232,624 research outputs found

    Neighbourhood Abstraction in GROOVE - Tool Paper

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    In this paper we discuss the implementation of neighbourhood graph abstraction in the GROOVE tool set. Important classes of graph grammars may have unbounded state spaces and therefore cannot be verified with traditional model checking techniques. One way to address this problem is to perform graph abstraction, which allows us to generate a finite abstract state space that over-approximates the original one. In previous work we presented the theory of neighbourhood abstraction. In this paper, we present the implementation of this theory in GROOVE and illustrate its applicability with a case study that models a single-linked list

    Advanced Design Concepts for Open Distributed Systems Development

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    Experience with the engineering of large scale open distributed systems has shown that their design should be specified at several well-defined levels of abstraction, in which each level aims at satisfying specific user, architectural, and implementation needs. Therefore, designers should dispose of a comprehensive design methodology, which allows them to conceive a specification at a certain abstraction level and transform this specification into a conforming specification at a lower abstraction level. The collection of these transformations should abridge the total design trajectory from initial user requirements to final implementation. The authors present and discuss some advanced design concepts that provide a basis for such a design methodolog

    Implementation of Epidemic Routing with IP Convergence Layer in ns-3

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    We present the Epidemic routing protocol implementation in ns-3. It is a full-featured DTN protocol in that it supports the message abstraction and store-and-haul behavior. We compare the performance of our Epidemic routing ns-3 implementation with the existing implementation of Epidemic in the ONE simulator, and discuss the differences

    On Verifying Causal Consistency

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    Causal consistency is one of the most adopted consistency criteria for distributed implementations of data structures. It ensures that operations are executed at all sites according to their causal precedence. We address the issue of verifying automatically whether the executions of an implementation of a data structure are causally consistent. We consider two problems: (1) checking whether one single execution is causally consistent, which is relevant for developing testing and bug finding algorithms, and (2) verifying whether all the executions of an implementation are causally consistent. We show that the first problem is NP-complete. This holds even for the read-write memory abstraction, which is a building block of many modern distributed systems. Indeed, such systems often store data in key-value stores, which are instances of the read-write memory abstraction. Moreover, we prove that, surprisingly, the second problem is undecidable, and again this holds even for the read-write memory abstraction. However, we show that for the read-write memory abstraction, these negative results can be circumvented if the implementations are data independent, i.e., their behaviors do not depend on the data values that are written or read at each moment, which is a realistic assumption.Comment: extended version of POPL 201

    Preserving Liveness Guarantees from Synchronous Communication to Asynchronous Unstructured Low-Level Languages

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    In the implementation of abstract synchronous communication in asynchronous unstructured low-level languages, e.g. using shared variables, the preservation of safety and especially liveness properties is a hitherto open problem due to inherently different abstraction levels. Our approach to overcome this problem is threefold: First, we present our notion of handshake refinement with which we formally prove the correctness of the implementation relation of a handshake protocol. Second, we verify the soundness of our handshake refinement, i.e., all safety and liveness properties are preserved to the lower level. Third, we apply our handshake refinement to show the correctness of all implementations that realize the abstract synchronous communication with the handshake protocol. To this end, we employ an exemplary language with asynchronous shared variable communication. Our approach is scalable and closes the verification gap between different abstraction levels of communication

    Implementation and evaluation of the sensornet protocol for Contiki

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    Sensornet Protocol (SP) is a link abstraction layer between the network layer and the link layer for sensor networks. SP was proposed as the core of a future-oriented sensor node architecture that allows flexible and optimized combination between multiple coexisting protocols. This thesis implements the SP sensornet protocol on the Contiki operating system in order to: evaluate the effectiveness of the original SP services; explore further requirements and implementation trade-offs uncovered by the original proposal. We analyze the original SP design and the TinyOS implementation of SP to design the Contiki port. We implement the data sending and receiving part of SP using Contiki processes, and the neighbor management part as a group of global routines. The evaluation consists of a single-hop traffic throughput test and a multihop convergecast test. Both tests are conducted using both simulation and experimentation. We conclude from the evaluation results that SP's link-level abstraction effectively improves modularity in protocol construction without sacrificing performance, and our SP implementation on Contiki lays a good foundation for future protocol innovations in wireless sensor networks