12 research outputs found

    La edición científico técnica: balance y perspectivas

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    [ES] La edición científico técnica está constituida, en cada país, por todas aquellas obras de información, consulta y divulgación, cuya finalidad es la de transmitir conocimientos organizados y sistematizados en cualquier parcela del saber y en cualquier tipo de soporte, así como por todas aquellas estructuras, empresariales, legislativas, políticas, económicas y culturales que posibilitan su distribución y consumo. Desde el punto de vista estrictamente editorial estarían aquí representadas todas aquellas obras que no participan de un carácter literario. Enciclopedias, Diccionarios, manuales, monografías, revistas científicas constituyen el núcleo de la misma aunque con distinto nivel de incidencia en cuanto al lugar que ocupan dentro de la estructura de campo de esta literatura.[EN] Scientific editing technique consists, in each country, all works of information, consultation and outreach, whose purpose is the transmit organized and systemised on any plot of knowing and any kind of support, as well as by all those structures, business, legislative, political, economic and cultural knowledge that enable their distribution and consumption. Strictly editorial perspective would be here represented all those works which do not participate in a literary character. Encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, monographs, journals are at the core of the same but with different level of incidence on the place of the field structure of This literature


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    This study examines the career development factors and strategies used by public library directors whose library systems service a population of 100,000 or more. The intent is to research the directors' own use of these factors and strategies, their perceived importance to the directors' career development and finally strategies recommended by the directors for use by middle level public library managers.This study addresses all three areas and produces a comparison of factor/strategy use vs. importance vs. suggested use. An integral part of this research includes tables showing the significance of relationships among the selected strategies as well as among the external factors of age, gender, geographic mobility and luck/serendipity. Independently recommended strategies are also provided by the directors for potential adoption by the middle-level manager. As such, the findings of this study may be used as a possible reference point to assist public library middle level managers in their own successful career development


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    In late 1990s, Gap theories and the LibQual model began to be widely accepted by research libraries in the U.S. Since then, library service evaluation and user satisfaction issues have been discussed in various aspects of both the research and professional literatures of library and information science. Although the research presented herein is concerned with the evaluation of library services from users' perspectives -- like LibQual, for example -- it integrated other perspectives proposed in recent years by library researchers, including emotional and material satisfaction, service encounter and overall service satisfaction, and user satisfaction at the micro and macro levels. Specifically, the interrelationship of material and emotional satisfaction with the satisfactions at the micro and macro levels was investigated. In addition, this study sought to clarify factors or attributes of library services that contribute to user satisfaction at the micro and macro levels. Finally, the study examined how users' emotional and material satisfaction contribute to overall user satisfaction and user behavior, including user library use behavior in the short term (immediate next time information seeking) and the long term (library use loyalty).In order to gather data on these user satisfaction issues, a Web survey of college students, a major academic library user group, was conducted at the University of Pittsburgh. Each participant completed a five section HTML survey questionnaire designed to collect information about their perception and attitude towards library resources and services.Specifically, the findings provide library professionals greater understanding of how users perceive their library use and how user satisfaction is formed and influenced, in terms of its formation, antecedent, and consequent impact. The research also provides librarians with what is hoped will be practical advice on what else they can or should do to improve library use. For instance, it is important to recognize users' emotional experience in their library use because it determines their immediate next time library use behavior and service use loyalty; it is easier to achieve service use loyalty for repeat users in some specific services than to achieve general library use loyalty for them or occasional users

    Factors influencing academics\u27 usage of electronic journals

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    Through a survey of academics at Edith Cowan University, Australia, this study explored their usage of and attitudes towards academic electronic journals (EJs). The data provided insights into the way academics were using EJs at the time of the study and their thoughts on how they will use them in the future. The emergence of academics publishing their work in EJs is a fairly recent phenomenon compared to the established tradition of publishing in paper-based journals. Many publishers have also begun to replace paper journals with electronic ones and many librarians have begun incorporating EJs into their resource collections. Librarians need to know their clients\u27 attitudes towards new service delivery mechanisms and/or formats, such as replacing paper-based journals with EJs. The study\u27s findings supported the earlier work of previous authors, indicating that while some academics were adapting EJs into their work practices, there remained a significant number who were strongly opposed to them. The study drew the following conclusions: I. At the time of the survey EJs were not wholly accepted by academics; 2. A group of committed enthusiasts existed who advocate EJs; 3. There was almost an equal number of academics who avidly preferred print journals, and were unlikely to change their preferences for the foreseeable future, perhaps for the rest of their career; 4. Most academics were not submitting articles to EJs, although more were open to doing so in the future; 5. Academics believe that publishing in EJs is given lower respect than publishing in paper-based journals; 6. Academics are troubled about historical access to EJ articles; 7. While academics are not using EJs fully they are normally aware of them; 8. Academics appear to have no time to obtain new skills such as using EJs, although there is a willingness to do so; 9. Academics are not inclined to have personal subscriptions to EJs; and 10. A minor number of academics cited EJs in their research however, a larger number thought their usage of them would increase in the future. Whatever the future of print journals or EJs may be, academic librarians need to continually assess how their clients will be able to gain access to archival information. Short-term access to bundled EJ titles may seem to be a panacea for stagnant or shrinking library budgets unable to keep up with escalating journal costs; however the true cost of abandoning paper journals in favour of EJs needs to be fully considered if the library is unable to maintain the future licensing costs of EJs

