18 research outputs found

    An algorithm for fast route lookup and update

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    Increase in routing table sizes, number of updates, traffic, speed of links and migration to IPv6 have made IP address lookup, based on longest prefix matching, a major bottleneck for high performance routers. Several schemes are evaluated and compared based on complexity analysis and simulation results. A trie based scheme, called Linked List Cascade Addressable Trie (LLCAT) is presented. The strength of LLCAT comes from the fact that it is easy to be implemented in hardware, and also routing table update operations are performed incrementally requiring very few memory operations guaranteed for worst case to satisfy requirements of dynamic routing tables in high speed routers. Application of compression schemes to this algorithm is also considered to improve memory consumption and search time. The algorithm is implemented in C language and simulation results with real-life data is presented along with detailed description of the algorithm

    Compressed Data Structures for Recursive Flow Classification

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    High-speed packet classification is crucial to the implementation of several advanced network services and protocols; many QoS implementations, active networking platforms, and security devices (such as firewalls and intrusion-detection systems) require it. But performing classification on multiple fields, at the speed of modern networks, is known to be a difficult problem. The Recursive Flow Classification (RFC) algorithm described by Gupta and McKeown performs classification very quickly, but can require excessive storage when using thousands of rules. This paper studies a compressed representation for the tables used in RFC, trading some memory accesses for space. The compression’s efficiency can be improved by rear-ranging rows and columns of the tables. Finding a near-optimal rearrangement can be transformed into a Traveling Salesman Problem in which certain approximation algorithms can be used. Also, in evaluating the compressed representation of tables, we study the effects of choosing different reduction trees in RFC. We evaluate these methods using a real-world filter database with 159 rules. Results show a reduction in the size of the cross product tables by 61.6% in the median case; in some cases their size is reduced by 87% or more. Furthermore, experimental evidence suggests larger databases may be more compressible

    Models, Algorithms, and Architectures for Scalable Packet Classification

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    The growth and diversification of the Internet imposes increasing demands on the performance and functionality of network infrastructure. Routers, the devices responsible for the switch-ing and directing of traffic in the Internet, are being called upon to not only handle increased volumes of traffic at higher speeds, but also impose tighter security policies and provide support for a richer set of network services. This dissertation addresses the searching tasks performed by Internet routers in order to forward packets and apply network services to packets belonging to defined traffic flows. As these searching tasks must be performed for each packet traversing the router, the speed and scalability of the solutions to the route lookup and packet classification problems largely determine the realizable performance of the router, and hence the Internet as a whole. Despite the energetic attention of the academic and corporate research communities, there remains a need for search engines that scale to support faster communication links, larger route tables and filter sets and increasingly complex filters. The major contributions of this work include the design and analysis of a scalable hardware implementation of a Longest Prefix Matching (LPM) search engine for route lookup, a survey and taxonomy of packet classification techniques, a thorough analysis of packet classification filter sets, the design and analysis of a suite of performance evaluation tools for packet classification algorithms and devices, and a new packet classification algorithm that scales to support high-speed links and large filter sets classifying on additional packet fields

    A New Multi-threaded and Interleaving Approach to Enhance String Matching for Intrusion Detection Systems

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    String matching algorithms are computationally intensive operations in computer science. The algorithms find the occurrences of one or more strings patterns in a larger string or text. String matching algorithms are important for network security, biomedical applications, Web search, and social networks. Nowadays, the high network speeds and large storage capacity put a high requirement on string matching methods to perform the task in a short time. Traditionally, Aho-Corasick algorithm, which is used to find the string matches, is executed sequentially. In this paper, a new multi-threaded and interleaving approach of Aho-Corasick using graphics processing units (GPUs) is designed and implemented to achieve high-speed string matching. Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) programming language is used to implement the proposed parallel version. Experimental results show that our approach achieves more than 5X speedup over the sequential and other parallel implementations. Hence, a wide range of applications can benefit from our solution to perform string matching faster than ever before

