19,397 research outputs found

    Increasing pattern recognition accuracy for chemical sensing by evolutionary based drift compensation

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    Artificial olfaction systems, which mimic human olfaction by using arrays of gas chemical sensors combined with pattern recognition methods, represent a potentially low-cost tool in many areas of industry such as perfumery, food and drink production, clinical diagnosis, health and safety, environmental monitoring and process control. However, successful applications of these systems are still largely limited to specialized laboratories. Sensor drift, i.e., the lack of a sensor's stability over time, still limits real in dustrial setups. This paper presents and discusses an evolutionary based adaptive drift-correction method designed to work with state-of-the-art classification systems. The proposed approach exploits a cutting-edge evolutionary strategy to iteratively tweak the coefficients of a linear transformation which can transparently correct raw sensors' measures thus mitigating the negative effects of the drift. The method learns the optimal correction strategy without the use of models or other hypotheses on the behavior of the physical chemical sensors

    Instrumentation and Virtual Library for Air Pollution Monitoring

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    In this work a data acquisition board (DAQB) with data transfer by serial port and the associated virtual library included into LabVIEW software are presented. The DAQB developed around a National Semiconductor LM 12458 device, have the capability to perform tasks that diminish the host processor work and is capable to communicate with the host computer by using a set of drivers associated. Highly integrated device circuit that has into it the most components of the board, facility in data handling, good metrological performance and a very low cost are the benefits of the proposed system. Using the LabView environment, we have realized a virtual instrument able to get from the prototype data acquisition board for environmental monitoring parameters the information about air pollution factors like CO, H2S, SO2, NO, NO2 etc. In order to get effective information about those factors and the monitoring points, this intelligent measurement system, compound from portable computer, and gas detector. This system can be used to map the information about the air pollution factors dispersion in order to answer to the needs of residential and industrial areas expansion

    Non-silicon Microfabricated Nanostructured Chemical Sensors For Electric Nose Application

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    A systematic investigation has been performed for Electric Nose , a system that can identify gas samples and detect their concentrations by combining sensor array and data processing technologies. Non-silicon based microfabricatition has been developed for micro-electro-mechanical-system (MEMS) based gas sensors. Novel sensors have been designed, fabricated and tested. Nanocrystalline semiconductor metal oxide (SMO) materials include SnO2, WO3 and In2O3 have been studied for gas sensing applications. Different doping material such as copper, silver, platinum and indium are studied in order to achieve better selectivity for different targeting toxic gases including hydrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide etc. Fundamental issues like sensitivity, selectivity, stability, temperature influence, humidity influence, thermal characterization, drifting problem etc. of SMO gas sensors have been intensively investigated. A novel approach to improve temperature stability of SMO (including tin oxide) gas sensors by applying a temperature feedback control circuit has been developed. The feedback temperature controller that is compatible with MEMS sensor fabrication has been invented and applied to gas sensor array system. Significant improvement of stability has been achieved compared to SMO gas sensors without temperature compensation under the same ambient conditions. Single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) has been studied to improve SnO2 gas sensing property in terms of sensitivity, response time and recovery time. Three times of better sensitivity has been achieved experimentally. The feasibility of using TSK Fuzzy neural network algorithm for Electric Nose has been exploited during the research. A training process of using TSK Fuzzy neural network with input/output pairs from individual gas sensor cell has been developed. This will make electric nose smart enough to measure gas concentrations in a gas mixture. The model has been proven valid by gas experimental results conducted

