157 research outputs found

    Wearable Sensors and Smart Devices to Monitor Rehabilitation Parameters and Sports Performance: An Overview

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    A quantitative evaluation of kinetic parameters, the joint’s range of motion, heart rate, and breathing rate, can be employed in sports performance tracking and rehabilitation monitoring following injuries or surgical operations. However, many of the current detection systems are expensive and designed for clinical use, requiring the presence of a physician and medical staff to assist users in the device’s positioning and measurements. The goal of wearable sensors is to overcome the limitations of current devices, enabling the acquisition of a user’s vital signs directly from the body in an accurate and non–invasive way. In sports activities, wearable sensors allow athletes to monitor performance and body movements objectively, going beyond the coach’s subjective evaluation limits. The main goal of this review paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of wearable technologies and sensing systems to detect and monitor the physiological parameters of patients during post–operative rehabilitation and athletes’ training, and to present evidence that supports the efficacy of this technology for healthcare applications. First, a classification of the human physiological parameters acquired from the human body by sensors attached to sensitive skin locations or worn as a part of garments is introduced, carrying important feedback on the user’s health status. Then, a detailed description of the electromechanical transduction mechanisms allows a comparison of the technologies used in wearable applications to monitor sports and rehabilitation activities. This paves the way for an analysis of wearable technologies, providing a comprehensive comparison of the current state of the art of available sensors and systems. Comparative and statistical analyses are provided to point out useful insights for defining the best technologies and solutions for monitoring body movements. Lastly, the presented review is compared with similar ones reported in the literature to highlight its strengths and novelties

    Metrics for analytics and visualization of big data with applications to activity recognition

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    Activity recognition systems detect the hidden actions of an agent from sensor measurements made on the agents' actions and the environmental conditions. For such systems, metrics are important for both performance evaluation and visualization purposes. In this thesis, such metrics are developed and illustrated. For human activity recognition datasets, a reporting structure is described to visualize the metrics in a systematic manner. The other contribution of this thesis is to describe a visualization tool for estimating the orientation (attitude) of a rigid body from streaming motion sensor (accelerometer and gyroscope) data. A feedback particle filter (FPF) is implemented algorithmically to solve the estimation problem

    Body-Area Capacitive or Electric Field Sensing for Human Activity Recognition and Human-Computer Interaction: A Comprehensive Survey

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    Due to the fact that roughly sixty percent of the human body is essentially composed of water, the human body is inherently a conductive object, being able to, firstly, form an inherent electric field from the body to the surroundings and secondly, deform the distribution of an existing electric field near the body. Body-area capacitive sensing, also called body-area electric field sensing, is becoming a promising alternative for wearable devices to accomplish certain tasks in human activity recognition and human-computer interaction. Over the last decade, researchers have explored plentiful novel sensing systems backed by the body-area electric field. On the other hand, despite the pervasive exploration of the body-area electric field, a comprehensive survey does not exist for an enlightening guideline. Moreover, the various hardware implementations, applied algorithms, and targeted applications result in a challenging task to achieve a systematic overview of the subject. This paper aims to fill in the gap by comprehensively summarizing the existing works on body-area capacitive sensing so that researchers can have a better view of the current exploration status. To this end, we first sorted the explorations into three domains according to the involved body forms: body-part electric field, whole-body electric field, and body-to-body electric field, and enumerated the state-of-art works in the domains with a detailed survey of the backed sensing tricks and targeted applications. We then summarized the three types of sensing frontends in circuit design, which is the most critical part in body-area capacitive sensing, and analyzed the data processing pipeline categorized into three kinds of approaches. Finally, we described the challenges and outlooks of body-area electric sensing

    Review of Wearable Devices and Data Collection Considerations for Connected Health

