16,914 research outputs found

    Implementation Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to Improve Marketing F&B Industry

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    In new era digital now, internet is the important think for various activities including in the process to improve business promotion. One way to increase promotion through online is to improve digital marketing strategies using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. The aim of this research is to implementation SEO to improve digital marketing in F&B industry. Developing method that used are On Page and Off Page SEO to optimize the search engine. The Researcher using literature analysis and deep interview to get the data from SMEs in F&B Industry. To create the implementation of SEO, the researcher undertakes case studies from SMEs in F&B Industry who already run the business and need to improve the Digital Marketing through SEO. However, it is important to note that SEO optimization  is  not  a  one-time  task  but  rather  an  ongoing  process.  It  requires  constant attention and effort to maintain high search engine rankings and ensure the continued success of online business. Beside website, to improve the business promotion the researcher also use tools in Google Business and E-Commerce to optimize the SEO.The finding suggest that the implementation of Search Engine Optimization can make impact for improvement in visibility search engines, attract more visitors, and ultimately drive business growth in the area Google Business, E-Commerce and website owned by SMEs F&B Industry. It is important to remain vigilant in implementing SEO techniques to maintain high search engine rankings and ensure the continued success of SMEs online business


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    La presente investigación realizó un análisis de posicionamiento web a partir del entorno de los canales publicitarios digitales, además la evaluación de la presencia online de los atractivos que posee el cantón Sucre, para determinar la calidad o grado de optimización de los medios publicitarios empleados para su promoción y la implementación de acciones que permitan la difusión de la oferta turística a través de motores de búsqueda mediante la utilización de estrategias Optimización para Motores de Búsqueda (SEO) y Marketing en Buscadores (SEM) que mejoren la visibilidad de sitios web orientados a la promoción turística; la mejora de visibilidad en medios sociales populares como Facebook, YouTube, Twitter e Instagram mediante la utilización de técnicas de Marketing en Medios Sociales (SMM) y Optimización en Medios Sociales (SMO). El uso de marketing móvil a través de aplicaciones destinadas a brindar información turística de los atractivos, la captación de emails para el desarrollo de marketing por correo electrónico y la ejecución de campañas de publicidad pagada en internet, destacando además las grandes ventajas competitivas y oportunidades de crecimiento sostenido que brinda la utilización de los medios digitales en relación con los medios publicitarios tradicionales en costos, alcance, usabilidad y medición de resultados.PALABRAS CLAVE: Posicionamiento web; atractivos; medios publicitarios; marketing digital; motores de búsquedas.WEB POSITIONING IN CANTON SUCRE TOURIST ATTRACTIONS, ECUADORABSTRACTThe present research carried out a web positioning analysis based on the environment of the digital advertising channels, besides the evaluation of the online presence of the attractions that has the canton Sucre, to determine the quality or degree of optimization of the publicity means employed for its Promotion and implementation of actions that allow the dissemination of tourism through search engines through the use of search engine optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) strategies that improve the visibility of web sites oriented to the Tourist promotion; Improving visibility on popular social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram through the use of Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Social Media Optimization (SMO) techniques. The use of mobile marketing through applications designed to provide tourist information about attractiveness, the capture of emails for the development of email marketing and the execution of paid advertising campaigns on the Internet, also highlighting the great competitive advantages and opportunities of Sustained growth in the use of digital media in relation to traditional advertising media in terms of costs, scope, usability and results measurement.KEYWORDS: Web positioning; Attractive; Advertising media; digital marketing; Search engines

    Search engine optimization for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

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    This paper shows how Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can implement the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) elements on their websites and make them visible on the search engines. Four SMEs have been considered in this study. Two SMEs had absolutely no web presence whereas the other two had operational e-commerce websites. For the first two SMEs new websites were created, SEO techniques were implemented and these websites became visible on Google. On the other hand, advanced SEO techniques were implemented for the existing e-commerce websites which enabled them to gain higher ranking on search engines for their targeted keywords. On gaining these rankings on search engines the SMEs established their identity on the web, which would ultimately help them attract visitors and prospective clients searching for their products or services on the search engines. By undertaking this process it was shown that the websites' visibility on search engines have a positive contribution for the growth of SMEs’ businesses


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    With 1.8 billion investments on the web in the first semester of 2008, being 14.7% of publicity investments , E-marketing is a discipline which is in the middle of media strategies. However, the evolutions of internet and of e-marketing tools have developed a discipline becoming increasingly complex to understand.Although there are still many different methods of piloting, essentially based on the measure via the discipline of the Web Analytics, it’s difficult today to predict e-marketing actions to set up to make fluctuate key performance indicators of web site and active e-marketing lever statistic auditing solution. However it is starting from these indicators that success is measured and that the profits of the online activities are maximized. Thus we propose through this article, a method of qualification of the Best Practices in order to assist the online marketers in the choice and the selection of those to improve the performance of a site and associated actions E-Marketing.e-Marketing, best practices, technological watch, innovative indicators, knowledge management, decision making.


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    This paper will be focused on marketing strategies and their application in SMEs. Application of marketing today has become almost mandatory and the need for implementation of a common strategy. The marketing elements and strategies to invest more and more and business and other entities allocate an increasing proportion of its funds administration with a view to later less uncertain business. Marketing and its strategy is possible, and should be implemented in almost any aspect of a subject. If it does not comply with the above instruction, often in question leads itself existence same entity because who does not progress, ie. who is stagnating, in fact, going backwards, because the competition is not standing still. The competition is more ruthless, especially nowadays. The reason for this is the increasing power of buyers or consumers who have an increasing role in defining a product or service. One of the reasons is also the opening of borders, cheaper transportation, labor costs, etc. All of this points to the need for separation from dozens of new ideas, products, services, etc. Any strategy including the implementation of the marketing strategy should be preceded by thorough market research and situation in general. A number of entities, institutions and others neglect this very important step because of unwarranted fear of spending scarce resources, which actually unwittingly placed in a even worse situation, implementing some strategies which later often results in failure and even higher additional costs

    Implementation Steps to Optimize Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Results for Small and Medium Sized E-Commerce Companies

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    In terms of Internet marketing, search engines are the channel of choice for most of the internet advertisers in nowadays online-market. Considering its growth as an online advertising media, online marketers exploit this media using Search Engine Marketing (SEM) together with its strategies and implementation steps. This paper suggests some implementation steps for SEM to facilitate startups websites to be visible and competitive throughout this media. Delicate search engine mechanisms regarding indexing and web crawling develop Search Engine Marketing into the implementation steps including short-term and long-term marketing strategies. Search engine mechanisms schemes with the aid of author’s experience in organizing SEM contribute to the steps implication and conceptualization. In the light of implementation steps, marketers are competent to constantly advance their websites with the direction

    Study of website Promotion Techniques and Role of SEO in search engine results

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    The explosion in the designing of websites to reach maximum people by business sectors has been tremendously increased in last few years. Obviously website is of no use if it not visited. There are number of ways to promote the website and reach to maximum users. To promote website through search engine results is most effective way. Promoting website in search engine result has been completed with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. It is possible to move a web page to the top list results of a search engine by using only some necessary optimization rules. SEO is helping a web site to appear in first result page of a search engine. SEO is least costly and most effective way to reach many people. In the present paper we explained different website promotion techniques, explores the different search engine optimization techniques with on-page and off-page optimization. This paper reviews the work done by different researcher which identify on-page optimization techniques used in web pages using different methods and among them find out important on-page optimization techniques to help website to rank high in search engine results