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    Most project-based organizations possess extensive collections of diverse project documents. Exploring the knowledge codified in such project documents is specifically recommended by the common project management guidelines. In practice, however, project managers are faced with the problem of information overload when trying to analyze the extensive document collections. This paper addresses this problem by combining two approaches already established in other disciplines. The first involves the development of a Project Knowledge Dictionary (PKD) for the automated analysis of knowledge contents codified in project documents. The second involves the integration of a sentiment analysis where concrete opinion expressions (positive/negative) are identified in connection with the codified project knowledge. Building on this, three mutually complementary analyses are demonstrated, which provide the following contributions: (1) determining the volume and distribution of five project knowledge types in project documents; (2) determining the general sentiment (positive/negative) in conjunction with the textual description of the project knowledge; (3) classifying project documents by their sentiment. By this means, the proposed solution provides valuable insight into the emotional situation in projects and contributes to the emerging research issue of project sentiment analysis. Furthermore, the solution makes a contribution to overcoming the information overload by assessing and organizing the knowledge content of large document collections

    Observing Users - Designing clarity a case study on the user-centred design of a cross-language information retrieval system

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    This paper presents a case study of the development of an interface to a novel and complex form of document retrieval: searching for texts written in foreign languages based on native language queries. Although the underlying technology for achieving such a search is relatively well understood, the appropriate interface design is not. A study involving users (with such searching needs) from the start of the design process is described covering initial examination of user needs and tasks; preliminary design and testing of interface components; building, testing, and further refining an interface; before finally conducting usability tests of the system. Lessons are learned at every stage of the process leading to a much more informed view of how such an interface should be built

    Lexicographical Explorations of Neologisms in the Digital Age. Tracking New Words Online and Comparing Wiktionary Entries with ‘Traditional’ Dictionary Representations

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    This thesis explores neologisms in two distinct but related contexts: dictionaries and newspapers. Both present neologisms to the world, the former through information and elucidation of meaning, the latter through exemplification of real-world use and behaviour. The thesis first explores the representation of new words in a range of different dictionary types and formats, comparing entries from collaborative dictionary Wiktionary with those in expert-produced dictionaries, both those categorised here as ‘corpus-based’ and those termed ‘corpus-informed’. The former represent the most current of the expert-produced dictionary models, drawing on corpora for almost all of the data they include in an entry, while the latter draw on a mixture of old-style citations and Reading Programmes for much of their data, although this is supplemented with corpus information in some areas. The purpose of this part of the study was to compare degrees of comprehensiveness between the expert and collaborative dictionaries as demonstrated by the level and quality of detail included in new-word entries and in the dictionaries’ responsiveness to new words. This is done by comparing the number and quality of components that appear in a dictionary entry, both the standardised elements found in all of the dictionary types, such as the ‘headword’ at the top of the entry, to the non-standardised elements such as Discussion Forums found almost exclusively in Wiktionary. Wiktionary is found to provide more detailed entries on new words than the expert dictionaries, and to be generally more flexible, responding more quickly and effectively to neologisms. This is due in no small part to the way in which every time an entry or discussion is saved, the entire site updates, something which occurs for expert-produced online dictionaries once a quarter at best. The thesis further explores the way in which the same neologisms are used in four UK national newspapers across the course of their neologic life-cycle. In order to do this, a new methodology is devised for the collection of web-based data for context-rich, genre-specific corpus studies. This produced highly detailed, contextualised data that not only showed how certain newspapers are more likely to use less-well established neologisms (the Independent), while others have an overall stronger record of neologism usage across the 14 years of the study (The Guardian). As well as generating findings on the use and behaviour of neologisms in these newspapers, the manual methodology devised here is compared with a similar automated system, to assess which approach is more appropriate for use in this kind of context-rich database/corpus. The ability to accurately date each article in the study, using information which only the manual methods could accurately access, coupled with the more targeted approach it can offer by excluding unwanted texts from the outset made it the more appropriate approach

    Exploring the use of parallel corpora in the complilation of specialised bilingual dictionaries of technical terms: a case study of English and isiXhosa

