963 research outputs found

    Evaluation of grain legume cropping systems for animal fodder potential and impacts on subsequent wheat yield under less favourable soil conditions in organic agriculture in Luxembourg

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    Körnerleguminosen sind wichtige Kulturen für die Bereit­stellung von Protein in der Tierernährung. Ziel dieser Studie war es: (i) die Eignung verschiedener Körnerleguminosen-Anbausysteme für den Anbau als proteinreiches Futtermittel zu prüfen, (ii) der Vergleich von Sommer- und Winterform von Ackerbohnen und Erbsen, sowie der Erbse in Reinsaat und im Gemenge mit Getreide, und (iii) der Vergleich des Einflusses der Leguminosen als Vorfrüchte auf den nachfolgenden Weizen unter ungünstigen Bodenbedingungen im ökologischen Landbau. In einem Feldversuch auf einem kommerziellen landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb in Luxemburg, wurden acht Körnerleguminosen-Anbausysteme (wie in ii beschrieben plus Sojabohne und Blaue Lupine) und eine nicht Stickstoff fixierende Kontroll-Kultur (Triticale) in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Jahren, in einem vollständig randomisierten Blockdesign mit vier Wiederholungen, angebaut. Als Folgekultur wurde Weizen angebaut. Alle Anbausysteme, mit Ausnahme der Winter-Erbse in Reinsaat, waren für den Anbau als proteinreiches Futtermittel geeignet. Bei ausreichender Bodenfeuchte stellte die Ackerbohne die beste Wahl dar (Proteinertrag: 961–1193 kg ha–1). Halbblattlose Erbsen erzielten einen signifikant höheren Ertrag in Reinsaat (p ≤ 0.05; 3539–4154 kg ha–1) als im Gemenge mit Getreide (2920–3852 kg ha–1), wobei Voll­blatt-Typen im Gemenge mit Getreide angebaut werden sollten. Es wurden keine signifikante Unterschiede festgestellt zwischen Winter- und Sommer-Ackerbohnen, dage­gen schnitt die Sommerung bei den Erbsen besser ab, dies war wahrscheinlich eher abhängig vom Blatt-Typ als vom Saatzeitpunkt. Der niedrigere Vorfruchtwert von Getreide-Monokultur (Ertrag Jahr 1: 2056 kg ha–1) im Vergleich zu Getreide mit Körnerleguminosen in der Fruchtfolge wurde bestätigt, wobei der Weizen am besten nach Sommer-Erbse in Reinsaat abschnitt (Ertrag Jahr 1: 3661 kg ha–1). Körnerleguminosen-Reinsaaten erzielten einen höheren Vorfruchtwert, als Winter-Triticale oder Körnerleguminosen im Gemenge mit Getreide. Körner­leguminosen sind demnach vielversprechende Kulturen für die Bereitstellung proteinreicher Futtermittel auch unter ungünstigen Bodenbedingungen im ökologischen Landbau in Luxemburg. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2016.06.02, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2016.06.02Grain legumes are important crops required for protein-rich animal fodder. The aim of this study was to (i) examine the suitability of grain legume cropping systems for cultivation as protein-rich fodder, (ii) compare the performance of winter and spring types of faba beans and peas, as well as to compare the performance of peas sown in pure stand and in mixture with cereals, and (iii) determine the impact of previous legume crop on succeeding wheat under less favorable soil conditions in organic agriculture. In a field trial on a commercial farm in Luxembourg, eight grain legume cropping systems (as given under ii plus soybean and blue lupin) and a non-nitrogen fixing control crop (triticale) were cultivated followed by wheat in two consecutive seasons, employing a randomized complete block design with four replicates. All cropping systems except for winter pea in pure stand, were suitable for cultivation as protein-rich fodder even under less favourable soil conditions. Given sufficient soil moisture, faba beans constituted the best choice (protein yield: 961–1193 kg ha–1). Semi-leafless peas reached a significantly better yield when sown in pure stand (p ≤ 0.05; 3539–4154 kg ha–1) compared with the mixture (2920–3852 kg ha–1), whereas full-leaf types should be cultivated with a cereal partner. Winter vs. spring faba beans did not perform significantly different while for peas, the spring form performed best, likely again depending on leaf type rather than sowing time. The lower previous crop value of mono-cropped cereals (yield first experimental sequence: 2056 kg ha–1) compared with cereals in mixture with grain legumes was confirmed, with best performance of wheat succeeding spring pea in pure stand (first experimental sequence, yield: 3661 kg ha–1). Grain legumes in pure stand exhibited a higher previous crop value than winter triticale or grain legumes grown in mixture. In conclusion, grain legumes were promising candidates for generating protein-rich feedingstuffs, even under less favorable soil conditions in organic agriculture in Luxembourg. DOI: 10.5073/JfK.2016.06.02, https://doi.org/10.5073/JfK.2016.06.0

