8 research outputs found


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    Exploring students’ emotional state during a test-related task using wearable electroencephalogram

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    Using wireless sensors for brain activity, brain signals associated with the mood states of engineering students have been captured before and during the taking of a mathematics exam. The characterization of brain lobule activity related to arousal/valence states was analyzed from reports on the literature of the horizontal dimensions of pleasure-displeasure and vertical dimensions representing arousal-sleep. The results showed a direct relationship of the level of students’ arousal with the event of taking an exam as well as feelings of negative emotions during the exam presentation. The development of this research can lead to the implementation of controlled spaces for the presentation of students’ exams in which arousal/valence states can be controlled so that they do not affect their performance and the fulfillment of the goals, achievements or objectives established in a program or subject

    Registro de neuroseñales con una Interfaz cerebro-computador para estimar el nivel estrés en un estudiante durante una clase

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    Introducción: El presente trabajo muestra un estudio de carácter individual que captura, registra y analiza el nivel de estrés de un estudiante universitario durante una clase que involucra una evaluación. La información del estrés se estimó por medio de una interfaz cerebro-computador comercial y de bajo costo. Esto permite solucionar el problema de obtener fácilmente medidas cuantitativas y no solo cualitativas.Objetivo: Analizar el comportamiento de las neuroseñales para estimar el nivel de estrés en un estudiante ante algunos eventos verbales y no verbales generados por un docente.Metodología: Se desarrolló un diseño experimental de carácter individual tomando como perturbaciones al nivel de estrés eventos tales como preguntas, limitaciones de tiempo y gestos.Resultados: Se logró poner en evidencia algunos eventos que causan estrés en los estudiantes producidos por el lenguaje verbal y no verbal del docente al impartir la clase.Conclusiones: Se recomienda a los docentes moderar su lenguaje corporal durante las evaluaciones evitando acciones que emulen afanes o presiones en tiempos innecesarios.Introduction− This work shows an individual study of the capture, record-ing, and analysis of the level of stress of a university student during a class that involves an evaluation. The stress information was estimated using a commercial and low-cost computer-brain interface. This allows solving the problem of easily obtaining quantitative and not only qualitative measures.Objective− The aim of this article is to analyze the behavior of neural signals to estimate the level of stress in a student to some verbal and nonverbal events generated by a teacher.Methodology− An experimental design of individual character was devel-oped taking as disturbances the level of stress, events such as questions, time limits, and gestures.Results− Some events that caused stress in students produced by the verbal and non-verbal language of the teacher when teaching the class were evi-denced.Conclusions− Teachers are encouraged to moderate their body language during assessments by avoiding actions that emulate anxieties or pressures in unnecessary times

    Análisis del nivel de compromiso en la programación de dispositivos hápticos por medio de una interfaz cerebro computador

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    Este trabajo propone el uso de una interfaz cerebro computador, que permite medir las neuroseñales del nivel de compromiso en el desempeño del teleoperador al realizar la tarea. La metodología para determinar el nivel de asistencias hápticas consta de 4 pasos: primero se selecciona una aplicación de teleoperación, que consistía en mover a distancia un robot a lo largo de una trayectoria predefinida. En los pasos dos y tres, se ejecuta la tarea planteada con y sin asistencias hápticas. En el paso 4 se analizan los recorridos del robot, para determinar las zonas donde el operador requería un mayor o menor nivel de asistencia. Los resultados muestran que al usuario le toma un tiempo significativamente mayor el realizar el recorrido planteado, cuando no tiene activas las asistencias hápticas. Se concluye que las interfaces cerebro computador, permiten detectar las zonas donde estas ayudas se hacen más necesarias y las zonas donde se pueden disminuir

    Prediction of women''''s aesthetic belief in art based on the need for cognition and problem-solving styles with the mediating role of cultural intelligence

