149,881 research outputs found

    Ex vivo cytokine mRNA levels correlate with changing clinical status of ethiopian TB patients and their contacts over time.

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    There is an increasing body of evidence which suggests that IL-4 plays a role in the pathogenesis of TB, but a general consensus on its role remains elusive. We have previously published data from a cohort of Ethiopian TB patients, their contacts, and community controls suggesting that enhanced IL-4 production is associated with infection with M. tuberculosis, rather than overt disease and that long-term protection in infected community controls is associated with co-production of the IL-4 antagonist IL-4d2, alongside elevated IL-4. Here, for the first time, we compare data on expression of IFN-gamma, IL-4 and IL-4delta2 over time in TB patients and their household contacts. During the follow-up period, the TB patients completed therapy and ceased to display TB-like symptoms. This correlated with a decrease in the relative amount of IL-4 expressed. Over the same period, the clinical status of some of their contacts also changed, with a number developing TB-like symptoms or clinically apparent TB. IL-4 expression was disproportionately increased in this group. The findings support the hypothesis that elevated IL-4 production is generally associated with infection, but that TB disease is associated with a relatively increased expression of IL-4 compared to IFN-gamma and IL-4delta2. However, the data also suggest that there are no clear-cut differences between groups: the immune response over time appears to include changes in the expression of IFN-gamma, IL-4 and IL-4delta2, and it is the relative, not absolute levels of cytokine expression that are characteristic of clinical status

    Decreased Interleukin-4 Release from the Neurons of the Locus Coeruleus in Response to Immobilization Stress

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    It has been demonstrated that immobilization (IMO) stress affects neuroimmune systems followed by alterations of physiology and behavior. Interleukin-4 (IL-4), an anti-inflammatory cytokine, is known to regulate inflammation caused by immune challenge but the effect of IMO on modulation of IL-4 expression in the brain has not been assessed yet. Here, it was demonstrated that IL-4 was produced by noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus (LC) of the brain and release of IL-4 was reduced in response to IMO. It was observed that IMO groups were more anxious than nontreated groups. Acute IMO (2 h/day, once) stimulated secretion of plasma corticosterone and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the LC whereas these increments were diminished in exposure to chronic stress (2 h/day, 21 consecutive days). Glucocorticoid receptor (GR), TH, and IL-4-expressing cells were localized in identical neurons of the LC, indicating that hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal- (HPA-) axis and sympathetic-adrenal-medullary- (SAM-) axis might be involved in IL-4 secretion in the stress response. Accordingly, it was concluded that stress-induced decline of IL-4 concentration from LC neurons may be related to anxiety-like behavior and an inverse relationship exists between IL-4 secretion and HPA/SAM-axes activation

    γδ T cells affect IL-4 production and B-cell tolerance

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    γδ T cells can influence specific antibody responses. Here, we report that mice deficient in individual γδ T-cell subsets have altered levels of serum antibodies, including all major subclasses, sometimes regardless of the presence of αβ T cells. One strain with a partial γδ deficiency that increases IgE antibodies also displayed increases in IL-4–producing T cells (both residual γδ T cells and αβ T cells) and in systemic IL-4 levels. Its B cells expressed IL-4–regulated inhibitory receptors (CD5, CD22, and CD32) at diminished levels, whereas IL-4–inducible IL-4 receptor α and MHCII were increased. They also showed signs of activation and spontaneously formed germinal centers. These mice displayed IgE-dependent features found in hyper-IgE syndrome and developed antichromatin, antinuclear, and anticytoplasmic autoantibodies. In contrast, mice deficient in all γδ T cells had nearly unchanged Ig levels and did not develop autoantibodies. Removing IL-4 abrogated the increases in IgE, antichromatin antibodies, and autoantibodies in the partially γδ-deficient mice. Our data suggest that γδ T cells, controlled by their own cross-talk, affect IL-4 production, B-cell activation, and B-cell tolerance

    IL-4 Inhibits IL-1β-Induced Depressive-Like Behavior and Central Neurotransmitter Alterations

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    It has been known that activation of the central innate immune system or exposure to stress can disrupt balance of anti-/proinflammatory cytokines. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the modulation of depressive-like behaviors, the hormonal and neurotransmitter systems in rats. We investigated whether centrally administered IL-1β is associated with activation of CNS inflammatory pathways and behavioral changes and whether treatment with IL-4 could modulate IL-1β-induced depressive-like behaviors and central neurotransmitter systems. Infusion of IL-4 significantly decreased IL-1β-induced anhedonic responses and increased social exploration and total activity. Treatment with IL-4 markedly blocked IL-1β-induced increase in PGE2 and CORT levels. Also, IL-4 reduced IL-1β-induced 5-HT levels by inhibiting tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) mRNA and activating serotonin transporter (SERT) in the hippocampus, and levels of NE were increased by activating tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA expression. These results demonstrate that IL-4 may locally contribute to the regulation of noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmission and may inhibit IL-1β-induced behavioral and immunological changes. The present results suggest that IL-4 modulates IL-1β-induced depressive behavior by inhibiting IL-1β-induced central glial activation and neurotransmitter alterations. IL-4 reduced central and systemic mediatory inflammatory activation, as well as reversing the IL-1β-induced alterations in neurotransmitter levels. The present findings contribute a biochemical pathway regulated by IL-4 that may have therapeutic utility for treatment of IL-1β-induced depressive behavior and neuroinflammation which warrants further study

    Targeted delivery of anti-inflammatory therapy to rheumatoid tissue by fusion proteins containing an IL-4-linked synovial targeting peptide

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    We provide first-time evidence that the synovial endothelium-targeting peptide (SyETP) CKSTHDRLC successfully delivers conjugated IL-4 to human rheumatoid synovium transplanted into SCID mice. SyETP, previously isolated by in vivo phage display and shown to preferentially localize to synovial xenografts, was linked by recombinant technology to hIL-4 via an MMP-cleavable sequence. Both IL-4 and the MMP-cleavable sequence were shown to be functional. IL-4-SyETP augmented production of IL-1ra by synoviocytes stimulated with IL-1[beta] in a dose-dependent manner. In vivo imaging confirmed increased retention of SyETP-linked-IL-4 in synovial grafts which was enhanced by increasing number of copies (one to three) in the constructs. Strikingly, SyETP delivered bioactive IL-4 in vivo as demonstrated by increased pSTAT6 in synovial grafts. Thus, this study provides proof of concept for peptide-tissue-specific targeted immunotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis. This technology is potentially applicable to other biological therapies providing enhanced potency to inflammatory sites and reducing systemic toxicity

    Il-4 Polymorphism in Patients with Acute Brucellosis in the Republic of Azerbaijan

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    Currently, there are isolated data on the relationship between IL-4 polymorphism (C-589T) and susceptibility to brucellosis. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to determine the frequency of polymorphism of IL-4 (C-589T) in patients with acute brucellosis.Materials and methods: the article presents the results of surveys of 120 patients with acute brucellosis. The control group consisted of 30 practically healthy persons. The diagnosis of brucellosis was based on complaints, anamnesis, epidemiological and clinical data, and the results of a specific study. The definition of the polymorphism of IL-4 (C-589T) was performed for all patients in the main and control group. A detailed description of patients with brucellosis is presented. Among the observed prevailed men and young people of working age.Results: A mild degree was established in 74 (61.66 %) patients, while severe - only in 11 (9.17 %) patients. It was determined that the genotype CT (65.83 %) was significantly more common among patients with brucellosis than in the control group, where the frequency of this genotype was only 16.66 %. While the CC genotype was 3.2 times more common among healthy individuals than among patients in the main group (76.67 % versus 24.17 %), it was found that the CC genotype of the IL-4 gene was 13 times more common in patients for acute brucellosis with mild progress than with severe.Conclusions: The genotype IL-4 (C-589T) SS is significantly associated with the mild course of brucellosis

    IL-13R alpha 2 reverses the effects of IL-13 and IL-4 on bronchial reactivity and acetylcholine-induced Ca2+ signaling

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    Background: The interleukins IL-4 and IL-13 play a key role in the pathophysiology of asthma. The interleukin receptor IL-13R alpha 2 is believed to act as a decoy receptor, but until now, the functional significance of IL-13R alpha 2 remains vague. Methods: Bronchial reactivity was quantified in murine lung slices by digital video microscopy and acetylcholine (ACH)-induced Ca2+ signaling was measured in human airway smooth muscle cells (ASMC) using fluorescence microscopy. Results: IL-4 or IL-13 up to 50 ng/ml induced bronchial hyperreactivity. But after incubation with 100 ng/ml this effect was lost and bronchial responsiveness was again comparable to the control level. The effects of IL-4 and IL-13 on bronchial reactivity were paralleled by the effects on ASMC proliferation. Fifty nanograms per milliliter of IL-4 and IL-13 increased the Ca2+ response of human ASMC to ACH. At 100 ng/ml, however, the effects of the cytokines on the Ca2+ response were no longer evident. The expression of IL-13R alpha 2 increased with increasing concentrations of IL-4 or IL-13, reaching its maximum at 100 ng/ml. Blocking IL-13R alpha 2, the loss of the effect of IL-4 and IL-13 at 100 ng/ml on human ASMC proliferation and the ACH-induced Ca2+ response were no longer present. Conclusions: IL-4 and IL-13 induce bronchial hyperreactivity by changing the Ca2+ homeostasis of ASMC. These effects are counteracted by IL-13R alpha 2. The biological significance of IL-13R alpha 2 might be a protective function by regulating IL-13- and IL-4-mediated signal transduction and thereby limiting pathological alterations in Th2-mediated inflammatory diseases. Copyright (c) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

    CD28-induced costimulation of T helper type 2 cells mediated by induction of responsiveness to interleukin 4.

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    Type 1 and type 2 cloned T helper (Th) cells are believed to require different antigen-presenting cell (APC)-derived costimuli for proliferation. In the case of Th1-cloned T cells, CD28 signaling costimulates production of autocrine interleukin 2 (IL-2). Th2 cells produce their autocrine growth factor, IL-4, without costimulation, but require APC-derived costimuli, or IL-1, to respond to IL-4. Here we demonstrate that engagement of CD28 on Th2 cells with anti-CD28 antibody or with APC-associated B7 costimulates Th2 responsiveness to IL-4 but does not affect IL-4 or IL-2 production by Th2 cells. Costimulation of Th2 cells via CD28 appears to involve the induction of IL-1 production by Th2 cells, which acts in an autocrine fashion to induce IL-4 responsiveness. These results suggest that CD28-induced costimulation plays an important role in responses mediated by both types of Th cells

    Reciprocal expression of interferon gamma or interleukin 4 during the resolution or progression of murine leishmaniasis. Evidence for expansion of distinct helper T cell subsets.

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    We purified poly(A)+ mRNA from the spleen and lymph nodes at designated times after infection with Leishmania major in genetically susceptible BALB/c and resistant C57BL/6 mice. The steady-state levels of IL-2, IFN-gamma, IL-4, and IL-1 beta mRNA were determined using Northern hybridizations. IL-2 mRNA levels in the infected organs of BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were comparable after infection, but IFN-gamma and IL-4 mRNA levels were reciprocally expressed. Levels of IFN-gamma mRNA in C57BL/6 draining nodes and spleen were significantly greater than in BALB/c mice except at 4 and 6 wk of infection, when splenic IFN-gamma mRNA levels were transiently comparable. In contrast, IL-4 mRNA was apparent only in BALB/c and not in C57BL/6 nodes and spleen. Tissue levels of IL-1 beta mRNA were 10-20-fold greater in BALB/c mice. BALB/c mice were pretreated with GK1.5 mAb, a manipulation that promotes healing of subsequent infection by transiently depleting L3T4+ cells. At 8 wk of infection, by which time lymphoid organs were repopulated with L3T4+ cells, GK1.5-pretreated BALB/c mice produced IFN-gamma, but not IL-4 message. Serum levels of IgE were markedly elevated in infected BALB/c, but not in infected C57BL/6 or GK1.5-pretreated BALB/c mice, consistent with in vivo biologic activity of IL-4 in nonhealing mice. Treatment of infected BALB/c mice with neutralizing anti-IL-4 antibody abolished the elevation of serum IgE and significantly attenuated the progression of disease as assessed by size and ulceration of the lesion, and by reduction in the number of tissue parasites. Both protective and deleterious responses to Leishmania infection have previously been shown to be L3T4+ cell dependent. Our findings are consistent with the differential expansion of protective, IFN-gamma-producing Th1 cells in healing mice, and the expansion of deleterious, IL-4-producing Th2 cells in nonhealing mice. The inverse relationship of IFN-gamma and IL-4 gene expression during leishmaniasis may underlie the divergence of cellular and humoral immunity that occurs during chronic infection with Leishmania and possibly other intracellular parasites
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