398 research outputs found

    Location-aware service discovery on IPv6 GeoNetworking for VANET

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    Conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society and co-organized by the Technical Sub-Committee on Vehicular Networks and Telematics (VNAT)International audienceService discovery is an essential component for applications in vehicular communication systems. While there have been numerous service discovery protocols dedicated to a local network, mobile ad-hoc networks and the Internet, in vehicular communication systems, applications pose additional requirements; They need to discover services according to geo- graphical position. In this paper, we propose a location-aware service discovery mechanism for Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET). The proposed mechanism exploits IPv6 multicast on top of IPv6 GeoNetworking specified by the GeoNet project. Thanks to the GeoBroadcast mechanism, it efficiently propagates service discovery messages to a subset of nodes inside a relevant geographical area with encapsulating IPv6 multicast packets. We implemented the mechanism using CarGeo6, an open source implementation of IPv6 GeoNetworking. Our real field evaluation shows the system can discover services with low latency and low bandwidth usage in VANETs

    Immigration Structuralism: A Return to Form

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    The Internet is becoming increasingly fragmented, leading to a more heterogeneous end-user experience depending on the user's network location (i.e., point of attachment to the network). This is a consequence of several ongoing changes of the Internet. Different regions of the world are in different phases of their rollout of IPv6, making intercommunication increasingly challenging. Copyright legislation has caught up with ICT technology, but differences in licensing agreements may very from nation to nation which often hinders content being accessed beyond borders. Finally, several high-profile government attempts have been made to enforce stringent censorship of data. Therefore, we believe that a demand exists for simple consumer-oriented technologies for proxying and tunneling data between separate regions of the Internet. Furthermore, we believe that this demand will increase dramatically during the coming years. A key success factor for this next generation of proxies will be the ability to handle multicast IPv6 packets, as these packets represent the most probable distribution method for IPTV in the future. This thesis examines the challenges presented by IPv6 multicast-routing in the context of constructing a proxy. It also presents a best-practice solution to the problem of designing, implementing, and utilizing such a proxy. The thesis also contains a review of current IPv6 multicast routing technology. Several implementations are benchmarked against each other, with the goal of building a prototype for a consumer-oriented IPv6 multicast proxy. The prototype is presented and was tested. These tests demonstrate the functionality of the prototype proxy and reveal areas where the prototype could be improved. Finally a possible capitalization strategy is suggested.Internet utvecklas mot att bli mer fragmenterat. Detta leder till en heterogen anvÀndarupplevelse beroende pÄ uppkopplingspunkt. Utvecklingen Àr en konsekvens av flera pÄgÄende trender. VÀrldens olika regioner ligger i ofas i utbyggnaden av IPv6 vilket medför nya tekniska utmaningar. Samtidigt har upphovsrÀttslagstiftningen hunnit ikapp teknikutvecklingen, sÄ att lÀnder med olika licensieringsmodeller inte kan dela innehÄll. Slutligen försöker flera lÀnder aktivt censurera datatrafik. Som konsekvens av detta ökar behovet för enkla konsumentorienterade metoder för att knyta ihop olika delar av Internet, sÄ att Ätkomst till data garanteras oavsett uppkopplingspunkt. DÀrmed förutspÄr vi att efterfrÄgan pÄ produkter baserade pÄ sofistikerad tunnelteknik kommer öka under de kommande Ären. Denna rapport undersöker de utmaningar IPv6 multicast routing medför i samband med byggandet av en IPv6 multicast proxy. Rapporten presenterar en grundlig teoretisk genomgÄng av tekniken bakom IPv6 multicast routing. Vidare föreslÄs ett optimalt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt för att designa, bygga och anvÀnda en sÄdan proxy. Flera existerande tekniker för multicast forwarding utvÀrderas och jÀmförs. UtifrÄn utvÀrderingen byggdes tre implementeringar av en IPv6 multicast proxy. DÀrefter analyseras dessa, tillsammans med förslag för fortsatta studier. Slutligen presenteras en möjlig kapitaliseringsstrategi för tekniken

    Performance evaluation of multicast routing on IPv4 and IPv6 networks

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    Even though the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 has not been realized at the pace that it was anticipated, eventually with the depletion of IPv4 address space and the ever-growing demands of the Internet, the transition is inevitable. In the rapidly evolving world of technology, multimedia applications and voice/video conferencing are fast finding their ways into the Internet and corporate networks. Multicast routing protocols run over unicast routing protocols to provide efficient routing of such applications. This thesis was aimed at understanding how the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 would impact multicast routing. The multicast routing protocol Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) was used over both IPv4 and IPv6 networks and a mixed IPv4-IPv6 network. Parameters such as protocol overheads, throughput and jitter were evaluated in a lab environment using jperf

    IPv6 multicast forwarding in RPL-based wireless sensor networks

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    In wireless sensor deployments, network layer multicast can be used to improve the bandwidth and energy efficiency for a variety of applications, such as service discovery or network management. However, despite efforts to adopt IPv6 in networks of constrained devices, multicast has been somewhat overlooked. The Multicast Forwarding Using Trickle (Trickle Multicast) internet draft is one of the most noteworthy efforts. The specification of the IPv6 routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) also attempts to address the area but leaves many questions unanswered. In this paper we highlight our concerns about both these approaches. Subsequently, we present our alternative mechanism, called stateless multicast RPL forwarding algorithm (SMRF), which addresses the aforementioned drawbacks. Having extended the TCP/IP engine of the Contiki embedded operating system to support both trickle multicast (TM) and SMRF, we present an in-depth comparison, backed by simulated evaluation as well as by experiments conducted on a multi-hop hardware testbed. Results demonstrate that SMRF achieves significant delay and energy efficiency improvements at the cost of a small increase in packet loss. The outcome of our hardware experiments show that simulation results were realistic. Lastly, we evaluate both algorithms in terms of code size and memory requirements, highlighting SMRF's low implementation complexity. Both implementations have been made available to the community for adoption

    Implementation of Multicast Routing on IPv4 and IPv6 Networks

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    Fast developing world of technology, multimedia applications are quickly growing their performance into the Internet and shared networks. Multicast routing protocols sprint over unicast routing protocols to endow with well-organized routing of such applications. This research paper intended to considerate how the transition from Internet Protocol version 4 to Internet Protocol version 6 would influence multicast routing. The multicast routing protocol was used over both Internet Protocol version 4 and Internet Protocol version 6 and a mixed Internet Protocol version 4 - Internet Protocol version 6. Netwok parameters such as overhead, throughput and jitter network are evaluated

    Experimental evaluation of an open source implementation of IPv6 GeoNetworking in VANETs

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    Conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society and co-organized by the Technical Sub-Committee on Vehicular Networks and Telematics (VNAT)International audienceISO TC204 and ETSI TC ITS are developing a set of standards for Cooperative ITS (Cooperative Intelligent transportation Systems) which will allow ITS stations i.e. vehicles, the road infrastructure and other peers reachable through the Internet to cooperate and exchange information with one another in order to enhance road safety, traffic efficiency and comfort for all road users. In situations where the exchange of information has to transit through the Internet, the use of IP, more specifically IPv6, is crucial and meets ITS needs for reliable and scalable communication capabilities in vehicular networks. An implementation of Cooperative ITS communication protocols is necessary to validate extensively the ETSI and ISO Coop- erative ITS standards. In this paper, we describe CarGeo6, an ongoing open-source implementation of the IPv6 GeoNetworking capabilities of the ITS station reference architecture based on the output of the GeoNet European Project. CarGeo6 combines IPv6 and GeoNetworking capabilities into a common protocol stack for the transmission of IPv6 packets into a given geographical area. This paper reports the validation process and the network performance evaluation of CarGeo6 as well as a comparison of these results with GeoNet results

    From 6LoWPAN to 6Lo: expanding the universe of IPv6-supported technologies for the Internet of Things

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    © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksLeveraging 6LoWPAN, the IETF 6Lo Working Group has targeted adaptation of IPv6 over a new generation of communication technologies for the IoT. These comprise Bluetooth LE, ITU-T G.9959, DECT ULE, MS/TP, NFC, IEEE 1901.2, and IEEE 802.11ah. This article comprehensively analyzes the 6Lo technologies and adaptation layers, giving the motivation for critical design decisions, highlighting crucial aspects for performance, and presenting main challenges.Postprint (author's final draft