    The Role of the Einstein Library of Nova Southeastern University in Meeting the Needs of Distance Education Students

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate the information needs of a selected segment of the distance learning graduate student population served by the Einstein Library at Nova Southeastern University and to propose a new model of library service based on the implementation of current and emerging technologies. Several survey instruments were developed and administered through electronic mail to students and faculty in the School of Computer and Information Sciences, the Center for Psychological Studies, and the School of Social and Systemic Studies, the Fischler Center for the Advancement of Education and the School of Business and Entrepreneurship at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The results of the survey were analyzed using a variation on the Quality Function Deployment Methodology. Based upon this analysis, a model for library services is proposed which integrates electronic and print resources into a unified system of information delivery. Various methods of presenting information resources are compared and used as examples of potential solutions. As distance education continues to expand and develop, innovative methods must be found to provide information resources to students studying at a distance. The proposed model provides a framework for the future development of library services

    Az integrált marketingkommunikáció alkalmazásának strukturális modellje = The structural model of the application of integrated marketing communications

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    A kutatás célja az, hogy árnyaltabb képet kapjunk a nemzetközileg is és itthon is alkalmazott integrált marketingkommunikációról. Egyrészt kvalitatív technika segítségével megpróbáljuk feltárni a magyarországi IMK ismertségét és ösztönzőit. Majd a kvantitatív kutatás eredményeként egy modellt vázolunk fel az IMK alkalmazására. A kvalitatív kutatás során azonosítottuk az IMK-t befolyásoló releváns látens elemeket, amelyet strukturális egyenlet modellezéssel teszteltünk. A szakirodalomból megismert IMK kutatások, modellek mellett e tanulmány kvalitatív és kvantitatív módszerek segítségével tárja fel az IMK alkalmazásának magyarországi feltételeit. A magyarországi interjúk alapján a kvantitatív kérdőív kérdései közé nemcsak szakirodalomban felmerült, hanem aktuális menedzseri kérdések is kerültek. Így az eredményekből egyrészt választ kapunk a szakirodalomban korábban megjelent kérdésekre, másrészt az azóta felmerült új megközelítésekre. / === / Nowadays differentiation is a remarkable measure of gaining competitive advantage, and the basis for differentiation is not the product but the brand. The importance of brand positioning set in the mind of the consumer has increased as has buzz marketing. This is not only about the fragmentation of target groups but the diversity and pluralization of the media needed to reach them. Therefore the integration of the communication processes has come to the fore. If a company applies integrated marketing communications, firstly it would ensure that the message reaching the consumer is consistent and unified (with less waste coverage and increased brand equity), secondly it would provide better access by the use of special media, and thirdly it would allow an interactive communication between the company and the consumer with the possibility of feedback

    Il tirocinio universitario e post-universitario alla Sapienza-UniversitĂ  di Roma: valutazione degli esiti mediante il giudizio degli utenti.

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    Il lavoro è articolato in tre parti, ha lo scopo di valutare la formazione al lavoro definita come: la formazione orientata a completare, integrare e avviare processi di acquisizione di competenze e di conoscenze professionalizzanti all’interno e alla fine del percorso universitario. Questo è il tema della presente trattazione. Nella prima parte, costituita dal primo e dal secondo capitolo, si è preso in considerazione la convergenza tra due sistemi formativi, quello universitario e quello professionale, alla luce della normativa vigente. Nella seconda parte, costituita dal terzo capitolo, si è messo a punto il disegno della ricerca che ha esplorato gli elementi necessari per la costruzione dello strumento di rilevazione, le relazioni tra le diverse aree d’indagine e una prima descrizione del campione. Nella terza e ultima parte, composta dal quarto capitolo, si è tracciato, quindi, l’identikit dei tirocinanti per facoltà, per tipologia di tirocinio aziendale e per tipologia di lavoratore in entrata nel mondo del lavoro. Successivamente, sfruttando gli strumenti dell’analisi multivariata, si è elaborato un modello di regressione in grado di evidenziare i principali fattori che favoriscono il raggiungimento dei risultati, tentando in ultimo l’elaborazione di alcune proposte e strumenti utili al fine di implementare la discussione legata alle dinamiche proprie della formazione

    Il tirocinio universitario e post-universitario alla Sapienza-UniversitĂ  di Roma: valutazione degli esiti mediante il giudizio degli utenti.

