13 research outputs found

    The analysis of performance before and after ERP implementation: a case of a manufacturing company

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    [EN] Machines and technology have been known for saving the efforts and so the time of the human race. Thus in the gravity of consideration to this point, companies are required to innovate their process and practices to improve productivity. The present research was conducted at ABC manufacturing company having three departments i.e. A, B, and C. The significant impact after ERP implementation in terms of time-saving has been reflected in the present research. The nature of working and nature of manufacturing is different in all the departments; that`s why each department has its business development team. The case company has implemented an industrial and financial system (IFS) in 2020 and the whole process is properly followed in IFS. In this study, the process flow of documents and time consumption on each step of obtaining approvals from various authorities is covered, and saved time after the implementation of IFS is also revealed in detail. Results indicated that, after the implementation of IFS, the company has saved 48272.5 hours in 2021 by carryingout the whole process on IFS instead of a manual approach. None of the research highlights the magnitude and percentage of saved time after the implementation of an IFS in the manufacturing industry; The present research can be the basis of motivation for any manufacturing to implement IFS.Kalwar, MA.; Khan, MA.; Phul, Z.; Wadho, MH.; Shahzad, MF.; Marri, HB. (2022). The analysis of performance before and after ERP implementation: a case of a manufacturing company. Journal of Applied Research in Technology & Engineering. 3(2):115-121. https://doi.org/10.4995/jarte.2022.17789OJS1151213

    Impact of ERP implementation on the quality of work life of users: A sub-Saharan African study

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    ERP implementations have a disruptive impact on users and in sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries are more problematic than in developed countries. Extant ERP literature has not focused on the impact of implementations on users work life. Therefore this research aimed to confirm this impact on SSA users’ work life. A theoretical framework and survey was developed from Dooyeweerd’s “Down-To-Earth” aspects and the Easton and Van Laar Work-Related Quality of Life scale. Responses from users from 7 countries working for one case organisation were analysed. The significant effect of an ERP implementation on work life quality was confirmed. Cultural differences were also confirmed. The factors mostly accounting for work life quality impact were skills development and an improvement in working conditions due to a reduction in corruption pressure. The framework and research instrument can be used by organisations to assess the impact of an ERP implementation on user work life quality

    Suorituskykyisen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän tekijät suuryrityksessä

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    Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmät ovat organisaatioiden tietojärjestelmiä, joita hyödynnetään tuottavuuden kasvattamiseksi parantamalla informaation kerättävyyttä, tallennettavuutta ja jaettavuutta. Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien haasteena organisaatioissa on niiden tarkoituksen ymmärtäminen sekä sovittaminen osaksi organisaatiota. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyritään ymmärtämään, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat organisaation suorituskykyyn toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän kautta. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimivat pääasiassa e-kirjat, konferenssi- ja artikkelijulkaisut, jotka ovat julkaistu eri puolilla maapalloa, jotta organisaatioiden ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta saadaan mahdollisimman kattava ymmärrys. Tutkimuksen päätutkimuskysymyksenä oli: ”Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat organisaation suorituskykyyn ja tuottavuuteen toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän näkökulmasta?”. Päätutkimuskysymyksen lisäksi tutkimuksessa pohdittiin miten toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä vaikuttaa organisaation tuottavuuteen, miten sen suorituskykyä voidaan mitata ja miten toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän ja organisaation sopivuudesta voidaan varmistua. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on hahmottaa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän vaikutuksia ja haasteita suuryrityksessä sen elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. Tutkimus osoittaa, että toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien ja organisaatioiden yhteensovittamisessa ilmenee lukuisia haasteita, joiden ratkaiseminen on avainasemassa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän optimaaliseen käyttöön. Haastavin vaihe organisaation hankkiessa toiminnanohjausjärjestelmää on sen implementointi osaksi organisaatiota. Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmää implementoitaessa haasteita tuottavat organisaation rakenne, kyky muovaantua uuteen tilanteeseen ja implementoinnin nopeus. Myöskin implementointia edeltävä suunnittelu ja toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän vaatimusten määrittely on ratkaisevassa asetelmassa implementoinnin onnistumisessa. Tutkimuksen mukaan suurimpana yksittäisenä haasteena organisaatiolle toimii sen henkilöstö, joka käyttää järjestelmää päivittäisen toiminnan tukena. Käyttäjät määrittävät toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä saatavan hyödyn, sillä ilman heitä on se vain turha tietojärjestelmä. Käyttäjiin liittyviä haasteita ovat muutosvastarinta, sitoutumattomuus sekä tietotekninen osaaminen. Nämä haasteet pienentävät toiminnanohjausjärjestelmästä saatavia hyötyjä, jolloin niiden ratkaiseminen on olennaista organisaatioille

