7 research outputs found

    Оценка и управление качеством процесса разработки программного обеспечения на основе моделей зрелости

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    В работе предложено сформулировать многокритериальную задачу достижения заданного уровня зрелости процесса разработки программного обеспечения на основе выбора среди альтернативных вариантов реализации данного процесса с учетом ресурсных ограничений организации.We propose to formulate the problem of achieving the necessary level of maturity for the software process based on the selection among alternate variants of the process steps implementation under the resource constraints of the organization

    IT strategy Implementation Framework – Bridging Enterprise Architecture and IT Governance

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    It’s increasingly acknowledged that firms cannot be competitive if their IT strategies are not implemented methodically. A number of proposals have been made to prioritize strategic IT plan executions and determine the most appropriate models and architectures. While IT governance primarily focuses on day-to-day IT operations, enterprise architecture primarily focuses on designing the future state of architecture in support of business. Despite still being a major concern for business and IT executives, there is little published research that bridges both and therefore attempts to give methodological support from a holistic perspective. Additionally it seems that governance needs to be investigated in terms of implementing IT strategies on different levels of abstraction. This article therefore proposes a framework to analyze institutions and guide ITstrategy implementation in order to analyze, monitor and control the desired results. Due to the underlying theories and applied interviews the model is potentially generalizable

    How Sustainable is COBIT 5? Insights from Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Survey Data

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    Increasing consideration of the concept of sustainability within information technology (IT) organizations and information systems (IS) management has lead to rising challenges regarding the application of existing, non- or partially sustainable IT process models. Although IT reference models exist within the scope of sustainable IS management, the integration of sustainability aspects into well-established IT reference models of IS management and IT governance still lacks theoretical foundation. The purpose of this paper is to explore the specificities of sustainability in the current COBIT 5 process reference model. Based on an argumentative-deductive analysis of COBIT 5, enriched with results of a survey, we examine the significance and specificities of sustainability in COBIT 5 from the user perspective. Our findings provide valuable insights referring to sustainability-related deficits of COBIT 5. Furthermore, this paper can serve as a theoretical basis for further research that eventually takes a sustainability-oriented adjustment of COBIT 5 into account


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    In jüngster Zeit steht zur methodischen Unterstützung der Aufgaben der Unternehmens-IT eine stetig wachsende Anzahl von Referenzmodellen zur Verfügung. Aus verschiedenen Gründen können diese Referenzmodelle immer seltener isoliert voneinander betrachtet und eingesetzt werden. Vielmehr wird es für die IT-Abteilungen zu einer Herausforderung, das Zusammenspiel in einer „Multi-Modell-Umgebung“ [29] aktiv zu gestalten, um mit dieser Heterogenität umzugehen, bspw. weil die Modelle in Teilen redundante Anwendungsbereiche haben, Unterschiede hinsichtlich der zugrundeliegenden Sprachwelten aufweisen und auf verschiedenen Prinzipien beruhen. In der Praxis sind Vorschläge entwickelt worden, Modelle direkt ineinander abzubilden („Mapping“). Dieser Ansatz weist jedoch verschiedene Probleme auf. Als eine weitergehende und methodisch fundierte Art, mit den genannten Herausforderungen umzugehen, wird die Metamodellierung angesehen, durch die die genannten Modelle auch auf Ebene ihrer Komponenten und Strukturen analysiert, verglichen und integriert werden können

    A Governança de Tic no Processo de Modernização das Serventias Extrajudiciais do Brasil

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    Brazil’s nationwide public delegate services’ offices are involved in a collective modernization process that has among its main objectives the digital/electronic delivery of its services, therefore simplifying and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the services provision. The process relies heavily on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and therefore this article seeks to understand the process’ ICT governance and management current state and needs. To achieve this goal, a semi structured survey, based on ICT best practices frameworks ITIL and COBIT, was carried out among the public delegate services offices’ representative entities involved in the modernization process. Main findings include the assessment of a low maturity level of the management of ICT involved in the process and the identification of key ICT processes associated with the current handling of ICT governance and management. Future research can focus on the production of an ICT governance and management model tailored to meet the modernization process’ needs.As serventias extrajudiciais do Brasil, responsáveis pelos serviços públicos delegados, incluindo os notariais e de registro, estão envolvidos em um processo coletivo de modernização, de escopo nacional, cujos principais objetivos incluem a prestação dos seus serviços de forma digital ou eletrônica. O processo está fortemente alicerçado na utilização de tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) e este artigo, portanto, busca compreender e avaliar a gestão e governança de TIC do processo de modernização em curso. Para isso, foi realizada uma pesquisa semiestruturada, baseada nos frameworks de melhores práticas de governança e gestão de TIC ITIL e COBIT, junto às entidades representativas das serventias extrajudiciais envolvidas no processo de modernização. Dentre os principais resultados encontrados pode-se citar o baixo nível de maturidade da gestão de TIC envolvida no processo e a identificação de processos chave de TIC, essenciais ao sucesso do processo de modernização. Palavras-chave: E-gov; Serviços públicos delegados; Serventias extrajudiciais; Governança de TIC; Serviços compartilhados; Assimetria jurídica

    Information technology governance implementation in a South African public sector agency: institutional influences and outcomes

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    Thesis (M.Com. (Information Systems))--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, School of Economic and Business Sciences, 2015Information technology (IT) governance, which embodies how organisations arrange and manage their IT assets, continues to be of interest to those involved in the research and practice of information systems (IS). Most of the interest is because of the positive relationship between IT governance and organisational performance. Organisations are increasing their IT expenditure, which results in increased expectations by stakeholders. Public sector organisations have also gradually recognised the importance of IT governance to successful implementation of mandates, but the research conducted globally to understand how IT governance is actually implemented in the public sector has been limited. A case study of ENTDEV (a public sector agency) was used to explore how IT governance implementation takes in a public sector organisation. The case study sought to understand how institutional influences (e.g. regulative, normative and cultural-cognitive) play a role in IT governance adoption and the selection of IT governance mechanisms, how IT governance implementation actually takes place and what IT outcomes are achieved as a result of the implementation - using institutional theory, IT governance mechanisms framework, and the IT outcomes framework, as lenses. The case study identified regulatory influences as playing a role in IT governance adoption, and also uncovered the role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) as important. Normative and culture cognitive influences were seen as not playing a role at the IT governance adoption stage. Regulatory and normative influences and the CIO have an influence in the implementation of IT governance mechanisms. The skills and capacity of people involved in implementing IT governance mechanisms, together with the positioning and organisation’s perception of IT are some of the issues that impact on IT governance implementation. The study recognised cost effective use of IT and improved compliance as the immediate IT outcomes as a result of IT governance implementation. Strategy enablement outcomes are recognised over time. Informed by the empirical evidence and literature, a framework for IT governance implementation in public sector organisations is conceptualised as a contribution to theory. It is envisaged that the framework may be used by public sector institutions to improve their understanding of IT governance and subsequently improve how they implement IT governance


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