14 research outputs found

    Handling non-compositionality in multilingual CNLs

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    In this paper, we describe methods for handling multilingual non-compositional constructions in the framework of GF. We specifically look at methods to detect and extract non-compositional phrases from parallel texts and propose methods to handle such constructions in GF grammars. We expect that the methods to handle non-compositional constructions will enrich CNLs by providing more flexibility in the design of controlled languages. We look at two specific use cases of non-compositional constructions: a general-purpose method to detect and extract multilingual multiword expressions and a procedure to identify nominal compounds in German. We evaluate our procedure for multiword expressions by performing a qualitative analysis of the results. For the experiments on nominal compounds, we incorporate the detected compounds in a full SMT pipeline and evaluate the impact of our method in machine translation process.Comment: CNL workshop in COLING 201

    Improving the Performance of an Example-Based Machine Translation System Using a Domain-specific Bilingual Lexicon

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    Conference of 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, PACLIC 2015 ; Conference Date: 30 October 2015 Through 1 November 2015; Conference Code:119467International audienceIn this paper, we study the impact of using a domain-specific bilingual lexicon on the performance of an Example-Based Machine Translation system. We conducted experiments for the English-French language pair on in-domain texts from Europarl (European Parliament Proceedings) and out-of-domain texts from Emea (European Medicines Agency Documents), and we compared the results of the Example-Based Machine Translation system against those of the Statistical Machine Translation system Moses. The obtained results revealed that adding a domain-specific bilingual lexicon (extracted from a parallel domain-specific corpus) to the general-purpose bilingual lexicon of the Example-Based Machine Translation system improves translation quality for both in-domain as well as outof-domain texts, and the Example-Based Machine Translation system outperforms Moses when texts to translate are related to the specific domain

    Computational Phraseology light: automatic translation of multiword expressions without translation resources

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    This paper describes the first phase of a project whose ultimate goal is the implementation of a practical tool to support the work of language learners and translators by automatically identifying multiword expressions (MWEs) and retrieving their translations for any pair of languages. The task of translating multiword expressions is viewed as a two-stage process. The first stage is the extraction of MWEs in each of the languages; the second stage is a matching procedure for the extracted MWEs in each language which proposes the translation equivalents. This project pursues the development of a knowledge-poor approach for any pair of languages which does not depend on translation resources such as dictionaries, translation memories or parallel corpora which can be time consuming to develop or difficult to acquire, being expensive or proprietary. In line with this philosophy, the methodology developed does not rely on any dictionaries or parallel corpora, nor does it use any (bilingual) grammars. The only information comes from comparable corpora, inexpensively compiled. The first proofof- concept stage of this project covers English and Spanish and focuses on a particular subclass of MWEs: verb-noun expressions (collocations) such as take advantage, make sense, prestar atención and tener derecho. The choice of genre was determined by the fact that newswire is a widespread genre and available in different languages. An additional motivation was the fact that the methodology was developed as language independent with the objective of applying it to and testing it for different languages. The ACCURAT toolkit (Pinnis et al. 2012; Skadina et al. 2012; Su and Babych 2012a) was employed to compile automatically the comparable corpora and documents only above a specific threshold were considered for inclusion. More specifically, only pairs of English and Spanish documents with comparability score (cosine similarity) higher 0.45 were extracted. Statistical association measures were employed to quantify the strength of the relationship between two words and to propose that a combination of a verb and a noun above a specific threshold would be a (candidate for) multiword expression. This study focused on and compared four popular and established measures along with frequency: Log-likelihood ratio, T-Score, Log Dice and Salience. This project follows the distributional similarity premise which stipulates that translation equivalents share common words in their contexts and this applies also to multiword expressions. The Vector Space Model is traditionally used to represent words with their co-occurrences and to measure similarity. The vector representation for any word is constructed from the statistics of the occurrences of that word with other specific/context words in a corpus of texts. In this study, the word2vec method (Mikolov et al. 2013) was employed. Mikolov et al.’s method utilises patterns of word co-occurrences within a small window to predict similarities among words. Evaluation results are reported for both extracting MWEs and their automatic translation. A finding of the evaluation worth mentioning is that the size of the comparable corpora is more important for the performance of automatic translation of MWEs than the similarity between them as long as the comparable corpora used are of minimal similarity

    A framework of analysis for the evaluation of automatic term extractors

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    [EN] Following previous research on automatic term extraction, the primary aim of this paper is to propose a more robust and consistent framework of analysis for the comparative evaluation of term extractors. Within the different views for software quality outlined in ISO standards, our proposal focuses on the criterion of external quality and in particular on the characteristics of functionality, usability and efficiency together with the subcharacteristics of suitability, precision, operability and time behavior. The evaluation phase is completed by comparing four online open-access automatic term extractors: TermoStat, GaleXtract, BioTex and DEXTER. This latter resource forms part of the virtual functional laboratory for natural language processing (FUNK Lab) developed by our research group. Furthermore, the results obtained from the comparative analysis are discussed.Financial support for this research has been provided by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Competitiveness and Science, grant FFI2014-53788-C3-1-P.Periñán-Pascual, C.; Mairal-Usón, R. (2018). A framework of analysis for the evaluation of automatic term extractors. VIAL. Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 15:105-125. https://doi.org/10.35869/vial.v0i15.88S1051251