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    Wearable sensor technology has gradually extended its usability into a wide range of well-known applications. Wearable sensors can typically assess and quantify the wearer’s physiology and are commonly employed for human activity detection and quantified self-assessment. Wearable sensors are increasingly utilised to monitor patient health, rapidly assist with disease diagnosis, and help predict and often improve patient outcomes. Clinicians use various self-report questionnaires and well-known tests to report patient symptoms and assess their functional ability. These assessments are time consuming and costly and depend on subjective patient recall. Moreover, measurements may not accurately demonstrate the patient’s functional ability whilst at home. Wearable sensors can be used to detect and quantify specific movements in different applications. The volume of data collected by wearable sensors during long-term assessment of ambulatory movement can become immense in tuple size. This paper discusses current techniques used to track and record various human body movements, as well as techniques used to measure activity and sleep from long-term data collected by wearable technology devices

    Supervised machine learning applied to wearable sensor data can accurately classify functional fitness exercises within a continuous workout

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    Observing, classifying and assessing human movements is important in many applied fields, including human-computer interface, clinical assessment, activity monitoring and sports performance. The redundancy of options in planning and implementing motor programmes, the inter- and intra-individual variability in movement execution, and the time-continuous, high-dimensional nature of motion data make segmenting sequential movements into a smaller set of discrete classes of actions non-trivial. We aimed to develop and validate a method for the automatic classification of four popular functional fitness drills, which are commonly performed in current circuit training routines. Five inertial measurement units were located on the upper and lower limb, and on the trunk of fourteen participants. Positions were chosen by keeping into account the dynamics of the movement and the positions where commercially-available smart technologies are typically secured. Accelerations and angular velocities were acquired continuously from the units and used to train and test different supervised learning models, including k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) and support-vector machine (SVM) algorithms. The use of different kernel functions, as well as different strategies to segment continuous inertial data were explored. Classification performance was assessed from both the training dataset (k-fold cross-validation), and a test dataset (leave-one-subject-out validation). Classification from different subsets of the measurement units was also evaluated (1-sensor and 2-sensor data). SVM with a cubic kernel and fed with data from 600 ms windows with a 10% overlap gave the best classification performances, yielding to an overall accuracy of 97.8%. This approach did not misclassify any functional fitness movement for another, but confused relatively frequently (2.8–18.9%) a fitness movement phase with the transition between subsequent repetitions of the same task or different drills. Among 1-sensor configurations, the upper arm achieved the best classification performance (96.4% accuracy), whereas combining the upper arm and the thigh sensors obtained the highest level of accuracy (97.6%) from 2-sensors movement tracking. We found that supervised learning can successfully classify complex sequential movements such as those of functional fitness workouts. Our approach, which could exploit technologies currently available in the consumer market, demonstrated exciting potential for future on-field applications including unstructured training

    Technological advancements in the analysis of human motion and posture management through digital devices

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    Technological development of motion and posture analyses is rapidly progressing, especially in rehabilitation settings and sport biomechanics. Consequently, clear discrimination among different measurement systems is required to diversify their use as needed. This review aims to resume the currently used motion and posture analysis systems, clarify and suggest the appropriate approaches suitable for specific cases or contexts. The currently gold standard systems of motion analysis, widely used in clinical settings, present several limitations related to marker placement or long procedure time. Fully automated and markerless systems are overcoming these drawbacks for conducting biomechanical studies, especially outside laboratories. Similarly, new posture analysis techniques are emerging, often driven by the need for fast and non-invasive methods to obtain high-precision results. These new technologies have also become effective for children or adolescents with non-specific back pain and postural insufficiencies. The evolutions of these methods aim to standardize measurements and provide manageable tools in clinical practice for the early diagnosis of musculoskeletal pathologies and to monitor daily improvements of each patient. Herein, these devices and their uses are described, providing researchers, clinicians, orthopedics, physical therapists, and sports coaches an effective guide to use new technologies in their practice as instruments of diagnosis, therapy, and prevention

    Biomechanics of running: An overview on gait cycle

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    This review article summarized the literature regarding running gait. It describes characteristics of running gait and running gait cycle, explains running anatomy in relation to lower and upper body mechanism; contribution of muscles, and joint running gait cycle. The concept of running kinematics and kinetics has described motion characteristics such as position, velocity, acceleration, and force applied during the running cycle. Running gait analysis techniques has discussed such as motion analysis, force plate analysis, and electromyography

    UbiPhysio: Support Daily Functioning, Fitness, and Rehabilitation with Action Understanding and Feedback in Natural Language

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    We introduce UbiPhysio, a milestone framework that delivers fine-grained action description and feedback in natural language to support people's daily functioning, fitness, and rehabilitation activities. This expert-like capability assists users in properly executing actions and maintaining engagement in remote fitness and rehabilitation programs. Specifically, the proposed UbiPhysio framework comprises a fine-grained action descriptor and a knowledge retrieval-enhanced feedback module. The action descriptor translates action data, represented by a set of biomechanical movement features we designed based on clinical priors, into textual descriptions of action types and potential movement patterns. Building on physiotherapeutic domain knowledge, the feedback module provides clear and engaging expert feedback. We evaluated UbiPhysio's performance through extensive experiments with data from 104 diverse participants, collected in a home-like setting during 25 types of everyday activities and exercises. We assessed the quality of the language output under different tuning strategies using standard benchmarks. We conducted a user study to gather insights from clinical experts and potential users on our framework. Our initial tests show promise for deploying UbiPhysio in real-life settings without specialized devices.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, 5 table

    Concusion Detection Headband Design

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    Concussion in sports is a prevalent medical issue. It can be difficult for medical professionals to diagnose concussions. With the fast pace nature of many sports, and the damaging effects of concussions, it is important that any concussion risks are assessed immediately. There is a growing trend of wearable technology that collects data such as steps, and provides the wearer with in-depth information regarding their performance. The Smart Headband project created a wearable that can record impact data and provide the wearer with a detailed analysis on their risk of sustaining a concussion. The Smart Headband uses accelerometers and gyroscopes to record linear and angular acceleration. The data is evaluated in MATLAB using various statistical techniques. The data is displayed to the user along with a concussion risk percentage. The result of the project is a prototype device that can record impacts and provide the user with in-depth concussion risk assessment

    Applications Of Wearable Sensors In Delivering Biologically Relevant Signals

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    With continued advancements in wearable technologies, the applications for their use are growing. Wearable sensors can be found in smart watches, fitness trackers, and even our cellphones. The common applications in everyday life are usually step counting, activity tracking, and heart rate monitoring. However, researchers have developed ways to use these similar sensors for clinically relevant diagnostic measures, as well as, improved athletic training and performance. Two areas of interest for the use of wearable sensors are mental health diagnostics in children and heart rate monitoring during intense physical activity from new locations, which are discussed further in this thesis. About 20% of children will experience an anxiety or depressive disorder. These disorders, if left untreated, can lead to comorbidity, substance abuse, and even suicide. Current methods for diagnosis are time consuming and only offered to those most at risk (i.e., reported or referred by a teacher, doctor, or parent). For the children that do get referred to a specialist, the process is often inaccurate. Researchers began using mood induction task to observe behavioral responses to specific stimuli in hopes to improve the accuracy of diagnostics. However, these methods involve long hours of training and watching videos of the activities. Recently, a few studies have focused on using wearable sensors during mood induction tasks in hopes to pick up on relevant movements to distinguish those with and without an internalizing disorder. The first study presented in this thesis focuses on using wearable inertial measurement units during the ‘Bubbles’ mood induction task. A decision tree was developed to identify children with internalizing disorders, accuracy of this model was 71% based on leave-one-subject-out cross validation. The second study focuses on estimating heart rate using wearable photoplethysmography sensors at multiple body locations. Heart rate is an important vital sign used across a variety of contexts. For example, athletes use heart rate to determine whether they are hitting their desired heart rate zones during training and doctors can use heart rate as an early indicator of disease. With the advancements made in wearables, photoplethysmography can now be used to collect signals from devices anywhere on the body. However, estimating heart rate accurately during periods of intense physical activity remains a challenge due to signal corruption cause by motion artifacts. This study focuses on evaluating algorithms for accurately estimating heart rate from photoplethysmograms and determining the optimal body location for wear. A phase vocoder and Wiener filtering approach was used to estimate heart rate from the forearm, shank, and sacrum. The algorithm estimated heart rate to within 6.2 6.9, and 6.7 beats per minute average absolute error for the forearm, shank, and sacrum, respectively, across a wide variety of physical activities selected to induce varying levels of motion artifact