3,533 research outputs found

    Bayesian Image Quality Transfer with CNNs: Exploring Uncertainty in dMRI Super-Resolution

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    In this work, we investigate the value of uncertainty modeling in 3D super-resolution with convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Deep learning has shown success in a plethora of medical image transformation problems, such as super-resolution (SR) and image synthesis. However, the highly ill-posed nature of such problems results in inevitable ambiguity in the learning of networks. We propose to account for intrinsic uncertainty through a per-patch heteroscedastic noise model and for parameter uncertainty through approximate Bayesian inference in the form of variational dropout. We show that the combined benefits of both lead to the state-of-the-art performance SR of diffusion MR brain images in terms of errors compared to ground truth. We further show that the reduced error scores produce tangible benefits in downstream tractography. In addition, the probabilistic nature of the methods naturally confers a mechanism to quantify uncertainty over the super-resolved output. We demonstrate through experiments on both healthy and pathological brains the potential utility of such an uncertainty measure in the risk assessment of the super-resolved images for subsequent clinical use.Comment: Accepted paper at MICCAI 201

    Brain tumour microstructure is associated with post-surgical cognition

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    Brain tumour microstructure is potentially predictive of changes following treatment to cognitive functions subserved by the functional networks in which they are embedded. To test this hypothesis, intra-tumoural microstructure was quantified from diffusion-weighted MRI to identify which tumour subregions (if any) had a greater impact on participants’ cognitive recovery after surgical resection. Additionally, we studied the role of tumour microstructure in the functional interaction between the tumour and the rest of the brain. Sixteen patients (22–56 years, 7 females) with brain tumours located in or near speech-eloquent areas of the brain were included in the analyses. Two different approaches were adopted for tumour segmentation from a multishell diffusion MRI acquisition: the first used a two-dimensional four group partition of feature space, whilst the second used data-driven clustering with Gaussian mixture modelling. For each approach, we assessed the capability of tumour microstructure to predict participants’ cognitive outcomes after surgery and the strength of association between the BOLD signal of individual tumour subregions and the global BOLD signal. With both methodologies, the volumes of partially overlapped subregions within the tumour significantly predicted cognitive decline in verbal skills after surgery. We also found that these particular subregions were among those that showed greater functional interaction with the unaffected cortex. Our results indicate that tumour microstructure measured by MRI multishell diffusion is associated with cognitive recovery after surgery.</p

    Noninvasive diffusion magnetic resonance imaging of brain tumour cell size for the early detection of therapeutic response

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    Cancer cells differ in size from those of their host tissue and are known to change in size during the processes of cell death. A noninvasive method for monitoring cell size would be highly advantageous as a potential biomarker of malignancy and early therapeutic response. This need is particularly acute in brain tumours where biopsy is a highly invasive procedure. Here, diffusion MRI data were acquired in a GL261 glioma mouse model before and during treatment with Temozolomide. The biophysical model VERDICT (Vascular Extracellular and Restricted Diffusion for Cytometry in Tumours) was applied to the MRI data to quantify multi-compartmental parameters connected to the underlying tissue microstructure, which could potentially be useful clinical biomarkers. These parameters were compared to ADC and kurtosis diffusion models, and, measures from histology and optical projection tomography. MRI data was also acquired in patients to assess the feasibility of applying VERDICT in a range of different glioma subtypes. In the GL261 gliomas, cellular changes were detected according to the VERDICT model in advance of gross tumour volume changes as well as ADC and kurtosis models. VERDICT parameters in glioblastoma patients were most consistent with the GL261 mouse model, whilst displaying additional regions of localised tissue heterogeneity. The present VERDICT model was less appropriate for modelling more diffuse astrocytomas and oligodendrogliomas, but could be tuned to improve the representation of these tumour types. Biophysical modelling of the diffusion MRI signal permits monitoring of brain tumours without invasive intervention. VERDICT responds to microstructural changes induced by chemotherapy, is feasible within clinical scan times and could provide useful biomarkers of treatment response

    Comprehensive Brain Tumour Characterisation with VERDICT-MRI: Evaluation of Cellular and Vascular Measures Validated by Histology

