26 research outputs found

    Realidade virtual para reabilitação pós-avc: estudos de utilizadores e desenvolvimento de jogos

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    Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability and death in the world, and rehabilitation is a relevant part of the life of stroke survivors. Physical therapy is necessary to recover some movement during the acute phase, but also to maintain muscle strength and avoid deterioration and weakness during the chronic phase. The global pandemic caused shortages of rehabilitation activities, and Virtual Reality (VR) games could be used as a complementary type of therapy for stroke rehabilitation to be used at home. This dissertation proposes a user study to better understand the needs and preferences of stroke survivors and the development of game prototypes to better ascertain the potential of VR-based serious games. With this goal, a Questionnaire and a Focus Group were done with survivors, and based on their results, two VR-based game prototypes were developed, focused on the movements that survivors need to perform as well as providing an equivalent to Mirror Therapy. This study found that stroke survivors in chronic stage are more interested in applications based on real-world activities, especially activities they used to perform before the onset symptoms. Negative feedback is also an issue they prefer to avoid based on mental health conditions commonly associated with stroke. The game prototypes were tested concerning usability and were scored high with healthy participants on the System Usability Scale when performed normally, but low when their movements were mirrored, though perhaps survivors are more used to this kind of exercise. The performance of the game prototypes needs improvement, but they were considered easy to use and to learn. The next step will be an evaluation of the improved versions by stroke survivors.O AVC é uma das principais causas de invalidez e morte no mundo, e a reabilitação é uma parte relevante da vida dos sobreviventes do AVC. A fisioterapia é necessária para recuperar algum movimento durante a fase aguda, mas também para manter a força muscular e evitar a deterioração e fraqueza durante a fase crónica. A pandemia global causou escassez de atividades de reabilitação, e jogos de Realidade Virtual (RV) poderiam ser usados como um tipo complementar de terapia para reabilitação de AVC com o uso em casa. Esta dissertação propõe um Estudo com Utilizadores para melhor compreender as necessidades e preferências de sobreviventes do AVC e o desenvolvimento de protótipos de jogos para melhor averiguar o potencial de jogos sérios baseados em RV. Com este objetivo, um Questionário e um Grupo Focal foram feitos com os sobreviventes e, com base em seus resultados, dois protótipos de jogos baseados em RV foram desenvolvidos, focados nos movimentos que os sobreviventes precisam realizar, além de fornecer um modo equivalente à Terapia do Espelho. Este estudo descobriu que sobreviventes de AVC em estágio crónico estão mais interessados em aplicações baseadas em atividades do mundo real, especialmente atividades que eles costumavam realizar antes do início dos sintomas. O feedback negativo também é um problema que eles preferem evitar com base nas condições de saúde mental comumente associadas ao AVC. Os protótipos do jogo foram testados com base em usabilidade e pontuaram alto com os participantes saudáveis na Escala de Usabilidade do Sistema quando executados normalmente, mas pontuaram baixo quando seus movimentos foram espelhados, embora talvez os sobreviventes estejam mais acostumados a esse tipo de exercício. O desempenho dos protótipos de jogos precisa de melhorias, mas eles foram considerados fáceis de usar e aprender. O próximo passo será a avaliação de versões melhoradas por sobreviventes de AVC.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    Research Opportunities for Application of Gamification Models with VR for Crop Cultivation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The learning delivery model in the increasingly developing information technology era and the era of teaching and learning between students and lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic requires lecturers' creativity. The application of gamification using virtual reality is an alternative solution that can be applied to fill the saturation of online learning using Google Meeting or Zoom meeting. This review of the literature aims to see how many gamification applications using virtual reality are specifically applied to plant cultivation. The process of obtaining this literature review is based on the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The assessment process is carried out through four online databases based on the keywords gamification and virtual reality. The results obtained are 32 relevant literature on gamification using virtual reality although gamification using virtual reality for plant cultivation is not found and only one paper on forestry only discusses the concept. However, the results of this process become the basic literature for further research on the application of virtual reality gamification in plant cultivation. &nbsp

    Research Opportunities for Application of Gamification Models with VR for Crop Cultivation: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The learning delivery model in the increasingly developing information technology era and the era of teaching and learning between students and lecturers during the Covid-19 pandemic requires lecturers' creativity. The application of gamification using virtual reality is an alternative solution that can be applied to fill the saturation of online learning using Google Meeting or Zoom meeting. This review of the literature aims to see how many gamification applications using virtual reality are specifically applied to plant cultivation. The process of obtaining this literature review is based on the systematic literature review (SLR) method. The assessment process is carried out through four online databases based on the keywords gamification and virtual reality. The results obtained are 32 relevant literature on gamification using virtual reality although gamification using virtual reality for plant cultivation is not found and only one paper on forestry only discusses the concept. However, the results of this process become the basic literature for further research on the application of virtual reality gamification in plant cultivation. &nbsp

    Increasing user motivation of neurological occupational therapy in virtual reality using gamification