    Longest Prefix Match Algorithms

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    Práce se zabývá směrováním v IP sítích, konkrétněji otázkou zjištění nejdelšího shodného prefixu. Problematiku vyhledání nejdelšího shodného prefixu řeší mnoho sofistikovaných algoritmů. Hlavním úkolem této práce je zaměření na následující algoritmy - Controlled Prefix Expansion, Lulea Compressed Tries, Binární vyhledávání na intervalech a Binární vyhledávání na prefixech. Algoritmy jsou principiálně popsány a následně softwarově implementovány v jazyce Python. Výstup práce spočívá v analýze/porovnání jednotlivých algoritmů z hlediska paměťové náročnosti a počtu přístupů do paměti v nejhorším případě.This work deal with routing in IP networks, particularly the issue of finding the longest matched prefix. Problems of finding the longest matched prefix solves many sophisticated algorithms. The main task of this work focuses on the following algorithms - Controlled Prefix Expansion, Lulea Compressed Tries, Binary search on intervals and Binary search on prefix length. Algorithms are described and followed by software implementation in Python. Output work is the analysis/comparison of different algorithms in terms of memory consumption and number of memory accesses at worst.

    Design and Evaluation of Packet Classification Systems, Doctoral Dissertation, December 2006

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    Although many algorithms and architectures have been proposed, the design of efficient packet classification systems remains a challenging problem. The diversity of filter specifications, the scale of filter sets, and the throughput requirements of high speed networks all contribute to the difficulty. We need to review the algorithms from a high-level point-of-view in order to advance the study. This level of understanding can lead to significant performance improvements. In this dissertation, we evaluate several existing algorithms and present several new algorithms as well. The previous evaluation results for existing algorithms are not convincing because they have not been done in a consistent way. To resolve this issue, an objective evaluation platform needs to be developed. We implement and evaluate several representative algorithms with uniform criteria. The source code and the evaluation results are both published on a web-site to provide the research community a benchmark for impartial and thorough algorithm evaluations. We propose several new algorithms to deal with the different variations of the packet classification problem. They are: (1) the Shape Shifting Trie algorithm for longest prefix matching, used in IP lookups or as a building block for general packet classification algorithms; (2) the Fast Hash Table lookup algorithm used for exact flow match; (3) the longest prefix matching algorithm using hash tables and tries, used in IP lookups or packet classification algorithms;(4) the 2D coarse-grained tuple-space search algorithm with controlled filter expansion, used for two-dimensional packet classification or as a building block for general packet classification algorithms; (5) the Adaptive Binary Cutting algorithm used for general multi-dimensional packet classification. In addition to the algorithmic solutions, we also consider the TCAM hardware solution. In particular, we address the TCAM filter update problem for general packet classification and provide an efficient algorithm. Building upon the previous work, these algorithms significantly improve the performance of packet classification systems and set a solid foundation for further study

    Longest Prefix Match Search

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    Tato práce se zabývá problémem efektivního směrování a klasifikací dat v počítačových sitích, konkrétně vyhledáním nejdelšího shodného prefixu pro síťový protokol verze 6. Jsou vybrány algoritmy Binary Trie, Level Compressed Trie, Lulea Compressed Trie a Binary Search on Intervals, které jsou nejdříve popsány a poté testovány s cílem najít nejvhodnější algoritmus z hlediska pamětových nároků a rychlosti vyhledání.This thesis deals with the problem of an efective routing and a data clasification in computer networks, in particular searching for the longest prefix match for the internet protocol of version 6. First the algorithm, Binary Trie, Level Compressed Trie, Lulea Compressed Trie and Binary Search on Intervals, are described and then tested to find the the most suitable algorithm from the viewpoint of memory requirements and the speed of the searching.

    Acceleration of NAT and Packet Filter in FPGA for 10G Networks

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    Cílem této práce je návrh a implementace univerzálního síťového filtrovacího akcelerátoru pro počítačové sítě o rychlosti 10 Gb/s za použití FPGA. Díky přítomnosti pamětí QDR-II může akcelerátor používat značně větší počet pravidel, než by bylo možné za použití vnitřních pamětí FPGA. Vlastnosti akcelerátoru jsou vhodné především pro NAT, paketový filtr a zákonné odposlechy. Platforma, na které filtr pracuje, obsahuje akcelerátor a libovolný počet výpočetních jednotek. Jedna z výpočetních jednotek ovládá akcelerátor prostřednictvím USB, zbytek zpracovává síťový provoz.This thesis deals with the design of a universal hardware acceleration unit for packet filtering in FPGA for 10G networks. Maximum count of rules is greatly increased by the use of external QDR-II memory. Parameters of accelerator are suitable for NAT, packet filtering and lawful interceptions. The platform uses variable number of processing units. One of them controls accelerator by USB port. The rest is used for network processing.