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    Examining aesthetic belief and artistic understanding is considered one of the important topics in art fields. The purpose of the current research was to investigate the relationship between aesthetic belief and problem-solving cognitive style and the need to recognize the mediating role of cultural intelligence in art students. Therefore, the main question of this research was whether it is possible to develop a model for women''s belief in artistic aesthetics based on problem solving styles and the need for recognition through the mediation of cultural intelligence? The research method is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population of this research included all female art students of Hamadan universities in the academic year of 2019-2019. 377 students were selected as a purposeful and available sample from among the faculties and educational groups and according to the research plan, and according to the aesthetic belief questionnaires of Taghizadeh and Babaei (2016), the need to know ( Cacioppo, Petty and Kao (1984), problem-solving styles Cassidy and Long (2013) and cultural intelligence Early and Ang (2003) answered. Research data with descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation and skewness and skewness statistics) variables) and inferential statistics (Pearson''s correlation and path analysis with the calculation of its defaults) were analyzed. The results showed that the conceptual model compiled with the data had a good fit. The results of the structural relationships of the model showed that the aesthetic belief There is a positive and significant relationship with the constructive skill of problem solving, the need for recognition and cultural intelligence. The constructive skill of problem solving and the need for recognition have a positive and significant relationship with cultural intelligence. The non-constructive skill of problem solving has a negative and significant relationship with the need for recognition and cultural intelligence. Aesthetic belief has a negative and significant relationship with non-constructive problem-solving skills

    Classification of Visual and Non-visual Learners Using Electroencephalographic Alpha and Gamma Activities

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    This study analyzes the learning styles of subjects based on their electroencephalo-graphy (EEG) signals. The goal is to identify how the EEG features of a visual learner differ from those of a non-visual learner. The idea is to measure the students’ EEGs during the resting states (eyes open and eyes closed conditions) and when performing learning tasks. For this purpose, 34 healthy subjects are recruited. The subjects have no background knowledge of the animated learning content. The subjects are shown the animated learning content in a video format. The experiment consists of two sessions and each session comprises two parts: (1) Learning task: the subjects are shown the animated learning content for an 8–10 min duration. (2) Memory retrieval task The EEG signals are measured during the leaning task and memory retrieval task in two sessions. The retention time for the first session was 30 min, and 2 months for the second session. The analysis is performed for the EEG measured during the memory retrieval tasks. The study characterizes and differentiates the visual learners from the non-visual learners considering the extracted EEG features, such as the power spectral density (PSD), power spectral entropy (PSE), and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The PSD and DWT features are analyzed. The EEG PSD and DWT features are computed for the recorded EEG in the alpha and gamma frequency bands over 128 scalp sites. The alpha and gamma frequency band for frontal, occipital, and parietal regions are analyzed as these regions are activated during learning. The extracted PSD and DWT features are then reduced to 8 and 15 optimum features using principal component analysis (PCA). The optimum features are then used as an input to the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier using the Mahalanobis distance metric, with 10-fold cross validation and support vector machine (SVM) classifier using linear kernel, with 10-fold cross validation. The classification results showed 97% and 94% accuracies rate for the first session and 96% and 93% accuracies for the second session in the alpha and gamma bands for the visual learners and non-visual learners, respectively, for k-NN classifier for PSD features and 68% and 100% accuracies rate for first session and 100% accuracies rate for second session for DWT features using k-NN classifier for the second session in the alpha and gamma band. For PSD features 97% and 96% accuracies rate for the first session, 100% and 95% accuracies rate for second session using SVM classifier and 79% and 82% accuracy for first session and 56% and 74% accuracy for second session for DWT features using SVM classifier. The results showed that the PSDs in the alpha and gamma bands represent distinct and stable EEG signatures for visual learners and non-visual learners during the retrieval of the learned contents

    Habilidades digitales en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales en una universidad privada de Arequipa, 2022

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    El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar si las habilidades digitales con enfoque educativo influyen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de una universidad privada en Arequipa, 2022, dicha investigación tiene el diseño no experimental, transversal y correlacional causal, se trabajó con una población total de 291 estudiantes pertenecientes a la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, es decir no hubo muestra; se aplicó un cuestionario de tipo escala de Likert “Cuestionario de Habilidades digitales con enfoque educativo” propuesto por Organista (2017), siendo adaptado y validado por juicio de expertos, para el mayor entendimiento y correcta aplicación en la población. De igual manera se observó el nivel de rendimiento académico de cada estudiante, de acuerdo a la base de datos obtenida de la universidad en estudio, al análisis de datos se obtuvo una significancia de 0.994, siendo un valor mayor al 0,05 por tal motivo se concluye que las habilidades digitales con enfoque educativo no influyen en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales