641 research outputs found

    Multispecies Fruit Flower Detection Using a Refined Semantic Segmentation Network

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    In fruit production, critical crop management decisions are guided by bloom intensity, i.e., the number of flowers present in an orchard. Despite its importance, bloom intensity is still typically estimated by means of human visual inspection. Existing automated computer vision systems for flower identification are based on hand-engineered techniques that work only under specific conditions and with limited performance. This letter proposes an automated technique for flower identification that is robust to uncontrolled environments and applicable to different flower species. Our method relies on an end-to-end residual convolutional neural network (CNN) that represents the state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation. To enhance its sensitivity to flowers, we fine-tune this network using a single dataset of apple flower images. Since CNNs tend to produce coarse segmentations, we employ a refinement method to better distinguish between individual flower instances. Without any preprocessing or dataset-specific training, experimental results on images of apple, peach, and pear flowers, acquired under different conditions demonstrate the robustness and broad applicability of our method

    Fruit Detection and Tree Segmentation for Yield Mapping in Orchards

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    Accurate information gathering and processing is critical for precision horticulture, as growers aim to optimise their farm management practices. An accurate inventory of the crop that details its spatial distribution along with health and maturity, can help farmers efficiently target processes such as chemical and fertiliser spraying, crop thinning, harvest management, labour planning and marketing. Growers have traditionally obtained this information by using manual sampling techniques, which tend to be labour intensive, spatially sparse, expensive, inaccurate and prone to subjective biases. Recent advances in sensing and automation for field robotics allow for key measurements to be made for individual plants throughout an orchard in a timely and accurate manner. Farmer operated machines or unmanned robotic platforms can be equipped with a range of sensors to capture a detailed representation over large areas. Robust and accurate data processing techniques are therefore required to extract high level information needed by the grower to support precision farming. This thesis focuses on yield mapping in orchards using image and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data captured using an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). The contribution is the framework and algorithmic components for orchard mapping and yield estimation that is applicable to different fruit types and orchard configurations. The framework includes detection of fruits in individual images and tracking them over subsequent frames. The fruit counts are then associated to individual trees, which are segmented from image and LiDAR data, resulting in a structured spatial representation of yield. The first contribution of this thesis is the development of a generic and robust fruit detection algorithm. Images captured in the outdoor environment are susceptible to highly variable external factors that lead to significant appearance variations. Specifically in orchards, variability is caused by changes in illumination, target pose, tree types, etc. The proposed techniques address these issues by using state-of-the-art feature learning approaches for image classification, while investigating the utility of orchard domain knowledge for fruit detection. Detection is performed using both pixel-wise classification of images followed instance segmentation, and bounding-box regression approaches. The experimental results illustrate the versatility of complex deep learning approaches over a multitude of fruit types. The second contribution of this thesis is a tree segmentation approach to detect the individual trees that serve as a standard unit for structured orchard information systems. The work focuses on trellised trees, which present unique challenges for segmentation algorithms due to their intertwined nature. LiDAR data are used to segment the trellis face, and to generate proposals for individual trees trunks. Additional trunk proposals are provided using pixel-wise classification of the image data. The multi-modal observations are fine-tuned by modelling trunk locations using a hidden semi-Markov model (HSMM), within which prior knowledge of tree spacing is incorporated. The final component of this thesis addresses the visual occlusion of fruit within geometrically complex canopies by using a multi-view detection and tracking approach. Single image fruit detections are tracked over a sequence of images, and associated to individual trees or farm rows, with the spatial distribution of the fruit counting forming a yield map over the farm. The results show the advantage of using multi-view imagery (instead of single view analysis) for fruit counting and yield mapping. This thesis includes extensive experimentation in almond, apple and mango orchards, with data captured by a UGV spanning a total of 5 hectares of farm area, over 30 km of vehicle traversal and more than 7,000 trees. The validation of the different processes is performed using manual annotations, which includes fruit and tree locations in image and LiDAR data respectively. Additional evaluation of yield mapping is performed by comparison against fruit counts on trees at the farm and counts made by the growers post-harvest. The framework developed in this thesis is demonstrated to be accurate compared to ground truth at all scales of the pipeline, including fruit detection and tree mapping, leading to accurate yield estimation, per tree and per row, for the different crops. Through the multitude of field experiments conducted over multiple seasons and years, the thesis presents key practical insights necessary for commercial development of an information gathering system in orchards

