219 research outputs found

    Mengenal pasti tahap pengetahuan pelajar tahun akhir Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan di KUiTTHO dalam bidang keusahawanan dari aspek pengurusan modal

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    Malaysia ialah sebuah negara membangun di dunia. Dalam proses pembangunan ini, hasrat negara untuk melahirkan bakal usahawan beijaya tidak boleh dipandang ringan. Oleh itu, pengetahuan dalam bidang keusahawanan perlu diberi perhatian dengan sewajarnya; antara aspek utama dalam keusahawanan ialah modal. Pengurusan modal yang tidak cekap menjadi punca utama kegagalan usahawan. Menyedari hakikat ini, kajian berkaitan Pengurusan Modal dijalankan ke atas 100 orang pelajar Tahun Akhir Kejuruteraan di KUiTTHO. Sampel ini dipilih kerana pelajar-pelajar ini akan menempuhi alam pekeijaan di mana mereka boleh memilih keusahawanan sebagai satu keijaya. Walau pun mereka bukanlah pelajar dari jurusan perniagaan, namun mereka mempunyai kemahiran dalam mereka cipta produk yang boleh dikomersialkan. Hasil dapatan kajian membuktikan bahawa pelajar-pelajar ini berminat dalam bidang keusahawanan namun masih kurang pengetahuan tentang pengurusan modal terutamanya dalam menentukan modal permulaan, pengurusan modal keija dan caracara menentukan pembiayaan kewangan menggunakan kaedah jualan harian. Oleh itu, satu garis panduan Pengurusan Modal dibina untuk memberi pendedahan kepada mereka

    A Three-level Component Model in Component Based Software Development

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    International audienceComponent-based development promotes a software development process that focuses on component reuse. How to describe a desired component before searching in the repository? How to find an existing component that fulfills the required functionalities? How to capture the system personalization based on its constitutive components' customization? To answer these questions, this paper claims that components should be described using three different forms at three development stages: architecture specification, configuration and assembly. However, no architecture description language proposes such a detailed description for components that supports such a three step component-based development. This paper proposes a three-level ADL, named Dedal, that enables the explicit and separate definitions of component roles, component classes, and component instances

    Moscas dos generos Hippelates Loew, 1863 e Liohippelates Duda, 1929 (Diptera: Chloropidae) : levantamento, sazonalidade e parametros biologicos

