8,645 research outputs found

    A Survey of Super-Resolution in Iris Biometrics With Evaluation of Dictionary-Learning

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe lack of resolution has a negative impact on the performance of image-based biometrics. While many generic super-resolution methods have been proposed to restore low-resolution images, they usually aim to enhance their visual appearance. However, an overall visual enhancement of biometric images does not necessarily correlate with a better recognition performance. Reconstruction approaches thus need to incorporate the specific information from the target biometric modality to effectively improve recognition performance. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of iris super-resolution approaches proposed in the literature. We have also adapted an eigen-patches’ reconstruction method based on the principal component analysis eigen-transformation of local image patches. The structure of the iris is exploited by building a patch-position-dependent dictionary. In addition, image patches are restored separately, having their own reconstruction weights. This allows the solution to be locally optimized, helping to preserve local information. To evaluate the algorithm, we degraded the high-resolution images from the CASIA Interval V3 database. Different restorations were considered, with 15 × 15 pixels being the smallest resolution evaluated. To the best of our knowledge, this is the smallest resolutions employed in the literature. The experimental framework is complemented with six publicly available iris comparators that were used to carry out biometric verification and identification experiments. The experimental results show that the proposed method significantly outperforms both the bilinear and bicubic interpolations at a very low resolution. The performance of a number of comparators attains an impressive equal error rate as low as 5% and a Top-1 accuracy of 77%–84% when considering the iris images of only 15 × 15 pixels. These results clearly demonstrate the benefit of using trained super-resolution techniques to improve the quality of iris images prior to matchingThis work was supported by the EU COST Action under Grant IC1106. The work of F. Alonso-Fernandez and J. Bigun was supported in part by the Swedish Research Council, in part by the Swedish Innovation Agency, and in part by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation through the CAISR/SIDUS-AIR projects. The work of J. Fierrez was supported by the Spanish MINECO/FEDER through the CogniMetrics Project under Grant TEC2015-70627-R. The authors acknowledge the Halmstad University Library for its support with the open access fee

    Signal-Level Information Fusion for Less Constrained Iris Recognition using Sparse-Error Low Rank Matrix Factorization

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    Iris recognition systems working in less constrained environments with the subject at-a-distance and on-the-move suffer from the noise and degradations in the iris captures. These noise and degradations significantly deteriorate iris recognition performance. In this paper, we propose a novel signal-level information fusion method to mitigate the influence of noise and degradations for less constrained iris recognition systems. The proposed method is based on low rank approximation (LRA). Given multiple noisy captures of the same eye, we assume that: 1) the potential noiseless images lie in a low rank subspace and 2) the noise is spatially sparse. Based on these assumptions, we seek an LRA of noisy captures to separate the noiseless images and noise for information fusion. Specifically, we propose a sparse-error low rank matrix factorization model to perform LRA, decomposing the noisy captures into a low rank component and a sparse error component. The low rank component estimates the potential noiseless images, while the error component models the noise. Then, the low rank and error components are utilized to perform signal-level fusion separately, producing two individually fused images. Finally, we combine the two fused images at the code level to produce one iris code as the final fusion result. Experiments on benchmark data sets demonstrate that the proposed signal-level fusion method is able to achieve a generally improved iris recognition performance in less constrained environment, in comparison with the existing iris recognition algorithms, especially for the iris captures with heavy noise and low quality

    Generative Adversarial Network and Its Application in Aerial Vehicle Detection and Biometric Identification System

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    In recent years, generative adversarial networks (GANs) have shown great potential in advancing the state-of-the-art in many areas of computer vision, most notably in image synthesis and manipulation tasks. GAN is a generative model which simultaneously trains a generator and a discriminator in an adversarial manner to produce real-looking synthetic data by capturing the underlying data distribution. Due to its powerful ability to generate high-quality and visually pleasingresults, we apply it to super-resolution and image-to-image translation techniques to address vehicle detection in low-resolution aerial images and cross-spectral cross-resolution iris recognition. First, we develop a Multi-scale GAN (MsGAN) with multiple intermediate outputs, which progressively learns the details and features of the high-resolution aerial images at different scales. Then the upscaled super-resolved aerial images are fed to a You Only Look Once-version 3 (YOLO-v3) object detector and the detection loss is jointly optimized along with a super-resolution loss to emphasize target vehicles sensitive to the super-resolution process. There is another problem that remains unsolved when detection takes place at night or in a dark environment, which requires an IR detector. Training such a detector needs a lot of infrared (IR) images. To address these challenges, we develop a GAN-based joint cross-modal super-resolution framework where low-resolution (LR) IR images are translated and super-resolved to high-resolution (HR) visible (VIS) images before applying detection. This approach significantly improves the accuracy of aerial vehicle detection by leveraging the benefits of super-resolution techniques in a cross-modal domain. Second, to increase the performance and reliability of deep learning-based biometric identification systems, we focus on developing conditional GAN (cGAN) based cross-spectral cross-resolution iris recognition and offer two different frameworks. The first approach trains a cGAN to jointly translate and super-resolve LR near-infrared (NIR) iris images to HR VIS iris images to perform cross-spectral cross-resolution iris matching to the same resolution and within the same spectrum. In the second approach, we design a coupled GAN (cpGAN) architecture to project both VIS and NIR iris images into a low-dimensional embedding domain. The goal of this architecture is to ensure maximum pairwise similarity between the feature vectors from the two iris modalities of the same subject. We have also proposed a pose attention-guided coupled profile-to-frontal face recognition network to learn discriminative and pose-invariant features in an embedding subspace. To show that the feature vectors learned by this deep subspace can be used for other tasks beyond recognition, we implement a GAN architecture which is able to reconstruct a frontal face from its corresponding profile face. This capability can be used in various face analysis tasks, such as emotion detection and expression tracking, where having a frontal face image can improve accuracy and reliability. Overall, our research works have shown its efficacy by achieving new state-of-the-art results through extensive experiments on publicly available datasets reported in the literature