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    Text in EnglishAbstracts in English, isiXhosa and AfrikaansThe Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, mandates the state to take practical and positive measures to elevate the status and the use of indigenous languages. The implementation of this pronouncement resulted in a growing demand for specialised translations in fields like technology, science, commerce, law and finance. The lack of terminology and resources such as specialised bilingual dictionaries in indigenous languages, particularly isiXhosa remains a growing concern that hinders the translation and the intellectualisation of isiXhosa. A growing number of African scholars affirm the importance of specialised dictionaries in the African languages as tools for language and terminology development so that African languages can be used in the areas of science and technology. In the light of the background above, this study explored how parallel corpora can be interrogated using a bilingual concordancer, ParaConc to extract bilingual terminology that can be used to create specialised bilingual dictionaries. A corpus-based approach was selected due to its speed, efficiency and accuracy in extracting bilingual terms in their immediate contexts. In enhancing the research outcomes, Descriptive Translations Studies (DTS) and Corpus-based translation studies (CTS) were used in a complementary manner. Because the study is interdisciplinary, the function theories of lexicography that emphasise the function and needs of users were also applied. The analysis and extraction of bilingual terminology for dictionary making was successful through the use of the following ParaConc features, namely frequencies, hot word lists, hot words, search facility and concordances (Key Word in Context), among others. The findings revealed that English-isiXhosa Parallel Corpus is a repository of translation equivalents and other information categories that can make specialised dictionaries more user-friendly and multifunctional. The frequency lists were revealed as an effective method of selecting headwords for inclusion in a dictionary. The results also unraveled the complex functions of bilingual concordances where information on collocations and multiword units, sense distinction and usage examples could be easily identifiable proving that this approach is more efficient than the traditional method. The study contributes to the knowledge on corpus-based lexicography, standardisation of finance terminology resource development and making of user-friendly dictionaries that are tailor-made for different needs of users.Umgaqo-siseko weli loMzantsi Afrika ukhululele uRhulumente ukuba athabathe amanyathelo abonakalayo ekuphuhliseni nasekuphuculeni iilwimi zesiNtu. Esi sindululo sibangele ukwanda kokuguqulelwa kwamaxwebhu angezobuchwepheshe, inzululwazi, umthetho, ezemali noqoqosho angesiNgesi eguqulelwa kwiilwimi ebezifudula zingasiwe-so ezinjengesiXhosa. Ukunqongophala kwesigama kunye nezichazi-magama kube yingxaki enkulu ekuguquleleni ngakumbi izichazi-magama ezilwimi-mbini eziqulethe isigama esikhethekileyo. Iingcali ezininzi ziyangqinelana ukuba olu hlobo lwezi zichazi-magama luyimfuneko kuba ludlala iindima enkulu ekuphuhlisweni kweelwimi zesiNtu, ekuyileni isigama, nasekusetyenzisweni kwazo kumabakala obunzululwazi nobuchwepheshe. Olu phando ke luvavanya ukusetyenziswa kwekhophasi equlethe amaxwebhu esiNgesi neenguqulelo zawo zesiXhosa njengovimba wokudimbaza isigama sezemali esinokunceda ekuqulunqweni kwesichazi-magama esilwimi-mbini. Isizathu esibangele ukukhetha le ndlela yophando esebenzisa ikhompyutha kukuba iyakhawuleza, ulwazi oluthathwe kwikhophasi luchanekile, yaye isigama kwikhophasi singqamana ngqo nomxholo wamaxwebhu nto leyo eyenza kube lula ukufumana iintsingiselo nemizekelo ephilayo. Ukutyebisa olu phando indlela yekhophasi iye yaxhaswa zezinye iindlela zophando ezityunjiweyo: ufundo lwenguguqulelo oluchazayo (DTS) kunye neendlela zokuguqulela ezijoliswe kumsebenzi nakuhlobo lwabasebenzisi zinguqulelo ezo. Kanti ke ziqwalaselwe neenkqubo zophando lobhalo-zichazi-magama eziinjongo zokuqulunqa izichazi-magama ezesebenzisekayo neziluncedo kuninzi