8,459 research outputs found

    Identification of hot regions in protein-protein interactions by sequential pattern mining

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identification of protein interacting sites is an important task in computational molecular biology. As more and more protein sequences are deposited without available structural information, it is strongly desirable to predict protein binding regions by their sequences alone. This paper presents a pattern mining approach to tackle this problem. It is observed that a functional region of protein structures usually consists of several peptide segments linked with large wildcard regions. Thus, the proposed mining technology considers large irregular gaps when growing patterns, in order to find the residues that are simultaneously conserved but largely separated on the sequences. A derived pattern is called a cluster-like pattern since the discovered conserved residues are always grouped into several blocks, which each corresponds to a local conserved region on the protein sequence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The experiments conducted in this work demonstrate that the derived long patterns automatically discover the important residues that form one or several hot regions of protein-protein interactions. The methodology is evaluated by conducting experiments on the web server MAGIIC-PRO based on a well known benchmark containing 220 protein chains from 72 distinct complexes. Among the tested 218 proteins, there are 900 sequential blocks discovered, 4.25 blocks per protein chain on average. About 92% of the derived blocks are observed to be clustered in space with at least one of the other blocks, and about 66% of the blocks are found to be near the interface of protein-protein interactions. It is summarized that for about 83% of the tested proteins, at least two interacting blocks can be discovered by this approach.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This work aims to demonstrate that the important residues associated with the interface of protein-protein interactions may be automatically discovered by sequential pattern mining. The detected regions possess high conservation and thus are considered as the computational hot regions. This information would be useful to characterizing protein sequences, predicting protein function, finding potential partners, and facilitating protein docking for drug discovery.</p

    MAGIIC-PRO: detecting functional signatures by efficient discovery of long patterns in protein sequences

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    This paper presents a web service named MAGIIC-PRO, which aims to discover functional signatures of a query protein by sequential pattern mining. Automatic discovery of patterns from unaligned biological sequences is an important problem in molecular biology. MAGIIC-PRO is different from several previously established methods performing similar tasks in two major ways. The first remarkable feature of MAGIIC-PRO is its efficiency in delivering long patterns. With incorporating a new type of gap constraints and some of the state-of-the-art data mining techniques, MAGIIC-PRO usually identifies satisfied patterns within an acceptable response time. The efficiency of MAGIIC-PRO enables the users to quickly discover functional signatures of which the residues are not from only one region of the protein sequences or are only conserved in few members of a protein family. The second remarkable feature of MAGIIC-PRO is its effort in refining the mining results. Considering large flexible gaps improves the completeness of the derived functional signatures. The users can be directly guided to the patterns with as many blocks as that are conserved simultaneously. In this paper, we show by experiments that MAGIIC-PRO is efficient and effective in identifying ligand-binding sites and hot regions in proteinā€“protein interactions directly from sequences. The web service is available at and a mirror site at

    WildSpan: mining structured motifs from protein sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Automatic extraction of motifs from biological sequences is an important research problem in study of molecular biology. For proteins, it is desired to discover sequence motifs containing a large number of wildcard symbols, as the residues associated with functional sites are usually largely separated in sequences. Discovering such patterns is time-consuming because abundant combinations exist when long gaps (a gap consists of one or more successive wildcards) are considered. Mining algorithms often employ constraints to narrow down the search space in order to increase efficiency. However, improper constraint models might degrade the sensitivity and specificity of the motifs discovered by computational methods. We previously proposed a new constraint model to handle large wildcard regions for discovering functional motifs of proteins. The patterns that satisfy the proposed constraint model are called W-patterns. A W-pattern is a structured motif that groups motif symbols into pattern blocks interleaved with large irregular gaps. Considering large gaps reflects the fact that functional residues are not always from a single region of protein sequences, and restricting motif symbols into clusters corresponds to the observation that short motifs are frequently present within protein families. To efficiently discover W-patterns for large-scale sequence annotation and function prediction, this paper first formally introduces the problem to solve and proposes an algorithm named WildSpan (sequential pattern mining across large wildcard regions) that incorporates several pruning strategies to largely reduce the mining cost.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>WildSpan is shown to efficiently find W-patterns containing conserved residues that are far separated in sequences. We conducted experiments with two mining strategies, protein-based and family-based mining, to evaluate the usefulness of W-patterns and performance of WildSpan. The protein-based mining mode of WildSpan is developed for discovering functional regions of a single protein by referring to a set of related sequences (e.g. its homologues). The discovered W-patterns are used to characterize the protein sequence and the results are compared with the conserved positions identified by multiple sequence alignment (MSA). The family-based mining mode of WildSpan is developed for extracting sequence signatures for a group of related proteins (e.g. a protein family) for protein function classification. In this situation, the discovered W-patterns are compared with PROSITE patterns as well as the patterns generated by three existing methods performing the similar task. Finally, analysis on execution time of running WildSpan reveals that the proposed pruning strategy is effective in improving the scalability of the proposed algorithm.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The mining results conducted in this study reveal that WildSpan is efficient and effective in discovering functional signatures of proteins directly from sequences. The proposed pruning strategy is effective in improving the scalability of WildSpan. It is demonstrated in this study that the W-patterns discovered by WildSpan provides useful information in characterizing protein sequences. The WildSpan executable and open source codes are available on the web (<url>http://biominer.csie.cyu.edu.tw/wildspan</url>).</p