    The impact of enterprise resource planning system on Iranian firms performance

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    In the past two decades, there has been a significant growth market for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in developing countries. However, due to recent economic development of these countries such as Iran, the demand for ERP systems increased considerably. Besides these growths, failures in ERP implementation also have been increased. Therefore, there is an urgent need for understanding ERP implementation and post evaluation issues in developing countries. The main objectives of this study is to identify common ERP modules, critical success factors (CSFs) of ERP implementation among the manufacturing firms in Iran in order to assess the impact of ERP systems implementation on performance across four perspectives (financial, customer, internal process and learning) of the balanced scorecard (BSC). For this purpose, a theory-based model has been developed to examine the relationship between ERP system status and firms performance perspectives. Empirical analyses are based on survey data drawn from 93 Iranian manufacturing firms, which have adopted ERP systems for at least a year. Structural equation modeling (SEM) is employed to test the research hypotheses and Fuzzy DEMATEL method is applied to find the impact of ERP implementation modules and performance indicators. The result indicates that there is a positive significant relationship between ERP system status and changes in financial, customer and learning perspectives of performance. In addition, CSFs and ERP modules on performance perspectives indicated a positive interaction. On the other hand, fuzzy DEMATEL analysis shows, sale and distribution module of ERP had the strongest impact on performance within Iranian manufacturing firms. Consequently, the managers who want to implement ERP systems can use the ranking to choose suitable ERP modules. The results of the study suggest that firms that emphasize CSFs throughout the ERP implementation process achieve higher performance improvement. Further research should gather data from various sources and also from the service sectors

    Successful Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation: A Higher Education Managerial Perspective

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    The overall success rate of implementing enterprise resource planning systems is about 30%. Guided by systems theory, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore the strategies used to ensure a successful implementation by information technology managers working in higher education settings. The data were derived from semistructured interviews of 6 managers and documentation from a higher education institution in the northeastern United States that successfully implemented an ERP system. Data analysis consisted of reviewing interview transcripts, from which themes and patterns were identified and coded. Three recurring factors arose throughout the analysis involved commitment, communication, and change management. The main themes included pre-implementation strategy activities, implementation strategies, post-implementation strategy activities, and continuous improvement. Managers engaged in enterprise resource planning systems implementations should frame the strategic approach with a strong commitment, effective communication, and a comprehensive change management plan throughout the process. The implications for positive social change include the potential to improve the institution\u27s business processes, cultivate a more knowledgeable workforce, increase student academic experience, and improve the institution\u27s performance overall

    Strategies for U.S. City Government Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation Success

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    Strategies for enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementation success have been a focus of scholars since the 1990s. Researchers have demonstrated that ERP system implementation could cause both system failures and organization failures, affecting both operations and stakeholders. The theory of constraints was the conceptual framework for this single qualitative case study that explored ERP system critical success factors (CSFs) and strategies U.S. city governments use to successfully implement ERP systems. One city government in New Mexico with a successful ERP system served as the case study\u27s population. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and relevant documents and then open coded and thematically analyzed. Triangulation was employed to increase the trustworthiness of interpretations. The primary themes that emerged from the analysis of this single case study revealed the importance of the city government adequately resourcing and staffing the organization, providing top management support, continuously communicating to clarify motivations for implementations, gaining concurrence, and maintaining a change management asset. Other city government end-users, managers, leaders, and vendors could benefit from results of this study by identifying and addressing the relevant principal CSFs, and then developing and deploying strategies for the implementation, control, and remediation phases to increase ERP systems\u27 utility. City governments seeking to implement ERPs could effect social change by demonstrating fiscal stewardship of resources, adding fiscally efficient and efficacious operations directly supporting constituents, and increasing public confidence