    Fruit sizing using AI: A review of methods and challenges

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    Fruit size at harvest is an economically important variable for high-quality table fruit production in orchards and vineyards. In addition, knowing the number and size of the fruit on the tree is essential in the framework of precise production, harvest, and postharvest management. A prerequisite for analysis of fruit in a real-world environment is the detection and segmentation from background signal. In the last five years, deep learning convolutional neural network have become the standard method for automatic fruit detection, achieving F1-scores higher than 90 %, as well as real-time processing speeds. At the same time, different methods have been developed for, mainly, fruit size and, more rarely, fruit maturity estimation from 2D images and 3D point clouds. These sizing methods are focused on a few species like grape, apple, citrus, and mango, resulting in mean absolute error values of less than 4 mm in apple fruit. This review provides an overview of the most recent methodologies developed for in-field fruit detection/counting and sizing as well as few upcoming examples of maturity estimation. Challenges, such as sensor fusion, highly varying lighting conditions, occlusions in the canopy, shortage of public fruit datasets, and opportunities for research transfer, are discussed.This work was partly funded by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya (grants 2017 SGR 646 and 2021 LLAV 00088) and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation / AEI/10.13039/501100011033 / FEDER (grants RTI2018-094222-B-I00 [PAgFRUIT project] and PID2021-126648OB-I00 [PAgPROTECT project]). The Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya and European Social Fund (ESF) are also thanked for financing Juan Carlos Miranda’s pre-doctoral fellowship (2020 FI_B 00586). The work of Jordi Gené-Mola was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities through a Margarita Salas postdoctoral grant funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Machine Vision-Based Crop-Load Estimation Using YOLOv8

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    Labor shortages in fruit crop production have prompted the development of mechanized and automated machines as alternatives to labor-intensive orchard operations such as harvesting, pruning, and thinning. Agricultural robots capable of identifying tree canopy parts and estimating geometric and topological parameters, such as branch diameter, length, and angles, can optimize crop yields through automated pruning and thinning platforms. In this study, we proposed a machine vision system to estimate canopy parameters in apple orchards and determine an optimal number of fruit for individual branches, providing a foundation for robotic pruning, flower thinning, and fruitlet thinning to achieve desired yield and quality.Using color and depth information from an RGB-D sensor (Microsoft Azure Kinect DK), a YOLOv8-based instance segmentation technique was developed to identify trunks and branches of apple trees during the dormant season. Principal Component Analysis was applied to estimate branch diameter (used to calculate limb cross-sectional area, or LCSA) and orientation. The estimated branch diameter was utilized to calculate LCSA, which served as an input for crop-load estimation, with larger LCSA values indicating a higher potential fruit-bearing capacity.RMSE for branch diameter estimation was 2.08 mm, and for crop-load estimation, 3.95. Based on commercial apple orchard management practices, the target crop-load (number of fruit) for each segmented branch was estimated with a mean absolute error (MAE) of 2.99 (ground truth crop-load was 6 apples per LCSA). This study demonstrated a promising workflow with high performance in identifying trunks and branches of apple trees in dynamic commercial orchard environments and integrating farm management practices into automated decision-making


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    This study investigates the potential use of close-range and low-cost terrestrial RGB imaging sensor for fruit detection in a high-density apple orchard of Fuji Suprema apple fruits (Malus domestica Borkh). The study area is a typical orchard located in a small holder farm in Santa Catarina’s Southern plateau (Brazil). Small holder farms in that state are responsible for more than 50% of Brazil’s apple fruit production. Traditional digital image processing approaches such as RGB color space conversion (e.g., rgb, HSV, CIE L*a*b*, OHTA[I1 , I2 , I3 ]) were applied over several terrestrial RGB images to highlight information presented in the original dataset. Band combinations (e.g., rgb-r, HSV-h, Lab-a, I”2 , I”3 ) were also generated as additional parameters (C1, C2 and C3) for the fruit detection. After, optimal image binarization and segmentation, parameters were chosen to detect the fruits efficiently and the results were compared to both visual and in-situ fruit counting. Results show that some bands and combinations allowed hits above 75%, of which the following variables stood out as good predictors: rgb-r, Lab-a, I”2 , I”3 , and the combinations C2 and C3. The best band combination resulted from the use of Lab-a band and have identical results of commission, omission, and accuracy, being 5%, 25% and 75%, respectively. Fruit detection rate for Lab-a showed a 0.73 coefficient of determination (R2 ), and fruit recognition accuracy rate showed 0.96 R2 . The proposed approach provides results with great applicability for small holder farms and may support local harvest prediction