    Une architecture parallèle distribuée et tolérante aux pannes pour le protocole interdomaine BGP au cœur de l’Internet

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    L’augmentation du nombre d’usagers de l’Internet a entraîné une croissance exponentielle dans les tables de routage. Cette taille prévoit l’atteinte d’un million de préfixes dans les prochaines années. De même, les routeurs au cœur de l’Internet peuvent facilement atteindre plusieurs centaines de connexions BGP simultanées avec des routeurs voisins. Dans une architecture classique des routeurs, le protocole BGP s’exécute comme une entité unique au sein du routeur. Cette architecture comporte deux inconvénients majeurs : l’extensibilité (scalabilité) et la fiabilité. D’un côté, la scalabilité de BGP est mesurable en termes de nombre de connexions et aussi par la taille maximale de la table de routage que l’interface de contrôle puisse supporter. De l’autre côté, la fiabilité est un sujet critique dans les routeurs au cœur de l’Internet. Si l’instance BGP s’arrête, toutes les connexions seront perdues et le nouvel état de la table de routage sera propagé tout au long de l’Internet dans un délai de convergence non trivial. Malgré la haute fiabilité des routeurs au cœur de l’Internet, leur résilience aux pannes est augmentée considérablement et celle-ci est implantée dans la majorité des cas via une redondance passive qui peut limiter la scalabilité du routeur. Dans cette thèse, on traite les deux inconvénients en proposant une nouvelle approche distribuée de BGP pour augmenter sa scalabilité ainsi que sa fiabilité sans changer la sémantique du protocole. L’architecture distribuée de BGP proposée dans la première contribution est faite pour satisfaire les deux contraintes : scalabilité et fiabilité. Ceci est accompli en exploitant adéquatement le parallélisme et la distribution des modules de BGP sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Dans cette contribution, les fonctionnalités de BGP sont divisées selon le paradigme « maître-esclave » et le RIB (Routing Information Base) est dupliqué sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Dans la deuxième contribution, on traite la tolérance aux pannes dans l’architecture élaborée dans la première contribution en proposant un mécanisme qui augmente la fiabilité. De plus, nous prouvons analytiquement dans cette contribution qu’en adoptant une telle architecture distribuée, la disponibilité de BGP sera augmentée considérablement versus une architecture monolithique. Dans la troisième contribution, on propose une méthode de partitionnement de la table de routage que nous avons appelé DRTP pour diviser la table de BGP sur plusieurs cartes de contrôle. Cette contribution vise à augmenter la scalabilité de la table de routage et la parallélisation de l’algorithme de recherche (Best Match Prefix) en partitionnant la table de routage sur plusieurs nœuds physiquement distribués.The increasing number of end users has led to an exponential growth in the Internet routing table. The routing table is expected to reach a size of one million prefixes within the coming few years. Besides, current core routers may easily attain hundreds of connected BGP peers simultaneously. In classical monolithic architecture, the BGP protocol runs as a single entity inside the router. This architecture suffers from two drawbacks: scalability and reliability. BGP scalability can be measured in terms of the number of connected peers that can be handled and the size of the routing table. On the other hand, the reliability is a critical issue in core routers. If the BGP instance inside the router fails, all peers’ connections will shutdown and the new reachability state will be propagated across the Internet in a non trivial convergence delay. Although, in current core routers, the resiliency is increased considerably, it’s mainly implemented via a primary-backup redundancy scheme which limits the BGP scalability. In this thesis we address the two mentioned BGP drawbacks by proposing a novel distributed approach to increase both scalability and reliability of BGP without changing the semantic of the protocol. The BGP distributed architecture in the first paper is built to satisfy both requirements: scalability and reliability by adequately exploiting parallelism and module separation. In our model, BGP functionalities are split in a master-slave manner and the RIB (Routing Information Base) is replicated to multiple controller cards, to form a cluster of parallel computing entities. In the second paper, we address the fault tolerance of BGP within the distributed architecture presented in the first paper. We prove analytically that, by adopting the distributed architecture of BGP the availability of BGP will be increased considerably versus a monolithic architecture. In the third paper we propose a distributed parallel scheme called DRTP to partition the BGP routing table on multiple controller cards. DRTP aims at increasing the BGP scalability and the parallelization of the Best Match Prefix algorithm