lwabasebenzisi zichazi-magama ngakumbi kwisizwe esisebenzisa iilwimi ezininzi. Ukuhlalutya nokudimbaza isigama kwikhophasi kolu phando kusetyenziswe isixhobo sekhompyutha esilungiselelwe ikhophasi enelwiimi ezimbini nangaphezulu ebizwa ngokuba yiParaConc. Iziphumo zolu phando zibonise mhlophe ukuba ikhophasi eneenguqulelo nguvimba weendidi ngendidi zamagama nolwazi olunokuphucula izichazi-magama zeli xesha. Kaloku abaguquleli basebenzise amaqhinga ngamaqhinga ukunika iinguqulelo bekhokelwa yimigomo nemithetho yoguqulelo enxuse abasebenzisi bamaxwebhu aguqulelweyo. Ubuchule beParaConc bokukwazi ukuhlela amagama ngokwendlela afumaneka ngayo kunye neenkcukacha zamanani budandalazise indlela eyiyo yokukhetha imichazwa enokungena kwisichazi-magama. Iziphumo zikwabonakalise iintlaninge yolwazi olufumaneka kwiKWIC, lwazi olo olungelula ukulufumana xa usebenzisa undlela-ndala wokwakha isichazi-magama. Esi sifundo esihlanganyele uGuqulelo olusekelwe kwiKhophasi noQulunqo-zichazi-magama zobuchwepheshe luya kuba negalelo elingathethekiyo kwindlela yokwakha izichazi-magama kwilwiimi zeSintu ngokubanzi nancakasana kwisiXhosa, nto leyo eya kothula umthwalo kubaqulunqi-zichazi-magama. Ukwakha nokuqulunqa izichazi-magama ezilwimi-mbini zezemali kuya kwandisa imithombo yesigama esinqongopheleyo kananjalo sivelise izichazi-magama eziluncedo kwisininzi sabantu.Die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, Wet 108 van 1996, gee aan die staat die mandaat om praktiese en positiewe maatreëls te tref om die status en gebruik van inheemse tale te verhoog. Die implementering van hierdie uitspraak het gelei tot ’n toenemende vraag na gespesialiseerde vertalings in domeine soos tegnologie, wetenskap, handel, regte en finansies. Die gebrek aan terminologie en hulpbronne soos gespesialiseerde woordeboeke in inheemse tale, veral Xhosa, wek toenemende kommer wat die vertaling en die intellektualisering van Xhosa belemmer. ’n Toenemende aantal vakkundiges in Afrika beklemtoon die belangrikheid van gespesialiseerde woordeboeke in die Afrikatale as instrumente vir taal- en terminologie-ontwikkeling sodat Afrikatale gebruik kan word in die areas van wetenskap en tegnologie. In die lig van die voorafgaande agtergrond het hierdie studie ondersoek ingestel na hoe parallelle korpora deursoek kan word deur ’n tweetalige konkordanser (ParaConc) te gebruik om tweetalige terminologie te ontgin wat gebruik kan word in die onwikkeling van tweetalige gespesialiseerde woordeboeke. ’n Korpusgebaseerde benadering is gekies vir die spoed, doeltreffendheid en akkuraatheid waarmee dit tweetalige terme uit hulle onmiddellike kontekste kan onttrek. Beskrywende Vertaalstudies (DTS) en Korpusgebaseerde Vertaalstudies (CTS) is op ’n aanvullende wyse gebruik om die navorsingsuitkomste te verbeter. Aangesien die studie interdissiplinêr is, is die funksieteorieë van leksikografie wat die funksie en behoeftes van gebruikers beklemtoon, ook toegepas. Die analise en ontginning van tweetalige terminologie om woordeboeke te ontwikkel was suksesvol deur, onder andere, gebruik te maak van die volgende ParaConc-eienskappe, naamlik, frekwensies, hotword-lyste, hot words, die soekfunksie en konkordansies (Sleutelwoord-in-Konteks). Die bevindings toon dat ’n Engels-Xhosa Parallelle Korpus ’n bron van vertaalekwivalente en ander inligtingskategorieë is wat gespesialiseerde woordeboeke meer gebruikersvriendelik en multifunksioneel kan maak. Die frekwensielyste is geïdentifiseer as ’n doeltreffende metode om hoofwoorde te selekteer wat opgeneem kan word in ’n woordeboek. Die bevindings het ook die komplekse funksies van tweetalige konkordansers ontknoop waar inligting oor kollokasies en veelvuldigewoord-eenhede, betekenisonderskeiding en gebruiksvoorbeelde maklik identifiseer kon word wat aandui dat hierdie metode viii doeltreffender is as die tradisionele metode. Die studie dra by tot die kennisveld van korpusgebaseerde leksikografie, standaardisering van finansiële terminologie, hulpbronontwikkeling en die ontwikkeling van gebruikersvriendelike woordeboeke wat doelgemaak is vir verskillende behoeftes van gebruikers.Linguistics and Modern LanguagesD. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics (Translation Studies)

