6 research outputs found

    Instructional desain pendidikan karakter dan implementasinya pada pembelajaran bahasa Arab di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Maarif 01 Singosari Malang

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    Pendidikan karakter dapat diintegrasikan dalam pembelajaran pada setiap mata pelajaran. Materi pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan norma atau nilainilai pada setiap mata pelajaran perlu dikembangkan, dieksplisitkan, dikaitkan dengan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan demikian, pembelajaran nilainilai karakter tidak hanya pada tataran kognitif, tetapi menyentuh pada internalisasi, dan pengamalan nyata dalam kehidupan peserta didik sehari-hari di masyarakat. (Kemendiknas, 2010). Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Maarif 01 Singosari memiliki posisi penting dalam hal penanaman karakter pada siswa, karena MTS Al Maarif 01 merupakan Madrasah favorit di kabupaten Malang bagian utara yang dikelilingi oleh beberapa podok pesantren, disamping itu siswa yang belajar datang dari berbagai kota di Jawa Timur, sehingga lembaga tersebut sering menjadi rujukan dalam hal proses belajar mengajar dan hal-hal lain, termasuk internalisasi pendidikan karakter. Dalam hal pendidikan karakter MTS Al Maarif 01 Singosari jauh sebelumnya telah mencanangkan dalam visinya, sehingga setiap insan yang ada dalam madrasah harus senantiasa menuju ketercapain visi yang ada. Pendidikan karakter tersebut di implementasikan pada kegiatan-kegiatan madrasah dan dalam tataran bidangstudi, termasuk pada bidang studi Bahasa Ara

    Pengembangan strategi pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dengan teori mikro Robert Mill Gagne di Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Maarif 01 Singosari Malang

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    Output Madrasah field of Arabic language to date has not shown encouraging results. Of the average value of Final Examination National Standard Madrasah only scored 68, the figure is below a minimum completeness criteria madrasah is 78. Arabic learning process therefore needs to get improvement, primarily its learning strategy. appropriate learning strategies to optimize students' learning needs, and achievement of learning objectives. What are the characteristics of Arabic language learning strategies developed by the theory of Micro Robert Mill Gagne? Is it effective and efisean improve students' language skills? This research includes R & D using ADDIE procedure. Conclusion of the study, among the characteristics of Arabic language learning strategies developed by the strategy; a) the indicators to determine mastery of competencies defined gradually from the smallest to large elements; b) development of teaching materials presented in order of Ashwat, Mufrodat, and tarkib, then Istima ', Kalam, Qiro'ah and kitabah; c) On the delivery of teaching materials was also conducted in stages, systematic observations to communicate; d) For the assessment, the composition of simple exercises sorted either in Istima 'Kalam, Qiro'ah and kitabah. Arabic learning strategy development with the strategy effectively and efisean to improve language skills, evidenced by; thitung <ttable namely - 3.94129 <- 1.678 then H0 is rejected, that the final value after better treatment than before treatment

    Transformasi Pendidikan Abad 21 untuk Mengembangkan Pendidikan Dasar Bermutu dan Berkarakter

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    Transformasi Pendidikan Abad 21 untuk Mengembangkan Pendidikan Dasar Bermutu dan Berkarakte


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    The purpose of this research is to develop learning tools as well as test the effectiveness of the implementation of anti-corruption education. The research method refers to the development of procedural models, which is descriptive, that shows the steps to produce a product that is effectively used at schools, not to test theories. The research procedures of every stage of development were done through expert assessment, individual assessment, group assessment, and field assessment. The model system approach, which was done to the formative evaluation measures, was developed by Dick & Carey. The trials included learning experts assessment, content experts assessment, learning media experts assessment, individual assessment, group assessment, and field assessment. The results of the assessment trials were used as an input to improve product development which was conducted using the t test (Paired Samples Test) to determine the effectiveness of the teaching materials. Descriptive quantitative analysis techniques were used to compare the competence of students before and after the use of teaching materials through the pretest and posttest which showed significant results, namely the difference in the value of pretest and posttest. It means anti-corruption education teaching materials are very effectively implemented to the students

    The Javanese local wisdom described in Murwakala performed in the oral tradition of ruwatan

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    Abstract: This paper discusses the local wisdom described in Murwakala performed in the oral tradition of Ruwatan . Ruwatan is the Javanese traditional ceremony done in order to release the Sukerta ’s life from Bathara Kala ’s threat. There are certain groups of people who believe that ruwatan is a ceremony that has to be done by the Sukerta ; if they have not done it, they think that they have not done their responsibility and if they cannot do that, they will suffer from Bathara Kala ’s threat (Subalidinata, 1985: 3). Ruwatan was done for the first time in the 17th century; then, it has been done continually every year, from generation to generation up to recent days. It shows the interesting literary phenomenon that Murwakala which was rooted in Javanese culture can be understood and believed by not only Javanese but also other tribes in Indonesia. It is reasonable because Murwakala is assumed to show the Javanese local wisdom related to human existence and it is described through the characters of Murwakala . To find out this local wisdom, the writer used the theory of post-structuralism of narrative proposed by Jonathan Culler in which there are two steps of analyzing the narration. These steps are usually called double logic: by considering the text as a discourse and revealing the significance of the text based on the text’s thematic structure