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    Il lavoro è articolato in tre parti, ha lo scopo di valutare la formazione al lavoro definita come: la formazione orientata a completare, integrare e avviare processi di acquisizione di competenze e di conoscenze professionalizzanti all’interno e alla fine del percorso universitario. Questo è il tema della presente trattazione. Nella prima parte, costituita dal primo e dal secondo capitolo, si è preso in considerazione la convergenza tra due sistemi formativi, quello universitario e quello professionale, alla luce della normativa vigente. Nella seconda parte, costituita dal terzo capitolo, si è messo a punto il disegno della ricerca che ha esplorato gli elementi necessari per la costruzione dello strumento di rilevazione, le relazioni tra le diverse aree d’indagine e una prima descrizione del campione. Nella terza e ultima parte, composta dal quarto capitolo, si è tracciato, quindi, l’identikit dei tirocinanti per facoltà, per tipologia di tirocinio aziendale e per tipologia di lavoratore in entrata nel mondo del lavoro. Successivamente, sfruttando gli strumenti dell’analisi multivariata, si è elaborato un modello di regressione in grado di evidenziare i principali fattori che favoriscono il raggiungimento dei risultati, tentando in ultimo l’elaborazione di alcune proposte e strumenti utili al fine di implementare la discussione legata alle dinamiche proprie della formazione

    Opportunity identification in MNC subsidiaries: context and performance implications

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    This thesis brings together notions from the distinctive fields of international business and entrepreneurship in order to examine the under-investigated theme of Opportunity Identification (OI) within an entirely new context, that of the multinational subsidiary. Despite its centrality in entrepreneurship research, the notion of OI still lies at an embryonic stage of investigation, particularly as an organisation-wide phenomenon. Especially with respect to the multinational subsidiary, the concept of OI has not been examined per se, regardless of studies proving that entrepreneurial subsidiaries of MNCs can also be actively involved in the identification and pursuit of innovative ideas. In addressing the above key gaps, the present thesis develops a resource-based framework that examines both antecedents and outcomes of OI at the individual subsidiary level. This framework essentially integrates theoretical perspectives on subsidiary entrepreneurship and OI under a Resource-Based View (RBV) of the multinational subsidiary. This constitutes an innovative approach both in the subsidiary-related and entrepreneurship literature. This study adopts a mixed methods approach in combining qualitative theory building and quantitative theory testing within a two-staged research methodology. The first stage involved conducting exploratory case studies in 6 Scottish “entrepreneurial” subsidiaries, given the scarcity of relevant empirical work. The second stage involved carrying out a large-scale mail survey on U.S., European, and Japanese subsidiaries operating in the UK. An overall response rate of 16% was achieved. Quantitative data analysis entailed hypotheses testing through both Multiple Regression and Structural Equation (SEM) models. This study conceptualises subsidiary entrepreneurship as a notion broader than subsidiary initiative, comprising not only radical change and innovation, but also less fundamental but still significant improvements that continuously take place at the subsidiary level. The findings prove that subsidiary entrepreneurship is essentially driven by opportunities identified at the subsidiary level. For the identification of these opportunities, particular subsidiary-specific “entrepreneurial capabilities”, such as the subsidiary’s innovation propensity, risk attitude and external networking with non-direct value-chain members, are critical. Also, factors determining the parent-subsidiary relationship, such as the subsidiary’s autonomy levels and the flows of “strategic” knowledge and skills between the subsidiary and the parent, provide access to unique and valuable resources that can expand the subsidiary’s opportunity set. However, the external environment, both local and international, was not found to pose a significant direct effect on subsidiary OI. This study concludes with establishing a positive link between subsidiary entrepreneurship and performance. Implications for theory, practice and policy making are discussed. Major contributions of this study to theory include the development of a more holistic conceptualisation and measurement of subsidiary entrepreneurship, along with the adoption of a Resource-Based View (RBV) of the multinational subsidiary, which establishes the existence of specific “entrepreneurial” capabilities at the subsidiary level