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    Orientador: Angelo Pires do PradoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: Liohippelates peruanus (Becker) (Diptera: Chloropidae) Ă© uma das espĂ©cies mais freqĂŒentes na cidade de Campinas-SP e tem sido descrita como transmissora da bactĂ©ria causadora da mastite bovina e de Haemophilus aegyptius, que Ă© o agente etiolĂłgico, de conjuntivites e da Febre PurpĂșrica Brasileira, sendo observado em maior abundĂąncia nos perĂ­odos mais quentes do ano, alĂ©m de incomodar muito com sua presença em parques e ĂĄreas de lazer e recreação, trazendo prejuĂ­zos Ă  atividade econĂŽmica do turismo. Durante o perĂ­odo de 01/05/98 a 05/04/99, foram realizadas coletas mensais em Armadilhas modificadas de Tinkhan & Down, dispostas em forma de quadrado latino 3x3, tendo em vista o levantamento de espĂ©cies de Chloropidae (Insecta: Diptera) ocorrentes no campus da Universidade Estadual de Campinas, considerando-se a sazonalidade, preferĂȘncia por tipo de iscas e perĂ­odo de atividade durante o dia. Durante o perĂ­odo da amostras foram identificados 7 gĂȘneros, sendo 3 morfo-espĂ©cies: Apallates sp, Conioscinella sp, Monochaetoscinella sp e uma espĂ©cie nĂŁo identificada, a qual foi designada Morfo-espĂ©cie 06. As espĂ©cies coletadas e identificadas foram: Elachiptera sacculicornis, Hippelates coxipo, Hippelates. pseudodorsalis, Liohippelates flavipes, Liohippelates nigrifrons, Liohippelates peruanus e Liohippelates tibialis. As coletas foram realizadas nos 5 primeiros dia de cada mĂȘs. As armadilhas foram montadas utilizando-se 3 tipos de iscas: peixe eviscerado, rato eviscerado e vĂ­sceras de frango. Os dados foram considerados em perĂ­odos sazonais: outono/1998, inverno/1998, primavera/1998, verĂŁo/1998-1999 e o nĂșmero de cloropĂ­deos coletados por este mĂ©todo entre todas as espĂ©cies foi de 6.488 machos e 19.503 fĂȘmeas, em uma proporção sexual aproximada de 3:1 (fĂȘmea : macho). A primavera foi o perĂ­odo sazonal que apresentou maior nĂșmero de indivĂ­duos coletados, com 7696 fĂȘmeas e 2254 indivĂ­duos machos, enquanto que a estação de outono apresentou menor nĂșmero de indivĂ­duos coletados: 3385 fĂȘmeas e 1375 machos. Os resultados mostram que a maioria das espĂ©cies possuem maior atividade no nas primeiras horas da manhĂŁ (entre 6:00 h atĂ© 10:00 h) e no perĂ­odo vespertino (entre 16:00 h e 18:00 h), sendo que nĂŁo houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) entre a primeira, penĂșltima e Ășltima coleta realizadas ao longo do dia, quando analisados em Tukey. Com o objetivo de estudar a biologia de Liohippelates peruanus, foi desenvolvido um meio eficaz e de simples manipulação para a realização de experimentos de criação de estĂĄgios imaturos deste inseto em laboratĂłrio. O experimento foi conduzido em laboratĂłrio em temperatura constante de 22 oC, 24 oC, 27 oC e 29 oC e umidade relativa de 80 % ( + 5%). Os dados obtidos foram planilhados no Programa estatĂ­stico MINITAB 10.1 e mostraram que a temperatura basal (TB) para o desenvolvimento dos estĂĄgios imaturos, de ovo atĂ© emergĂȘncia dos adultos foi de 16,97 ÂșC. As dimensĂ”es do ovo, larva e pupa tambĂ©m sĂŁo apresentadas. Liohippelates peruanus foi colonizado em laboratĂłrio a 27 ÂșC e umidade de 80% ( + 5%), sendo verificados alguns parĂąmetros resultantes da montagem de sua tabela de vida, como: taxa reprodutiva (Ro = 1,95 dias), Tempo de geração (T = 30,91 dias), taxa intrĂ­nseca de incremento natural (rm = 0,02167) e Taxa finita de incremento natural (Rm = 1,022). Foi estimado a partir do valor de Rm (no de indivĂ­duos/fĂȘmea/dia) e do tempo de geração (31 dias) um incremento de 589 indivĂ­duos, para uma população de 600 indivĂ­duos (300 M:300 F). O valor do padrĂŁo de curva de sobrevivĂȘncia da população (Entropia) tambĂ©m foi estimado, sendo H = 0,604857, indicando este valor um padrĂŁo onde se aproxima mais de 0,5, na qual indica que o no de mortes ocorre dentro de uma ProgressĂŁo aritmĂ©tica, com uma razĂŁo negativa. Os Ă­ndices de mortalidade (K) indicam que as maiores taxas ocorreram nas 4 Ășltimas semanas: 82%, 38%, 86% e 100%, respectivamente 7a, 8a, 9a e 10a. Expectativa de vida (ex) para cada perĂ­odo, meios para oviposição, criação de larvas, manutenção de adultos, assim como um mĂ©todo de sexagem, tambĂ©m estĂŁo descritos. As dimensĂ”es do ovo, larva e pupa tambĂ©m sĂŁo apresentadas. Com o objetivo de verificar a altura de atividade de vĂŽo das espĂ©cies de Chloropidae, foi utilizada a armadilha modificada de Tinkhan, iscadas com rato eviscerado, disposta em trĂȘs alturas, distribuĂ­das em forma de quadrado latino (3X3), sendo realizadas trĂȘs coletas por dia. A amostragem de cada estação foi realizada no perĂ­odo mediano de cada estação, durante dez dias. Os resultados mostraram que nos perĂ­odos mais frios (inverno e outono) houve maior nĂșmero de indivĂ­duos coletados em armadilhas dispostas prĂłximas ao solo, enquanto que nos perĂ­odos sazonais mais quentes (primavera e verĂŁo), houve maior atividade destes insetos quanto maior foi a distĂąncia da armadilha em relação ao solo. Estes