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    The aim of this work was to extend the VERDICT-MRI framework for modelling brain tumours, enabling comprehensive characterisation of both intra- and peritumoural areas with a particular focus on cellular and vascular features. Diffusion MRI data were acquired with multiple b-values (ranging from 50 to 3500 s/mm2), diffusion times, and echo times in 21 patients with brain tumours of different types and with a wide range of cellular and vascular features. We fitted a selection of diffusion models that resulted from the combination of different types of intracellular, extracellular, and vascular compartments to the signal. We compared the models using criteria for parsimony while aiming at good characterisation of all of the key histological brain tumour components. Finally, we evaluated the parameters of the best-performing model in the differentiation of tumour histotypes, using ADC (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient) as a clinical standard reference, and compared them to histopathology and relevant perfusion MRI metrics. The best-performing model for VERDICT in brain tumours was a three-compartment model accounting for anisotropically hindered and isotropically restricted diffusion and isotropic pseudo-diffusion. VERDICT metrics were compatible with the histological appearance of low-grade gliomas and metastases and reflected differences found by histopathology between multiple biopsy samples within tumours. The comparison between histotypes showed that both the intracellular and vascular fractions tended to be higher in tumours with high cellularity (glioblastoma and metastasis), and quantitative analysis showed a trend toward higher values of the intracellular fraction (fic) within the tumour core with increasing glioma grade. We also observed a trend towards a higher free water fraction in vasogenic oedemas around metastases compared to infiltrative oedemas around glioblastomas and WHO 3 gliomas as well as the periphery of low-grade gliomas. In conclusion, we developed and evaluated a multi-compartment diffusion MRI model for brain tumours based on the VERDICT framework, which showed agreement between non-invasive microstructural estimates and histology and encouraging trends for the differentiation of tumour types and sub-regions

    Investigating Tissue Heterogeneity using MRI in Prostate Cancer

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    Multi-parametric MRI, a promising new technique for grading prostate cancer using MRI, classifies a high number of regions as indeterminate. This is a symptom of the wider problem that clinical usage of MRI in prostate cancer only includes basic techniques and does not directly categorise tissue microstructure. This work provides insight into the microstructure of the prostate using a combination of new tissue models and acquisition schemes. Each is tested with the aim of producing a method that is better at detecting and grading prostate cancer. The first section utilises microstructural diffusion models to better quantify tissue heterogeneity in the prostate. The two models investigated provided more information about the heterogeneous nature of the prostate that ADC and showed significant difference between lesions and normal tissue. The next section looks into combining multi-echo T2 (ME-T2) sequences with quantitative tissue modelling called Luminal Water Imaging (LWI). This work produced an optimal LWI fitting technique and acquisition. Then the ability of LWI to detect the PI-RADS v2.0 score of regions of interest was examined, showing that it was able to differentiate between scores better than ADC. This work also showed that LWI can differentiate between tumour and normal tissue with an AUC of 0.81 (p<0.05) when compared to ADC with an AUC of 0.75 (p<0.05) in this dataset. The next section further improves the acquisitions using larger datasets. It showed that correcting for imperfect pulse refocusing could improve on the performance of LWI in detecting PCa. This work also showed that fewer echoes could be used in the acquisition. Neural networks were then used to detect and grade prostate cancer using the data points from both multiple b-value diffusion and ME-T2 decay curves. The neural network’s ability to distinguish between different PIRADS scores was shown to have an AUC of 0.87 (p<0.05) using 32-echo data

    Early detection of human glioma sphere xenografts in mouse brain using diffusion MRI at 14.1 T.

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    Glioma models have provided important insights into human brain cancers. Among the investigative tools, MRI has allowed their characterization and diagnosis. In this study, we investigated whether diffusion MRI might be a useful technique for early detection and characterization of slow-growing and diffuse infiltrative gliomas, such as the proposed new models, LN-2669GS and LN-2540GS glioma sphere xenografts. Tumours grown in these models are not visible in conventional T2 -weighted or contrast-enhanced T1 -weighted MRI at 14.1 T. Diffusion-weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging protocols were optimized for contrast by exploring long diffusion times sensitive for probing the microstructural alterations induced in the normal brain by the slow infiltration of glioma sphere cells. Compared with T2 -weighted images, tumours were properly identified in their early stage of growth using diffusion MRI, and confirmed by localized proton MR spectroscopy as well as immunohistochemistry. The first evidence of tumour presence was revealed for both glioma sphere xenograft models three months after tumour implantation, while no necrosis, oedema or haemorrhage were detected either by MRI or by histology. Moreover, different values of diffusion indices, such as mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy, were obtained in tumours grown from LN-2669GS and LN-2540GS glioma sphere lines. These observations highlighted diverse tumour microstructures for both xenograft models, which were reflected in histology. This study demonstrates the ability of diffusion MRI techniques to identify and investigate early stages of slow-growing, invasive tumours in the mouse brain, thus providing a potential imaging biomarker for early detection of tumours in humans

    Distinguishing between paediatric brain tumour types using multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging and machine learning: a multi-site study

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    The imaging and subsequent accurate diagnosis of paediatric brain tumours presents a radiological challenge, with magnetic resonance imaging playing a key role in providing tumour specific imaging information. Diffusion weighted and perfusion imaging are commonly used to aid the non-invasive diagnosis of children's brain tumours, but are usually evaluated by expert qualitative review. Quantitative studies are mainly single centre and single modality. The aim of this work was to combine multi-centre diffusion and perfusion imaging, with machine learning, to develop machine learning based classifiers to discriminate between three common paediatric tumour types. The results show that diffusion and perfusion weighted imaging of both the tumour and whole brain provide significant features which differ between tumour types, and that combining these features gives the optimal machine learning classifier with >80% predictive precision. This work represents a step forward to aid in the non-invasive diagnosis of paediatric brain tumours, using advanced clinical imaging