1,028 research outputs found


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    This dissertation addresses the difficulties of semantic segmentation when dealing with an extensive collection of images and 3D point clouds. Due to the ubiquity of digital cameras that help capture the world around us, as well as the advanced scanning techniques that are able to record 3D replicas of real cities, the sheer amount of visual data available presents many opportunities for both academic research and industrial applications. But the mere quantity of data also poses a tremendous challenge. In particular, the problem of distilling useful information from such a large repository of visual data has attracted ongoing interests in the fields of computer vision and data mining. Structural Semantics are fundamental to understanding both natural and man-made objects. Buildings, for example, are like languages in that they are made up of repeated structures or patterns that can be captured in images. In order to find these recurring patterns in images, I present an unsupervised frequent visual pattern mining approach that goes beyond co-location to identify spatially coherent visual patterns, regardless of their shape, size, locations and orientation. First, my approach categorizes visual items from scale-invariant image primitives with similar appearance using a suite of polynomial-time algorithms that have been designed to identify consistent structural associations among visual items, representing frequent visual patterns. After detecting repetitive image patterns, I use unsupervised and automatic segmentation of the identified patterns to generate more semantically meaningful representations. The underlying assumption is that pixels capturing the same portion of image patterns are visually consistent, while pixels that come from different backdrops are usually inconsistent. I further extend this approach to perform automatic segmentation of foreground objects from an Internet photo collection of landmark locations. New scanning technologies have successfully advanced the digital acquisition of large-scale urban landscapes. In addressing semantic segmentation and reconstruction of this data using LiDAR point clouds and geo-registered images of large-scale residential areas, I develop a complete system that simultaneously uses classification and segmentation methods to first identify different object categories and then apply category-specific reconstruction techniques to create visually pleasing and complete scene models

    Visual Chunking: A List Prediction Framework for Region-Based Object Detection

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    We consider detecting objects in an image by iteratively selecting from a set of arbitrarily shaped candidate regions. Our generic approach, which we term visual chunking, reasons about the locations of multiple object instances in an image while expressively describing object boundaries. We design an optimization criterion for measuring the performance of a list of such detections as a natural extension to a common per-instance metric. We present an efficient algorithm with provable performance for building a high-quality list of detections from any candidate set of region-based proposals. We also develop a simple class-specific algorithm to generate a candidate region instance in near-linear time in the number of low-level superpixels that outperforms other region generating methods. In order to make predictions on novel images at testing time without access to ground truth, we develop learning approaches to emulate these algorithms' behaviors. We demonstrate that our new approach outperforms sophisticated baselines on benchmark datasets.Comment: to appear at ICRA 201

    Data-Driven Shape Analysis and Processing

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    Data-driven methods play an increasingly important role in discovering geometric, structural, and semantic relationships between 3D shapes in collections, and applying this analysis to support intelligent modeling, editing, and visualization of geometric data. In contrast to traditional approaches, a key feature of data-driven approaches is that they aggregate information from a collection of shapes to improve the analysis and processing of individual shapes. In addition, they are able to learn models that reason about properties and relationships of shapes without relying on hard-coded rules or explicitly programmed instructions. We provide an overview of the main concepts and components of these techniques, and discuss their application to shape classification, segmentation, matching, reconstruction, modeling and exploration, as well as scene analysis and synthesis, through reviewing the literature and relating the existing works with both qualitative and numerical comparisons. We conclude our report with ideas that can inspire future research in data-driven shape analysis and processing.Comment: 10 pages, 19 figure

    Modeling Brain Circuitry over a Wide Range of Scales

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    If we are ever to unravel the mysteries of brain function at its most fundamental level, we will need a precise understanding of how its component neurons connect to each other. Electron Microscopes (EM) can now provide the nanometer resolution that is needed to image synapses, and therefore connections, while Light Microscopes (LM) see at the micrometer resolution required to model the 3D structure of the dendritic network. Since both the topology and the connection strength are integral parts of the brain's wiring diagram, being able to combine these two modalities is critically important. In fact, these microscopes now routinely produce high-resolution imagery in such large quantities that the bottleneck becomes automated processing and interpretation, which is needed for such data to be exploited to its full potential. In this paper, we briefly review the Computer Vision techniques we have developed at EPFL to address this need. They include delineating dendritic arbors from LM imagery, segmenting organelles from EM, and combining the two into a consistent representation

    Extraction of Airways from Volumetric Data

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    A graph-based approach for the retrieval of multi-modality medical images

