webs is proposed. Since decision support is a key element in supply chain management, the thesis contributes to determine the needs of supply chain managers and identify the important axes for designing decision support systems that provide adequate assistance in dealing with the challenges and complexity presented by logistic web environments. The identified elements result in the establishment of a foundation for designing software solutions required to handle the challenges revealed by the web dimension. This conceptual framework is applied to the prototyping of four applications that have the potential of providing practitioners and researchers with the appropriate understanding and necessary tools to deal with the complexity of logistics webs

    Workflow Modelling Based on Synchrony

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    CloudChain: A novel distribution model for digital products based on supply chain principles

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    Cloud computing is a popular outsourcing solution for organizations to support the information management during the life cycle of digital information goods. However, outsourcing management with a public provider results in a lack of control over digital products, which could produce incidents such as data unavailability during service outages, violations of confidentiality and/or legal issues. This paper presents a novel distribution model of digital products inspired by lean supply chain principles called CloudChain, which has been designed to support the information management during digital product lifecycle. This model enables connected networks of customers, partners and organizations to conduct the stages of digital product lifecycle as value chains. Virtual distribution channels are created over cloud resources for applications of organizations to deliver digital products to applications of partners through a seamless information flow. A configurable packing and logistic service was developed to ensure confidentiality and privacy in the product delivery by using encrypted packs. A chain management architecture enables organizations to keep tighter control over their value chains, distribution channels and digital products. CloudChain software instances were integrated to an information management system of a space agency. In an experimental evaluation CloudChain prototype was evaluated in a private cloud where the feasibility of applying supply chain principles to the delivery of digital products in terms of efficiency, flexibility and security was revealed.This work was partially funded by the sectorial fund of research, technological development and innovation in space activities of the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the Mexican Space Agency (AEM), project No. 262891

    IOT Stream Analytics Platform

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing people’s surrounding physical world into an information ecosystem that facilitate our everyday life. Billions of smart objects become data-generating “things” that can sense environmental changes and report their sensed data. Leveraging the huge amount of sensory information is a key issue to realize the IoT solutions in many areas. Adequate technologies are required for data collection, transmission, data processing, analysis, reporting, and advanced querying. In this thesis, an IoT Stream Analytics Platform that supports IoT application and service development is proposed: it provides user applications a way to capture flowing data from multitudes of data sources and provide analytical insights in real time based on user needs. Developers can conveniently build their IoT applications on this platform without having to consider the diversity and complexity of smart devices and their underlying networks

    Virtual time synchronization in distributed database systems

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    Distributed systems synchronized by Virtual Time have been topics of recent interest. Virtual Time follows an optimistic philosophy relying on rollback for synchronization instead of abortion or blocKing Although many applications have been suggested as candidates for Virtual Time, few were simulated or implemented. This research reports on the first implementation and results of a Distributed Database Management System synchronized by virtual time. We argue that virtual time is a viable alternate concurrency control method for distributed database systems if its memory overhead can be absorbed


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    The increasing adoption of Cloud-based data processing and storage poses a number of privacy issues. Users wish to preserve full control over their sensitive data and cannot accept it to be fully accessible to an external storage provider. Previous research in this area was mostly addressed at techniques to protect data stored on untrusted database servers; however, I argue that the Cloud architecture presents a number of specific problems and issues. This dissertation contains a detailed analysis of open issues. To handle them, I present a novel approach where confidential data is stored in a highly distributed partitioned database, partly located on the Cloud and partly on the clients. In my approach, data can be either private or shared; the latter is shared in a secure manner by means of simple grant-and-revoke permissions. I have developed a proof-of-concept implementation using an in\u2011memory RDBMS with row-level data encryption in order to achieve fine-grained data access control. This type of approach is rarely adopted in conventional outsourced RDBMSs because it requires several complex steps. Benchmarks of my proof-of-concept implementation show that my approach overcomes most of the problems

    An E-contracting Reference Architecture

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