7,642 research outputs found

    Image segmentation using region merging combined with a multi-class spectral method

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    In this paper we propose an image segmentation algorithm that combines region merging with spectral-based techniques. An initial partitioning of the image into primitive regions is produced by applying a region merging approach which produces a chunk graph that takes in attention the image gradient magnitude. This initial partition is the input to a computationally efficient region segmentation process that produces the final segmentation. The latter process uses a multi-class partition that minimizes the normalized cut value for the region graph. We have efficiently applied the proposed approach with good visual and objective segmentation quality results

    Segmentation and semantic labelling of RGBD data with convolutional neural networks and surface fitting

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    We present an approach for segmentation and semantic labelling of RGBD data exploiting together geometrical cues and deep learning techniques. An initial over-segmentation is performed using spectral clustering and a set of non-uniform rational B-spline surfaces is fitted on the extracted segments. Then a convolutional neural network (CNN) receives in input colour and geometry data together with surface fitting parameters. The network is made of nine convolutional stages followed by a softmax classifier and produces a vector of descriptors for each sample. In the next step, an iterative merging algorithm recombines the output of the over-segmentation into larger regions matching the various elements of the scene. The couples of adjacent segments with higher similarity according to the CNN features are candidate to be merged and the surface fitting accuracy is used to detect which couples of segments belong to the same surface. Finally, a set of labelled segments is obtained by combining the segmentation output with the descriptors from the CNN. Experimental results show how the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods and provides an accurate segmentation and labelling

    Joint segmentation of color and depth data based on splitting and merging driven by surface fitting

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    This paper proposes a segmentation scheme based on the joint usage of color and depth data together with a 3D surface estimation scheme. Firstly a set of multi-dimensional vectors is built from color, geometry and surface orientation information. Normalized cuts spectral clustering is then applied in order to recursively segment the scene in two parts thus obtaining an over-segmentation. This procedure is followed by a recursive merging stage where close segments belonging to the same object are joined together. At each step of both procedures a NURBS model is fitted on the computed segments and the accuracy of the fitting is used as a measure of the plausibility that a segment represents a single surface or object. By comparing the accuracy to the one at the previous step, it is possible to determine if each splitting or merging operation leads to a better scene representation and consequently whether to perform it or not. Experimental results show how the proposed method provides an accurate and reliable segmentation

    Multiresolution hierarchy co-clustering for semantic segmentation in sequences with small variations

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    This paper presents a co-clustering technique that, given a collection of images and their hierarchies, clusters nodes from these hierarchies to obtain a coherent multiresolution representation of the image collection. We formalize the co-clustering as a Quadratic Semi-Assignment Problem and solve it with a linear programming relaxation approach that makes effective use of information from hierarchies. Initially, we address the problem of generating an optimal, coherent partition per image and, afterwards, we extend this method to a multiresolution framework. Finally, we particularize this framework to an iterative multiresolution video segmentation algorithm in sequences with small variations. We evaluate the algorithm on the Video Occlusion/Object Boundary Detection Dataset, showing that it produces state-of-the-art results in these scenarios.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 201

    Object-Based Greenhouse Mapping Using Very High Resolution Satellite Data and Landsat 8 Time Series

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    Greenhouse mapping through remote sensing has received extensive attention over the last decades. In this article, the innovative goal relies on mapping greenhouses through the combined use of very high resolution satellite data (WorldView-2) and Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) time series within a context of an object-based image analysis (OBIA) and decision tree classification. Thus, WorldView-2 was mainly used to segment the study area focusing on individual greenhouses. Basic spectral information, spectral and vegetation indices, textural features, seasonal statistics and a spectral metric (Moment Distance Index, MDI) derived from Landsat 8 time series and/or WorldView-2 imagery were computed on previously segmented image objects. In order to test its temporal stability, the same approach was applied for two different years, 2014 and 2015. In both years, MDI was pointed out as the most important feature to detect greenhouses. Moreover, the threshold value of this spectral metric turned to be extremely stable for both Landsat 8 and WorldView-2 imagery. A simple decision tree always using the same threshold values for features from Landsat 8 time series and WorldView-2 was finally proposed. Overall accuracies of 93.0% and 93.3% and kappa coefficients of 0.856 and 0.861 were attained for 2014 and 2015 datasets, respectively

    Discriminating small wooded elements in rural landscape from aerial photography: a hybrid pixel/object-based analysis approach

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    While small, fragmented wooded elements do not represent a large surface area in agricultural landscape, their role in the sustainability of ecological processes is recognized widely. Unfortunately, landscape ecology studies suffer from the lack of methods for automatic detection of these elements. We propose a hybrid approach using both aerial photographs and ancillary data of coarser resolution to automatically discriminate small wooded elements. First, a spectral and textural analysis is performed to identify all the planted-tree areas in the digital photograph. Secondly, an object-orientated spatial analysis using the two data sources and including a multi-resolution segmentation is applied to distinguish between large and small woods, copses, hedgerows and scattered trees. The results show the usefulness of the hybrid approach and the prospects for future ecological applications
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