    Odour Detection Methods: Olfactometry and Chemical Sensors

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    The complexity of the odours issue arises from the sensory nature of smell. From the evolutionary point of view olfaction is one of the oldest senses, allowing for seeking food, recognizing danger or communication: human olfaction is a protective sense as it allows the detection of potential illnesses or infections by taking into account the odour pleasantness/unpleasantness. Odours are mixtures of light and small molecules that, coming in contact with various human sensory systems, also at very low concentrations in the inhaled air, are able to stimulate an anatomical response: the experienced perception is the odour. Odour assessment is a key point in some industrial production processes (i.e., food, beverages, etc.) and it is acquiring steady importance in unusual technological fields (i.e., indoor air quality); this issue mainly concerns the environmental impact of various industrial activities (i.e., tanneries, refineries, slaughterhouses, distilleries, civil and industrial wastewater treatment plants, landfills and composting plants) as sources of olfactory nuisances, the top air pollution complaint. Although the human olfactory system is still regarded as the most important and effective “analytical instrument” for odour evaluation, the demand for more objective analytical methods, along with the discovery of materials with chemo-electronic properties, has boosted the development of sensor-based machine olfaction potentially imitating the biological system. This review examines the state of the art of both human and instrumental sensing currently used for the detection of odours. The olfactometric techniques employing a panel of trained experts are discussed and the strong and weak points of odour assessment through human detection are highlighted. The main features and the working principles of modern electronic noses (E-Noses) are then described, focusing on their better performances for environmental analysis. Odour emission monitoring carried out through both the techniques is finally reviewed in order to show the complementary responses of human and instrumental sensing

    Application and uses of electronic noses for clinical diagnosis on urine samples: A review

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    The electronic nose is able to provide useful information through the analysis of the volatile organic compounds in body fluids, such as exhaled breath, urine and blood. This paper focuses on the review of electronic nose studies and applications in the specific field of medical diagnostics based on the analysis of the gaseous headspace of human urine, in order to provide a broad overview of the state of the art and thus enhance future developments in this field. The research in this field is rather recent and still in progress, and there are several aspects that need to be investigated more into depth, not only to develop and improve specific electronic noses for different diseases, but also with the aim to discover and analyse the connections between specific diseases and the body fluids odour. Further research is needed to improve the results obtained up to now; the development of new sensors and data processing methods should lead to greater diagnostic accuracy thus making the electronic nose an effective tool for early detection of different kinds of diseases, ranging from infections to tumours or exposure to toxic agents

    Multidisciplinary design and flight testing of a remote gas/particle airborne sensor system

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    The main objective of this paper is to describe the development of a remote sensing airborne air sampling system for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and provide the capability for the detection of particle and gas concentrations in real time over remote locations. The design of the air sampling methodology started by defining system architecture, and then by selecting and integrating each subsystem. A multifunctional air sampling instrument, with capability for simultaneous measurement of particle and gas concentrations was modified and integrated with ARCAA’s Flamingo UAS platform and communications protocols. As result of the integration process, a system capable of both real time geo-location monitoring and indexed-link sampling was obtained. Wind tunnel tests were conducted in order to evaluate the performance of the air sampling instrument in controlled nonstationary conditions at the typical operational velocities of the UAS platform. Once the remote fully operative air sampling system was obtained, the problem of mission design was analyzed through the simulation of different scenarios. Furthermore, flight tests of the complete air sampling system were then conducted to check the dynamic characteristics of the UAS with the air sampling system and to prove its capability to perform an air sampling mission following a specific flight path

    Electronic nose in edible insects area

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    Edible insect is appraised by many cultures as delicious and nutritionally beneficial food. In western countries this commodity is not fully appreciated, and the worries about edible insect food safety prevail. Electronic noses can become a simple and cheap way of securing the health safety of food, and they can also become a tool for evaluating the quality of certain commodities. This research is a pilot project of using an electronic nose in edible insect culinary treatment, and this manuscript describes the phases of edible insect culinary treatment and methods of distinguishing mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) and giant mealworm (Zophobas morio) using simple electronic nose. These species were measured in the live stage, after killing with boiling water, after drying and after inserting into the chocolate.The sensing device was based on the Arduino Mega platform with the ability to store the recorded data on the SD memory card, and with the possibility to communicate via internet. Data analysis shows that even a simple, cheap and portable electronic nose can distinguish between the different steps of culinary treatment (native samples, dried samples, samples enriched with chocolate for cooking) and selected species. Another benefit of the electronic nose could be its future introduction into the control mechanisms of food security systems (e.g. HACCP). © 2017 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
