8,700 research outputs found

    Identifying and addressing adaptability and information system requirements for tactical management

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    Decision aid problems criteria for infrastructure networks vulnerability analysis (regular paper)

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    Natural disasters through infrastructure networks might aggravate or mitigate consequences to stakes. The objective of this paper is to characterize this kind of situation in order to provide a solid foundation for the decision aid. This characterization includes a description of the typology, actions and potential actions identification, determining preference systems, as well as a set of specific problems to each phase

    Infrastructure network vulnerability

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    The work presented in this paper aims to propose a methodology of analyzing infrastructure network vulnerability in the field of prevention or reduction of the natural disaster consequences. After a state of the art on vulnerability models in the academic literature, the various vulnerability factors are classified and discussed. Eventually, a general model of vulnerability analysis including societal parameters is presented

    The 'B' in Philosophy

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    This presentation-paper discusses my own live art practice in terms of the relationship between performance and philosophy. The paper also draws upon philosophical sources

    Inflation and corporate investment in selected OECD countries in the years 1960-2005 – an empirical analysis

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    Theoretical models point at various channels of the impact of inflation on corporate investment. This article attempts to answer the question what are the direction and strength of this possible impact examining the relationship between corporate investment and inflation on the sample of 21 OECD countries in the years 1960-2005. The obtained negative relationship, statistically and economically significant, proves robust to changes in the specification of the estimated equation, estimators, frequency of variables used in the study and analysed period. Moreover, the results obtained suggest nonlinear character of this relationship: marginal effect on corporate investment is higher at inflation rates between 3 and 5.5 per cent. These results suggest that the impact of inflation on corporate investment dynamics may be the source of nonlinear nature of the relationship between GDP growth and inflation identified in previous empirical studies. Finally, taking into account the direct impact of inflation on investment, variables approximating the cost of capital utilisation prove to be statistically insignificant determinants of corporate investment.investment; inflation; panel data models; monetary policy

    A comparison of popular fertility awareness methods to a DBN model of the woman's monthly cycle

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    Fertility Awareness Methods are effective, safe, and low-cost techniques for identifying the fertile days of a menstrual cycle. In this paper, we compare the effectiveness of predicting the fertile days by a Dynamic Bayesian Network model of the monthly cycle to 11 existing Fertility Awareness Methods. We base our comparison on a real data set of 7,017 cycles collected by 881 women. We demonstrate that the DBN model is more accurate than the best modern Fertility Awareness Methods, based on the observation of mucus, marking reasonably high percentage of days of the cycle as infertile. We argue that the DBN approach offers other advantages, such as predicting the ovulation day and being able to adjust its predictions to each woman's individual cycle

    Can Fiscal Policy Stimulus Boost Economic Recovery?

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    We assess the role played by fiscal policy in explaining the dynamics of asset markets. Using a panel of ten industrialized countries, we show that a positive fiscal shock has a negative impact in both stock and housing prices. However, while stock prices immediately adjust to the shock and the effect of fiscal policy is temporary, housing prices gradually and persistently fall. Consequently, the attempts of fiscal policy to mitigate stock price developments (e.g. via taxes on capital gains) may severely de-stabilize housing markets. The empirical findings also point to significant fiscal multiplier effects in the context of severe housing busts, which gives rise to the importance of the implementation of fiscal stimulus packages. In addition, our results suggest that when governments run a budget deficit, they place an upward pressure on real interest rates, which "crowds-out" private consumption and investment. In contrast, during bust periods, unexpected variation in the fiscal stance crowds-in private spending, which reflects the "direct" and "indirect" effects of policy actions impact arising from a downward movement in real interest rates and an upward revision in price level expectations.Fiscal policy, asset prices, panel VAR.

    Transboundary threats in the Mekong basin: protecting a crucial fishery

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    This repository item contains a single issue of Issues in Brief, a series of policy briefs that began publishing in 2008 by the Boston University Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.In this Issues in Brief, Pardee Center Visiting Research Fellow Irit Altman looks at the impacts that dams in the upper Mekong River basin have on the critically important fishery in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. Altman explores how development of dams, in combination with a failure of regional governance, has threatened the ecological sustainability of the lake and its watershed, and the livelihoods of people in the region. She identifies strategies to enhance the resilience of the Tonle Sap fishery and improve the lives of people who are connected to this unique ecosystem. Irit Altman is a Pardee Center Visiting Research Fellow and Research Assistant Professor of Biology at Boston University. A marine and freshwater ecologist, she works with an interdisciplinary research team to develop ecosystem models that integrate scientific knowledge and inform decision-making. She has extensive experience working with field experts and decision makers in Cambodia to understand system change and explore sustainability options in the Tonle Sap ecosystem

    The Institute of Beasts: strategies of doubt and refusal in a contemporary art practice

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    The collaborative work of Steve Dutton and Steve Swindells (Dutton and Swindells) can be seen in the context of post-conceptual artistic practices which play with and interrogate images, objects and texts through processes of collage, appropriation and multiple association. The aim of the collaboration is to foster complex interpretations, often from deceptively simple means; consciously working through varied rhetorical devices and tropes, modes of production and strategic interventions. We are tactical artists, preferring to focus on strategies, context and processes, frequently doubling, collaging, reversing, repeating and inverting images, objects and texts as a means of disruption. But a question remains at the heart of such contemporary art practices, namely, a disruption of what? My paper for ATINER focused on strategies of refusal, waywardness, the production of ambiguity and new fictional taxonomies in a contemporary art practice and asked if the use of tactics of doubt in the work of art are useful tools for production of new knowledge. At the heart of these questions are issues around the relationship between art and research, the possibility or impossibility of art within the contexts of the contemporary art/educational institution and art school and the possibility of creating and sustaining an art practice which refuses to align itself to any one canon, manifesto, school, industry, form, institution or critical method. The paper draws on the collaborative practice of Dutton and Swindells and also Michael Phillipson’s 1992 essay “Managing ‘tradition’: the Plight of Aesthetic Practices in techno-scientific culture” as a means of illustrating the potential absorption of the specific into the general under the auspices neo-liberal institutional and commercial agendas
