1,172 research outputs found

    A DHCP-based IP address autoconfiguration for MANETs

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are expected to become more and more important in the upcoming years, playing a significant role in 4G networks. In order to enable the deployment of IP services in such networks, IP address autoconfiguration mechanisms are required. Although the ad hoc topic has been a very intense research area, with a plethora of published papers about routing, there is a lack of proposals of address autoconfiguration with enough support from the technical community. This paper presents a mechanism suited for MANETs connected to the Internet, reusing existing and widely deployed address autoconfiguration protocols, such as DHCPv6 and Router Advertisements

    Avoiding DAD for Improving Real-Time Communication in MIPv6 Environments

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    Joint International Workshops on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Protocols for Multimedia Systems, IDMS/PROMS 2002 Coimbra, Portugal, November 26–29, 2002 ProceedingsCurrent specification of address configuration mandates the execution of the Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) mechanism to prevent address duplication. However, a proper support for real time multimedia applications in mobile IPv6 nodes is undermined by the disruption imposed by DAD. In order to overcome this limitation, the usage of randomly generated IPv6 Interface Identifiers without previously performing DAD is proposed, based on the statistic uniqueness of the addresses generated through this method. The address duplication risk is quantified through the calculation of the probability of an Interface Identifier collision among the nodes sharing a link. The calculated probability is deemed to be negligible compared to other causes of communication failure, such as network outages.This research was supported by the LONG (Laboratories Over Next Generation Networks) project IST-1999-20393 and Moby Dick (Mobility and Differentiated Services in a Future IP Network) project IST-2000-25394

    Duplicate address detection and autoconfiguration in OLSR

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    Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) are infrastructure-free, highly dynamic wireless networks, where central administration or configuration by the user is very difficult. In hardwired networks nodes usually rely on a centralized server and use a dynamic host configuration protocol, like DHCP , to acquire an IP address. Such a solution cannot be deployed in MANETs due to the unavailability of any centralized DHCP server. For small scale MANETs, it may be possible to allocate free IP addresses manually. However, the procedure becomes impractical for a large-scale or open system where mobile nodes are free to join and leave. Most of the autoconfiguration algorithms proposed for ad hoc networks are independent of the routing protocols and therefore, generate a significant overhead. Using the genuine optimization of the underlying routing protocol can significantly reduce the autoconfiguration overhead. One of the MANET protocols which have been recently promoted to RFC is the OLSR routing protocol , on which this article focuses. This article aims at complementing the OLSR routing protocol specifications to handle autoconfiguration. The corner stone of this autoconfiguration protocol is an advanced duplicate address detection algorithm. Under well defined assumptions, we prove the correctness of the the proposed autoconfiguration protocol

    Case Study - IPv6 based building automation solution integration into an IPv4 Network Service Provider infrastructure

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    The case study presents a case study describing an Internet Protocol (IP) version 6 (v6) introduction to an IPv4 Internet Service Provider (ISP) network infrastructure. The case study driver is an ISP willing to introduce a new “killer” service related to Internet of Things (IoT) style building automation. The provider and cooperation of third party companies specialized in building automation will provide the service. The ISP has to deliver the network access layer and to accommodate the building automation solution traffic throughout its network infrastructure. The third party companies are system integrators and building automation solution vendors. IPv6 is suitable for such solutions due to the following reasons. The operator can’t accommodate large number of IPv4 embedded devices in its current network due to the lack of address space and the fact that many of those will need clear 2 way IP communication channel. The Authors propose a strategy for IPv6 introduction into operator infrastructure based on the current network architecture present service portfolio and several transition mechanisms. The strategy has been applied in laboratory with setup close enough to the current operator’s network. The criterion for a successful experiment is full two-way IPv6 application layer connectivity between the IPv6 server and the IPv6 Internet of Things (IoT) cloud

    Randomized Initialization of a Wireless Multihop Network

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    Address autoconfiguration is an important mechanism required to set the IP address of a node automatically in a wireless network. The address autoconfiguration, also known as initialization or naming, consists to give a unique identifier ranging from 1 to nn for a set of nn indistinguishable nodes. We consider a wireless network where nn nodes (processors) are randomly thrown in a square XX, uniformly and independently. We assume that the network is synchronous and two nodes are able to communicate if they are within distance at most of rr of each other (rr is the transmitting/receiving range). The model of this paper concerns nodes without the collision detection ability: if two or more neighbors of a processor uu transmit concurrently at the same time, then uu would not receive either messages. We suppose also that nodes know neither the topology of the network nor the number of nodes in the network. Moreover, they start indistinguishable, anonymous and unnamed. Under this extremal scenario, we design and analyze a fully distributed protocol to achieve the initialization task for a wireless multihop network of nn nodes uniformly scattered in a square XX. We show how the transmitting range of the deployed stations can affect the typical characteristics such as the degrees and the diameter of the network. By allowing the nodes to transmit at a range r= \sqrt{\frac{(1+\ell) \ln{n} \SIZE}{\pi n}} (slightly greater than the one required to have a connected network), we show how to design a randomized protocol running in expected time O(n3/2log⁥2n)O(n^{3/2} \log^2{n}) in order to assign a unique number ranging from 1 to nn to each of the nn participating nodes

