49 research outputs found

    Reading Articles Online

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    We study the online problem of reading articles that are listed in an aggregated form in a dynamic stream, e.g., in news feeds, as abbreviated social media posts, or in the daily update of new articles on arXiv. In such a context, the brief information on an article in the listing only hints at its content. We consider readers who want to maximize their information gain within a limited time budget, hence either discarding an article right away based on the hint or accessing it for reading. The reader can decide at any point whether to continue with the current article or skip the remaining part irrevocably. In this regard, Reading Articles Online, RAO, does differ substantially from the Online Knapsack Problem, but also has its similarities. Under mild assumptions, we show that any α\alpha-competitive algorithm for the Online Knapsack Problem in the random order model can be used as a black box to obtain an (e+α)C(\mathrm{e} + \alpha)C-competitive algorithm for RAO, where CC measures the accuracy of the hints with respect to the information profiles of the articles. Specifically, with the current best algorithm for Online Knapsack, which is 6.65<2.45e6.65<2.45\mathrm{e}-competitive, we obtain an upper bound of 3.45eC3.45\mathrm{e} C on the competitive ratio of RAO. Furthermore, we study a natural algorithm that decides whether or not to read an article based on a single threshold value, which can serve as a model of human readers. We show that this algorithmic technique is O(C)O(C)-competitive. Hence, our algorithms are constant-competitive whenever the accuracy CC is a constant.Comment: Manuscript of COCOA 2020 pape

    Uniting General-Graph and Geometric-Based Radio Networks via Independence Number Parametrization

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    In the study of radio networks, the tasks of broadcasting (propagating a message throughout the network) and leader election (having the network agree on a node to designate ‘leader’) are two of the most fundamental global problems, and have a long history of work devoted to them. This work has two divergent strands: some works focus on exploiting the geometric properties of wireless networks based in physical space, while others consider general graphs. Algorithmic results in each of these avenues have often used quite different techniques, and produced bounds using incomparable parametrizations. In this work, we unite the study of general-graph and geometric-based radio networks, by adapting the broadcast and leader election algorithm of Czumaj and Davies (JACM ’21) to achieve a running-time parametrized by the independence number of the network (i.e., the size of the maximum independent set). This parametrization preserves the running time on general graphs, matching the best known, but also improves running times to near-optimality across a wide range of geometric-based graph classes. As part of this algorithm, we also provide the first algorithm for computing a maximal independent set in general-graph radio networks. This algorithm runs in O(log3 n) time-steps, only a log n factor away from the Ω(log2 n) lower bound

    On the Complexity of Local Graph Transformations

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    We consider the problem of transforming a given graph G_s into a desired graph G_t by applying a minimum number of primitives from a particular set of local graph transformation primitives. These primitives are local in the sense that each node can apply them based on local knowledge and by affecting only its 1-neighborhood. Although the specific set of primitives we consider makes it possible to transform any (weakly) connected graph into any other (weakly) connected graph consisting of the same nodes, they cannot disconnect the graph or introduce new nodes into the graph, making them ideal in the context of supervised overlay network transformations. We prove that computing a minimum sequence of primitive applications (even centralized) for arbitrary G_s and G_t is NP-hard, which we conjecture to hold for any set of local graph transformation primitives satisfying the aforementioned properties. On the other hand, we show that this problem admits a polynomial time algorithm with a constant approximation ratio

    Self-stabilising Priority-Based Multi-Leader Election and Network Partitioning

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    A common task in situated distributed systems is the self-organising election of leaders. These leaders can be devices or software agents appointed, for instance, to coordinate the activities of other agents or processes. In this work, we focus on the multi-leader election problem in networks of asynchronous message-passing devices, which are a common model in self-organisation approaches like aggregate computing. Specifically, we introduce a novel algorithm for space- and priority-based leader election and compare it with the state of the art. We call the algorithm Bounded Election since it leverages bounding (i.e. minimisation or maximisation) of candidacy messages to drop or promote candidate leaders and ensure stabilisation. The proposed algorithm is formally proven to be self-stabilising, allows for leader prioritisation, and performs on-the-fly network partitioning (namely, as a side effect of the leader election process, the areas regulated by the leaders are also established). Also, we experimentally compare its performance together with the state of the art of leader election in aggregate computing in a variety of synthetic scenarios, showing benefits in terms of convergence time and resilience

    Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems

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    In this paper we present two major results: First, we introduce the first self-stabilizing version of a supervised overlay network by presenting a self-stabilizing supervised skip ring. Secondly, we show how to use the self-stabilizing supervised skip ring to construct an efficient self-stabilizing publish-subscribe system. That is, in addition to stabilizing the overlay network, every subscriber of a topic will eventually know all of the publications that have been issued so far for that topic. The communication work needed to processes a subscribe or unsubscribe operation is just a constant in a legitimate state, and the communication work of checking whether the system is still in a legitimate state is just a constant on expectation for the supervisor as well as any process in the system

    Sorting by Block Moves

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    The research in this thesis is focused on the problem of Block Sorting, which has applications in Computational Biology and in Optical Character Recognition (OCR). A block in a permutation is a maximal sequence of consecutive elements that are also consecutive in the identity permutation. BLOCK SORTING is the process of transforming an arbitrary permutation to the identity permutation through a sequence of block moves. Given an arbitrary permutation π and an integer m, the Block Sorting Problem, or the problem of deciding whether the transformation can be accomplished in at most m block moves has been shown to be NP-hard. After being known to be 3-approximable for over a decade, block sorting has been researched extensively and now there are several 2-approximation algorithms for its solution. This work introduces new structures on a permutation, which are called runs and ordered pairs, and are used to develop two new approximation algorithms. Both the new algorithms are 2-approximation algorithms, yielding the approximation ratio equal to the current best. This work also includes an analysis of both the new algorithms showing they are 2-approximation algorithms

    Addressing Collective Computations Efficiency: Towards a Platform-level Reinforcement Learning Approach

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    Aggregate Computing is a macro-level approach for programming collective intelligence and self-organisation in distributed systems. In this paradigm, system behaviour unfolds as a combination of a system-wide program, functionally manipulating distributed data structures called computational fields, and a distributed protocol where devices work at asynchronous rounds comprising sense-compute-interact steps. Interestingly, there exists a large amount of flexibility in how aggregate systems could actually execute while preserving the desired functionality. The ideal place for making choices about execution is the aggregate computing platform (or middleware), which can be engineered with the goal of promoting efficiency and other non-functional goals. In this work, we explore the possibility of applying Reinforcement Learning at the platform level in order to optimise aspects of a collective computation while achieving coherent functional goals. This idea is substantiated through synthetic experiments of data propagation and collection, where we show how Q-Learning could reduce the power consumption of aggregate computations

    Binder: The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida: The 100th Grant Symposium: Celebrating Innovation, Excellence and Renewal

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    Date: 6/2/2006, Contains: CD: BCBSF The Blue Foundation 100 Grants Celebration TRT 4:22, Blank Symposium Evaluation Form, Email: From Michael Hutton to Susan Wildes and Barbara Riggan, Email: From Michael Hutton to Barbara Riggan and Susan Wildes, Event Program: The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida: The 100th Grant Symposium: Celebrating Innovation, Excellence and Renewal, Email: From Stephen Wilson to Susan Wildes, 2006/07/25 w/ attached correspondence letter to Stephen Wilson from Jennifer Adams, Transcript: The 100th Grant Symposium DVD Transcript, Transcript: The 100 Grant Symposium Interview Transcript w/ annotations, Email: From Barbara Riggan to Susan Wildes, Susan Towler, Michael Hutton, Leslie Schumacher, Rochelle Ray, and Kim Read, List: Symposium Expenses: 2006/06/02—The 100th Grant Symposium, Transcript: The 100 Grant Symposium Interview Transcript, Outline: The Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida: The 100th Grant Symposium: Celebrating Innovation, Excellence and Renewal Management and Communications Plan, Email: From Barbara Riggan to Michael Hutton and Susan Wildes, Handwritten notes, Email: From Jay Farley to Susan Wildes w/ 2 page attachment of travel arrangements, Email: titles “Dear Symposium Speakers,” from Susan Wildes, Invoice: Hyatt Hotels & Resorts invoice for trellises, Bill: Summary of credit purchases on corporate account, List: The 100th Grant Symposium Attendees, Mockup: preliminary symposium agenda w/ annotations, Sample: Symposium agenda, Transcript: Symposium revised script, List: The 100th Grant Symposium Registration Log, List: Symposium Attendees, Correspondence: Digital Video Arts Productions budget estimate, Handwritten notes, Floorplan: Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress meeting room floorplan annotated w/ attached symposium agenda, Floorplan: Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress meeting room floorplan, Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress room dimensions & capacities, Invoice: Swank Audio Visuals event order, Menu: Hyatt Hotels & Resorts symposiu