70 research outputs found

    Setting per-field normalisation hyper-parameters for the named-page finding search task

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    Per-field normalisation has been shown to be effective for Web search tasks, e.g. named-page finding. However, per-field normalisation also suffers from having hyper-parameters to tune on a per-field basis. In this paper, we argue that the purpose of per-field normalisation is to adjust the linear relationship between field length and term frequency. We experiment with standard Web test collections, using three document fields, namely the body of the document, its title, and the anchor text of its incoming links. From our experiments, we find that across different collections, the linear correlation values, given by the optimised hyper-parameter settings, are proportional to the maximum negative linear correlation. Based on this observation, we devise an automatic method for setting the per-field normalisation hyper-parameter values without the use of relevance assessment for tuning. According to the evaluation results, this method is shown to be effective for the body and title fields. In addition, the difficulty in setting the per-field normalisation hyper-parameter for the anchor text field is explained

    Real-time Text Queries with Tunable Term Pair Indexes

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    Term proximity scoring is an established means in information retrieval for improving result quality of full-text queries. Integrating such proximity scores into efficient query processing, however, has not been equally well studied. Existing methods make use of precomputed lists of documents where tuples of terms, usually pairs, occur together, usually incurring a huge index size compared to term-only indexes. This paper introduces a joint framework for trading off index size and result quality, and provides optimization techniques for tuning precomputed indexes towards either maximal result quality or maximal query processing performance, given an upper bound for the index size. The framework allows to selectively materialize lists for pairs based on a query log to further reduce index size. Extensive experiments with two large text collections demonstrate runtime improvements of several orders of magnitude over existing text-based processing techniques with reasonable index sizes

    IO-Top-k: index-access optimized top-k query processing

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    Top-k query processing is an important building block for ranked retrieval, with applications ranging from text and data integration to distributed aggregation of network logs and sensor data. Top-k queries operate on index lists for a query's elementary conditions and aggregate scores for result candidates. One of the best implementation methods in this setting is the family of threshold algorithms, which aim to terminate the index scans as early as possible based on lower and upper bounds for the final scores of result candidates. This procedure performs sequential disk accesses for sorted index scans, but also has the option of performing random accesses to resolve score uncertainty. This entails scheduling for the two kinds of accesses: 1) the prioritization of different index lists in the sequential accesses, and 2) the decision on when to perform random accesses and for which candidates. The prior literature has studied some of these scheduling issues, but only for each of the two access types in isolation. The current paper takes an integrated view of the scheduling issues and develops novel strategies that outperform prior proposals by a large margin. Our main contributions are new, principled, scheduling methods based on a Knapsack-related optimization for sequential accesses and a cost model for random accesses. The methods can be further boosted by harnessing probabilistic estimators for scores, selectivities, and index list correlations. We also discuss efficient implementation techniques for the underlying data structures. In performance experiments with three different datasets (TREC Terabyte, HTTP server logs, and IMDB), our methods achieved significant performance gains compared to the best previously known methods: a factor of up to 3 in terms of execution costs, and a factor of 5 in terms of absolute run-times of our implementation. Our best techniques are close to a lower bound for the execution cost of the considered class of threshold algorithms

    Index ordering by query-independent measures

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    There is an ever-increasing amount of data that is being produced from various data sources — this data must then be organised effectively if we hope to search though it. Traditional information retrieval approaches search through all available data in a particular collection in order to find the most suitable results, however, for particularly large collections this may be extremely time consuming. Our purposed solution to this problem is to only search a limited amount of the collection at query-time, in order to speed this retrieval process up. Although, in doing this we aim to limit the loss in retrieval efficacy (in terms of accuracy of results). The way we aim to do this is to firstly identify the most “important” documents within the collection, and then sort the documents within the collection in order of their "importance” in the collection. In this way we can choose to limit the amount of information to search through, by eliminating the documents of lesser importance, which should not only make the search more efficient, but should also limit any loss in retrieval accuracy. In this thesis we investigate various different query-independent methods that may indicate the importance of a document in a collection. The more accurate the measure is at determining an important document, the more effectively we can eliminate documents from the retrieval process - improving the query-throughput of the system, as well as providing a high level of accuracy in the returned results. The effectiveness of these approaches are evaluated using the datasets provided by the terabyte track at the Text REtreival Conference (TREC)

    User Variability and IR System Evaluation

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    ABSTRACT Test collection design eliminates sources of user variability to make statistical comparisons among information retrieval (IR) systems more affordable. Does this choice unnecessarily limit generalizability of the outcomes to real usage scenarios? We explore two aspects of user variability with regard to evaluating the relative performance of IR systems, assessing effectiveness in the context of a subset of topics from three TREC collections, with the embodied information needs categorized against three levels of increasing task complexity. First, we explore the impact of widely differing queries that searchers construct for the same information need description. By executing those queries, we demonstrate that query formulation is critical to query effectiveness. The results also show that the range of scores characterizing effectiveness for a single system arising from these queries is comparable or greater than the range of scores arising from variation among systems using only a single query per topic. Second, our experiments reveal that searchers display substantial individual variation in the numbers of documents and queries they anticipate needing to issue, and there are underlying significant differences in these numbers in line with increasing task complexity levels. Our conclusion is that test collection design would be improved by the use of multiple query variations per topic, and could be further improved by the use of metrics which are sensitive to the expected numbers of useful documents

    TopX : efficient and versatile top-k query processing for text, structured, and semistructured data

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    TopX is a top-k retrieval engine for text and XML data. Unlike Boolean engines, it stops query processing as soon as it can safely determine the k top-ranked result objects according to a monotonous score aggregation function with respect to a multidimensional query. The main contributions of the thesis unfold into four main points, confirmed by previous publications at international conferences or workshops: • Top-k query processing with probabilistic guarantees. • Index-access optimized top-k query processing. • Dynamic and self-tuning, incremental query expansion for top-k query processing. • Efficient support for ranked XML retrieval and full-text search. Our experiments demonstrate the viability and improved efficiency of our approach compared to existing related work for a broad variety of retrieval scenarios.TopX ist eine Top-k Suchmaschine für Text und XML Daten. Im Gegensatz zu Boole\u27; schen Suchmaschinen terminiert TopX die Anfragebearbeitung, sobald die k besten Ergebnisobjekte im Hinblick auf eine mehrdimensionale Anfrage gefunden wurden. Die Hauptbeiträge dieser Arbeit teilen sich in vier Schwerpunkte basierend auf vorherigen Veröffentlichungen bei internationalen Konferenzen oder Workshops: • Top-k Anfragebearbeitung mit probabilistischen Garantien. • Zugriffsoptimierte Top-k Anfragebearbeitung. • Dynamische und selbstoptimierende, inkrementelle Anfrageexpansion für Top-k Anfragebearbeitung. • Effiziente Unterstützung für XML-Anfragen und Volltextsuche. Unsere Experimente bestätigen die Vielseitigkeit und gesteigerte Effizienz unserer Verfahren gegenüber existierenden, führenden Ansätzen für eine weite Bandbreite von Anwendungen in der Informationssuche

    Using a combination of methodologies for improving medical information retrieval performance

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    This thesis presents three approaches to improve the current state of Medical Information Retrieval. At the time of this writing, the health industry is experiencing a massive change in terms of introducing technology into all aspects of health delivery. The work in this thesis involves adapting existing established concepts in the field of Information Retrieval to the field of Medical Information Retrieval. In particular, we apply subtype filtering, ICD-9 codes, query expansion, and re-ranking methods in order to improve retrieval on medical texts. The first method applies association rule mining and cosine similarity measures. The second method applies subtype filtering and the Apriori algorithm. And the third method uses ICD-9 codes in order to improve retrieval accuracy. Overall, we show that the current state of medical information retrieval has substantial room for improvement. Our first two methods do not show significant improvements, while our third approach shows an improvement of up to 20%

    A General SIMD-based Approach to Accelerating Compression Algorithms

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    Compression algorithms are important for data oriented tasks, especially in the era of Big Data. Modern processors equipped with powerful SIMD instruction sets, provide us an opportunity for achieving better compression performance. Previous research has shown that SIMD-based optimizations can multiply decoding speeds. Following these pioneering studies, we propose a general approach to accelerate compression algorithms. By instantiating the approach, we have developed several novel integer compression algorithms, called Group-Simple, Group-Scheme, Group-AFOR, and Group-PFD, and implemented their corresponding vectorized versions. We evaluate the proposed algorithms on two public TREC datasets, a Wikipedia dataset and a Twitter dataset. With competitive compression ratios and encoding speeds, our SIMD-based algorithms outperform state-of-the-art non-vectorized algorithms with respect to decoding speeds
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