4,112 research outputs found

    Challenges and solutions for autonomous ground robot scene understanding and navigation in unstructured outdoor environments: A review

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    The capabilities of autonomous mobile robotic systems have been steadily improving due to recent advancements in computer science, engineering, and related disciplines such as cognitive science. In controlled environments, robots have achieved relatively high levels of autonomy. In more unstructured environments, however, the development of fully autonomous mobile robots remains challenging due to the complexity of understanding these environments. Many autonomous mobile robots use classical, learning-based or hybrid approaches for navigation. More recent learning-based methods may replace the complete navigation pipeline or selected stages of the classical approach. For effective deployment, autonomous robots must understand their external environments at a sophisticated level according to their intended applications. Therefore, in addition to robot perception, scene analysis and higher-level scene understanding (e.g., traversable/non-traversable, rough or smooth terrain, etc.) are required for autonomous robot navigation in unstructured outdoor environments. This paper provides a comprehensive review and critical analysis of these methods in the context of their applications to the problems of robot perception and scene understanding in unstructured environments and the related problems of localisation, environment mapping and path planning. State-of-the-art sensor fusion methods and multimodal scene understanding approaches are also discussed and evaluated within this context. The paper concludes with an in-depth discussion regarding the current state of the autonomous ground robot navigation challenge in unstructured outdoor environments and the most promising future research directions to overcome these challenges

    Road terrain type classification based on laser measurement system data

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    For road vehicles, knowledge of terrain types is useful in improving passenger safety and comfort. The conventional methods are susceptible to vehicle speed variations and in this paper we present a method of using Laser Measurement System (LMS) data for speed independent road type classification. Experiments were carried out with an instrumented road vehicle (CRUISE), by manually driving on a variety of road terrain types namely Asphalt, Concrete, Grass, and Gravel roads at different speeds. A looking down LMS is used for capturing the terrain data. The range data is capable of capturing the structural differences while the remission values are used to observe anomalies in surface reflectance properties. Both measurements are combined and used in a Support Vector Machines Classifier to achieve an average accuracy of 95% on different road types

    Influence of complex environments on LiDAR-Based robot navigation

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    La navigation sĂ©curitaire et efficace des robots mobiles repose grandement sur l’utilisation des capteurs embarquĂ©s. L’un des capteurs qui est de plus en plus utilisĂ© pour cette tĂąche est le Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR). Bien que les recherches rĂ©centes montrent une amĂ©lioration des performances de navigation basĂ©e sur les LiDARs, faire face Ă  des environnements non structurĂ©s complexes ou des conditions mĂ©tĂ©orologiques difficiles reste problĂ©matique. Dans ce mĂ©moire, nous prĂ©sentons une analyse de l’influence de telles conditions sur la navigation basĂ©e sur les LiDARs. Notre premiĂšre contribution est d’évaluer comment les LiDARs sont affectĂ©s par les flocons de neige durant les tempĂȘtes de neige. Pour ce faire, nous crĂ©ons un nouvel ensemble de donnĂ©es en faisant l’acquisition de donnĂ©es durant six prĂ©cipitations de neige. Une analyse statistique de ces ensembles de donnĂ©es, nous caractĂ©risons la sensibilitĂ© de chaque capteur et montrons que les mesures de capteurs peuvent ĂȘtre modĂ©lisĂ©es de maniĂšre probabilistique. Nous montrons aussi que les prĂ©cipitations de neige ont peu d’influence au-delĂ  de 10 m. Notre seconde contribution est d’évaluer l’impact de structures tridimensionnelles complexes prĂ©sentes en forĂȘt sur les performances d’un algorithme de reconnaissance d’endroits. Nous avons acquis des donnĂ©es dans un environnement extĂ©rieur structurĂ© et en forĂȘt, ce qui permet d’évaluer l’influence de ces derniers sur les performances de reconnaissance d’endroits. Notre hypothĂšse est que, plus deux balayages laser sont proches l’un de l’autre, plus la croyance que ceux-ci proviennent du mĂȘme endroit sera Ă©levĂ©e, mais modulĂ© par le niveau de complexitĂ© de l’environnement. Nos expĂ©riences confirment que la forĂȘt, avec ses rĂ©seaux de branches compliquĂ©s et son feuillage, produit plus de donnĂ©es aberrantes et induit une chute plus rapide des performances de reconnaissance en fonction de la distance. Notre conclusion finale est que, les environnements complexes Ă©tudiĂ©s influencent nĂ©gativement les performances de navigation basĂ©e sur les LiDARs, ce qui devrait ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© pour dĂ©velopper des algorithmes de navigation robustes.To ensure safe and efficient navigation, mobile robots heavily rely on their ability to use on-board sensors. One such sensor, increasingly used for robot navigation, is the Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR). Although recent research showed improvement in LiDAR-based navigation, dealing with complex unstructured environments or difficult weather conditions remains problematic. In this thesis, we present an analysis of the influence of such challenging conditions on LiDAR-based navigation. Our first contribution is to evaluate how LiDARs are affected by snowflakes during snowstorms. To this end, we create a novel dataset by acquiring data during six snowfalls using four sensors simultaneously. Based on statistical analysis of this dataset, we characterized the sensitivity of each device and showed that sensor measurements can be modelled in a probabilistic manner. We also showed that falling snow has little impact beyond a range of 10 m. Our second contribution is to evaluate the impact of complex of three-dimensional structures, present in forests, on the performance of a LiDAR-based place recognition algorithm. We acquired data in structured outdoor environment and in forest, which allowed evaluating the impact of the environment on the place recognition performance. Our hypothesis was that the closer two scans are acquired from each other, the higher the belief that the scans originate from the same place will be, but modulated by the level of complexity of the environments. Our experiments confirmed that forests, with their intricate network of branches and foliage, produce more outliers and induce recognition performance to decrease more quickly with distance when compared with structured outdoor environment. Our conclusion is that falling snow conditions and forest environments negatively impact LiDAR-based navigation performance, which should be considered to develop robust navigation algorithms

    Discriminating Crop, Weeds and Soil Surface with a Terrestrial LIDAR Sensor

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    In this study, the evaluation of the accuracy and performance of a light detection and ranging (LIDAR) sensor for vegetation using distance and reflection measurements aiming to detect and discriminate maize plants and weeds from soil surface was done. The study continues a previous work carried out in a maize field in Spain with a LIDAR sensor using exclusively one index, the height profile. The current system uses a combination of the two mentioned indexes. The experiment was carried out in a maize field at growth stage 12–14, at 16 different locations selected to represent the widest possible density of three weeds: Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P.Beauv., Lamium purpureum L., Galium aparine L.and Veronica persica Poir.. A terrestrial LIDAR sensor was mounted on a tripod pointing to the inter-row area, with its horizontal axis and the field of view pointing vertically downwards to the ground, scanning a vertical plane with the potential presence of vegetation. Immediately after the LIDAR data acquisition (distances and reflection measurements), actual heights of plants were estimated using an appropriate methodology. For that purpose, digital images were taken of each sampled area. Data showed a high correlation between LIDAR measured height and actual plant heights (R 2 = 0.75). Binary logistic regression between weed presence/absence and the sensor readings (LIDAR height and reflection values) was used to validate the accuracy of the sensor. This permitted the discrimination of vegetation from the ground with an accuracy of up to 95%. In addition, a Canonical Discrimination Analysis (CDA) was able to discriminate mostly between soil and vegetation and, to a far lesser extent, between crop and weeds. The studied methodology arises as a good system for weed detection, which in combination with other principles, such as vision-based technologies, could improve the efficiency and accuracy of herbicide spraying