dados preliminares poderĂŁo contribuir em futuros experimentos que envolvam o estudo desta importante famĂ­lia de Diptera, uma vez que pouco se sabe sobre a biologia destas moscas no BrasilAbstract: Liohippelates peruanus (Becker) (Diptera: Chloropidae) is one of the most abundant species in the city of Campinas, SĂŁo Paulo state and it has been described as mechanical vector of the bacteria Haemophilus aegyptius, the agent of conjunctivitis and of the Brazilian Purpuric Fever (Paganelli & Sabrosky 1993), it occurs in larger number in the hottest periods of the year, being an annoyance in parks, leisure and recreational areas, causing economical damage to tourism. During the period from 01/05/98 to 05/04/99, monthly collections were done in modified of Tinkhan & Dow traps, disposed in as a 3x3 Latin square, with the objective of collecting species of Chloropidae (Insecta:Diptera) with occurrence in the campus of the State University of Campinas distrito de BarĂŁo Geraldo (22.48.57Âș S.; 47.03.33Âș E.), being considered the seasonality, preference for type of baits and activity period during the day. Seven species were identified, three of than identified as morphospecies: Apallates sp, Conioscinella sp, Monochaetoscinella sp and a non identified species, which was designated as morphospecies 6. The collected and identified species were: Elachiptera sacculicornis, Hippelates coxipo, Hippelates. pseudodorsalis, Liohippelates flavipes, Liohippelates nigrifrons, Liohippelates peruanus and Liohippelates tibialis. The collections were done in the first 5 days of every month. The traps were mounted with 3 types of baits: eviscerated fish, eviscerated mouse and chicken viscera. The data were analysed by seasonal period: autumn /1998, winter /1998, spring /1998, summer 1998-1999 and the total number of frit fries collected by this method was of 6.488 males and 19.503 females, with an approximate sex ratio of 3:1 (female: male). the spring was the seasonal period that presented the largest numbers of collected individuals, with 7696 females and 2254 males, while in the autumn the number of collected individuals was the smallest: 3385 females and 1375 males. The difference in individuals collected during the spring was significant in comparison with other periods. The results show that most species are more active in the first hours of the morning (from 6:00 h up to 10:00 h) and in the evening (between 16:00 h and 18:00 h), and there was no significant among the first, next to the last and last collections done during the day. With the objective of studying the biology of this insect, an effective and simple way was developed for the breeding of immatures of this insect in the laboratory. The experiment was done in the laboratory, in constant temperatures of 22 oC, 24 oC, 27 oC and 29 oC and relative humidity of 80% ( + 5%). The data were analyzed by the statistical Program MINITAB 10.1 and they showed that the basal temperature (TB) for the development of the immatures, from egg to adult was of 16,97 ÂșC. Colonies of Liohippelates peruanus were kept at 27 ÂșC and humidity of 80% ( + 5%), in order to determine some parameters of the life table date, such as: reproductive rates (Ro = 1,95 days), generation time (T = 30,91 days), increment rate (rm = 0,02167) and natural increment finite rate (Rm = 1,022). It was determinated from the value of Rm and the generation time (31 days) that them was an increment of 589 individuals for a population of 600 individuals (300 M:300 F). The value of the survival of the population (Entropy) was H=0,604857, indicating that a pattern more than 0,5, in the which indicates one of deaths happens in an arithmetic progression, with a negative reason. The mortality rate (K) they indicate that the largest rates happened in the last 4 weeks: 82%, 38%, 86% and 100%, respectively 7th, 8 th, 9 th and 10 th. With the objective of verifying the individuals percentage that would die among a certain week and other a table of probability was built, where the individual percentage that can survive of a period the another was verified. Life expectation for each period, means to oviposition, larvae breeding, adult maintenance also are described. With the objective of verifying the height of flight activity of Chloropidae species, the modified trap of Thinkan was used, baited with eviscerated mouse, disposed in three heights, distributed in 3X3 latin square, three collections were taken in each day. The sampling of each station was done in the average period of each seasonal period, for ten days. The results showed that in the coldest periods (winter and autumn) there was greater number of individuals collected in next traps to the ground, while in the hotter seasonal periods (spring and summer), there was larger activity of these insects according with the heigh of the trap. These preliminary data can contribute in futures experiments that involve the study of this important family of Diptera, once that knowledge about the biology of Chloropidae in Brazil has been smallestDoutoradoParasitologiaDoutor em Parasitologi

    Eficåcia de formulaçÔes de iscas tóxicas sobre adultos de Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann,1830) (Diptera: Tephritidae).

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    A mosca-das-frutas sul-americana, Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830), Ă© praga-chave da fruticultura de clima temperado na regiĂŁo Sul do Brasil. O emprego de iscas tĂłxicas Ă© uma das ferramentas para o manejo da espĂ©cie,principalmente no perĂ­odo de prĂ©-colheita quando existe restriçÔes para o emprego de inseticidas em cobertura. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: a)desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliação de formulaçÔes de iscas tĂłxicas em laboratĂłrio; b) verificar quais formulaçÔes de iscas tĂłxicas sĂŁo mais eficientes na ausĂȘncia e sob chuva simulada; c) conhecer a atratividade de iscas tĂłxicas em ensaios laboratĂłrio, semi-campo e campo e d) conhecer o efeito da aplicação de uma isca tĂłxica de pronto uso GelsuraÂź em pomar de macieira.Tese (Doutorado em Fitossanidade). Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Fitossanidade, Pelotas, RS, 2017. Orientação: MArcos Botto

    Video Transmission over MIMO-OFDM System: MDC and Space-Time Coding-Based Approaches

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    MIMO-OFDM is a promising technique for the broadband wireless communication system. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme that integrates multiple-description coding (MDC), error-resilient video coding, and unequal error protection strategy with hybrid space-time coding structure for robust video transmission over MIMO-OFDM system. The proposed MDC coder generates multiple bitstreams of equal importance which are very suitable for multiple-antennas system. Furthermore, according to the contribution to the reconstructed video quality, we apply unequal error protection strategy using BLAST and STBC space-time codes for each video bitstream. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed scheme can be an excellent alternative to achieve desired tradeoff between the reconstructed video quality and the transmission efficiency

    Highly Integrated Dc-dc Converters

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    A monolithically integrated smart rectifier has been presented first in this work. The smart rectifier, which integrates a power MOSFET, gate driver and control circuitry, operates in a self-synchronized fashion based on its drain-source voltage, and does not need external control input. The analysis, simulation, and design considerations are described in detail. A 5V, 5-”m CMOS process was used to fabricate the prototype. Experimental results show that the proposed rectifier functions as expected in the design. Since no dead-time control needs to be used to switch the sync-FET and ctrl-FET, it is expected that the body diode losses can be reduced substantially, compared to the conventional synchronous rectifier. The proposed self-synchronized rectifier (SSR) can be operated at high frequencies and maintains high efficiency over a wide load range. As an example of the smart rectifier\u27s application in isolated DC-DC converter, a synchronous flyback converter with SSR is analyzed, designed and tested. Experimental results show that the operating frequency could be as high as 4MHz and the efficiency could be improved by more than 10% compared to that when a hyper fast diode rectifier is used. Based on a new current-source gate driver scheme, an integrated gate driver for buck converter is also developed in this work by using a 0.35”m CMOS process with optional high voltage (50V) power MOSFET. The integrated gate driver consists both the current-source driver for high-side power MOSFET and low-power driver for low-side power iv MOSFET. Compared with the conventional gate driver circuit, the current-source gate driver can recovery some gate charging energy and reduce switching loss. So the current-source driver (CSD) can be used to improve the efficiency performance in high frequency power converters. This work also presents a new implementation of a power supply in package (PSiP) 5MHz buck converter, which is different from all the prior-of-art PSiP solutions by using a high-Q bondwire inductor. The high-Q bondwire inductor can be manufactured by applying ferrite epoxy to the common bondwire during standard IC packaging process, so the new implementation of PSiP is expected to be a cost-effective way of power supply integration

    Efficient Algorithms For Correlation Pattern Recognition

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    The mathematical operation of correlation is a very simple concept, yet has a very rich history of application in a variety of engineering fields. It is essentially nothing but a technique to measure if and to what degree two signals match each other. Since this is a very basic and universal task in a wide variety of fields such as signal processing, communications, computer vision etc., it has been an important tool. The field of pattern recognition often deals with the task of analyzing signals or useful information from signals and classifying them into classes. Very often, these classes are predetermined, and examples (templates) are available for comparison. This task naturally lends itself to the application of correlation as a tool to accomplish this goal. Thus the field of Correlation Pattern Recognition has developed over the past few decades as an important area of research. From the signal processing point of view, correlation is nothing but a filtering operation. Thus there has been a great deal of work in using concepts from filter theory to develop Correlation Filters for pattern recognition. While considerable work has been to done to develop linear correlation filters over the years, especially in the field of Automatic Target Recognition, a lot of attention has recently been paid to the development of Quadratic Correlation Filters (QCF). QCFs offer the advantages of linear filters while optimizing a bank of these simultaneously to offer much improved performance. This dissertation develops efficient QCFs that offer significant savings in storage requirements and computational complexity over existing designs. Firstly, an adaptive algorithm is presented that is able to modify the QCF coefficients as new data is observed. Secondly, a transform domain implementation of the QCF is presented that has the benefits of lower computational complexity and computational requirements while retaining excellent recognition accuracy. Finally, a two dimensional QCF is presented that holds the potential to further save on storage and computations. The techniques are developed based on the recently proposed Rayleigh Quotient Quadratic Correlation Filter (RQQCF) and simulation results are provided on synthetic and real datasets

    Implementation of arithmetic primitives using truly deep submicron technology (TDST)

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    The invention of the transistor in 1947 at Bell Laboratories revolutionised the electronics industry and created a powerful platform for emergence of new industries. The quest to increase the number of devices per chip over the last four decades has resulted in rapid transition from Small-Scale-Integration (SSI) and Large-Scale-lntegration (LSI), through to the Very-Large-Scale-Integration (VLSI) technologies, incorporating approximately 10 to 100 million devices per chip. The next phase in this evolution is the Ultra-Large-Scale-Integration (ULSI) aiming to realise new application domains currently not accessible to CMOS technology. Although technology is continuously evolving to produce smaller systems with minimised power dissipation, the IC industry is facing major challenges due to constraints on power density (W/cm2) and high dynamic (operating) and static (standby) power dissipation. Mobile multimedia communication and optical based technologies have rapidly become a significant area of research and development challenging a variety of technological fronts. The future emergence or 4G (4th Generation) wireless communications networks is further driving this development, requiring increasing levels of media rich content. The processing requirements for capture, conversion, compression, decompression, enhancement and display of higher quality multimedia, place heavy demands on current ULSI systems. This is also apparent for mobile applications and intelligent optical networks where silicon chip area and power dissipation become primary considerations. In addition to the requirements for very low power, compact size and real-time processing, the rapidly evolving nature of telecommunication networks means that flexible soft programmable systems capable of adaptation to support a number of different standards and/or roles become highly desirable. In order to fully realise the capabilities promised by the 4G and supporting intelligent networks, new enabling technologies arc needed to facilitate the next generation of personal communications devices. Most of the current solutions to meet these challenges are based on various implementations of conventional architectures. For decades, silicon has been the main platform of computing, however it is slow, bulky, runs too hot, and is too expensive. Thus, new approaches to architectures, driving multimedia and future telecommunications systems, are needed in order to extend the life cycle of silicon technology. The emergence of Truly Deep Submicron Technology (TDST) and related 3-D interconnection technologies have provided potential alternatives from conventional architectures to 3-D system solutions, through integration of IDST, Vertical Software Mapping and Intelligent Interconnect Technology (IIT). The concept of Soft-Chip Technology (SCT) entails integration of Soft‱ Processing Circuits with Soft-Configurable Circuits . This concept can effectively manipulate hardware primitives through vertical integration of control and data. Thus the notion of 3-D Soft-Chip emerges as a new design algorithm for content-rich multimedia, telecommunication and intelligent networking system applications. 3‱D architectures (design algorithms used suitable for 3-D soft-chip technology), are driven by three factors. The first is development of new device technology (TDST) that can support new architectures with complexities of 100M to 1000M devices. The second is development of advanced wafer bonding techniques such as Indium bump and the more futuristic optical interconnects for 3-D soft-chip mapping. The third is related to improving the performance of silicon CMOS systems as devices continue to scale down in dimensions. One of the fundamental building blocks of any computer system is the arithmetic component. Optimum performance of the system is determined by the efficiency of each individual component, as well as the network as a whole entity. Development of configurable arithmetic primitives is the fundamental focus in 3-D architecture design where functionality can be implemented through soft configurable hardware elements. Therefore the ability to improve the performance capability of a system is of crucial importance for a successful design. Important factors that predict the efficiency of such arithmetic components are: ‱ The propagation delay of the circuit, caused by the gate, diffusion and wire capacitances within !he circuit, minimised through transistor sizing. and ‱ Power dissipation, which is generally based on node transition activity. [2] Although optimum performance of 3-D soft-chip systems is primarily established by the choice of basic primitives such as adders and multipliers, the interconnecting network also has significant degree of influence on !he efficiency of the system. 3-D superposition of devices can decrease interconnect delays by up to 60% compared to a similar planar architecture. This research is based on development and implementation of configurable arithmetic primitives, suitable to the 3-D architecture, and has these foci: ‱ To develop a variety of arithmetic components such as adders and multipliers with particular emphasis on minimum area and compatible with 3-D soft-chip design paradigm. ‱ To explore implementation of configurable distributed primitives for arithmetic processing. This entails optimisation of basic primitives, and using them as part of array processing. In this research the detailed designs of configurable arithmetic primitives are implemented using TDST O.l3”m (130nm) technology, utilising CAD software such as Mentor Graphics and Cadence in Custom design mode, carrying through design, simulation and verification steps