    Metodologia para análise do desenvolvimento de redes de empresas a partir de suas tipologias e de suas práticas de produção

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    The aim of this work is to propose a model to analyze the development of business networks through the bias typology and production practices. A literature review methodology was adapted to construct a portfolio with typologies and models of development business networks and production practices. It was analized papers between 2008 and 2012. This literature review justified the creation of the analysis model of network development company. The AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and MCDA-C (Methodology Multicriteria Decision Support Constructivist) methods were used, the first one to determine weights of the network characteristics and production practices and the second one to determine weights of ordinal scale of network characteristics and production practices. The values extracted from both methods were assembled, becoming a model diagram analysis of network development.This model identifies in which phase of development given network is located, through the production practices used in companies belonging to the network and the intensities of the essential characteristics of the network: horizontal cooperation, vertical cooperation, innovation and competition, identifying the advantages, difficulties and improvements to the network must do to evolve. Finally, the model was applied to a network of companies in the clothing sector in the state of Paraná.Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma metodologia para analisar o desenvolvimento de redes de empresas através de sua tipologia e das práticas de produção por ela utilizadas. Para tanto, foi adaptada uma metodologia para revisão bibliográfica, e definiu-se como período de corte de 2008 a 2012. Formou-se então um portfolio bibliográfico sobre as tipologias e as metodologias de desenvolvimento das redes de empresas e práticas de produção. Essa revisão bibliográfica fundamentou a criação da metodologia de análise de desenvolvimento da rede de empresas, onde utilizou métodos AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) para determinar os pesos das características da rede e das práticas de produção da metodologia e o MCDA-C (Metodologia Multicritério de Apoio a Decisão Construtivista), utilizado para determinar os pesos das escalas ordinais das características da rede e das práticas de produção. Os valores extraídos nos dois métodos foram unidos, transformando em um diagrama da metodologia de análise do desenvolvimento da rede. Essa identifica em qual fase de desenvolvimento determinada rede está situada, por meio das práticas de produção utilizadas nas empresas pertencentes à rede e pelas intensidades das características essenciais da rede: cooperação horizontal, cooperação vertical, inovação e competição, identificando as vantagens, as dificuldades e as melhorias que a rede deve fazer para evoluir. Por fim, a metodologia foi aplicada em uma rede de empresas do setor de vestuário, no estado do Paraná, o principal resultado foi que a rede se encontra na fase de desenvolvimento da metodologia, onde detem caracteristicas e práticas de produção com aspectos medianos, sendo necessário melhorar todas as caractériscas analisadas da rede e incentivar a utilização das práticas de produção

    The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in Higher Education Institutions: Support in improvement of academic processes

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    Abstract Recently the universities in Pakistan started replacing their old legacy systems with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to improve their academic and administrative processes. Previously, ERP systems were used in business organizations to gain a competitive edge over competitors. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has implemented ERP systems at eight different universities in Pakistan. The HEC has invested a significant amount of money to facilitate the integration, customization and implementation of these systems. Little research is reported to assess the impact of ERP systems in higher education institutions. Previous studies reported in the literature focus mainly on Critical Success Factors (CSFs) and risk factors in success and failure of ERP systems. To explore the research problem, various Information System (IS) success models were studied as part of the literature review. This study also presents a conceptual research model based on re-specification of the DeLone and McLean IS success model to empirically measure the impact of ERP in higher education in the Pakistani universities’ context. This research study empirically evaluated the post implementation impact of the ERP systems in higher education institutions, focusing on improvement in the academic and administrative processes. This study used a sequential explanatory mixed method design approach to meet the objectives and address the research questions. Quantitative data were collected from a survey involving 230 respondents (120 students and 110 faculty members) from two selected universities that had implemented ERP systems. The qualitative data was collected through 12 interviews (five faculty members, five heads of department and two VCs). The results of both the quantitative and qualitative findings highlight that the ERP implementation has a positive and significant impact on the improvement of academic processes such as student satisfaction, teaching quality, better communication and feedback mechanism and the higher management decision-making process in Pakistani university contexts. The research findings will help future researchers to build on the research, perhaps with different samples and methodologies and will be useful for higher education to formulate strategies for the implementation of ERP system in their respective public-sector universities. Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, Higher Education, mixed methods research, DeLone and McLean IS Success mode