    Exploring Super-Resolution for Face Recognition

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    Biometric recognition is part of many aspects of modern society. With the popularization of smartphones, facial recognition gains space in this environment of biometric technologies. With the diversity of image capture devices, of different brands and qualities, the images will not always be in the ideal standard to be recognized. This article tests and compares different scenarios and situations to assess the results obtained by facial recognition in different environments. For this, the quantity method of data analysis was used. In the first scenario, all images were submitted without changes. In the following, we have the reduction of image resolution, which may or may not be followed by enlargement to the original resolution via bicubic interpolation or through the Image Super-Resolution algorithm, these images can be all, or only that undergo tests. Results indicate that the first scenario obtained the best performance, followed by only the tests images change. The worst performance occurs where the properties of all images are affected. In situations where there is a reduction and enlargement are optional, the enlargement option performs better, so the bicubic enlargement has an advantage over the ISR, the situation in which only the reduction occurs has the worst performance.Biometric recognition is part of many aspects of modern society. With the popularization of smartphones, facial recognition gains space in this environment of biometric technologies. With the diversity of image capture devices, of different brands and qualities, the images will not always be in the ideal standard to be recognized. This article tests and compares different scenarios and situations to assess the results obtained by facial recognition in different environments. For this, the quantity method of data analysis was used. In the first scenario, all images were submitted without changes. In the following, we have the reduction of image resolution, which may or may not be followed by enlargement to the original resolution via bicubic interpolation or through the Image Super-Resolution algorithm, these images can be all, or only that undergo tests. Results indicate that the first scenario obtained the best performance, followed by only the tests images change. The worst performance occurs where the properties of all images are affected. In situations where there is a reduction and enlargement are optional, the enlargement option performs better, so the bicubic enlargement has an advantage over the ISR, the situation in which only the reduction occurs has the worst performance

    On Generative Adversarial Network Based Synthetic Iris Presentation Attack And Its Detection

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    Human iris is considered a reliable and accurate modality for biometric recognition due to its unique texture information. Reliability and accuracy of iris biometric modality have prompted its large-scale deployment for critical applications such as border control and national identification projects. The extensive growth of iris recognition systems has raised apprehensions about the susceptibility of these systems to various presentation attacks. In this thesis, a novel iris presentation attack using deep learning based synthetically generated iris images is presented. Utilizing the generative capability of deep convolutional generative adversarial networks and iris quality metrics, a new framework, named as iDCGAN is proposed for creating realistic appearing synthetic iris images. In-depth analysis is performed using quality score distributions of real and synthetically generated iris images to understand the effectiveness of the proposed approach. We also demonstrate that synthetically generated iris images can be used to attack existing iris recognition systems. As synthetically generated iris images can be effectively deployed in iris presentation attacks, it is important to develop accurate iris presentation attack detection algorithms which can distinguish such synthetic iris images from real iris images. For this purpose, a novel structural and textural feature-based iris presentation attack detection framework (DESIST) is proposed. The key emphasis of DESIST is on developing a unified framework for detecting a medley of iris presentation attacks, including synthetic iris. Experimental evaluations showcase the efficacy of the proposed DESIST framework in detecting synthetic iris presentation attacks

    SurReal: enhancing Surgical simulation Realism using style transfer

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    Surgical simulation is an increasingly important element of surgical education. Using simulation can be a means to address some of the significant challenges in developing surgical skills with limited time and resources. The photo-realistic fidelity of simulations is a key feature that can improve the experience and transfer ratio of trainees. In this paper, we demonstrate how we can enhance the visual fidelity of existing surgical simulation by performing style transfer of multi-class labels from real surgical video onto synthetic content. We demonstrate our approach on simulations of cataract surgery using real data labels from an existing public dataset. Our results highlight the feasibility of the approach and also the powerful possibility to extend this technique to incorporate additional temporal constraints and to different applications
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