    Building an IP-based community wireless mesh network: Assessment

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    Wireless mesh networks are experiencing rapid progress and inspiring numerous applica tions in different scenarios, due to features such as autoconfiguration, self healing, connec tivity coverage extension and support for dynamic topologies. These particular characteristics make wireless mesh networks an appropriate architectural basis for the design of easy to deploy community or neighbourhood networks. One of the main chal lenges in building a community network using mesh networks is the minimisation of user intervention in the IP address configuration of the network nodes. In this paper we first consider the process of building an IP based mesh network using typical residential rou ters, exploring the options for the configuration of their wireless interfaces. Then we focus on IP address autoconfiguration, identifying the specific requirements for community mesh networks and analysing the applicability of existing solutions. As a result of that analysis, we select PACMAN, an efficient distributed address autoconfiguration mechanism origi nally designed for ad hoc networks, and we perform an experimental study using off the shelf routers and assuming worst case scenarios analysing its behaviour as an IP address autoconfiguration mechanism for community wireless mesh networks. The results of the conducted assessment show that PACMAN meets all the identified requirements of the community scenario.European CommunityÂŽs Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad

    Review of Autoconfiguration for MANETs

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    A Simple Address Autoconfiguration Mechanism for OLSR

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    International audienceIn this paper, we develop a simple autoconfiguration mechanism for OLSR networks. The mechanism aims at solving the simple, but common, probem of one or more new nodes emerging in an existing network. We propose a simple solution, which allows these new nodes to acquire an address and participate in the network. Our method is simple, both algorithmically and in the requirements to the network. While we recognize that this is a partial solution to the general autoconfiguration problem, we argue that the mechanism described in this paper will satisfy the requirements from a great number of real-world situations

    Yet Another Autoconf Proposal (YAAP) for Mobile Ad hoc NETworks

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    This memorandum addresses the issues of automatic address and prefix configuration of MANET routers. Specifically, the paper analyzes the differences between "classic IP networks" and MANETs, emphasizing the interface, link, topology, and addressing assumptions present in "classic IP networks". The paper presents a model for how this can be matched to the specific constraints and conditions of a MANET - i.e., how MANETs can be configured to adhere to the Internet addressing architecture. This sets the stage for development of a MANET autoconfiguration protocol, enabling automatic configuration of MANET interfaces and prefix delegation. This autoconfiguration protocol is characterized by (i) adhering strictly to the Internet addressing architecture, (ii) being able to configure both MANET interface addresses and handle prefix delegation, and (iii) being able to configure both stand-alone MANETs, as well as MANETs connected to an infrastructure providing, e.g., globally scoped addresses/prefixes for use within the MANET. The protocol is specified through timed automatons which, by way of model checking, enable verification of certain protocol properties. Furthermore, a performance study of the basic protocol, as well as of various optimization and extensions hereto, is conducted based on network simulations.Cet article aborde les questions liées à la configuration automatique des adresses et préfixes dans les routeurs MANET. Plus spécifiquement, il analyse les différences entre les « réseaux IP classiques » et les réseaux MANET, en mettant l'accent sur l'interface, les liens et la topologie. Il étudie les hypothÚses sous-jacentes dans les réseaux IP classiques et présente un modÚle satisfaisant ces hypothÚses dans le contexte spécifique des contraintes et conditions d'un réseau MANET, permettant par exemple de configurer les réseaux MANET de sortent qu'ils adhÚrent à l'architecture d'adressage d'Internet. Les bases sont ainsi posées pour le développement d'un protocole d'auto configuration MANET, permettant la configuration automatique des interfaces MANET et la délégation automatique de préfixes. Ce protocole de configuration automatique se caractérise (i) par son adhérence stricte à l'architecture d'adressage d'Internet, (ii) par sa double capacité de configuration des interfaces MANET et de délégation de préfixes, et enfin (iii) par son aptitude à configurer aussi bien des réseaux MANETS indépendants que des réseaux MANET connectés à une infrastructure fournissant par exemple des adresses et préfixes à portée globale pour leur utilisation dans MANET. Le protocole est défini au travers d'automates temporels, qui grùce à un modÚle de contrÎle, permettent de vérifier certaines propriétés du protocole. En outre, une étude des performances du protocole de base, ainsi que de diverses optimisations et extensions, a été conduite à partir de simulations de réseau