    Investigating and extending the methods in automated opinion analysis through improvements in phrase based analysis

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    Opinion analysis is an area of research which deals with the computational treatment of opinion statement and subjectivity in textual data. Opinion analysis has emerged over the past couple of decades as an active area of research, as it provides solutions to the issues raised by information overload. The problem of information overload has emerged with the advancements in communication technologies which gave rise to an exponential growth in user generated subjective data available online. Opinion analysis has a rich set of applications which are used to enable opportunities for organisations such as tracking user opinions about products, social issues in communities through to engagement in political participation etc.The opinion analysis area shows hyperactivity in recent years and research at different levels of granularity has, and is being undertaken. However it is observed that there are limitations in the state-of-the-art, especially as dealing with the level of granularities on their own does not solve current research issues. Therefore a novel sentence level opinion analysis approach utilising clause and phrase level analysis is proposed. This approach uses linguistic and syntactic analysis of sentences to understand the interdependence of words within sentences, and further uses rule based analysis for phrase level analysis to calculate the opinion at each hierarchical structure of a sentence. The proposed opinion analysis approach requires lexical and contextual resources for implementation. In the context of this Thesis the approach is further presented as part of an extended unifying framework for opinion analysis resulting in the design and construction of a novel corpus. The above contributions to the field (approach, framework and corpus) are evaluated within the Thesis and are found to make improvements on existing limitations in the field, particularly with regards to opinion analysis automation. Further work is required in integrating a mechanism for greater word sense disambiguation and in lexical resource development

    Text analysis and computers

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    Content: Erhard Mergenthaler: Computer-assisted content analysis (3-32); Udo Kelle: Computer-aided qualitative data analysis: an overview (33-63); Christian Mair: Machine-readable text corpora and the linguistic description of danguages (64-75); Jürgen Krause: Principles of content analysis for information retrieval systems (76-99); Conference Abstracts (100-131)

    A framework for utility data integration in the UK

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    In this paper we investigate various factors which prevent utility knowledge from being fully exploited and suggest that integration techniques can be applied to improve the quality of utility records. The paper suggests a framework which supports knowledge and data integration. The framework supports utility integration at two levels: the schema and data level. Schema level integration ensures that a single, integrated geospatial data set is available for utility enquiries. Data level integration improves utility data quality by reducing inconsistency, duplication and conflicts. Moreover, the framework is designed to preserve autonomy and distribution of utility data. The ultimate aim of the research is to produce an integrated representation of underground utility infrastructure in order to gain more accurate knowledge of the buried services. It is hoped that this approach will enable us to understand various problems associated with utility data, and to suggest some potential techniques for resolving them

    Semantic Technologies for Business Decision Support

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    2015 - 2016In order to improve and to be competitive, enterprises should know how to get opportunities coming from data provided from the Web. The strategic vision implies a high level of communication sharing and the integration of practices across every business level. This not means that enterprises need a disruptive change in informative systems, but the conversion of them, reusing existent business data and integrating new data. However, data is heterogeneous, and so to maximise the value of the data it is necessary to extract meaning from it considering the context in which they evolve. The proliferation of new linguistic data linked to the growth of textual resources on the Web generate an inadequacy in the analysis and integration phases of data in the enterprise. Thus, the use of Semantic Technologies based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications is required in advance. This study arises as a first approach to the development of a document-driven Decision Support System (DSS) based on NLP technology within the theoretical framework of Lexicon-Grammar by Maurice Gross. Our research project has two main objectives: the first is to recognize and codify the innovative language with which the companies express and describe their business, in order to standardize it and make it actionable by machine. The second one aims to use information resulting from the text analysis to support strategic decisions, considering that through Text Mining analysis we can capture the hidden meaning in business documents. In the first chapter we examine the concept, characteristics and different types of DSS (with particular reference to document-driven analysis) and changes that these systems have experienced with web development and consequently of information systems within companies. In the second chapter, we proceed with a brief review of Computational Linguistics, paying particular attention to goals, resources and applications. In the third chapter, we provide a state-of-the-art of Semantic Technology Enterprises (STEs) and their process of integration in the innovation market, analysing the diffusion, the types of technologies and main sectors in which they operate. In the fourth chapter, we propose a model of linguistic support and analysis, according with Lexicon-Grammar, in order to create an enriched solution for document-driven decision systems: we provide specific features of business language, resulted from experimental research work in the startup ecosystem. Finally, we recognize that the formalization of all linguistic phenomena is extremely complex, but the results of analysis make us hopeful to continue with this line of research. Applying linguistic support to the business technological environment provides results that are more efficient and in constantly updated innovating even in strong resistance to change conditions. [edited by author]XV n.s

