7 research outputs found

    Smart cities: a survey

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    A smart city is one that uses a smart system characterized by the interaction between infrastructure, capital, behaviors and cultures, achieved through their integration. From our survey of the smart city concept by reading recent papers in this field, we found no uniform concept of the smart city; some papers discussed it as a general case study, while others dealt with specific parts. This paper is a survey of a number of articles , which we divided into two categories:1-General case study, which covers the topic of smart city in a general framework, and 2-Specific case study, which covers the topic of the smart city from a specific detailed application, such as Traffic Management System, Smart Grid, Wireless Technology,…etc. The results of our research show that the information of communication technology (ICT) covers all areas on smart cities such as government facilities, buildings, traffic, electricity, health, water, and transport. Until now there is no unique definition for smart cities, most of researcher define the smart city form their needs or prospective


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    The research project presented in this paper is being conducted in collaboration with Dublin City Council and Intel Corporation, and is focused on the development of a Smart City maturity model. This paper focuses on the research methodology that is being used for this study, i.e. Action Design Research (Sein et al. 2011). Particularly, we will describe why this recently proposed methodology is suitable for our research, in comparison with Design Science Research (March and Smith, 1995; Hevner et al. 2004) and Action Research (Baburoglu and Ravn, 1992). Furthermore, we will focus on the problem formulation stage to systematically investigate the topic. A systematic literature review based on the 8-steps method proposed in (Okoli et al. 2010) is presented to explore the factors required to evaluate the environmental and socioeconomic sustainability impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions at a city level. Furthermore, Grounded Theory principles were adopted to structure the Smart City ecosystem, and identify the areas in which ICT-enabled services have an impact on the city´s social, environmental, and economical performances. \ Keywords: Action Design Research, Smart Cities, Systematic Literature Review, Grounded Theory

    Redefining the Smart City: Culture, Metabolism and Governance. Case Study of Port Louis, Mauritius

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    This thesis of 8 publications explores how Smart Cities can move away from the corporate agenda of ICT consortiums supporting modernist new towns. A proposed Smart City Framework integrates sustainability principles using Culture, Governance and Metabolism to better achieve the UN urban agenda. This is then applied to the city of Port Louis, Mauritius, to enable urban regeneration of the old city to be enabled

    The Need of Multidisciplinary Approaches and Engineering Tools for the Development and Implementation of the Smart City Paradigm

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    This paper is motivated by the concept that the successful, effective, and sustainable implementation of the smart city paradigm requires a close cooperation among researchers with different, complementary interests and, in most cases, a multidisciplinary approach. It first briefly discusses how such a multidisciplinary methodology, transversal to various disciplines such as architecture, computer science, civil engineering, electrical, electronic and telecommunication engineering, social science and behavioral science, etc., can be successfully employed for the development of suitable modeling tools and real solutions of such sociotechnical systems. Then, the paper presents some pilot projects accomplished by the authors within the framework of some major European Union (EU) and national research programs, also involving the Bologna municipality and some of the key players of the smart city industry. Each project, characterized by different and complementary approaches/modeling tools, is illustrated along with the relevant contextualization and the advancements with respect to the state of the art


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    O modo como interagimos com o mundo não é mais como era feito há dez ou quinze anos atrás. O modo como nos comunicamos, interagimos socialmente, a maneira como consumimos, as relações comerciais e até mesmo o lazer – estão disponíveis em um pequeno dispositivo móvel. Com o surgimento da IoT (Internet of Things¹), surgiram tecnologias weareables, ou seja, tecnologia para se vestir, literalmente. Eletrodomésticos, carros, relógios, todas as ‘coisas’ de certa forma pode se conectar à internet. Tanta conectividade promete trazer inúmeros benefícios para a sociedade, agregando sempre uma maior qualidade de vida e experiência aos usuários. Neste contexto, este projeto de dissertação buscará identificar, através de uma pesquisa de campo, quais seriam os componentes de um sistema IoT para auxiliar nos cuidados com animais domésticos. A pesquisa será aplicada por meio de uma survey, buscando no público alvo informações e características acerca do instrumento de pesquisa, sendo assim será aplicado em forma de questionário. As análises feitas neste trabalho poderão ser utilizadas posteriormente no desenvolvimento de uma nova aplicação, denominada Smart Coleira, uma coleira inteligente com tecnologia baseada em Internet das Coisas, que tem como objetivo principal auxiliar nos cuidados dos animais domésticos, além de proporcionar uma nova experiência na relação entre os seres humanos e os animais de estimação

