4,771 research outputs found

    ROI coding of volumetric medical images with application to visualisation

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    Single Frame Image super Resolution using Learned Directionlets

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    In this paper, a new directionally adaptive, learning based, single image super resolution method using multiple direction wavelet transform, called Directionlets is presented. This method uses directionlets to effectively capture directional features and to extract edge information along different directions of a set of available high resolution images .This information is used as the training set for super resolving a low resolution input image and the Directionlet coefficients at finer scales of its high-resolution image are learned locally from this training set and the inverse Directionlet transform recovers the super-resolved high resolution image. The simulation results showed that the proposed approach outperforms standard interpolation techniques like Cubic spline interpolation as well as standard Wavelet-based learning, both visually and in terms of the mean squared error (mse) values. This method gives good result with aliased images also.Comment: 14 pages,6 figure

    Regularity scalable image coding based on wavelet singularity detection

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    In this paper, we propose an adaptive algorithm for scalable wavelet image coding, which is based on the general feature, the regularity, of images. In pattern recognition or computer vision, regularity of images is estimated from the oriented wavelet coefficients and quantified by the Lipschitz exponents. To estimate the Lipschitz exponents, evaluating the interscale evolution of the wavelet transform modulus sum (WTMS) over the directional cone of influence was proven to be a better approach than tracing the wavelet transform modulus maxima (WTMM). This is because the irregular sampling nature of the WTMM complicates the reconstruction process. Moreover, examples were found to show that the WTMM representation cannot uniquely characterize a signal. It implies that the reconstruction of signal from its WTMM may not be consistently stable. Furthermore, the WTMM approach requires much more computational effort. Therefore, we use the WTMS approach to estimate the regularity of images from the separable wavelet transformed coefficients. Since we do not concern about the localization issue, we allow the decimation to occur when we evaluate the interscale evolution. After the regularity is estimated, this information is utilized in our proposed adaptive regularity scalable wavelet image coding algorithm. This algorithm can be simply embedded into any wavelet image coders, so it is compatible with the existing scalable coding techniques, such as the resolution scalable and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) scalable coding techniques, without changing the bitstream format, but provides more scalable levels with higher peak signal-to-noise ratios (PSNRs) and lower bit rates. In comparison to the other feature-based wavelet scalable coding algorithms, the proposed algorithm outperforms them in terms of visual perception, computational complexity and coding efficienc

    A semidiscrete version of the Citti-Petitot-Sarti model as a plausible model for anthropomorphic image reconstruction and pattern recognition

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    In his beautiful book [66], Jean Petitot proposes a sub-Riemannian model for the primary visual cortex of mammals. This model is neurophysiologically justified. Further developments of this theory lead to efficient algorithms for image reconstruction, based upon the consideration of an associated hypoelliptic diffusion. The sub-Riemannian model of Petitot and Citti-Sarti (or certain of its improvements) is a left-invariant structure over the group SE(2)SE(2) of rototranslations of the plane. Here, we propose a semi-discrete version of this theory, leading to a left-invariant structure over the group SE(2,N)SE(2,N), restricting to a finite number of rotations. This apparently very simple group is in fact quite atypical: it is maximally almost periodic, which leads to much simpler harmonic analysis compared to SE(2).SE(2). Based upon this semi-discrete model, we improve on previous image-reconstruction algorithms and we develop a pattern-recognition theory that leads also to very efficient algorithms in practice.Comment: 123 pages, revised versio

    Construction of Hilbert Transform Pairs of Wavelet Bases and Gabor-like Transforms

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    We propose a novel method for constructing Hilbert transform (HT) pairs of wavelet bases based on a fundamental approximation-theoretic characterization of scaling functions--the B-spline factorization theorem. In particular, starting from well-localized scaling functions, we construct HT pairs of biorthogonal wavelet bases of L^2(R) by relating the corresponding wavelet filters via a discrete form of the continuous HT filter. As a concrete application of this methodology, we identify HT pairs of spline wavelets of a specific flavor, which are then combined to realize a family of complex wavelets that resemble the optimally-localized Gabor function for sufficiently large orders. Analytic wavelets, derived from the complexification of HT wavelet pairs, exhibit a one-sided spectrum. Based on the tensor-product of such analytic wavelets, and, in effect, by appropriately combining four separable biorthogonal wavelet bases of L^2(R^2), we then discuss a methodology for constructing 2D directional-selective complex wavelets. In particular, analogous to the HT correspondence between the components of the 1D counterpart, we relate the real and imaginary components of these complex wavelets using a multi-dimensional extension of the HT--the directional HT. Next, we construct a family of complex spline wavelets that resemble the directional Gabor functions proposed by Daugman. Finally, we present an efficient FFT-based filterbank algorithm for implementing the associated complex wavelet transform.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure
