5 research outputs found

    The Challenge In The Use Of New Technologies Integrated To Health In The Treatment Of Covid-19: A Brief Critical Analysis In Brazil

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    Viral diseases continue to emerge and annually bring challenges to the Brazilian public health system, such as COVID-19 with easy respiratory infection. This study aims to analyze the importance of new technologies in the treatment of COVID-19 and, thus, promote the information of technological data in the Brazilian territory. Therefore, methodological techniques were used in systematic reviews in the selection of included studies to be used in the construction of this short and critical systematic review. And 08 articles were included for inclusion in this critical analysis

    Authentication in the use of health sensors to remote patients with covid-19: A proposal for the telehealth center in the EBSERH network

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    Viruses will continue to emerge and bring challenges to the global public health system with emerging viruses through respiratory contagion that cause pandemics. This study aims to propose a way to use constant monitoring during the period of treatment of the patient with COVID-19 and, thus, reduce the negative indicators of death in the Brazilian territory. Methodological techniques were used in meta-analysis and systematic reviews in the selection of included studies when used in the construction of this systematic review. 05 articles were selected for inclusion in this critical analysis

    PATCH-IQ: A patch based learning framework for blind image quality assessment

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    Most well-known blind image quality assessment (BIQA) models usually follow a two-stage framework whereby various types of features are first extracted and used as an input to a regressor. The regression algorithm is used to model human perceptual measures based on a training set of distorted images. However, this approach requires an intensive training phase to optimise the regression parameters. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by proposing an alternative BIQA model that predicts image quality using nearest neighbour methods which have virtually zero training cost. The model, termed PATCH based blind Image Quality assessment (PATCH-IQ), has a learning framework that operates at the patch level. This enables PATCH-IQ to provide not only a global image quality estimation but also a local image quality estimation. Based on the assumption that the perceived quality of a distorted image will be best predicted by features drawn from images with the same distortion class, PATCH-IQ also introduces a distortion identification stage in its framework. This enables PATCH-IQ to identify the distortion affecting the image, a property that can be useful for further local processing stages. PATCH-IQ is evaluated on the standard IQA databases, and the provided scores are highly correlated to human perception of image quality. It also delivers competitive prediction accuracy and computational performance in relationship to other state-of-the-art BIQA models

    Role of images on World Wide Web readability

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    As the Internet and World Wide Web have grown, many good things have come. If you have access to a computer, you can find a lot of information quickly and easily. Electronic devices can store and retrieve vast amounts of data in seconds. You no longer have to leave your house to get products and services you could only get in person. Documents can be changed from English to Urdu or from text to speech almost instantly, making it easy for people from different cultures and with different abilities to talk to each other. As technology improves, web developers and website visitors want more animation, colour, and technology. As computers get faster at processing images and other graphics, web developers use them more and more. Users who can see colour, pictures, animation, and images can help understand and read the Web and improve the Web experience. People who have trouble reading or whose first language is not used on the website can also benefit from using pictures. But not all images help people understand and read the text they go with. For example, images just for decoration or picked by the people who made the website should not be used. Also, different factors could affect how easy it is to read graphical content, such as a low image resolution, a bad aspect ratio, a bad colour combination in the image itself, a small font size, etc., and the WCAG gave different rules for each of these problems. The rules suggest using alternative text, the right combination of colours, low contrast, and a higher resolution. But one of the biggest problems is that images that don't go with the text on a web page can make it hard to read the text. On the other hand, relevant pictures could make the page easier to read. A method has been suggested to figure out how relevant the images on websites are from the point of view of web readability. This method combines different ways to get information from images by using Cloud Vision API and Optical Character Recognition (OCR), and reading text from websites to find relevancy between them. Techniques for preprocessing data have been used on the information that has been extracted. Natural Language Processing (NLP) technique has been used to determine what images and text on a web page have to do with each other. This tool looks at fifty educational websites' pictures and assesses their relevance. Results show that images that have nothing to do with the page's content and images that aren't very good cause lower relevancy scores. A user study was done to evaluate the hypothesis that the relevant images could enhance web readability based on two evaluations: the evaluation of the 1024 end users of the page and the heuristic evaluation, which was done by 32 experts in accessibility. The user study was done with questions about what the user knows, how they feel, and what they can do. The results back up the idea that images that are relevant to the page make it easier to read. This method will help web designers make pages easier to read by looking at only the essential parts of a page and not relying on their judgment.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José Luis Lépez Cuadrado.- Secretario: Divakar Yadav.- Vocal: Arti Jai


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    The focus of this thesis is on image quality assessment, specifically for problems of assessing the quality of an image blindly or without reference information. There are significant efforts over the last decade in developing objective blind models that can assess image quality as perceived by humans. Various models have been introduced, achieving highly competitive performances and high in correlation with subjective perceptual measures. However, there are still limitations on these models before they can be viable replacements to traditional image metrics over a wide range of image processing applications. This thesis addresses several limitations. The thesis first proposes a new framework to learn a blind image quality model with minimal training requirements, operates locally and has ability to identify distortion in the assessed image. To increase the model’s performance, the thesis then modifies the framework by considering an aspect of human vision tendency, which is often ignored by previous models. Finally, the thesis presents another framework that enable a model to simultaneously learn quality prediction for images affected by different distortion types