7 research outputs found

    Engineered immune cell consortium

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    The endogenous immune system is a complex consortium of cells which must interact to effectively detect and respond to threats. Communication between cells, either through direct contact or by secreted chemokines and cytokines, is integral to the immune system’s function. The ability to rewire these communications and program coordinated behavior in a multicellular immune network would open new doors in the field of cell therapies for cancer and other diseases, as well as enabling investigation of the design rules for cell consortia. Previous efforts to engineer population-level immune cell behavior have largely been limited to secretion of soluble factors, which are nonspecific actors and do not enable directed communication between specific cell types. Here, we develop a framework for user-specified communication between engineered immune cells. We design and construct genetic circuits which enable the secretion of the adaptor molecule for a split CAR system in an activation-dependent manner, enabling modulation of the function of nearby cells. This novel cell to cell communication system enables programming of interactions between immune cells and provides a framework for the construction of complex cellular consortia

    Synthetic morphology with agential materials

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    Implementation of complex biological logic circuits using spatially distributed multicellular consortia

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    Engineered synthetic biological devices have been designed to perform a variety of functions from sensing molecules and bioremediation to energy production and biomedicine. Notwithstanding, a major limitation of in vivo circuit implementation is the constraint associated to the use of standard methodologies for circuit design. Thus, future success of these devices depends on obtaining circuits with scalable complexity and reusable parts. Here we show how to build complex computational devices using multicellular consortia and space as key computational elements. This spatial modular design grants scalability since its general architecture is independent of the circuit's complexity, minimizes wiring requirements and allows component reusability with minimal genetic engineering. The potential use of this approach is demonstrated by implementation of complex logical functions with up to six inputs, thus demonstrating the scalability and flexibility of this method. The potential implications of our results are outlined.This work was supported by an ERC Advanced Grant Number 294294 from the EU seventh framework program (SYNCOM) to RS and FP, and the Santa Fe Institute to RS. FP and RS laboratories are also supported by FundaciĂłn BotĂ­n, by Banco Santander through its Santander Universities Global Division. The laboratory of FP and EdN is supported by grants from the Spanish Government (BFU2012-33503/ BFU2015-64437 P and FEDER to FP; BFU2014-52333-P and FEDER to EdN) and the Catalan Government (2014 SGR 599). The research leading to these results has received funding from “la Caixa” Foundation in collaboration with “Centre per a la InnovaciĂł de la Diabetis Infantil Sant Joan de DĂ©u (CIDI)”. FP and EdN are recipients of an ICREA AcadĂšmia (Generalitat de Catalunya). RM was a former EMBO postdoctoral fellow. AU is a recipient of a “La Caixa” fellowship

    Implementation of complex biological logic circuits using spatially distributed multicellular consortia

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    Engineered synthetic biological devices have been designed to perform a variety of functions from sensing molecules and bioremediation to energy production and biomedicine. Notwithstanding, a major limitation of in vivo circuit implementation is the constraint associated to the use of standard methodologies for circuit design. Thus, future success of these devices depends on obtaining circuits with scalable complexity and reusable parts. Here we show how to build complex computational devices using multicellular consortia and space as key computational elements. This spatial modular design grants scalability since its general architecture is independent of the circuit's complexity, minimizes wiring requirements and allows component reusability with minimal genetic engineering. The potential use of this approach is demonstrated by implementation of complex logical functions with up to six inputs, thus demonstrating the scalability and flexibility of this method. The potential implications of our results are outlined.This work was supported by an ERC Advanced Grant Number 294294 from the EU seventh framework program (SYNCOM) to RS and FP, and the Santa Fe Institute to RS. FP and RS laboratories are also supported by FundaciĂłn BotĂ­n, by Banco Santander through its Santander Universities Global Division. The laboratory of FP and EdN is supported by grants from the Spanish Government (BFU2012-33503/ BFU2015-64437 P and FEDER to FP; BFU2014-52333-P and FEDER to EdN) and the Catalan Government (2014 SGR 599). The research leading to these results has received funding from “la Caixa” Foundation in collaboration with “Centre per a la InnovaciĂł de la Diabetis Infantil Sant Joan de DĂ©u (CIDI)”. FP and EdN are recipients of an ICREA AcadĂšmia (Generalitat de Catalunya). RM was a former EMBO postdoctoral fellow. AU is a recipient of a “La Caixa” fellowship

