7 research outputs found

    Introduction to blended learning in financial accounting with SimEmp application

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    Com a necessidade de adotar e combinar diferentes formas de ensino e aprendizagem, foi utilizado o Simulador Empresarial (SimEmp- Avaliação) como ferramenta de apoio à iniciação do blended learning em contabilidade financeira. O SimEmp- Avaliação permite combinar o ensino presencial com o desenvolvimento de outras atividades online. Assim, os docentes definem um conjunto de questões e a respetiva resolução, as quais podem ser utilizadas em uma ou mais avaliações e os alunos, num período definido e fora da sala de aula, respondem a essas questões e/ou elaboram diferentes elementos das demonstrações financeiras. No final do período de cada avaliação, a aplicação apresenta automaticamente a classificação de cada aluno e permite ao docente visualizar as respostas às questões.With the need to adopt and combine different forms of teaching and learning, the Business Simulator (SimEmp- Avaliação) was used as a tool to support the initiation of blended learning in financial accounting. SimEmp- Avaliação allows to combine face-to-face teaching with the development of other online activities. Thus, teachers define a set of questions and the respective resolution, which can be used in one or more evaluations and the students, in a defined time and outside the classroom, answer these questions and / or develop different elements of financial statements. At the end of the evaluation period, the application automatically presents the classification of each student and allows the teacher to view the answers to the questions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Application of Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis to Address Blended Learning Design Challenges

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    Blended learning has proved to be more effective than either online learning or face-to-face instruction. For many researchers in higher education, it is almost certain that blended learning will be the new traditional model for course delivery. Despite this, designing blended learning courses is still a major challenge for many academics. Educational institutions’ lack of access to blended learning technical and pedagogical support, the large numbers of blended learning components that need to be considered when constructing a blended learning experience and the lack of a universally recognized formula or defined standards to guide the design process are examples of major challenges facing academics who want to implement a successful blended learning experience. To facilitate the design process, this paper discusses the different design challenges that face academics when designing their blended learning courses. It then discusses the applicability of using a multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) approach to address these challenges and facilitate the design

    A meta-analysis study of the effect of the blended learning model on students’ mathematics learning achievement

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    Many studies have researched the effect of blended learning on mathematics learning achievement, but the results of previous research reported different results. Therefore, this research aims to determine the effect of the blended learning model on mathematics learning achievement. The design of this study used a meta-analysis approach by analyzing 20 effect sizes from 18 primary studies that were Scopus-indexed and met the inclusion criteria. The results of the analysis show that the use of the blended learning model affects mathematics achievement compared to traditional learning (d = 0.725; p 0.05). The results of the analysis according to the moderator variable are known that the effect of the blended learning model on mathematics achievement is different based on the level of education (Qb = 13.923; p 0.05) and the year of research (Qb = 16.140; p 0.05). However, no differences were found according to the sample size group (Qb = 0.039; p 0.05) and media platform (Qb = 2.861; p 0.05. The findings show the consistency of the publication of research results on the effect of using the blended learning model on students' mathematics learning achievement


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    Blending online delivery methods with traditional face-to-face instruction has emerged in an effort to accommodate an increasingly diverse student population whilst adding value to the learning environ-ment. A large number of research studies have shown a positive effect of blended learning for teaching and learning. However, designing a successful blended learning course is still challenging for many academics in the higher education sector. A major design problem is selecting the most appropriate delivery methods to achieve the course outcomes. This study contributes to addressing this problem by: (i) identifying criteria that teachers should consider when selecting delivery methods for their blended learning courses; and (ii) rating the importance of each of these criteria. It employs a two-round online modified Delphi survey to achieve its aims

    Blended Learning: una revisión cienciométrica

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    Currently there are many tools in education and new strategies such as blended learning are necessary to support new educational contexts. However, there is a lack of scientific literature that brings together the different contributions. This study shows in a chronological way the conceptual evolution of blended learning. The most relevant articles were identified using the tree of science metaphor from a Scopus query. The results show an improvement in the academic results in the different areas.En la actualidad existen muchas herramientas en la educación y es necesario nuevas estrategias como el blended learning que apoyen los nuevos contextos educativos. Sin embargo, hay una carencia de literatura científica que reúna los diferentes aportes. Este estudio muestra de una manera cronológica la evolución conceptual del blended learning. Se identificaron los artículos más relevantes usando la metáfora del árbol de la ciencia a partir de una consulta en Scopus. Los resultados muestran una mejora en los resultados académicos en las diferentes áreas. En la pandemia causada por el COVID 19, se generó la necesidad en el ámbito educativo de buscar nuevas alternativas de enseñanza utilizando las herramientas y tecnologías disponibles, entre ellas el blended learning

