8 research outputs found

    Self Designing Pattern Recognition System Employing Multistage Classification

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    Recently, pattern recognition/classification has received a considerable attention in diverse engineering fields such as biomedical imaging, speaker identification, fingerprint recognition, etc. In most of these applications, it is desirable to maintain the classification accuracy in the presence of corrupted and/or incomplete data. The quality of a given classification technique is measured by the computational complexity, execution time of algorithms, and the number of patterns that can be classified correctly despite any distortion. Some classification techniques that are introduced in the literature are described in Chapter one. In this dissertation, a pattern recognition approach that can be designed to have evolutionary learning by developing the features and selecting the criteria that are best suited for the recognition problem under consideration is proposed. Chapter two presents some of the features used in developing the set of criteria employed by the system to recognize different types of signals. It also presents some of the preprocessing techniques used by the system. The system operates in two modes, namely, the learning (training) mode, and the running mode. In the learning mode, the original and preprocessed signals are projected into different transform domains. The technique automatically tests many criteria over the range of parameters for each criterion. A large number of criteria are developed from the features extracted from these domains. The optimum set of criteria, satisfying specific conditions, is selected. This set of criteria is employed by the system to recognize the original or noisy signals in the running mode. The modes of operation and the classification structures employed by the system are described in details in Chapter three. The proposed pattern recognition system is capable of recognizing an enormously large number of patterns by virtue of the fact that it analyzes the signal in different domains and explores the distinguishing characteristics in each of these domains. In other words, this approach uses available information and extracts more characteristics from the signals, for classification purposes, by projecting the signal in different domains. Some experimental results are given in Chapter four showing the effect of using mathematical transforms in conjunction with preprocessing techniques on the classification accuracy. A comparison between some of the classification approaches, in terms of classification rate in case of distortion, is also given. A sample of experimental implementations is presented in chapter 5 and chapter 6 to illustrate the performance of the proposed pattern recognition system. Preliminary results given confirm the superior performance of the proposed technique relative to the single transform neural network and multi-input neural network approaches for image classification in the presence of additive noise


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    Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment method that employs high-energy radiation beams to destroy cancer cells by damaging the ability of these cells to reproduce. Thoracic and abdominal tumors may change their positions during respiration by as much as three centimeters during radiation treatment. The prediction of respiratory motion has become an important research area because respiratory motion severely affects precise radiation dose delivery. This study describes recent radiotherapy technologies including tools for measuring target position during radiotherapy and tracking-based delivery systems. In the first part of our study we review three prediction approaches of respiratory motion, i.e., model-based methods, model-free heuristic learning algorithms, and hybrid methods. In the second part of our work we propose respiratory motion estimation with hybrid implementation of extended Kalman filter. The proposed method uses the recurrent neural network as the role of the predictor and the extended Kalman filter as the role of the corrector. In the third part of our work we further extend our research work to present customized prediction of respiratory motion with clustering from multiple patient interactions. For the customized prediction we construct the clustering based on breathing patterns of multiple patients using the feature selection metrics that are composed of a variety of breathing features. In the fourth part of our work we retrospectively categorize breathing data into several classes and propose a new approach to detect irregular breathing patterns using neural networks. We have evaluated the proposed new algorithm by comparing the prediction overshoot and the tracking estimation value. The experimental results of 448 patients’ breathing patterns validated the proposed irregular breathing classifier

    Deep Learning for Task-Based Image Quality Assessment in Medical Imaging

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    It has been advocated to use objective measures of image quality (IQ) for assessing and optimizing medical imaging systems. Objective measures of IQ quantify the performance of an observer at a specific diagnostic task. Binary signal detection tasks and joint signal detection and localization (detection-localization) tasks are commonly considered in medical imaging. When optimizing imaging systems for binary signal detection tasks, the performance of the Bayesian Ideal Observer (IO) has been advocated for use as a figure-of-merit (FOM). The IO maximizes the observer performance that is summarized by the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. When signal detection-localization tasks are considered, the IO that implements a modified generalized likelihood ratio test (MGLRT) maximizes the observer performance as measured by the localization ROC (LROC) curve. However, computation of the IO test statistic generally is analytically intractable. To address this difficulty, sampling-based methods that employ Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques have been proposed. However, current applications of MCMC methods have been limited to relatively simple stochastic object models (SOMs). When the IO is difficult or intractable to compute, the optimal linear observer, known as the Hotelling Observer (HO), can be employed to evaluate objective measures of IQ. Although computation of the HO is easier than that of the IO, it can still be challenging or even intractable because a potentially large covariance matrix needs to be estimated and subsequently inverted. In the first part of the dissertation, we introduce supervised learning-based methods for approximating the IO and the HO for binary signal detection tasks. The use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to approximate the IO and the use of single layer neural networks (SLNNs) to directly estimate the Hotelling template without computing and inverting covariance matrices are demonstrated. In the second part, a supervised learning method that employs CNNs to approximate the IO for signal detection-localization tasks is presented. This method represents a deep-learning-based implementation of a MGLRT that defines the IO decision strategy for signal detection-localization tasks. When evaluating observer performance for assessing and optimizing imaging systems by use of objective measures of IQ, all sources of variability in the measured image data should be accounted for. One important source of variability that can significantly affect observer performance is the variation in the ensemble of objects to-be-imaged. To describe this variability, a SOM can be established. A SOM is a generative model that can produce an ensemble of simulated objects with prescribed statistical properties. In order to establish a realistic SOM, it is desirable to use experimental data. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) hold great potential for establishing SOMs. However, images produced by imaging systems are affected by the measurement noise and a potential reconstruction process. Therefore, GANs that are trained by use of these images cannot represent SOMs because they are not established to learn object variability alone. An augmented GAN architecture named AmbientGAN that includes a measurement operator was proposed to address this issue. However, AmbientGANs cannot be immediately implemented with advanced GAN training strategies such as progressive growing of GANs (ProGANs). Therefore, the ability of AmbientGANs to establish realistic and sophisticated SOMs is limited. In the third part of this dissertation, we propose a novel deep learning method named progressively growing AmbientGANs (ProAmGANs) that incorporates the advanced progressive growing training procedure and therefore enables the AmbientGAN to be applied to realistically sized medical image data. Stylized numerical studies involving a variety of object ensembles with common medical imaging modalities are presented. Finally, a novel sampling-based method named MCMC-GAN is developed to approximate the IO. This method applies MCMC algorithms to SOMs that are established by use of GAN techniques. Because the implementation of GANs is general and not limited to specific images, our proposed method can be implemented with sophisticated object models and therefore extends the domain of applicability of the MCMC techniques. Numerical studies involving clinical brain positron emission tomography (PET) images and brain magnetic resonance (MR) images are presented