2,136 research outputs found

    Recent Progress in Image Deblurring

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    This paper comprehensively reviews the recent development of image deblurring, including non-blind/blind, spatially invariant/variant deblurring techniques. Indeed, these techniques share the same objective of inferring a latent sharp image from one or several corresponding blurry images, while the blind deblurring techniques are also required to derive an accurate blur kernel. Considering the critical role of image restoration in modern imaging systems to provide high-quality images under complex environments such as motion, undesirable lighting conditions, and imperfect system components, image deblurring has attracted growing attention in recent years. From the viewpoint of how to handle the ill-posedness which is a crucial issue in deblurring tasks, existing methods can be grouped into five categories: Bayesian inference framework, variational methods, sparse representation-based methods, homography-based modeling, and region-based methods. In spite of achieving a certain level of development, image deblurring, especially the blind case, is limited in its success by complex application conditions which make the blur kernel hard to obtain and be spatially variant. We provide a holistic understanding and deep insight into image deblurring in this review. An analysis of the empirical evidence for representative methods, practical issues, as well as a discussion of promising future directions are also presented.Comment: 53 pages, 17 figure

    Manifold Learning Approaches to Compressing Latent Spaces of Unsupervised Feature Hierarchies

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    Field robots encounter dynamic unstructured environments containing a vast array of unique objects. In order to make sense of the world in which they are placed, they collect large quantities of unlabelled data with a variety of sensors. Producing robust and reliable applications depends entirely on the ability of the robot to understand the unlabelled data it obtains. Deep Learning techniques have had a high level of success in learning powerful unsupervised representations for a variety of discriminative and generative models. Applying these techniques to problems encountered in field robotics remains a challenging endeavour. Modern Deep Learning methods are typically trained with a substantial labelled dataset, while datasets produced in a field robotics context contain limited labelled training data. The primary motivation for this thesis stems from the problem of applying large scale Deep Learning models to field robotics datasets that are label poor. While the lack of labelled ground truth data drives the desire for unsupervised methods, the need for improving the model scaling is driven by two factors, performance and computational requirements. When utilising unsupervised layer outputs as representations for classification, the classification performance increases with layer size. Scaling up models with multiple large layers of features is problematic, as the sizes of subsequent hidden layers scales with the size of the previous layer. This quadratic scaling, and the associated time required to train such networks has prevented adoption of large Deep Learning models beyond cluster computing. The contributions in this thesis are developed from the observation that parameters or filter el- ements learnt in Deep Learning systems are typically highly structured, and contain related ele- ments. Firstly, the structure of unsupervised filters is utilised to construct a mapping from the high dimensional filter space to a low dimensional manifold. This creates a significantly smaller repre- sentation for subsequent feature learning. This mapping, and its effect on the resulting encodings, highlights the need for the ability to learn highly overcomplete sets of convolutional features. Driven by this need, the unsupervised pretraining of Deep Convolutional Networks is developed to include a number of modern training and regularisation methods. These pretrained models are then used to provide initialisations for supervised convolutional models trained on low quantities of labelled data. By utilising pretraining, a significant increase in classification performance on a number of publicly available datasets is achieved. In order to apply these techniques to outdoor 3D Laser Illuminated Detection And Ranging data, we develop a set of resampling techniques to provide uniform input to Deep Learning models. The features learnt in these systems outperform the high effort hand engineered features developed specifically for 3D data. The representation of a given signal is then reinterpreted as a combination of modes that exist on the learnt low dimensional filter manifold. From this, we develop an encoding technique that allows the high dimensional layer output to be represented as a combination of low dimensional components. This allows the growth of subsequent layers to only be dependent on the intrinsic dimensionality of the filter manifold and not the number of elements contained in the previous layer. Finally, the resulting unsupervised convolutional model, the encoding frameworks and the em- bedding methodology are used to produce a new unsupervised learning stratergy that is able to encode images in terms of overcomplete filter spaces, without producing an explosion in the size of the intermediate parameter spaces. This model produces classification results on par with state of the art models, yet requires significantly less computational resources and is suitable for use in the constrained computation environment of a field robot

    BLADE: Filter Learning for General Purpose Computational Photography

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    The Rapid and Accurate Image Super Resolution (RAISR) method of Romano, Isidoro, and Milanfar is a computationally efficient image upscaling method using a trained set of filters. We describe a generalization of RAISR, which we name Best Linear Adaptive Enhancement (BLADE). This approach is a trainable edge-adaptive filtering framework that is general, simple, computationally efficient, and useful for a wide range of problems in computational photography. We show applications to operations which may appear in a camera pipeline including denoising, demosaicing, and stylization

    Selected Topics in Bayesian Image/Video Processing

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    In this dissertation, three problems in image deblurring, inpainting and virtual content insertion are solved in a Bayesian framework.;Camera shake, motion or defocus during exposure leads to image blur. Single image deblurring has achieved remarkable results by solving a MAP problem, but there is no perfect solution due to inaccurate image prior and estimator. In the first part, a new non-blind deconvolution algorithm is proposed. The image prior is represented by a Gaussian Scale Mixture(GSM) model, which is estimated from non-blurry images as training data. Our experimental results on a total twelve natural images have shown that more details are restored than previous deblurring algorithms.;In augmented reality, it is a challenging problem to insert virtual content in video streams by blending it with spatial and temporal information. A generic virtual content insertion (VCI) system is introduced in the second part. To the best of my knowledge, it is the first successful system to insert content on the building facades from street view video streams. Without knowing camera positions, the geometry model of a building facade is established by using a detection and tracking combined strategy. Moreover, motion stabilization, dynamic registration and color harmonization contribute to the excellent augmented performance in this automatic VCI system.;Coding efficiency is an important objective in video coding. In recent years, video coding standards have been developing by adding new tools. However, it costs numerous modifications in the complex coding systems. Therefore, it is desirable to consider alternative standard-compliant approaches without modifying the codec structures. In the third part, an exemplar-based data pruning video compression scheme for intra frame is introduced. Data pruning is used as a pre-processing tool to remove part of video data before they are encoded. At the decoder, missing data is reconstructed by a sparse linear combination of similar patches. The novelty is to create a patch library to exploit similarity of patches. The scheme achieves an average 4% bit rate reduction on some high definition videos

    Underwater image restoration: super-resolution and deblurring via sparse representation and denoising by means of marine snow removal

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    Underwater imaging has been widely used as a tool in many fields, however, a major issue is the quality of the resulting images/videos. Due to the light's interaction with water and its constituents, the acquired underwater images/videos often suffer from a significant amount of scatter (blur, haze) and noise. In the light of these issues, this thesis considers problems of low-resolution, blurred and noisy underwater images and proposes several approaches to improve the quality of such images/video frames. Quantitative and qualitative experiments validate the success of proposed algorithms

    Interpolation of Low-Resolution Images for Improved Accuracy Using an ANN Quadratic Interpolator

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    The era of digital imaging has transitioned into a new one. Conversion to real-time, high-resolution images is considered vital. Interpolation is employed in order to increase the number of pixels per image, thereby enhancing spatial resolution. Interpolation's real advantage is that it can be deployed on user end devices. Despite raising the number of pixels per inch to enhances the spatial resolution, it may not improve the image's clarity, hence diminishing its quality. This strategy is designed to increase image quality by enhancing image sharpness and spatial resolution simultaneously. Proposed is an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Quadratic Interpolator for interpolating 3-D images. This method applies Lagrange interpolating polynomial and Lagrange interpolating basis function to the parameter space using a deep neural network. The degree of the polynomial is determined by the frequency of gradient orientation events within the region of interest. By manipulating interpolation coefficients, images can be upscaled and enhanced. By mapping between low- and high-resolution images, the ANN quadratic interpolator optimizes the loss function. ANN Quadratic interpolator does a good work of reducing the amount of image artefacts that occur during the process of interpolation. The weights of the proposed ANN Quadratic interpolator are seeded by transfer learning, and the layers are trained, validated, and evaluated using a standard dataset. The proposed method outperforms a variety of cutting-edge picture interpolation algorithms.

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    Motion Segmentation Aided Super Resolution Image Reconstruction

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    This dissertation addresses Super Resolution (SR) Image Reconstruction focusing on motion segmentation. The main thrust is Information Complexity guided Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for Statistical Background Modeling. In the process of developing our framework we also focus on two other topics; motion trajectories estimation toward global and local scene change detections and image reconstruction to have high resolution (HR) representations of the moving regions. Such a framework is used for dynamic scene understanding and recognition of individuals and threats with the help of the image sequences recorded with either stationary or non-stationary camera systems. We introduce a new technique called Information Complexity guided Statistical Background Modeling. Thus, we successfully employ GMMs, which are optimal with respect to information complexity criteria. Moving objects are segmented out through background subtraction which utilizes the computed background model. This technique produces superior results to competing background modeling strategies. The state-of-the-art SR Image Reconstruction studies combine the information from a set of unremarkably different low resolution (LR) images of static scene to construct an HR representation. The crucial challenge not handled in these studies is accumulating the corresponding information from highly displaced moving objects. In this aspect, a framework of SR Image Reconstruction of the moving objects with such high level of displacements is developed. Our assumption is that LR images are different from each other due to local motion of the objects and the global motion of the scene imposed by non-stationary imaging system. Contrary to traditional SR approaches, we employed several steps. These steps are; the suppression of the global motion, motion segmentation accompanied by background subtraction to extract moving objects, suppression of the local motion of the segmented out regions, and super-resolving accumulated information coming from moving objects rather than the whole scene. This results in a reliable offline SR Image Reconstruction tool which handles several types of dynamic scene changes, compensates the impacts of camera systems, and provides data redundancy through removing the background. The framework proved to be superior to the state-of-the-art algorithms which put no significant effort toward dynamic scene representation of non-stationary camera systems
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