1,353 research outputs found

    Region-enhanced passive radar imaging

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    The authors adapt and apply a recently-developed region-enhanced synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image reconstruction technique to the problem of passive radar imaging. One goal in passive radar imaging is to form images of aircraft using signals transmitted by commercial radio and television stations that are reflected from the objects of interest. This involves reconstructing an image from sparse samples of its Fourier transform. Owing to the sparse nature of the aperture, a conventional image formation approach based on direct Fourier transformation results in quite dramatic artefacts in the image, as compared with the case of active SAR imaging. The regionenhanced image formation method considered is based on an explicit mathematical model of the observation process; hence, information about the nature of the aperture is explicitly taken into account in image formation. Furthermore, this framework allows the incorporation of prior information or constraints about the scene being imaged, which makes it possible to compensate for the limitations of the sparse apertures involved in passive radar imaging. As a result, conventional imaging artefacts, such as sidelobes, can be alleviated. Experimental results using data based on electromagnetic simulations demonstrate that this is a promising strategy for passive radar imaging, exhibiting significant suppression of artefacts, preservation of imaged object features, and robustness to measurement noise

    Model for Estimation of Bounds in Digital Coding of Seabed Images

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    This paper proposes the novel model for estimation of bounds in digital coding of images. Entropy coding of images is exploited to measure the useful information content of the data. The bit rate achieved by reversible compression using the rate-distortion theory approach takes into account the contribution of the observation noise and the intrinsic information of hypothetical noise-free image. Assuming the Laplacian probability density function of the quantizer input signal, SQNR gains are calculated for image predictive coding system with non-adaptive quantizer for white and correlated noise, respectively. The proposed model is evaluated on seabed images. However, model presented in this paper can be applied to any signal with Laplacian distribution

    Modeling of SAR signatures of shallow water ocean topography

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    A hydrodynamic/electromagnetic model was developed to explain and quantify the relationship between the SEASAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observed signatures and the bottom topography of the ocean in the English Channel region of the North Sea. The model uses environmental data and radar system parameters as inputs and predicts SAR-observed backscatter changes over topographic changes in the ocean floor. The model results compare favorably with the actual SEASAT SAR observed backscatter values. The developed model is valid for only relatively shallow water areas (i.e., less than 50 meters in depth) and suggests that for bottom features to be visible on SAR imagery, a moderate to high velocity current and a moderate wind must be present

    Quantifying and Modeling the Effects of Internal Waves on Synthetic Aperture Sonar

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    Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) is based on synthetic aperture radar, with a number of key factors increasing the complexity of data collection. One of the assumptions made with respect to SAS image reconstruction is the presence of a constant sound speed. As a nearfield imaging system, SAS is sensitive to the breaking of this assumption. The sound speed in the ocean varies with depth. Variations in sound speed can come in the form of internal waves. Internal waves propagating up the slope of the continental shelf are subject to breaking mechanisms that result in the propagation of boluses shoreward. Internal wave boluses are three dimensional features consisting of colder, higher density water. Since the internal wave boluses are composed of colder seawater, the speed of sound is different than in the surrounding environment. The change in sound speed changes the timing and phase of propagating acoustic rays causing degradation in SAS image quality. Not only do the internal waves violate the constant sound speed assumption made by SAS for image formation, but they also influence the travel of acoustic rays due to a geometric lensing effect. The lensing effect causes large refractive effects near the top of the bolus, resulting in a bright region and shadow region within the image. The goal of this study was to quantify the effects of internal waves on SAS image resolution and subsequently model these effects. The quantification of the effects was performed utilizing point targets within the SAS image. The point spread function of the point targets was estimated and used as a proxy for the image resolution and showed that internal waves can cause resolution loss on the order of two to four times than in the absence of a bolus or sound speed error. A numerical ray tracing model was used to estimate the resolution loss in SAS imagery in the presence of internal waves. An analytical model derived in order to better characterize the impacts of internal waves on SAS resolution. Beamforming was also performed over simulated imagery in the presence and absence of internal waves. The models agreed well with each other and the observed resolution loss in collected SAS data. Based on the success of modeling attempts, it is reasonable to develop a method for full inversion for bolus parameters. Given the agreement of the models with data it may be possible to develop methods to compensate for timing errors caused by the presence of internal waves and return the ideal image resolution

    AUV-enabled adaptive underwater surveying for optimal data collection

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    A new adaptive strategy for performing data collection with a sonar-equipped autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is proposed. The approach is general in the sense that it is applicable to a wide range of underwater tasks that rely on subsequent processing of side-looking sonar imagery. By intelligently allocating resources and immediately reacting to the data collected in-mission, the proposed approach simultaneously maximizes the information content in the data and decreases overall survey time. These improvements are achieved by adapting the AUV route to prevent portions of the mission area from being either characterized by poor image quality or obscured by shadows caused by sand ripples. The peak correlation of consecutive sonar returns is used as a measure for image quality. To detect the presence of and estimate the orientation of sand ripples, a new innovative algorithm is developed. The components of the overall data-driven path-planning algorithm are purposely constructed to permit fast real-time execution with only minimal AUV onboard processing capabilities. Experimental results based on real sonar data collected at sea are used to demonstrate the promise of the proposed approach

    Iterative, Deep Synthetic Aperture Sonar Image Segmentation

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    Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) systems produce high-resolution images of the seabed environment. Moreover, deep learning has demonstrated superior ability in finding robust features for automating imagery analysis. However, the success of deep learning is conditioned on having lots of labeled training data, but obtaining generous pixel-level annotations of SAS imagery is often practically infeasible. This challenge has thus far limited the adoption of deep learning methods for SAS segmentation. Algorithms exist to segment SAS imagery in an unsupervised manner, but they lack the benefit of state-of-the-art learning methods and the results present significant room for improvement. In view of the above, we propose a new iterative algorithm for unsupervised SAS image segmentation combining superpixel formation, deep learning, and traditional clustering methods. We call our method Iterative Deep Unsupervised Segmentation (IDUS). IDUS is an unsupervised learning framework that can be divided into four main steps: 1) A deep network estimates class assignments. 2) Low-level image features from the deep network are clustered into superpixels. 3) Superpixels are clustered into class assignments (which we call pseudo-labels) using kk-means. 4) Resulting pseudo-labels are used for loss backpropagation of the deep network prediction. These four steps are performed iteratively until convergence. A comparison of IDUS to current state-of-the-art methods on a realistic benchmark dataset for SAS image segmentation demonstrates the benefits of our proposal even as the IDUS incurs a much lower computational burden during inference (actual labeling of a test image). Finally, we also develop a semi-supervised (SS) extension of IDUS called IDSS and demonstrate experimentally that it can further enhance performance while outperforming supervised alternatives that exploit the same labeled training imagery.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2107.1456

    Self-Supervised Learning for Improved Synthetic Aperture Sonar Target Recognition

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    This study explores the application of self-supervised learning (SSL) for improved target recognition in synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) imagery. The unique challenges of underwater environments make traditional computer vision techniques, which rely heavily on optical camera imagery, less effective. SAS, with its ability to generate high-resolution imagery, emerges as a preferred choice for underwater imaging. However, the voluminous high-resolution SAS data presents a significant challenge for labeling; a crucial step for training deep neural networks (DNNs). SSL, which enables models to learn features in data without the need for labels, is proposed as a potential solution to the data labeling challenge in SAS. The study evaluates the performance of two prominent SSL algorithms, MoCov2 and BYOL, against the well-regarded supervised learning model, ResNet18, for binary image classification tasks. The findings suggest that while both SSL models can outperform a fully supervised model with access to a small number of labels in a few-shot scenario, they do not exceed it when all the labels are used. The results underscore the potential of SSL as a viable alternative to traditional supervised learning, capable of maintaining task performance while reducing the time and costs associated with data labeling. The study also contributes to the growing body of evidence supporting the use of SSL in remote sensing and could stimulate further research in this area

    Advances in Sonar Technology

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    The demand to explore the largest and also one of the richest parts of our planet, the advances in signal processing promoted by an exponential growth in computation power and a thorough study of sound propagation in the underwater realm, have lead to remarkable advances in sonar technology in the last years.The work on hand is a sum of knowledge of several authors who contributed in various aspects of sonar technology. This book intends to give a broad overview of the advances in sonar technology of the last years that resulted from the research effort of the authors in both sonar systems and their applications. It is intended for scientist and engineers from a variety of backgrounds and even those that never had contact with sonar technology before will find an easy introduction with the topics and principles exposed here
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