    Analysis for Scalable Coding of Quality-Adjustable Sensor Data

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2014. 2. 신현식.Machine-generated data such as sensor data now comprise major portion of available information. This thesis addresses two important problems: storing of massive sensor data collection and efficient sensing. We first propose a quality-adjustable sensor data archiving, which compresses entire collection of sensor data efficiently without compromising key features. Considering the data aging aspect of sensor data, we make our archiving scheme capable of controlling data fidelity to exploit less frequent data access of user. This flexibility on quality adjustability leads to more efficient usage of storage space. In order to store data from various sensor types in cost-effective way, we study the optimal storage configuration strategy using analytical models that capture characteristics of our scheme. This strategy helps storing sensor data blocks with the optimal configurations that maximizes data fidelity of various sensor data under given storage space. Next, we consider efficient sensing schemes and propose a quality-adjustable sensing scheme. We adopt compressive sensing (CS) that is well suited for resource-limited sensors because of its low computational complexity. We enhance quality adjustability intrinsic to CS with quantization and especially temporal downsampling. Our sensing architecture provides more rate-distortion operating points than previous schemes, which enables sensors to adapt data quality in more efficient way considering overall performance. Moreover, the proposed temporal downsampling improves coding efficiency that is a drawback of CS. At the same time, the downsampling further reduces computational complexity of sensing devices, along with sparse random matrix. As a result, our quality-adjustable sensing can deliver gains to a wide variety of resource-constrained sensing techniques.Abstract i Contents iii List of Figures vi List of Tables x Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Spatio-Temporal Correlation in Sensor Data 3 1.3 Quality Adjustability of Sensor Data 7 1.4 Research Contributions 9 1.5 Thesis Organization 11 Chapter 2 Archiving of Sensor Data 12 2.1 Encoding Sensor Data Collection 12 2.1.1 Archiving Architecture 13 2.1.2 Data Conversion 16 2.2 Compression Ratio Comparison 20 2.3 Quality-Adjustable Archiving Model 25 2.3.1 Data Fidelity Model: Rate 25 2.3.2 Data Fidelity Model: Distortion 28 2.4 QP-Rate-Distortion Model 36 2.5 Optimal Rate Allocation 40 2.5.1 Rate Allocation Strategy 40 2.5.2 Optimal Storage Configuration 41 2.5.3 Experimental Results 44 Chapter 3 Scalable Management of Storage 46 3.1 Scalable Quality Management 46 3.1.1 Archiving Architecture 47 3.1.2 Compression Ratio Comparison 49 3.2 Enhancing Quality Adjustability 51 3.2.1 Data Fidelity Model: Rate 52 3.2.2 Data Fidelity Model: Distortion 55 3.3 Optimal Rate Allocation 59 3.3.1 Rate Allocation Strategy 60 3.3.2 Optimal Storage Configuration 63 3.3.3 Experimental Results 71 Chapter 4 Quality-Adjustable Sensing 73 4.1 Compressive Sensing 73 4.1.1 Compressive Sensing Problem 74 4.1.2 General Signal Recovery 76 4.1.3 Noisy Signal Recovery 76 4.2 Quality Adjustability in Sensing Environment 77 4.2.1 Quantization and Temporal Downsampling 79 4.2.2 Optimization with Error Model 85 4.3 Low-Complexity Sensing 88 4.3.1 Sparse Random Matrix 89 4.3.2 Resource Savings 92 Chapter 5 Conclusions 96 5.1 Summary 96 5.2 Future Research Directions 98 Bibliography 100 Abstract in Korean 109Docto

    IT footprinting-groundwork for future smart cities

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    The goals for developing smart cities are clear and convincing, and the technology is promising and exciting, but achieving these goals requires a massive IT footprinting process. © 2006 IEEE