    Data from: Implementation of complex biological logic circuits using spatially distributed multicellular consortia

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    Engineered synthetic biological devices have been designed to perform a variety of functions from sensing molecules and bioremediation to energy production and biomedicine. Notwithstanding, a major limitation of in vivo circuit implementation is the constraint associated to the use of standard methodologies for circuit design. Thus, future success of these devices depends on obtaining circuits with scalable complexity and reusable parts. Here we show how to build complex computational devices using multicellular consortia and space as key computational elements. This spatial modular design grants scalability since its general architecture is independent of the circuit’s complexity, minimizes wiring requirements and allows component reusability with minimal genetic engineering. The potential use of this approach is demonstrated by implementation of complex logical functions with up to six inputs, thus demonstrating the scalability and flexibility of this method. The potential implications of our results are outlined

    Utilization of yeast pheromones and hydrophobin-based surface engineering for novel whole-cell sensor applications

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    Whole-cell sensors represent an emerging branch in biosensor development since they obviate the need for enzyme/antibody purification and provide the unique opportunity to assess global parameters such as genotoxicity and bioavailability. Yeast species such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae are ideal hosts for whole-cell sensor applications. However, current approaches almost exclusively rely on analyte-induced expression of fluorescent proteins or luciferases that imply issues with light scattering and/or require the supply of additional substrates. In this study, the yeast α-factor mating pheromone, a peptide pheromone involved in cell-cell communication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was utilized to create the whole-cell sensor read-out signal, in particular by employing engineered sensor cells that couple the response to a user-defined environmental signal to α-factor secretion. Two novel immunoassays - relying on hydrophobin-based surface engineering - were developed to quantify the α-factor. Hydrophobins are amphiphilic fungal proteins that self-assemble into robust monolayers at hydrophobic surfaces. Two recombinant hydrophobins, either lacking (EAS) or exposing the α-factor pheromone (EAS-α) upon self-assembly, were used to functionalize polystyrene supports. In a first approach (competitive immunoassay), pheromone-specific antibodies initially bound to the functionalized surface (due to the α-factor exposed by the hydrophobin layer) were competitively detached by soluble α-factor. In a second approach, the antibodies were first premixed with pheromone-containing samples and subsequently applied to functionalized surfaces, allowing for the attachment of antibodies that still carried available binding sites (inverse immunoassay). Both immunoassays enabled quantitative assessment of the yeast pheromone in a unique but partially overlapping dynamic range and allowed for facile tuning of the assay sensitivity by adjustment of the EAS-α content of the hydrophobin layer. With a limit of detection of 0.1 nM α-factor, the inverse immunoassay proved to be the most sensitive pheromone quantification assay currently available. Due to the high stability of hydrophobin monolayers, functionalized surfaces could be reused for multiple consecutive measurements. Favorably, both immunoassays proved to be largely robust against the changes in the sample matrix composition, allowing for pheromone quantification in complex sample matrices such as yeast culture supernatants. Hence, these immunoassays could also be applied to study the pheromone secretion of wild-type and engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Additionally, a proof-of-concept whole-cell sensor for thiamine was developed by combining the hydrophobin-based immunoassays with engineered sensor cells of Schizosaccharomyces pombe modulating the secretion of the α-factor pheromone in response to thiamine. Since this read-out strategy encompasses intrinsic signal amplification and enables flexible choice of the transducer element, it could contribute to the development of miniaturized, portable whole-cell sensors for on-site application