    Information Extraction from Text for Improving Research on Small Molecules and Histone Modifications

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    The cumulative number of publications, in particular in the life sciences, requires efficient methods for the automated extraction of information and semantic information retrieval. The recognition and identification of information-carrying units in text – concept denominations and named entities – relevant to a certain domain is a fundamental step. The focus of this thesis lies on the recognition of chemical entities and the new biological named entity type histone modifications, which are both important in the field of drug discovery. As the emergence of new research fields as well as the discovery and generation of novel entities goes along with the coinage of new terms, the perpetual adaptation of respective named entity recognition approaches to new domains is an important step for information extraction. Two methodologies have been investigated in this concern: the state-of-the-art machine learning method, Conditional Random Fields (CRF), and an approximate string search method based on dictionaries. Recognition methods that rely on dictionaries are strongly dependent on the availability of entity terminology collections as well as on its quality. In the case of chemical entities the terminology is distributed over more than 7 publicly available data sources. The join of entries and accompanied terminology from selected resources enables the generation of a new dictionary comprising chemical named entities. Combined with the automatic processing of respective terminology – the dictionary curation – the recognition performance reached an F1 measure of 0.54. That is an improvement by 29 % in comparison to the raw dictionary. The highest recall was achieved for the class of TRIVIAL-names with 0.79. The recognition and identification of chemical named entities provides a prerequisite for the extraction of related pharmacological relevant information from literature data. Therefore, lexico-syntactic patterns were defined that support the automated extraction of hypernymic phrases comprising pharmacological function terminology related to chemical compounds. It was shown that 29-50 % of the automatically extracted terms can be proposed for novel functional annotation of chemical entities provided by the reference database DrugBank. Furthermore, they are a basis for building up concept hierarchies and ontologies or for extending existing ones. Successively, the pharmacological function and biological activity concepts obtained from text were included into a novel descriptor for chemical compounds. Its successful application for the prediction of pharmacological function of molecules and the extension of chemical classification schemes, such as the the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC), is demonstrated. In contrast to chemical entities, no comprehensive terminology resource has been available for histone modifications. Thus, histone modification concept terminology was primary recognized in text via CRFs with a F1 measure of 0.86. Subsequent, linguistic variants of extracted histone modification terms were mapped to standard representations that were organized into a newly assembled histone modification hierarchy. The mapping was accomplished by a novel developed term mapping approach described in the thesis. The combination of term recognition and term variant resolution builds up a new procedure for the assembly of novel terminology collections. It supports the generation of a term list that is applicable in dictionary-based methods. For the recognition of histone modification in text it could be shown that the named entity recognition method based on dictionaries is superior to the used machine learning approach. In conclusion, the present thesis provides techniques which enable an enhanced utilization of textual data, hence, supporting research in epigenomics and drug discovery

    The next generation of the web: an organisational perspective

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    The web has revolutionised information sharing, management, interoperability and knowledge discovery. The union of the two prominent web frameworks, Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web is often referred to as Web 3.0. This paper explores the basics behind the two paradigms, assesses their influence over organisational change and considers their effectiveness in supporting innovative solutions. It then outlines the challenges of combining the two web paradigms to form Web 3.0 and critically evaluates the impact that Web 3.0 will have on the social organisation. The research carried out follows action research principles and adopts an investigative and reviewing approach to the emerging trends and patterns that develop from the web's changing use, examining the underpinning enabling technologies that facilitate access, innovation and organisational change
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