116 research outputs found

    Currency security and forensics: a survey

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    By its definition, the word currency refers to an agreed medium for exchange, a nation’s currency is the formal medium enforced by the elected governing entity. Throughout history, issuers have faced one common threat: counterfeiting. Despite technological advancements, overcoming counterfeit production remains a distant future. Scientific determination of authenticity requires a deep understanding of the raw materials and manufacturing processes involved. This survey serves as a synthesis of the current literature to understand the technology and the mechanics involved in currency manufacture and security, whilst identifying gaps in the current literature. Ultimately, a robust currency is desire

    QRsens:dual-purpose quick response code with built-in colorimetric sensors

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    QRsens represents a family of Quick Response (QR) sensing codes for in-situ air analysis with a customized smartphone application to simultaneously read the QR code and the colorimetric sensors. Five colorimetric sensors (temperature, relative humidity (RH), and three gas sensors (CO₂, NH₃ and H₂S)) were designed with the aim of proposing two end-use applications for ambient analysis, i.e., enclosed spaces monitoring, and smart packaging. Both QR code and colorimetric sensing inks were deposited by standard screen printing on white paper. To ensure minimal ambient light dependence of QRsens during the real-time analysis, the smartphone application was programmed for an effective colour correction procedure based on black and white references for three standard illumination temperatures (3000, 4000 and 5000 K). Depending on the type of sensor being analysed, this integration achieved a reduction of ∼71 – 87% of QRsens's dependence on the light temperature. After the illumination colour correction, colorimetric gas sensors exhibited a detection range of 0.7–4.1%, 0.7–7.5 ppm, and 0.13–0.7 ppm for CO2, NH3 and H2S, respectively. In summary, the study presents an affordable built-in multi-sensing platform in the form of QRsens for in-situ monitoring with potential in different types of ambient air analysis applications

    QRsens: Dual-purpose quick response code with built-in colorimetric sensors

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    Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.snb.2022.133001.QRsens represents a family of Quick Response (QR) sensing codes for in-situ air analysis with a customized smartphone application to simultaneously read the QR code and the colorimetric sensors. Five colorimetric sensors (temperature, relative humidity (RH), and three gas sensors (CO2, NH3 and H2S)) were designed with the aim of proposing two end-use applications for ambient analysis, i.e., enclosed spaces monitoring, and smart packaging. Both QR code and colorimetric sensing inks were deposited by standard screen printing on white paper. To ensure minimal ambient light dependence of QRsens during the real-time analysis, the smartphone application was programmed for an effective colour correction procedure based on black and white references for three standard illumination temperatures (3000, 4000 and 5000 K). Depending on the type of sensor being analysed, this integration achieved a reduction of ~71 – 87% of QRsens’s dependence on the light temperature. After the illumination colour correction, colorimetric gas sensors exhibited a detection range of 0.7–4.1%, 0.7–7.5 ppm, and 0.13–0.7 ppm for CO2, NH3 and H2S, respectively. In summary, the study presents an affordable built-in multi-sensing platform in the form of QRsens for in-situ monitoring with potential in different types of ambient air analysis applications.Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033/ (Projects PID2019–103938RB-I00, ECQ2018–004937- P and grant IJC2020–043307-I)Junta de Andalucía (Projects B- FQM-243-UGR18, P18-RT-2961)European Regional Development Funds (ERDF)European Union NextGenerationEU/PRT

    Revealing the visually unknown in ancient manuscripts with a similarity measure for IR-imaged inks

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    One of the tasks facing historians and conservationists is the authentication or dating of medieval manuscripts. To this end it is important to them to verify whether writings on the same or different manuscripts are concurrent. In this work we explore this task by capturing images of manuscript pages in infrared (IR) and modelling and then comparing the ink appearance of segmented text. The modelling of the text appearance relies on the unsupervised multimodal clustering of ink descriptors and the derived probability density functions. The similarity measure is built around the distribution of cluster labels and their proportions. We demonstrate our method by using both model inks of known composition and authentic Byzantine manuscripts

    Ink recognition based on statistical classification methods

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    Statistical classification methods can be applied to images of historical manuscripts in order to characterize the various kinds of inks used. As these methods do not require destructive sampling they can be applied to the study of old and fragile manuscripts. Analysis of manuscript inks based on statistical analysis can be applied in situ, to provide important information for the authenticity, dating and origin of manuscripts. This paper describes a methodology and related algorithms used to interpret the photometric properties of inks and produce computational models which classify diverse types of inks found in Byzantine-era manuscripts. Various optical properties of these inks are extracted by the analysis of digital images taken in the visible and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The inks are modelled based on their grey-level and colour information using a mixture of Gaussian functions and classified using Bayes' decision rule

    An examination of the sequence of intersecting lines using attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared spectral imaging

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    In this study, the potential of attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectral imaging as a technique to determine the sequence of line crossings was examined. The technique was successful in determining the sequence of heterogeneous line intersections produced using ballpoint pens and laser printers. By imaging at characteristic frequencies, it was possible to form spectral images showing the spatial distribution of the materials. By examining the spectral images from the inks, it was possible to determine whether the ink was above or below the toner. In blind testing, ATR-FTIR spectral imaging results were directly compared to those obtained by eight experienced forensic document examiners using methods regularly employed in casework. ATR-FTIR spectral imaging was shown to achieve a 100% success rate in the blind tests, whereas some incorrect sequence determinations were made by the forensic document examiners when using traditional techniques. The technique was unable to image ink-jet printing, gel pens, roller ball pens, and felt-tip pens, and was also unable to determine the sequence of intersecting ballpoint pen lines. © 2008 American Academy of Forensic Sciences

    Image enhancement for underwater mining applications

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    The exploration of water bodies from the sea to land filled water spaces has seen a continuous increase with new technologies such as robotics. Underwater images is one of the main sensor resources used but suffer from added problems due to the environment. Multiple methods and techniques have provided a way to correct the color, clear the poor quality and enhance the features. In this thesis work, we present the work of an Image Cleaning and Enhancement Technique which is based on performing color correction on images incorporated with Dark Channel Prior (DCP) and then taking the converted images and modifying them into the Long, Medium and Short (LMS) color space, as this space is the region in which the human eye perceives colour. This work is being developed at LSA (Laboratório de Sistema Autónomos) robotics and autonomous systems laboratory. Our objective is to improve the quality of images for and taken by robots with the particular emphasis on underwater flooded mines. This thesis work describes the architecture and the developed solution. A comparative analysis with state of the art methods and of our proposed solution is presented. Results from missions taken by the robot in operational mine scenarios are presented and discussed and allowing for the solution characterization and validation

    Bioplastics from sweet potatoes

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    As oil runs out and the use of fossil fuels becomes expensive, the need for replacement source of raw material for the manufacture of plastics becomes essential. Bioplastics are essential as an alternative of commercial plastics from fossil fuels. Bioplastics are eco-friendly and biodegradable hence provide an effective way to replace the commercial plastics. Producing bioplastics from three types of sweet potatoes which are white, orange and purple in colour is the main goal of the study. Extraction techniques were applied to obtain starch from the sweet potatoes. The starch was then mixed with chemical solution such as glycerine, vinegar and distilled water to form bioplastic. The bioplastics were tested for biodegradability, stretch and water adsorption tests. The results show that the bioplastics from white potatoes degrade faster than the other types of sweet potatoes while commercial plastics cannot be degraded at all. White sweet potatoes have less absorption of water which it is the best criteria for bioplastics. Stretchable of white sweet potatoes is more compared to the other types of sweet potatoes. Bioplastics from white sweet potatoes have a good potential as a replacement of commercial plastics

    Photometric stereo with applications in material classification

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    Wireless colorimetric readout to enable resource-limited point-of-care

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    Patientennahe Diagnostik in Entwicklungsländer birgt spezielle Herausforderungen, die ihren Erfolg bisher begrenzen. Diese Arbeit widmet sich daher der Entwicklung eines in seiner Herstellung skalierbaren und vielseitig einsetzbaren funkbasierten Auslesegerätes für Laborteststreifen. Durch die Kombination einer wachsenden Auswahl an papierbasierten Teststreifendiagnostiken mit gedruckter Elektronik und unter Berücksichtigung des diagnostischen Alltags im südlichen Afrika wurde ein Gerät entwickelt, das Teststreifen zuverlässig ausliest und die Daten per Funk an eine Datenbank übertragen kann. Die Technik basiert auf RFID-Tags (radio frequency identification devices), welche auf verschiedene flexible Substrate gedruckt wurden, um die technische Umsetzbarkeit und Funktionalität zu evaluieren. Um den Preis für die geplante Anwendung niedrig zu halten, wurden unter anderem Papier und Karton als Substrate genutzt. Das Ergebnis dieser Studie sind passive RFID-Tags auf unterschiedlichen, meist günstigen Substraten, die über eine Distanz von über 75 mm betrieben und ausgelesen werden können. Basierend auf der über RFID bereitgestellten Energie und Datenübertragung wurde eine Ausleseeinheit für Standardpapierstreifentests entwickelt und integriert. Durch das Auslesen verschiedener Teststreifen wurde das Gerät evaluiert und in seiner Aussagekraft mit einer scanner-basierten Aufnahme und anschließender Bildanalyse (ImageJ), einem kommerziellen Auslesegerät sowie einer manuellen Auslesung mit Hilfe von Farbtabellen verglichen. Das Gerät kann die Streifen zuverlässig auslesen und die Daten über die RFID-Schnittstelle übertragen. Die funkbasierte Ausleseeinheit ist mit verschiedenen kommerziellen Teststreifen sowohl im biodiagnostischen (lateral flow tests) wie auch im chemischen Bereich (pH-Wert) kompatibel. Die modulare Lösung erlaubt ein breites Einsatzgebiet und führt dadurch zu reduzierten Trainingszeiten der Anwender und einer zuverlässigen Handhabung. Die vorgestellte Lösung ist äußerst kostengünstig und bedarf keiner Wartung, wodurch sie sich sehr gut für den Einsatz in abgelegenen Feldkrankenhäusern eignet. Es wurde ein skalierbarer Prototyp entwickelt, der auf konventionellen Herstellungsverfahren der Verpackungsindustrie aufbaut. Aktuell handelt es sich noch um einen bogenbasierten Prozess, der sich aber prinzipiell auch auf Rolle-zu-Rolle Maschinen übertragen lässt. Bei der Entwicklung des Geräts spielte die Möglichkeit der lokalen Herstellung in den Einsatzländern eine große Rolle. Diese hätte neben der Generierung von Arbeitsplätzen auch den Vorteil einer einfacheren Verteilung der Geräte in ländliche Regionen, in denen sie den größten Nutzen für die Diagnostik erzielen würden