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    Abstract. Neurological rehabilitation is a long process which requires a lot of work and motivation from the patient to be effective. Though patients might be motivated to partake in rehabilitation just to improve their own ability to live a more fulfilling life, it is beneficial for all parties involved to enhance patient motivation by other means as well. Gamification aims to increase user motivation with the introduction of game-like elements in a non-game context. In this study, the effectiveness of gamification techniques, common in fields such as education and life-style applications, are investigated on a virtual reality-based neurological rehabilitation software. In this study a user study was conducted to evaluate the motivational aspect of gamification. Ten test subjects (six male and four female) aged 22–34 participated in two settings in a random predetermined order: a gamified environment and a simplified environment. After each play session, the participants filled a questionnaire and partook in a short semi-structured interview relating to the experience. Mixed methods analysis was conducted, meaning results were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. In quantitative analysis, the results showed that participants’ intrinsic motivation was greater during the gamified play session as opposed to the simplified one. Additionally, participant amotivation was somewhat higher in the simplified version. Qualitative analysis showed that the aesthetic elements combined with scoring system increased interest and motivation in the gamified environment. Though which independent elements contributed how much remained inconclusive. Follow-up studies with larger sample sizes could confirm the findings in this study and even go as far as to compare different gamification methods to further improve the usefulness of gamification in rehabilitation context.Pelillistämisen hyödyntäminen motivaation kasvattamisessa virtuaalitodellisuudessa järjestettävässä neurologisessa kuntoutuksessa. Tiivistelmä. Neurologinen kuntoutus on pitkä prosessi, joka vaatii paljon työtä ja motivaatiota potilaalta vaikuttaakseen tehokkaasti. Vaikka potilaat voivat olla motivoituneita kuntoututumaan parantaakseen elämänlaatuaan ja toimintakykyään, on hyödyllistä tukea motivaatiota myös toisin keinoin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin pelillistämisen, jota on käytetty muun muassa koulutusja elämäntapasovelluksissa, hyötyjä virtuaalitodellisuudessa järjestettävässä neurologisessa kuntoutussovelluksessa. Kymmenen koehenkilöä (kuusi miestä ja neljä naista) iältään 22–34 ottivat osaa tutkimukseen, jossa he kokeilivat kahta satunnaisessa järjestyksessä valittua virtuaalitodellisuusympäristöä: pelillistettyä, sekä yksinkertaistettua. Molemman pelisession jälkeen osallistujat täyttivät kyselylomakkeen ja osallistuivat lyhyeen haastatteluun. Tulokset analysoitiin monimenetelmä analyysillä, tarkoittaen että tulokset analysoitiin kvantitatiivisesti ja kvalitatiivisesti. Kvantitatiivisessa analyysissä tulokset osoittivat osallistujien kokeneen enemmän sisäistä motivaatiota pelillistetyssä ympäristössä kuin yksinkertaistetussa. Lisäksi koehenkilöt kokivat jokseenkin enemmän motivaation puutetta yksinkertaisessa versiossa ympäristöstä. Kvalitatiivinen analyysi osoitti, että esteettiset elementit sekä pisteiden lasku lisäsivät kiinnostusta ja motivaatiota pelillistettyyn version. Kuitenkin epäselväksi jäi, kuinka paljon yksittäiset elementit vaikuttivat tähän tuntemukseen. Jatkotutkimukset suuremmalla osallistujamäärällä voisivat vahvistaa tämän tutkimuksen löytöjä. Lisäksi olisi mahdollista vertailla eri pelillistämismenetelmiä ja niiden hyötyjä neurologisessa kuntoutuksessa

    Survey of movement reproduction in immersive virtual rehabilitation.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers via the DOI in this record Virtual reality (VR) has emerged as a powerful tool for rehabilitation. Many effective VR applications have been developed to support motor rehabilitation of people affected by motor issues. Movement reproduction, which transfers users' movements from the physical world to the virtual environment, is commonly used in VR rehabilitation applications. Three major components are required for movement reproduction in VR: (1) movement input, (2) movement representation, and (3) movement modulation. Until now, movement reproduction in virtual rehabilitation has not yet been systematically studied. This paper aims to provide a state-of-the-art review on this subject by focusing on existing literature on immersive motor rehabilitation using VR. In this review, we provided in-depth discussions on the rehabilitation goals and outcomes, technology issues behind virtual rehabilitation, and user experience regarding movement reproduction. Similarly, we present good practices and highlight challenges and opportunities that can form constructive suggestions for the design and development of fit-for-purpose VR rehabilitation applications and can help frame future research directions for this emerging area that combines VR and health.Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China ProgrammeKey Program Special Fund of Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool UniversityResearch Development Fund of Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool Universit

    Automatic cybersickness detection by deep learning of augmented physiological data from off-the-shelf consumer-grade sensors

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    Cybersickness is still a prominent risk factor potentially affecting the usability of virtual reality applications. Automated real-time detection of cybersickness promises to support a better general understanding of the phenomena and to avoid and counteract its occurrence. It could be used to facilitate application optimization, that is, to systematically link potential causes (technical development and conceptual design decisions) to cybersickness in closed-loop user-centered development cycles. In addition, it could be used to monitor, warn, and hence safeguard users against any onset of cybersickness during a virtual reality exposure, especially in healthcare applications. This article presents a novel real-time-capable cybersickness detection method by deep learning of augmented physiological data. In contrast to related preliminary work, we are exploring a unique combination of mid-immersion ground truth elicitation, an unobtrusive wireless setup, and moderate training performance requirements. We developed a proof-of-concept prototype to compare (combinations of) convolutional neural networks, long short-term memory, and support vector machines with respect to detection performance. We demonstrate that the use of a conditional generative adversarial network-based data augmentation technique increases detection performance significantly and showcase the feasibility of real-time cybersickness detection in a genuine application example. Finally, a comprehensive performance analysis demonstrates that a four-layered bidirectional long short-term memory network with the developed data augmentation delivers superior performance (91.1% F1-score) for real-time cybersickness detection. To encourage replicability and reuse in future cybersickness studies, we released the code and the dataset as publicly available