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    Medical imaging has revolutionised modern medicine and is now an integral aspect of diagnosis and patient monitoring. The development of new imaging devices for a wide variety of clinical cases has spurred an increase in the data volume acquired in hospitals. These large data collections offer opportunities for search-based applications in evidence-based diagnosis, education, and biomedical research. However, conventional search methods that operate upon manual annotations are not feasible for this data volume. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is an image search technique that uses automatically derived visual features as search criteria and has demonstrable clinical benefits. However, very few studies have investigated the CBIR of multi-modality medical images, which are making a monumental impact in healthcare, e.g., combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography (PET-CT) for cancer diagnosis. In this thesis, we propose a new graph-based method for the CBIR of multi-modality medical images. We derive a graph representation that emphasises the spatial relationships between modalities by structurally constraining the graph based on image features, e.g., spatial proximity of tumours and organs. We also introduce a graph similarity calculation algorithm that prioritises the relationships between tumours and related organs. To enable effective human interpretation of retrieved multi-modality images, we also present a user interface that displays graph abstractions alongside complex multi-modality images. Our results demonstrated that our method achieved a high precision when retrieving images on the basis of tumour location within organs. The evaluation of our proposed UI design by user surveys revealed that it improved the ability of users to interpret and understand the similarity between retrieved PET-CT images. The work in this thesis advances the state-of-the-art by enabling a novel approach for the retrieval of multi-modality medical images

    Unsupervised detection of compound structures using image segmentation and graph-based texture analysis

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2009.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2009.Includes bibliographical references leaves 66-69The common goal of object-based image analysis techniques in the literature is to partition the images into homogeneous regions and classify these regions. However, such homogeneous regions often correspond to very small details in very high spatial resolution images obtained from the new generation sensors. One interesting way of enabling the high-level understanding of the image content is to identify the image regions that are intrinsically heterogeneous. These image regions are comprised of primitive objects of many diverse types, and can also be referred to as compound structures. The detection of compound structures can be posed as a generalized segmentation or generalized texture detection problem, where the elements of interest are primitive objects instead of traditional case of pixels. Traditional segmentation methods extract regions with similar spectral content and texture models assume specific scale and orientation. Hence, they cannot handle the complexity of compound structures that consist of multiple regions with different spectral content and arbitrary scale and orientation. In this thesis, we present an unsupervised method for discovering compound image structures that are comprised of simpler primitive objects. An initial segmentation step produces image regions with homogeneous spectral content. Then, the segmentation is translated into a relational graph structure whose nodes correspond to the regions and the edges represent the relationships between these regions. We assume that the region objects that appear together frequently can be considered as strongly related. This relation is modeled using the transition frequencies between neighboring regions, and the significant relations are found as the modes of a probability distribution estimated using the features of these transitions. Furthermore, we expect that subgraphs that consist of groups of strongly related regions correspond to compound structures. Therefore, we employ two different procedures to discover the subgraphs in the constructed graph. During the first procedure the graph is discretized and a graph-based knowledge discovery algorithm is applied to find the repeating subgraphs. Even though a single subgraph does not exclusively correspond to a particular compound structure, different subgraphs constitute parts of different compound structures. Hence, we discover compound structures by clustering the histograms of the subgraph instances with sliding image windows. The second procedure involves graph segmentation by using normalized cuts. Since the distribution of significant relations within resulting subgraphs gives an idea about the nature of corresponding compound structure, the subgraphs are further grouped by clustering the histograms of the most significant relations. The proposed method was tested using an Ikonos image. Experiments show that the discovered image areas correspond to different high-level structures with heterogeneous content such as dense residential areas with high buildings, dense and sparse residential areas with low height buildings and fields.Zamalieva, DaniyaM.S

    Visual analytics for relationships in scientific data

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    Domain scientists hope to address grand scientific challenges by exploring the abundance of data generated and made available through modern high-throughput techniques. Typical scientific investigations can make use of novel visualization tools that enable dynamic formulation and fine-tuning of hypotheses to aid the process of evaluating sensitivity of key parameters. These general tools should be applicable to many disciplines: allowing biologists to develop an intuitive understanding of the structure of coexpression networks and discover genes that reside in critical positions of biological pathways, intelligence analysts to decompose social networks, and climate scientists to model extrapolate future climate conditions. By using a graph as a universal data representation of correlation, our novel visualization tool employs several techniques that when used in an integrated manner provide innovative analytical capabilities. Our tool integrates techniques such as graph layout, qualitative subgraph extraction through a novel 2D user interface, quantitative subgraph extraction using graph-theoretic algorithms or by querying an optimized B-tree, dynamic level-of-detail graph abstraction, and template-based fuzzy classification using neural networks. We demonstrate our system using real-world workflows from several large-scale studies. Parallel coordinates has proven to be a scalable visualization and navigation framework for multivariate data. However, when data with thousands of variables are at hand, we do not have a comprehensive solution to select the right set of variables and order them to uncover important or potentially insightful patterns. We present algorithms to rank axes based upon the importance of bivariate relationships among the variables and showcase the efficacy of the proposed system by demonstrating autonomous detection of patterns in a modern large-scale dataset of time-varying climate simulation