9 research outputs found

    Modelling willingness to pay for improved public transport services: The challenges of non-response to stated preference hypothetical questions

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    The paper focuses on the modelling attempt of willingness to pay for an improved bus service in selected cities and towns of Malaysia. Using responses from onboard intercept surveys, 1,130 samples of bus passengers have been analysed so as to arrive at a simplified model of how passengers trade off their money with possible upgrading of bus services elements. The willingness to pay among these bus riders was very low, despite the high expectation of improvements aspired by them. For service providers, fares are a function of travel time, travel distance and other operating costs. For passengers, the utility function is explained by costs, time, distance and various latent parameters. This paper highlights the significant results of chi-square analysis at various confidence levels. However, modelling the exact utility function of preferences for staggered increased in fares could not be carried out successfully at 95 percent confidence level, due to the relatively small number of respondents stating their and/or undecided response to willingness to pay for the additional fare rate. The issue of non-response to hypothetical survey questions is also raised, explaining the difficulties in modelling this choice behaviour

    Study of Influencing Factors on Users’ Knowledge Contribution Behaviors in Social Q & A Communities

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    Social Q&A communities are important platforms for knowledge sharing among online users nowadays. Therefore, it is of theoretical and practical significance to understand the motivations behind users’ knowledge contribution behaviors in social Q&A communities. Drawing on a dataset from Stack Overflow, one of the largest Q&A sites worldwide, this paper aims to explore the factors that may influence users’ knowledge contribution behaviors. In particular, we examined factors related to three aspects: social interactivity, social capital and questions readability. Based on related theories we proposed several hypothesis and then tested these hypothesis using an econometric model. Our research results established the relationship between user’s knowledge contribution behaviors and factors related to social interactivity, social capital and questions readability. This paper contributes to literature related to studies on Social Q&A communities


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    This thesis addresses the research question “Why do users continue to use paid Q&A in China” by means showed below: First, this research introduces research background of paid Q&A in China and raises corresponding research question and highlights the research significance of this thesis topic; Second, the author concludes previous research on paid Q&A in aspects of Q&A system, paid subscription and sharing economy, and finds that most of prior research focuses on exploring the influence of usefulness but not enjoyment on the users’ willingness of continuing using a paid Q&A system; Third, the thesis introduces the VAM theory and build a modified model based on it, this modified model highlights the importance of pleasure on users’ continuance intention in using paid Q&A; Finally, the empirical study combining an Exploratory Factor Analysis and a Confirmatory Factor Analysis proves that, after integrating factors extracted from previous research and the proposed model, the research is tested to be explanatorily capable and hypotheses related to the model are mostly proved to be supported. As a conclusion, this study conducts an investigation on the constructs and related theories that influence users’ continuance intention to use paid Q&A, from a hedonic perspective. In this thesis, VAM theory is selected as the prototype of proposed research model which reveals factors affecting users’ continuance intention to use a Chinese paid Q&A product named Weibo Paid Q&A. In this thesis, the proposed model makes predictions that the constructs perceived fee and community atmosphere along with perceived enjoyment construct have critical effect on users’ continuance willingness in using Weibo Paid Q&A in China. With the assistance of PLS–SEM, this study analyzes data collected from users in WPQA, the empirical study verifies that users' continuance intention is assuredly dependent on perceived fee and community atmosphere along with perceived enjoyment. The study also reveals that quality of answerers and quality of answer positively exert significant influences on perceived enjoyment

    Business process improvement and the knowledge flows that cross a private online social network: An insurance supply chain case

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    [EN] This paper analyses how the knowledge shared between employees and suppliers within a private enterprise social network affects process improvement. Data was collected from internal documents, and the internal and external enterprise social networks used by an international insurance company; the average cycle time for handling 8494 claims and 3240 messages posted on the internal and external social networks was analysed. Social network analysis techniques were combined with principal component analysis and structural equation modeling, and the results demonstrate that the knowledge shared within the internal and external social network can explain 35.10% of process improvement variability, while the knowledge shared within the internal social network explains 89.90% of external social network variability. The analysis also demonstrates that: (i) the knowledge shared among employees positively affects process improvement; (ii) the knowledge shared among suppliers negatively affects process improvement; and (iii) the knowledge shared among employees positively affects the knowledge shared among supply chain members. These findings have theoretical and practical implications. They extend the literature in the knowledge management and information management field by offering empirical evidence of how the knowledge shared through an enterprise social network affects business process improvement, using the objective data provided by Yammer. They also provide a strategic tool for managers that will allow them to better understand how they can use the enterprise social network for business processes improvement.The research reported in this paper is supported by the European Commission for the project "Engaging in Knowledge Networking via an interactive 3D social Supplier Network (KNOWNET)" (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IAPP 324408)".Leon, R.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Gómez-Gasquet, P.; Mula, J. (2020). Business process improvement and the knowledge flows that cross a private online social network: An insurance supply chain case. Information Processing & Management. 57(4):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2020.102237S116574Aboelmaged, M. G. (2018). Knowledge sharing through enterprise social network (ESN) systems: motivational drivers and their impact on employees’ productivity. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22(2), 362-383. doi:10.1108/jkm-05-2017-0188Al Saifi, S. A., Dillon, S., & McQueen, R. (2016). 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