5 research outputs found

    Reservoir Computing Based Cryptography and Exploration of the Limits of Multifunctionality in NG-RC

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    Reservoir computing has become the state-of-the-art machine learning algorithm for predicting nonlinear and chaotic dynamics. It features excellent speed and less required training data compared to other deep learning methods. The first part of this thesis makes use of the algorithm’s speed aspect. A new encryption algorithm is developed, which outperforms a previous reservoir computing based encryption algorithm by a factor of 1000 in terms of encryption speed. Reservoir computing was also successfully applied to simulate biological neural functions. One of these functions is learning multiple tasks with the identical network structure simultaneously, i.e. the ability to be multifunctional. In reservoir computing, the intrinsic network structure is not changed during multifunctional processing, resembling its biological counterpart. The next generation of reservoir computing (NG-RC) was recently introduced, featuring improved performance. Therefore, the functioning of the reservoir network is replaced by polynomial multiplications of time-shifted input variables. The second part of this thesis explores the limits of multifunctionality in NG-RC. The architecture of the algorithm creates high interpretability of multifunctional behavior. This opens a new perspective on multifunctionality and allows such behavior to be analyzed by learned governing equations

    Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion

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    382 p.Libro ElectrónicoEach of us has been in the computing field for more than 40 years. The book is the product of a lifetime of observing and participating in the changes it has brought. Each of us has been both a teacher and a learner in the field. This book emerged from a general education course we have taught at Harvard, but it is not a textbook. We wrote this book to share what wisdom we have with as many people as we can reach. We try to paint a big picture, with dozens of illuminating anecdotes as the brushstrokes. We aim to entertain you at the same time as we provoke your thinking.Preface Chapter 1 Digital Explosion Why Is It Happening, and What Is at Stake? The Explosion of Bits, and Everything Else The Koans of Bits Good and Ill, Promise and Peril Chapter 2 Naked in the Sunlight Privacy Lost, Privacy Abandoned 1984 Is Here, and We Like It Footprints and Fingerprints Why We Lost Our Privacy, or Gave It Away Little Brother Is Watching Big Brother, Abroad and in the U.S. Technology Change and Lifestyle Change Beyond Privacy Chapter 3 Ghosts in the Machine Secrets and Surprises of Electronic Documents What You See Is Not What the Computer Knows Representation, Reality, and Illusion Hiding Information in Images The Scary Secrets of Old Disks Chapter 4 Needles in the Haystack Google and Other Brokers in the Bits Bazaar Found After Seventy Years The Library and the Bazaar The Fall of Hierarchy It Matters How It Works Who Pays, and for What? Search Is Power You Searched for WHAT? Tracking Searches Regulating or Replacing the Brokers Chapter 5 Secret Bits How Codes Became Unbreakable Encryption in the Hands of Terrorists, and Everyone Else Historical Cryptography Lessons for the Internet Age Secrecy Changes Forever Cryptography for Everyone Cryptography Unsettled Chapter 6 Balance Toppled Who Owns the Bits? Automated Crimes—Automated Justice NET Act Makes Sharing a Crime The Peer-to-Peer Upheaval Sharing Goes Decentralized Authorized Use Only Forbidden Technology Copyright Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance The Limits of Property Chapter 7 You Can’t Say That on the Internet Guarding the Frontiers of Digital Expression Do You Know Where Your Child Is on the Web Tonight? Metaphors for Something Unlike Anything Else Publisher or Distributor? Neither Liberty nor Security The Nastiest Place on Earth The Most Participatory Form of Mass Speech Protecting Good Samaritans—and a Few Bad Ones Laws of Unintended Consequences Can the Internet Be Like a Magazine Store? Let Your Fingers Do the Stalking Like an Annoying Telephone Call? Digital Protection, Digital Censorship—and Self-Censorship Chapter 8 Bits in the Air Old Metaphors, New Technologies, and Free Speech Censoring the President How Broadcasting Became Regulated The Path to Spectrum Deregulation What Does the Future Hold for Radio? Conclusion After the Explosion Bits Lighting Up the World A Few Bits in Conclusion Appendix The Internet as System and Spirit The Internet as a Communication System The Internet Spirit Endnotes Inde

    Semi-Quantum Conference Key Agreement (SQCKA)

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    A need in the development of secure quantum communications is the scalable extension of key distribution protocols. The greatest advantage of these protocols is the fact that its security does not rely on mathematical assumptions and can achieve perfect secrecy. In order to make these protocols scalable, has been developed the concept of Conference Key Agreements, among multiple users. In this thesis we propose a key distribution protocol among several users using a semi-quantum approach. We assume that only one of the users is equipped with quantum devices and generates quantum states, while the other users are classical, i.e., they are only equipped with a device capable of measuring or reflecting the information. This approach has the advantage of simplicity and reduced costs. We prove our proposal is secure and we present some numerical results on the lower bounds for the key rate. The security proof applies new techniques derived from some already well established work. From the practical point of view, we developed a toolkit called Qis|krypt⟩ that is able to simulate not only our protocol but also some well-known quantum key distribution protocols. The source-code is available on the following link: - https://github.com/qiskrypt/qiskrypt/.Uma das necessidades no desenvolvimento de comunicações quânticas seguras é a extensão escalável de protocolos de distribuição de chaves. A grande vantagem destes protocolos é o facto da sua segurança não depender de suposições matemáticas e poder atingir segurança perfeita. Para tornar estes protocolos escaláveis, desenvolveu-se o conceito de Acordo de Chaves de Conferência, entre múltiplos utilizadores. Nesta tese propomos um protocolo para distribuição de chaves entre vários utilizadores usando uma abordagem semi-quântica. Assumimos que apenas um dos utilizadores está equipado com dispositivos quânticos e é capaz de gerar estados quânticos, enquanto que os outros utilizadores são clássicos, isto é, estão apenas equipados com dispositivos capazes de efectuar uma medição ou refletir a informação. Esta abordagem tem a vantagem de ser mais simples e de reduzir custos. Provamos que a nossa proposta é segura e apresentamos alguns resultados numéricos sobre limites inferiores para o rácio de geração de chaves. A prova de segurança aplica novas técnicas derivadas de alguns resultados já bem estabelecidos. Do ponto de vista prático, desenvolvemos uma ferramenta chamada Qis|krypt⟩ que é capaz de simular não só o nosso protocolo como também outros protocolos distribuição de chaves bem conhecidos. O código fonte encontra-se disponível no seguinte link: - https://github.com/qiskrypt/qiskrypt/