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    In this paper, we make an attempt to improve the textual fit of English-to-Polish translation of a peculiar type of multi-word units known in corpus linguistic literature as lexical bundles (Biber et al. 1999). Inspired by a study conducted by Grabar and Lefer (2015), we used the English-Polish parallel corpus Paralela (Pęzik 2016) and the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP) to extract and explore the use - in terms of frequency distributions - of the Polish equivalents of selected English lexical bundles expressing attitudinal and epistemic stance. More precisely, we used the NKJP corpus to check whether the Polish equivalents are typical of contemporary Polish as found in native texts. The results of this corpus-informed study revealed a high number of Polish equivalents, both single- and multi-word units, expressing stance. Also, the results showed that the majority of Polish equivalents are frequently used in native Polish texts and therefore they can potentially help enhance the textual fit of translations. Finally, we discussed limitations of the methods and corpora used in this preliminary study and presented suggestions on how it can be pursued further in the future to better explore the usefulness of lexical bundles for translation teaching and translation practice. To that end, we also presented proposals of in-class translation activities

    Leveraging bilingual terminology to improve machine translation in a CAT environment

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    This work focuses on the extraction and integration of automatically aligned bilingual terminology into a Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) system in a Computer Aided Translation (CAT) scenario. We evaluate the proposed framework that, taking as input a small set of parallel documents, gathers domain-specific bilingual terms and injects them into an SMT system to enhance translation quality. Therefore, we investigate several strategies to extract and align terminology across languages and to integrate it in an SMT system. We compare two terminology injection methods that can be easily used at run-time without altering the normal activity of an SMT system: XML markup and cache-based model. We test the cache-based model on two different domains (information technology and medical) in English, Italian and German, showing significant improvements ranging from 2.23 to 6.78 BLEU points over a baseline SMT system and from 0.05 to 3.03 compared to the widely-used XML markup approach

    Representations of Idioms for Natural Language Processing: Idiom type and token identification, Language Modelling and Neural Machine Translation

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    An idiom is a multiword expression (MWE) whose meaning is non- compositional, i.e., the meaning of the expression is different from the meaning of its individual components. Idioms are complex construc- tions of language used creatively across almost all text genres. Idioms pose problems to natural language processing (NLP) systems due to their non-compositional nature, and the correct processing of idioms can improve a wide range of NLP systems. Current approaches to idiom processing vary in terms of the amount of discourse history required to extract the features necessary to build representations for the expressions. These features are, in general, stat- istics extracted from the text and often fail to capture all the nuances involved in idiom usage. We argue in this thesis that a more flexible representations must be used to process idioms in a range of idiom related tasks. We demonstrate that high-dimensional representations allow idiom classifiers to better model the interactions between global and local features and thereby improve the performance of these systems with regard to processing idioms. In support of this thesis we demonstrate that distributed representations of sentences, such as those generated by a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) greatly reduce the amount of discourse history required to process idioms and that by using those representations a “general” classifier, that can take any expression as input and classify it as either an idiomatic or literal usage, is feasible. We also propose and evaluate a novel technique to add an attention module to a language model in order to bring forward past information in a RNN-based Language Model (RNN-LM). The results of our evaluation experiments demonstrate that this attention module increases the performance of such models in terms of the perplexity achieved when processing idioms. Our analysis also shows that it improves the performance of RNN-LMs on literal language and, at the same time, helps to bridge long-distance dependencies and reduce the number of parameters required in RNN-LMs to achieve state-of-the-art performance. We investigate the adaptation of this novel RNN-LM to Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems and we show that, despite the mixed results, it improves the translation of idioms into languages that require distant reordering such as German. We also show that these models are suited to small corpora for in-domain translations for language pairs such as English/Brazilian-Portuguese

    Terminology Integration in Statistical Machine Translation

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusPromocijas darbs apraksta autora izpētītas metodes un izstrādātus rīkus divvalodu terminoloģijas integrācijai statistiskās mašīntulkošanas sistēmās. Autors darbā piedāvā inovatīvas metodes terminu integrācijai SMT sistēmu trenēšanas fāzē (ar statiskas integrācijas palīdzību) un tulkošanas fāzē (ar dinamiskas integrācijas palīdzību). Darbā uzmanība pievērsta ne tikai metodēm terminu integrācijai SMT, bet arī metodēm valodas resursu, kas nepieciešami dažādu uzdevumu veikšanai terminu integrācijas SMT darbplūsmās, ieguvei. Piedāvātās metodes ir novērtētas automātiskas un manuālas novērtēšanas eksperimentos. Iegūtie rezultāti parāda, ka statiskās un dinamiskās integrācijas metodes ļauj būtiski uzlabot tulkošanas kvalitāti. Darbā aprakstītie rezultāti ir aprobēti vairākos pētniecības projektos un ieviesti praktiskos risinājumos. Atslēgvārdi: statistiskā mašīntulkošana, terminoloģija, starpvalodu informācijas izvilkšanaThe doctoral thesis describes methods and tools researched and developed by the author for bilingual terminology integration into statistical machine translation systems. The author presents novel methods for terminology integration in SMT systems during training (through static integration) and during translation (through dynamic integration). The work focusses not only on the SMT integration techniques, but also on methods for acquisition of linguistic resources that are necessary for different tasks involved in workflows for terminology integration in SMT systems. The proposed methods have been evaluated using automatic and manual evaluation methods. The results show that both static and dynamic integration methods allow increasing translation quality. The thesis describes also areas where the methods have been approbated in practice. Keywords: statistical machine translation, terminology, cross-lingual information extractio