    Percepción de los estudiantes de una escuela de negocios sobre el valor pedagógico del recurso SPOC en la metodología de aula invertida

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo el análisis, desde las percepciones de los estudiantes de la maestría en administración de empresas de la escuela de negocios de una universidad privada en la ciudad de Lima, con respecto al valor pedagógico del recurso llamado SPOC, implementado bajo la metodología del aula invertida (flipped classroom). Su propósito fundamental fue indagar si dicho recurso genera compromiso y mejora el rendimiento académico, derivados del uso y aprovechamiento del SPOC utilizado como contenido teórico previo a las clases regulares de un programa académico y conocer la valoración con respecto a esta metodología. La investigación surgió como un estudio de caso, con un enfoque cualitativo, de carácter exploratorio, abierto, flexible e inductivo, en el cual se empleó la técnica de recolección de data mediante entrevistas semi estructuradas para el recojo de información. Los resultados de la investigación indicaron que, los estudiantes asignaron al recurso SPOC un alto valor pedagógico como herramienta de adquisición de base teórica, el cual era capaz de crear compromiso en el estudiante, dándole contexto y guía, a pesar de no valorar positivamente el formato de entrega del recurso como aula invertida. Como acción derivada de los resultados encontrados, la institución avala el uso del recurso SPOC como parte del modelo de aprendizaje blended mediante la programación de actividades no presenciales.The main objective of this research was the analysis, through the perceptions of MBA students from a private Business School in Lima, of the pedagogical value of the SPOC resource, implemented within the ‘flipped classroom’ learning methodology. The main purpose was to inquire if this resource generates student engagement and improves academic performance, resulting from the use and benefits of SPOC used as theoretical content prior to scheduled academic classes, and assess the perceived value of this methodology. This research includes the analysis of a case study using a qualitative, exploratory, open, flexible and inductive approach, using data collection techniques applied to semi structured interviews. Research results indicate that students assigned to this resource consider it to be of high pedagogical value as a base theoretical acquisition tool and as a means of increasing student engagement, providing context and guidance, although they did not rate the flipped classroom delivery format positively. As a result of these findings, the institution endorses the use of the SPOC resource as part of the blended learning model.Tesi

    PD 3.0: Educational Technology in Language Teaching at the tertiary level in Hong Kong, perceptions and implications for future adoption

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    This exploratory, interpretive study investigates the current state of professional development involving Information Communication Technology in tertiary educational institutions in Hong Kong. The study aims to explore tertiary teachers’ engagement as well as attitudes and beliefs regarding the usefulness of these professional development activities. In recent years, the Hong Kong government has invested considerably in the educational sector at the tertiary level on information technology communication specific skills and technology. The stated aim of this increased emphasis is to better prepare students and teachers to learn and teach in the 21st century, and to increase the effectiveness of the engagement with the course material. Thus, there is a strong demand for today’s teachers to cope with integrating information communication technology in their classrooms. The study employed data collection in two distinct phases, a questionnaire (n=58) which was analysed using descriptive statistics, followed by 12 semi-structured interviews analysed using thematic analysis. The original contribution of this study is new insight into PD needs in ICT skills, focusing on the context of the Hong Kong tertiary educational sector. The findings offer a richer and deepened understanding of tertiary teachers’ engagement with professional development involving Information Communication Technology. They generally exhibit a preference for informal, collaborative, interpersonal types of professional development over the more formal, institutionally mandated, isolated forms. Moreover, the findings illustrate that teachers are largely enthusiastic to participate in professional development activities, though there exists a misalignment between teachers' own professional development goals and those of their host institutions. Specifically, the lack of incorporation of viewpoints and direction from teachers regarding what type of professional development activities are better suited to enhance their teaching. The results suggest ways that professional development of tertiary teachers in Hong Kong might be more closely aligned with teachers' own goals and preferences while still serving the educational goals of the institutions