    Extent of Salt Affected Land in Central Asia: Biosaline Agriculture and Utilization of the Salt-affected Resources

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    The current status and trends of salinization are discussed with waterlogging of marginal land/plant and water resources problems including strategies for development of integrated biosaline crop-livestock agriculture based system on food-feed crops and forage legumes for better livelihood of poor farmers in Central Asian (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan). Transfer of technologies and/or methodology of ICBA (International Centre for Biosaline Agriculture) in planting of both perennial and annual valuable halophytes (based on around the world dataset from similar sites and conditions) are a new approach that should be tested in Central Asia. Afforestation, as an option to mitigate land degradation, requires a judicious evaluation and selection of multipurpose tree species (MPTS) to make use of marginal unproductive/salt- affected lands and lower the elevated groundwater table (GWT) via biodrainage. The leading among 21 screened native and introduced tree and shrubs species with regards to survival rate, growth characteristics and adaptability to high saline natural environment proved to be Haloxylon apphyllum, Salsola paletzkiana, S. richteri at the saline sandy deserts, followed by atriplex undulate, Hippophae ramnoides, E. angustifolia, Acacia ampliceps, U. pumila, P. euphratica and P. nigra var. pyramidalis, Robinia pseudoacacia, M. alba, Morus nigra on clay loamy hyromorphic soils, whereas fruit species such as Cynadon oblonga, Armeniaca vulgare, Prunus armeniaca and species of genera Malus, though desirable from the farmer's financial viewpoint, showed low bio drainage potential. Planting herbaceous fodder crops within the inter-spaces of fodder salt tolerant trees and shrubs on intensive agro-forestry plantations could solve the animal feeding problem in the degraded (both by overgrazing and salinity) desert and semidesert marginal areas. Yield data of new varieties of sorghum and pearl millet ICBA/ICRISAT germplasm collected at the conclusion of the 2006-2007 growing seasons indicates considerable adaptability of introduced genetic material to saline soil conditions, when compared to local material. Sorghum and pearl millet crop residues utilization could be an option for bio fuel production in the region.

    Productive and Ecological Aspects of Mixed Cropping System

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    Mixed cropping, also known as inter-cropping or co-cultivation, is a plant production system that involves planting two or more species (or cultivars) in the same field in a variable order—row or rowless—simultaneously. Mixed cropping plays an important role in sustainable agriculture by adding value to crop rotations and agroecosystems. Scientific investigations on environmentally friendly mixed cropping should be supported by studies on the direct costs and long-term benefits that are the most relevant to farmers. Meeting the need to strengthen the scientific basis for mixed crops, the papers in this Special Issue enhance our understanding of the following: The selection of species and cultivars for a mixed crop system as well as the choice of agricultural treatments that will secure a stable yield of mixtures; Inter- and intra- species competition of plants in a canopy; Ecological intensification approaches and opportunities for maximizing crop performance and yield in mixtures; The effects of mixed crops on crop rotations; The short- and long-term ecosystem benefits of mixtures; The effects on pests and the biodiversity of agroecosystems provided by mixtures; The economic aspects of adopting the mixtures in farms; The nutritive value of mixtures for livestock; Other topics related to the mixed cropping

    Sustainability diagnosis of alternative technologies for the management of agri-food and urban waste

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    In a context of continued population growth and urbanisation, together with intensified production and consumption patterns, the generation and proper management of solid waste has become a real challenge worldwide.In this context, the main objective of this thesis was to evaluate the environmental sustainability of different alternatives for the management of waste coming from both agricultural and urban sectors, including conventional practices and advanced technologies. To this aim, the principles of the LCA methodology were commonly applied to some particular waste management situations (case studies), in combination with other internationally recognised assessment tools. In this regard, social participation and economic viability were also integrated with environmental outcomes to respond to the constraints of waste management decision-making. According to the results, it can be concluded that, although many environmental impacts have already been avoided and/or minimised, waste management still remains a criticial issue, so that additional efforts should be placed to expand technologies and mitigation strategies to preserve environmental and public welfare

    Organic Agriculture Towards Sustainability

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    Organic agriculture combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promotes fair relationships and a good quality of life. This book is a compilation of 11 chapters focused on development of organic agriculture, the role of sustainability in ecosystem and social community, analysis of environmental impacts of the organic farming system and its comparison with the conventional one, crop growing and weed control technologies, organic production, effective microorganisms technology. Continuously, a wide range of research experiments focus on organic agriculture technologies, quality of production, environmental protection and non-chemical, ecologically acceptable alternative solutions. In the book Organic Agriculture Towards Sustainability, contributing researchers cover multiple topics respecting modern, precious organic agriculture research

    Effects of fertilization on yield and grain quality in winter triticale

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    Study of fertilization effects were conducted in a stationary type of field trial, on a degrading vertisol soil with low pH. Eight variants of mineral nutrition (NK, NP1, NP2, NP3, NPIK, NP2K and NP3K) and untreated control (without nutrition) were tested in the experiment. The rates of nitrogen application were 80 kg N ha(-1), and they were applied either individually or in combination with three phosphorus rates and the potassium fertilizer. The highest grain yields under mineral nutrition involving a combination of three mineral elements were: N, P and K (80 kg N ha(-1), 60 kg P2O5 ha(-1), 60 kg K2O ha(-1)), and under NP2K treatment at a rate of 80 kg N ha(-1), 80 kg P2O5 ha(-1) and 60 kg K2O ha(-1). Based on the analysis of variance, it can be concluded that there were highly significant differences in grains yield among years of investigation and highly significant differences at 1000-grain weight and grain test weight

    Питання якості фуражних кормів за промислового виробництва молока в умовах півдня України

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    The purpose of the article is to determine the average quality of traditional forage (maize silage and alfalfa haylage) and innovative dietary components – rye silage on the example of average milk production farms in Odesa Oblast with moderate and intensive levels of technological process and to determine the impact of the risky land use zone in the South of Ukraine against the background of global warming on the quality of these dietary ingredients in order to determine further directions of forage production in the southern region of Ukraine. Scientific and economic experiments were conducted in Odesa Oblast according to the methods generally accepted in dairy farming, and laboratory studies of corn silage, alfalfa haylage, rye silage samples in a specialized laboratory for forage research using the NIRS technique were used to assess the quality of forages. NIRS has been successfully used in the prediction of nutritional value through direct scanning of forage samples. The analysis of corn silage shows that the basic indicators of its quality, such as dry matter content, metabolizable energy concentration, pH, level of digestibility of organic matter as a percentage of total dry matter, and starch content are below the existing standards, because due to hot weather conditions, silage is often forced to be harvested during the suboptimal phase of its maturity. An assessment of the mineral composition of corn, rye and alfalfa silage shows that the indicators are typical, taking into account the specifics of each crop in the southern region of Ukraine, so the existing deficit of manganese, cobalt, zinc and copper can be covered with the use of specialized premixes. Due to the difficulties of agrotechnical cultivation of corn silage and alfalfa haylage, which has recently developed in the risky land use zone of southern Ukraine and against the background of global warming, fodder crops have to be grown in more favorable (wet) seasons of the year, such as winter rye or triticale, etc. or their combination with corn silage and alfalfa haylage.Мета роботи – визначення середньостатистичної якості традиційних фуражних кормів (кукурудзяного силосу і люцернового сінажу) та інноваційних складових раціону – житнього силосу на прикладі пересічних господарств з виробництва молока Одеської області з помірним та інтенсивним рівнями технологічного процесу та визначення впливу зони ризикованого землекористування півдня України на фоні глобального потепління на якість цих інгредієнтів раціону з метою подальшого визначення напрямів кормовиробництва у південному регіоні України. Науково-господарські досліди проведено в умовах Одеської області за загальноприйнятими у молочному тваринництві методиками, а лабораторні дослідження зразків кукурудзяного силосу, люцернового сінажу, житнього силосу в умовах спеціалізованої лабораторії з дослідження кормів з використанням методики інфрачервоної спектроскопії (NIRS) була використана для оцінки якості кормів, оскільки NIRS успішно використовується для прогнозування поживної цінності шляхом прямого сканування зразків кормів. Проведений аналіз кукурудзяного силосу засвідчує, що базові показники його якості на вміст сухої речовини, концентрація обмінної енергії, рівень рН, рівень перетравності органічної речовини від загального складу сухої речовини, вміст крохмалю знаходяться нижче існуючих нормативних показників, тому що через спекотні погодні умови силос часто вимушено починають збирати під час неоптимальної фази його зрілості. Оцінка мінерального складу кукурудзяного, житнього силосів і люцернового сінажу засвідчує типовість показників з урахуванням специфічності кожної культури для південного регіону України, тому існуючий дефіцит марганцю, кобальту, цинку і міді цілком можна покрити за рахунок використання спеціалізованих преміксів. У зв’язку зі складнощами агротехнічного вирощування кукурудзи на силос та люцернового сінажу, що складається останнім часом в зоні ризикованого землекористування півдня України та на фоні глобального потепління, виникає необхідність переходу до кормових культур, що вирощуються у більш сприятливі (зволожені) сезони року на кшталт озимого жита або тритикале, тощо або їх комбінації з кукурудзяним силосом та люцерновим сінажем