    Sequential Pattern Mining Aide to Bio-Informatics

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    Practical Bio-Informatic is the study of all vicinities of development, testing and novel appliances for statistical and computational techniques for prototype and study of all types of scientific data, in addition to further areas of Information Technology and Sciences. Bio-Informatics is a novel approach to conceptualize the natural science in provisions of molecules and apply Informatic methods is derived from computer science and applied mathematics regulation, for instance, info to be grateful for and systematize them in order to relate with these molecules, on a large scale for use in future research studies. Bio-Informatics is the study of upcoming appliances in natural science, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, and agriculture and various additional fields of research and development. Many pharmaceutical manufacturing companies are attracted in mining sequential patterns from the databases. Sequential Pattern Mining is doing good technique of data mining, which recognizes the temporal relationship between different drugs and it can help in estimating the treatment course for patients. These studies give an improvement in the sympathetic of the loom of Sequential Pattern Mining and Bio-Informatics play a part to a vital role in a biomedical study in the storage of patientā€™s case reports which is useful in providing treatment to other patients

    Machine Learning based Protein Sequence to (un)Structure Mapping and Interaction Prediction

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    Proteins are the fundamental macromolecules within a cell that carry out most of the biological functions. The computational study of protein structure and its functions, using machine learning and data analytics, is elemental in advancing the life-science research due to the fast-growing biological data and the extensive complexities involved in their analyses towards discovering meaningful insights. Mapping of proteinā€™s primary sequence is not only limited to its structure, we extend that to its disordered component known as Intrinsically Disordered Proteins or Regions in proteins (IDPs/IDRs), and hence the involved dynamics, which help us explain complex interaction within a cell that is otherwise obscured. The objective of this dissertation is to develop machine learning based effective tools to predict disordered protein, its properties and dynamics, and interaction paradigm by systematically mining and analyzing large-scale biological data. In this dissertation, we propose a robust framework to predict disordered proteins given only sequence information, using an optimized SVM with RBF kernel. Through appropriate reasoning, we highlight the structure-like behavior of IDPs in disease-associated complexes. Further, we develop a fast and effective predictor of Accessible Surface Area (ASA) of protein residues, a useful structural property that defines proteinā€™s exposure to partners, using regularized regression with 3rd-degree polynomial kernel function and genetic algorithm. As a key outcome of this research, we then introduce a novel method to extract position specific energy (PSEE) of protein residues by modeling the pairwise thermodynamic interactions and hydrophobic effect. PSEE is found to be an effective feature in identifying the enthalpy-gain of the folded state of a protein and otherwise the neutral state of the unstructured proteins. Moreover, we study the peptide-protein transient interactions that involve the induced folding of short peptides through disorder-to-order conformational changes to bind to an appropriate partner. A suite of predictors is developed to identify the residue-patterns of Peptide-Recognition Domains from protein sequence that can recognize and bind to the peptide-motifs and phospho-peptides with post-translational-modifications (PTMs) of amino acid, responsible for critical human diseases, using the stacked generalization ensemble technique. The involved biologically relevant case-studies demonstrate possibilities of discovering new knowledge using the developed tools

    PCRPi, Presaging Critical Residues in Protein interfaces, a new computational tool to chart hot spots in protein interfaces

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    Proteinā€“protein interactions (PPIs) are ubiquitous in Biology, and thus offer an enormous potential for the discovery of novel therapeutics. Although protein interfaces are large and lack defining physiochemical traits, is well established that only a small portion of interface residues, the so-called hot spot residues, contribute the most to the binding energy of the protein complex. Moreover, recent successes in development of novel drugs aimed at disrupting PPIs rely on targeting such residues. Experimental methods for describing critical residues are lengthy and costly; therefore, there is a need for computational tools that can complement experimental efforts. Here, we describe a new computational approach to predict hot spot residues in protein interfaces. The method, called Presaging Critical Residues in Protein interfaces (PCRPi), depends on the integration of diverse metrics into a unique probabilistic measure by using Bayesian Networks. We have benchmarked our method using a large set of experimentally verified hot spot residues and on a blind prediction on the protein complex formed by HRAS protein and a single domain antibody. Under both scenarios, PCRPi delivered consistent and accurate predictions. Finally, PCRPi is able to handle cases where some of the input data is either missing or not reliable (e.g. evolutionary information)
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