16 research outputs found

    Laryngoscopic Image Stitching for View Enhancement and Documentation - First Experiences

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    One known problem within laryngoscopy is the spatially limited view onto the hypopharynx and the larynx through the endoscope. To examine the complete larynx and hypopharynx, the laryngoscope can be rotated about its main axis, and hence the physician obtains a complete view. If such examinations are captured using endoscopic video, the examination can be reviewed in detail at a later time. Nevertheless, in order to document the examination with a single representative image, a panorama image can be computed for archiving and enhanced documentation. Twenty patients with various clinical findings were examined with a 70 rigid laryngoscope, and the video sequences were digitally stored. The image sequence for each patient was then post-processed using an image stitching tool based on SIFT features, the RANSAC approach and blending. As a result, endoscopic panorama images of the larynx and pharynx were obtained for each video sequence. The proposed approach of image stitching for laryngoscopic video sequences offers a new tool for enhanced visual examination and documentation of morphologic characteristics of the larynx and the hypopharynx

    A simplified approach to merging partial plane image

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    This paper introduces a method of image recognition based on the gradual generating and analysis of data structure consistingof the 2D space using the difference from the row and column vectors’ sums as an application of the linear algebra. The result ofthe data processing is a graphical interpretation of the measure of the similarity of the generated results of overlapping of 2 images.Maximal measure of the similarity is a measure for image registration. The study result is to create a list of the images order, in which one follows the other, included in the non-registered set of images that can be used for the final image-stitchin

    Discovering Henry Huntington’s Landholdings

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    In the late 1800s, Henry E. Huntington owned more than 60,000 acres of land in southern California, including thousands of properties in the burgeoning Los Angeles metropolitan area. Detailed maps of these landholdings are in today’s Huntington Library, but access is limited to scholarly researchers. A transparentization method was developed to overcome the shortcomings of the swipe and transparency tools. A web application was created to show the landholding of Huntington using tools that assisted the user in exploration and discovery of the past

    Mobile text reader for people with low vision

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    People with low vision have visual acuity less than 6/18 and at least 3/60 in the better eye, with correction. The limited vision requires them to enhance their reading ability using magnifying glass or electronic screen magnifier. However, people with severe low vision have difficulty and suffer fatigue from using such assistive tool. This paper presents the development of a mobile text reader dedicated for people with low vision. The mobile text reader is developed as a mobile application that allows user to capture an image of texts and then translate the texts into audio format. One main contribution of this work compared to typical optical character recognition (OCR) engines or text-to-speech engines is the addition of image stitching feature. The image stitching feature can produce one single image from multiple poorly aligned images, and is integrated into the process of image acquisition. Either single or composite image is subsequently uploaded to a cloud-based OCR engine for robust character recognition. Eventually, a text-to-speech (TTS) synthesizer reproduces the word recognized in a natural-sounding speech. The whole series of computation is implemented as a mobile application to be run from a smartphone, allowing the visual impaired to access text information independently

    Image Stitching for UAV remote sensing application

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    The objective of the project is to write an algorithm that is able to join top view images to create a big map. The project is done in the School of Castelldefels of UPC, within the research laboratory Icarus of EETAC Faculty. The goal of the project is to detect an area of this map, thanks to the analysis of this images. The images are taken by the two camera aboard on an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) built by the Icarus group leaded by Enric Pastor. The implemented code is uploaded in Upc' svn at the adress: https://svn.fib.upc.es/svn/vincenzo.can


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    Free Viewpoint Video Based on Stitching Technique

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    Image stitching is a technique used for creating one panoramic scene from multiple images. It is used in panoramic photography and video where the viewer can only scroll horizontally and vertically across the scene. However, stitching has not been used for creating free-viewpoint videos (FVV) where viewers can change their viewing points freely and smoothly while playing the video. current research, implemented FVV playing system using image stitching, this system allows users to enjoy the capability of moving their viewpoint freely and smoothly. To develop this system, user should capture MVV from different viewpoints and with appropriate region area for each pair of cameras then the system stitch the overlapped video to create stitched video/videos to display it in FVV playing system with applying freely and smoothly switching and interpolation of viewpoints over video playback. Current research evaluated the performance of video playing system based on system idea, system accuracy, smoothness, and user satisfaction. The results of evaluation have been very positive in most aspects

    Mapeamento terreste, em tempo real, através de veículos aéreos não tripulados

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Multiperspective mosaics and layered representation for scene visualization

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    This thesis documents the efforts made to implement multiperspective mosaicking for the purpose of mosaicking undervehicle and roadside sequences. For the undervehicle sequences, it is desired to create a large, high-resolution mosaic that may used to quickly inspect the entire scene shot by a camera making a single pass underneath the vehicle. Several constraints are placed on the video data, in order to facilitate the assumption that the entire scene in the sequence exists on a single plane. Therefore, a single mosaic is used to represent a single video sequence. Phase correlation is used to perform motion analysis in this case. For roadside video sequences, it is assumed that the scene is composed of several planar layers, as opposed to a single plane. Layer extraction techniques are implemented in order to perform this decomposition. Instead of using phase correlation to perform motion analysis, the Lucas-Kanade motion tracking algorithm is used in order to create dense motion maps. Using these motion maps, spatial support for each layer is determined based on a pre-initialized layer model. By separating the pixels in the scene into motion-specific layers, it is possible to sample each element in the scene correctly while performing multiperspective mosaicking. It is also possible to fill in many gaps in the mosaics caused by occlusions, hence creating more complete representations of the objects of interest. The results are several mosaics with each mosaic representing a single planar layer of the scene

    Reconnaissance de visages à partir de modèles tridimensionnels

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal